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من اون تاپیک قبلی و همچنین تاپیک XBOX 360 News رو به اشتباه پاک کردم !

ببخشید دیگه پیش میاد ...

در هر صورت اخبار بازیهای نسل بعدی رو در همین تاپیک بنویسید و دنبال کنید ...

با تشکر
یه سری خبر جدید و قدیمی :
همون طور که قبلآ دوستان گفتن بازی جدیدی از سری Harry Potter در راهه و این دفعه برای کنسولهای این نسل ( دیگه نمیشه نسل بعد گفت ! ) یعنی Wii , X360 , PS3 هم علاوه بر کنسولهای نسل قبل ! ساخته میشه. در این بازی که مثل کتاب و فیلمش Order Of The Phoenix نام داره میتونین در نقش هری پاتر و دامبلدور و سیریوس بلک بازی کنین.

قسمت Store کنسول PS3 در کشور ژاپن داره اولین روزهای خودش رو سپری میکنه و فعلآ اولین بخش از بازیهای PS1 که با ساختار PSP هماهنگ شدن به قیمت 525 ین که هزینه مالیات هم روش حساب شده در حال عرضه هست. بازیهای زیر رو میشه از Store این کنسول دریافت کرد :
Resident Evil Director's Cut
Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.1
Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.2
Bishi Bashi Special
Arc the Lad
Jumping Flash
Hot Shots Golf 2
Silent Bomber
Tekken 2
وقتی این بازیها رو داونلود میکنین میتونین به PSP خودتون منتقل کنین و سال آینده هم به وسیله Update ای جدید خود PS3 میتونه این بازیها رو اجرا کنه. برای اجرای این بازیها فیرم ویر PSP شما باید 3 باشه.کار دیگه ای هم که فیرم ویر 3 انجام میده این هست که به عنوان ریموت کنترل PS3 استفاده میشه.
سایت IGN مقاله ای 6 صفحه ای در مورد PS3 نوشته که در این مقاله امتیازهایی به بخشهای مختلف این کنسول داده :
سخت افزار : 10/8
کنترلر : 10/8
بازیهای خود سونی : 10/6
بازیهای بقیه شرکتها : 10/6
ساپورت آنلاین : 10/5
بازاریابی و تبلیغات : 10/9
اولین هفته عرضه : 10/5
پتانسیل و آینده کنسول : 10/10
یه سری عکس از DMC4 اومده که نمیدونم جدیده یا نه ؟

بقیه عکسها

عکسهای جدیدی از GT:HD :

بقیه عکسها

بازی Superman Returns هم برای XBOX 360 اومد ولی امتیازهاش زیاد جالب نبود.البته از قبل هم مشخص بود که چه چیز چرتی از آب درمیاد :
Game Spot : 4.5/10
game play : 5
Graphics : 6
Sound : 6
Value : 4
Tilt : 3
یکی از ایرادهای بازی این بوده که شهر خیلی بزرگی در اختیار شما قرار داده میشه ولی کار خاصی نمیتونین توی این شهر انجام بدین و تنوع مآموریتها هم خیلی کم هست.
IGN : 5.5/10
1UP : 3/10
شایعه شده که Apple در فوریه سال 2007 روی کامپیوترهای Mac خودش میخواد درایو Blu-Ray قرار بده.

Megadeth یه آهنگی در مورد Gears Of War خونده که میتونین از اینجا داونلودش کنین.
متن آهنگ :

Gears of War

Music and Lyrics Dave Mustaine
Ethnic cleansing with no defending
These acts of genocide
A fatal ending with no surrendering
To cover up the crimes and lie
Smart bombs, precision guided armament
A more sophisticated way to end up dead
Still we search and invent such intelligent weapons
That kill each other like the Gears of War
If you ride with thieves, then you die with thieves
Cross my heart and hope that you die, that you die!
When the smoke has cleared, the devil's in the mirror
And you see his warheads paint the sky, now you die!
Smart bombs, precision guided armament
A more sophisticated way to end up dead
Still we search and invent such intelligent weapons
That kill each other like the Gears of War

عکسهایی از Play Station Network در PS3 :

موفق باشین.
آخرین ویرایش:
قرعه کشی برای فروش PS3 در ژاپن
در ژاپن برای جلو گیری از صف و ازدحام جمعیت در پیاده رو ها و اینکه ملت از کار نمانند و از بازار سیاه جلو گیری بشه در تمام فروشگاه های عرضه PS فرم قرعه کشی عرضه شده که خریدار باید ان را پر کند و در صورت اینکه به اسم او در بیاد با تلفن و EM به اطلاع او میرسانند.
این هم عکس فرم که پسر دائی بنده پر کرده. اگه دقیق نگاه کنید تاریخ امروز رو در مهر میبینید و اون هم شماره مبایل ش هست .


