اجرای بازیهای PSP در PC با شبیه ساز JPCSP (اجرای بازی Final Fantasy Type-0)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Farh@d
  • تاریخ آغاز تاریخ آغاز
من تونستم با نسخه r2298 gid15@web.de 64bit بازی metal gear acid رو بازی کنم , اولش هر چند ثانیه صفحه سفید میشه ولی بعد از یه دقیقه که به حالت ثبات برسه , بازی بسیار روون و عالی اجرا میشه , دیروز دو مرحله باهاش رفتم ولی امروز که خواستم دوباره بازی کنم دیگه اجراش نمیکنه:((اینطور که معلومه emulator های