باید اضافه کنم که این مارمولک های رو که می دیدید در عکس ها جانورانی بودن که چند تا چند تا PS می خریدند و رو سایت خودشون با 10 هزار ین بیشتر به بازیبازان بد بخت میفروختن
پیروز باشید
آخرین ویرایش:
PS3 Bluetooth Controller Issues?
خلاصه گویی:

نارضایتی از دسته کنسول ps3 برای اولین بار نیست که تکرار میشه ولی این هم انتقاده
امروز هم یک نارضایتی دیگه رو از سایت معتبر news4gamers خوندم که جالب
بود که توی اون Kotaku اظهار میکنه این موضوع برای من آزار دهنده هست از
وقتی ps3 روز جمعه گرفتم.بعد میگه در حالی Resistance رو آنلاین بازی میکرده ناگهان
نقشه یا امتیاز پایین میاد در حالی که من دست به دسته نزدم و برخی وقتها بدون
کاری شروع به شلیک کردن نماید .میگه من فکر کردم برای بازی fps من چنین مشکلی
هست اما .......
but several readers have now complained about similar situations
کسایی دیگه هم شکایت کردن :biggrin1:
میگه این حالت فقط موقعی که من آنلاین هستم اتفاق میفته .
Devil May Cry 4
یکی از امیدهای طرفداران ps3 در ایران برای خرید این کنسول گران قیمت بازی Devil May Cry 4 هست
که قراره سال 2007 منتشر بشه.امروز من چند تا عکس از این بازی دیدم که برام زیبا به نظر اومد
و خوبیش این بود حدااقل اینبار real time هست.



البته کیفیت محیط خیلی بالا نیست ولی معلومه شخصیت بازی متشکل از تعداد چند ضلعی خیلی بالایی هست.
برای دیدن هر 16 تصویر به این آدرس مراجعه نمایید.
آخرین ویرایش:
IBM The Winner Of Nex Gen Console War.

تو این مقاله که در سایت /www.baltimoresun.com من خوندم نوشته مهم نیست که کمپانی نینتندو
یا مایکروسافت و یا سونی در جنگ کنسولها پیروز بشن چون این جنگ از قبل یک فاتح داشته و آن
هم شرکت بزرگ International Business Machines یا IBM میباشد زیرا microprocessors هر سه
کنسول را طراحی کرد.و خلاصه کلی حرف دیگه ...........
Bound to happen: WinXP on Linux/QEMU-ified PS3
بعدا جریانش رو میگم.
کنسول PS3 بدترین لانچ تایتل را داشت ها ؟؟؟

احتمالا اخیرا این حرف را خیلی شنیده اید ... انتقاداتی که بخاطر کیفیت بد لانچ تایتل های PS3 از چپ و راست به سمت سونی روانه میشه ...;)

اگر هم منصفانه به قضیه نگاه کنیم به غیر از بازی Resistance هیچکدام از عناوین دیگر PS3 آنچنان که باید نتوانستند نظر منتقدین را به خود جلب کنند ... اما سئوالی که اینجا مطرح است جایگاه لانچ تایتل های سونی در بین کنسول های دیگر کجاست ... آیا PS3 بدترین لانچ تایتل را در بین کنسول ها و یا حتی در بین کنسول های نسل بعد داشته است ؟؟؟؟

جواب این سئوال کاملا منفی است..

احتمالا میدونید که عرضه ی دو کنسول PS3 و Wii تقریبا همزمان انجام شد ...اما کنسول Wii در بین لانچ تایتل های خود یک عنوان گنده داشت یعنی بازی The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess ... اما اگر این بازی را نادیده بگیریم وضعیت لانچ تایتل های Wii از PS3 بهتر که نبود هیچ بدتر بود ...پس بد نیست که بدانید کنسول Wii در بین کنسول های نسل بعد بدترین لانچ تایتل ها را به خود اختصاص داده ( البته تا کنون ) ...

اما وضعیت لانچ تایتل های PS3 در بین کل کنسول ها چگونه است ... ؟؟؟

بدون شک GameCube در بین کنسول ها با متوسط امتیاز 79.4 از 12 بازی بهترین لانچ تایتل را ازان خود کرده ... در رتبه ی دوم کنسول Xbox 360 ایستاده با متوسط 77.3 امتیاز از بین 18 بازی .... در رتبه ی سوم Dreamcast با متوسط امتیاز 74.3 امتیاز از بین 19 بازی...
اما نکته ی جالب اینجاست که موفق ترین کنسول نسل قبل یعنی PlayStation 2 با اختلاف کمی نسبت به PlayStation 3 و با متوسط امتیاز 74.3 از 19 بازی در رتبه ی چهارم قرار گرفته ... کنسول PlayStation 3 با متوسط امتیاز 73.4 از 13 بازی در رتبه ی پنجم ... کنسول Xbox با متوسط امتیاز 73.0 از 19 بازی در رتبه ششم ... کنسول Wii با متوسط امتیاز 71.3 از 20 بازی در رتبه ی هفتم .... کنسول PlayStation با متوسط امتیاز 70.4 از 9 بازی در رتبه ی هشتم قرار دارند ...

پس می توان به خوبی متوجه شد که بر خلاف تبلیغات که انجام می شود کنسول PS3 آنگونه هم که گفته می شود از لحاظ لانچ تایتل وضعیت بدی ندارد ... البته PS3 در کنار PlayStation جزو تنها کنسول هایی هستند که در بین لانچ تایتل هایشان عنوانی با متوسط امتیاز بالاتر از 9 وجود نداشته ....

توجه : بدلیل اینکه کنسول های Wii و PS3 هر دو به تازگی عرضه شده اند و نتیجتا هنوز تمام سایت ها لانچ تایتل هایشان را نقد نکرده اند پس متوسط امتیازاتی که برای این دو کنسول در این مطلب اشاره شد احتمالا تغییر خواهد کرد ..


Gears of War IV و یا شاید بیشتر ؟؟؟

قبلا گفته میشد که Gears of War سه قسمت خواهد بود اما Mark Rein یکی از اعضای Epic نظر دیگری داره و 3 قسمت را کافی نمی دونه !!!

اظهارات وی :

Gears Of War یک سه گانه است ؟؟؟ اگر ما بتوانیم بازی های باکیفتی بسازیم که طرفداران عاشقش باشند چرا باید در 3 توقف کنیم ...

من نمیبینم که Metal Gear Solid ، Mario ، Grand Theft Auto و یا سری Final Fantasy در عدد 3 متوقف شده باشند ...

این اظهارات به نوعی رد خبر سه گانه بودن Gears od War بود

اولین عکسهای منشتر شده از بازیه Carnage :

اینم اطلاعاتی در مورد این بازی:
Nice Tech announced Carnage a couple of months ago, a MMO racer for Xbox 360 and PC to be released in Q1 2007 - and here is the first image "from the game", even though it's only from the menus. It's hard to know wether it's for the Arcade or if it's a full game, but the graphic style hints Arcade-style. Inside you'll find some more information, together with some renders from the announcement.

Nine Tech writes in their press release:

The world’s best combat drivers now showcase their skills in vast arenas to earn fame and fortune by going the extra mile. Can you match their expertise? Can you control the power at your feet, the weapons at your fingertips and survive the onslaught to beat the rest? To be the best takes skill, courage and survival instinct. You have your chance, your ride and now it’s up to you…

In the early decades of the millennium, extreme sports were becoming mainstream; men and women from all over the world pursued all manner of unconventional sports, fuelling their need for natural highs and seizing the chance to win fame and fortune. Ever evolving technology and manufacturing techniques facilitated the creation of vehicles and gadgets that allowed the fearless to cheat death in search of the ultimate rush.

With multinational corporations injecting millions of dollars to market these sports, huge syndicated events were common place, allowing the general public a chance to witness the feats of these new athletes.

However, there is always an underground, always an illicit form of entertainment. In this instance, street racers had created a new challenge, mixing street racing, gang culture and demolition derby style events in a single, gambling-fuelled sub culture where entire city areas would be sectioned off to run an event. Carnage was born; the rules were simple, eliminate the opposition, entertain the crowds, drive and win.

Crime Lords ran the early, bloody and violent events. Many participants were killed in the makeshift arenas as the black market weapons mounted to vehicles proved notoriously unreliable.

Carnage grew. Recordings made their way onto digital content channels. The organisers generated vast amounts of money and protected their gains from the authorities by only confirming events at the last minute. Carnage was making blood sports acceptable. And with the money came celebrity - drivers became heroes, some in it for the money, others in it for kicks. There was never a shortage of people willing to get behind the wheel and participate. The consequence for anyone caught by the authorities was extreme, a life sentence in prison and the likely risk of being silenced before sentence.

The situation was becoming untenable for governments. Finally a consortium of arms and vehicle manufacturers, spotting the opportunity for long term gain, lobbied authorities to legalise Carnage events. With many powerful advocates, laws were amended and Carnage was born as a global sport. With legalisation came regulation; purpose built arenas sprang up around the globe and television deals worth billions were signed - and the world watched……

DRIVE, COMPETE, FIGHT, your time is now…

Key Features:
• Hugely multiplayer vehicle combat
• Large interactive game arenas
• Real-time dynamics and collision systems
• “Death match” orientated gameplay
• Individual or cooperative game modes
• Managed tournament system
• Customisable vehicles, armour, components & weapons
• Persistent player statistics & global ranking reward system
• Support for hundreds of thousands of players
• Simple, addictive “dip-in-dip-out” gameplay for all levels

2 عکس جدید از Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars نسخه ی 360 :

عکسهایی از Oblivion: Knights of the Nine نسخه ی 360 :

اطلاعاتی در مورد HD -DVD و پلیرش:
Is the HD DVD going to be pre-loaded with 8gb of system data, which most people will find is a bit of a waste of space?
If I understand your question you're asking if the "disc capacity" is taken up with a lot of system data? Far from it, HD DVD is the most efficient HD disc format

What about HDMI connectivity, does it support it and if not, why not?
You just don’t need it and it’s a myth that you do. The "perception" is that the main reason for HDMI is to support 1080p resolutions. We support native 1080p via VGA and Component cables on Xbox 360 as recently announced. I've spoken to many folks recently at trade shows and X06 and there's a common mis-conception that you "need" HDMI for native 1080p support from a technical point of view. Not true. Even if you can find a 1080p HDTV (let's face it, there's hardly any on the market anyway and they are hardly affordable!) HDMI is just another way to connect your device and furthermore, not all uses my HDMI port!

Do you have plans for bundles with the HD DVD player?
To be candid, most of our bundles feature the latest games; gamers have repeatedly told us that they want the latest and greatest hot games. We recently released a Pro Evolution 6 bundle in Europe and it blew the barn doors off! The main reason gamers are buying Xbox 360 right now is to play some of HDTVs support HDMI and if you have a screen that does, it's likely your HD Cable TV set top box is using it. Mine does at home so I use VGA for my Xbox 360 on my 32" HD screen and it's fabulous, better HD than I get from my HD Cable TV service that the amazing gaming content we have on the platform. Gears of War has the hairs on the back of our necks stood on end!

How many HD-movies will be available this year and in 2007?
Good question. It will be slightly different in each country but as a guide, roughly 30-40 movies day one and that will rise to 100 and beyond very quickly. In the US, they are already touching 150 by this Xmas. If you look at what has been happening in the US, it's very interesting and HD DVD is doing really well vs. Blu Ray, sorry, it's doing better than "doing well" it's winning. HD DVD launched with more titles, higher quality (more on this later) and cheaper players. Folks responded to this and thus officially HD DVD is out selling Blu Ray movies at least 3:1 and the HD DVD Players are outselling the Blu Ray Players 2:1. I am not trying to boast here, these are just the cold facts from the launch in the USA and the facts can't be denied. You if you are interested in finding our more information on the sales facts, you can easily find them on the Internet.

Is the HD DVD Microsoft's answer to Sony's Blu-Ray technology? And what do you personally think about the Blu-Ray technology?
Compared to HD DVD it’s lagging behind and currently offers an inferior experience at a higher price. First let me say that HD DVD is not "Microsoft's answer to Blu Ray"; we support the format but we don’t own it. Both Blu Ray and HD DVD are authorised to use 3 types of codecs (a compression technology), MPEG2, VC1 and H.264. However what is interesting is the "adoption" of these codecs as it directly affects the quality of the definition of the picture you see. HD DVD uses VC1, this is a codec actually and ironically developed by Microsoft and hugely adopted. Right now, Blu Ray uses MPEG2, a compression technology that's 10 years old (your MP3's use it!) and offers less efficient compression vs. VC1. Please don't take my word for it, look for HD DVD vs. Blu Ray movie comparisons on the Internet and you will find that each "vs." review of the same movie on the 2 formats, HD DVD clearly wins. Compression has a huge part to play here; the reviews report that on some of the current Blu Ray movies, the image even starts breaking up in the corners of the picture where the HD DVD version is clear as a bell. Now, if I was investing in a new disc format (and thus a new TV that is HD) I'd be really steamed off if the picture broke up! Why don't you take a look and listen to the HD DVD vs. Blu Ray audio casts over at www.majornelson.com there's some fantastic information the major has and his audio cast is a hoot. In all seriousness, I really encourage everyone to research the whole topic for the facts on sales and technical comparisons, it's easy enough to do on the Internet; the facts should help you make your decision

Will there be any other special features introduced exclusively for the Microsoft HD DVD player?
Actually the features are really on the discs themselves, not the players and the Xbox 360 HD DVD players fully supports all the features of HD DVD. For example picture-in-picture, hybrid combo discs (1 side DVD, 1 side HD DVD), commentary, etc.

Will it ever be possible to play games on the HD DVD Player? Or in other words... Will there be games released on HD DVD discs?
The HD DVD Player for Xbox 360 is all about choice, your choice. That choice also includes the games you want to play at a price that's competitive and attractive. Our compression is leading edge and thus it makes genuine next-generation games like Gears of War possible without the need for games on an HD DVD. At the end of the day, gamers have to pay a higher price for games on HD discs and as we have proved that leading edge HD games are not dependant on having an HD Disc format, we don't pass that cost on to gamers unlike some. I would suggest to you that you look into how many of the PS3 titles will be on Blu Ray 50GB discs...I think you will find it's none. Why? Because it's just not necessary and further more folks have to pay a serious premium (read "penalty"!) for Blu Ray, a format that is not necessary for HD gaming. We've proved that with titles like Oblivion and Gears of War. When you hear "you need Blu Ray for the best HD games" what you are really hearing is "Our compression is not as good so we need you to buy our larger capacity discs please" Gears of War is out November 17th by the way.

HD-DVD won't be able to match the Blu-ray launch in Europe, due to the fact that just a few countries will receive a relative small shipping of readers and discs, while launch in other countries has been delayed to an unknown date in 2007. How do you think this disadvantage will affect the spreading of the HD-DVD media through Europe?
There is no disadvantage, even though the launch of HD DVD is staggered across Europe. At least we have a launch, where is the "DelayStation"? I can tell you also that the recent launch of the standalone Blu Ray player in Europe at over €1200 has been met with complete indifference and it's hardly a surprise. There's no content and it's exteremely expensive...the HD DVD Player for Xbox 360 is €199 and will have great title support...I think that's worth waiting for, plus it will be available in the whole of Europe before PS3.

Microsoft was quick to follow the HD-DVD track but still doesn't provide direct support (e.g. not by the way of a Media Center Server) for its own WMV-HD discs in its new console, even if that was the very first reliable Home Video HD Solution on the market. Why?
Well, that's not entirely true; you can stream video content, in HD (WMV-HD) from your PC through your Xbox 360. You can also stream your TV and DVR (digital video recorder) features from your Media Centre via your Xbox 360 so to answer your question directly, it is supported Being an external unit, has the HD-DVD drive been an easy product to design alongside the Xbox 360? That's a good question. The simple fact is that no new technology is easy to develop for, by its very nature because it’s new! You should ask Sony how easy it has been to develop Blu Ray *smiles*. The truth of the matter is that the Xbox 360 console itself has the processing power which keeps the costs and "some" of the complexities down to a point. When you actually see the HD DVD Player for Xbox 360 you may be quite surprised how small it is for a new format.

Should Blue-Ray become more popular with the consumer, would MS rule out adding Blue-Ray drives in the future?
"If" Blu Ray becomes popular and it’s a very big "if", we're talking years down the line and I will be thinking about trousers with elasticated waistbands and liquidising my food. Do you want to spend €1200 now on a Blu Ray Player on the "chance" it may become popular? It may join the "where are they now" gallery in the Sony museum along with Betamax, MiniDisc and UMD. Our position has always been around "choice", we want to offer choice, what we have and are proving is that you do not "need" an HD format to enjoy the latest next-generation HD games, PS3 are penalising gamers for Blu Ray for their own motives. Financial Analysts have been stating recently that they think Sony are more interested in the movie business which makes PS3 a very expensive DVD player. Not much of a choice is it?

Why should we buy the HD-DVD when many critics believe we are but a couple of years from all our movies being stored on a hard drive and DVD's will simply become irrelevant?
Did you know that you are completely correct? We announced our Xbox 360 Video Marketplace Download Service this week and fans of digital media have spoke loudly over the past couple of years and the result has been that downloaded content is hear to stay. Even Phil Harrison at Sony recently said at his own press conference that in 5 years all content will be downloaded; ironic as he was there to promote Blu Ray Disc *smiles*. Here at Microsoft, we don't think it will be 5 years...it's the here and now. Only a year ago in the UK the music charts saw its first number 1 hit single that was a download-only single and the market moves quickly. I buy music online too via MSN and I am a big fan of having this choice. Our HD DVD Player is optional for this reason, we want people to have a choice, you can download or buy discs but we will not penalise gamers for formats that they do not needed to enjoy HD content. It's all about choice.

موفق باشیم!

من مخالف 100% خبر به اینگیلیسی گذاشتنم، اما دارم قیلی ویلی میرم، خیلی خوابم میاد، پس شرمنده، بخونید یا یکی زحمتشو بکشه ترجمه کنه یا صبر کنید فردا خودم بیام در هر صورت این خبر اینم لینکش

PS3 Hacking Has Begun

Console hacking enthusiasts have already taken the first steps towards making the PS3 backup friendly, installing LINUX and using it to dump a 7.08GB ISO file from Madden 07 onto an external hard drive. Pool Boy over at PS3News points out that this is exactly how the PSP backup scene got started, and that the PS3 file structure closely resembles the one used in PlayStation Portable games.

In the same forum post he mentions a new AdvanceMAME binary for the PS3 that allows the system to emulate arcade games through Linux, and links to a tutorial on how to install a 750GB hard drive into the console.

It's kinda funny. This is the most excitement I've seen anyone drum up for the PS3 since the system launch. There might not be much in the way of new games coming out for a few months, but the potential for the system as a set top Linux box is quite intriguing, and an angle I hadn't considered. Now we just have to see if Sony unleashes regular BIOS upgrades to quash the homebrew scene like they've done on the PSP. Michael Fahey​
£1 million worth of 360s stolen

Two truck loads of consoles hijacked as thieves stock up for Christmas.
Two consignments of Xbox 360s has been stolen in the UK this week, reports regional newspaper, the Express and Star.

The first occurred after a lorry (truck) was flagged down travelling south on the A38 at Hillards Cross. The driver, who thought he was being waved down to inform him of a problem with his vehicle, pulled over. The men then threatened him and dragged him out of the cab, they then made off with the lorry and £750,000 (approx $1.5 million) worth of consoles. The driver suffered minor injuries, and the lorry was later found--empty--further down the A38.

The second theft occurred in the Hellmann Worldwide Logistics depot on the morning of November 23, when a trailer containing £250,000 ($483,000) worth of Microsoft's next-gen consoles was taken.

Staffordshire police spokesman Peter Stevens said, "We are appealing for information from anyone offered [the consoles] in suspicious circumstances, such as in a pub, at a car boot sale, or off the back of a lorry, to help us track down those responsible."

قضیه از این قراره که ارزشه 360 های دزدیده شده 1 ملیون پونده !! دو کامیون مملو از 360 به سرقت رفتند یعنی کلا کامیونرو به سرقت بردند .. که کامیتونه اول ارزشه 360 هاش به 750 هزار پوند میرسه و کامیونه دوم به حدوده 250 هزار پوند و پلیس هم داره واسه دستگیری سارقان تلاش میکنه و پیشنهادهای مشکوکه افرادی که قصد فروش کنسول هارو دارند تحت نظر گرفته میشه تا سرنخی پیدا بشه !!

پ.ن : نظر یکی از کاربران گیم اسپات :biggrin1: : The thieves only had one thing on there mind......massive LAN party!
Konami Confirms Silent Hill 5 >>>

مجله OPM قراره بزودی اطلاعاتی رو مبنی بر اینکه شرکت Konami بازی Silent Hill 5 رو در دست ساخت داره رو فاش کنه !
اطلاعات زیادی فعلا وجود نداره ولی مطمعنا واسه کنسولهای نسل بعد میاد.
تنها چیزی که گفته شده اینه که این قسمت از بازی شباهت های خیلی زیادی به سری دوم این بازی داره,یعنی قراره بر طبق روال SH2 ساخته بشه !
اگه اینجور باشه که خیلی عالی میشه...دوباره اون فرمول و رمز های قدیمی که خیلی باهاش حال میکردم رو میتونیم دوباره شاهد باشیم ! SH2 تنها بازی از این سری بود که تونست حس ترس رو القاء کنه.
با این وجود خبر ساخت قسمت بعدی این بازی خیلی خوشحال کننده بود,هم برای من هم برای خیلی از دوستان دیگه.
£1 million worth of 360s stolen

Two truck loads of consoles hijacked as thieves stock up for Christmas.
Two consignments of Xbox 360s has been stolen in the UK this week, reports regional newspaper, the Express and Star.

The first occurred after a lorry (truck) was flagged down travelling south on the A38 at Hillards Cross. The driver, who thought he was being waved down to inform him of a problem with his vehicle, pulled over. The men then threatened him and dragged him out of the cab, they then made off with the lorry and £750,000 (approx $1.5 million) worth of consoles. The driver suffered minor injuries, and the lorry was later found--empty--further down the A38.

The second theft occurred in the Hellmann Worldwide Logistics depot on the morning of November 23, when a trailer containing £250,000 ($483,000) worth of Microsoft's next-gen consoles was taken.

Staffordshire police spokesman Peter Stevens said, "We are appealing for information from anyone offered [the consoles] in suspicious circumstances, such as in a pub, at a car boot sale, or off the back of a lorry, to help us track down those responsible."

قضیه از این قراره که ارزشه 360 های دزدیده شده 1 ملیون پونده !! دو کامیون مملو از 360 به سرقت رفتند یعنی کلا کامیونرو به سرقت بردند .. که کامیتونه اول ارزشه 360 هاش به 750 هزار پوند میرسه و کامیونه دوم به حدوده 250 هزار پوند و پلیس هم داره واسه دستگیری سارقان تلاش میکنه و پیشنهادهای مشکوکه افرادی که قصد فروش کنسول هارو دارند تحت نظر گرفته میشه تا سرنخی پیدا بشه !!

پ.ن : نظر یکی از کاربران گیم اسپات :biggrin1: : The thieves only had one thing on there mind......massive LAN party!
خدا کنه رابین هود دزدیده باشه:cheesygri
احتمالا اخیرا این حرف را خیلی شنیده اید ... انتقاداتی که بخاطر کیفیت بد لانچ تایتل های PS3 از چپ و راست به سمت سونی روانه میشه ...
مشکل سونی لانچ تایتل هاش نبود مشکلش یونیت های تهیه شده بود
واسه کل ژاپن 80.000 هزار ا که بعدا یه 8.000 تایی هم اضافه شد
اما مثلا فکر کنم مغازه Toys R us تو ناف منهتن 5.000 یونیت wii گرفته بود :cheesygri
تا اونجایی هم که من میدونم با اینکه Sold out شد اما هر کسی خواست داشته باشه گیرش اومد :cheesygri من هم منتظرم تا 8 دسامبر زیاد نمونده :cheesygri
PS3 Hacking Has Begun
تابلو از اول معلوم بود که یه چیزی تو مایه های PSP به وجود میاد :cheesygri
قضیه از این قراره که ارزشه 360 های دزدیده شده 1 ملیون پونده !!
آدرسش رو دادی اما پیدا نکردم کجاست :cheesygri من هم برم کاراگاهی بکنم بلکه یه چیزی گیرم اومد:cheesygri

میگم فرق این دو تا چیه؟
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رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
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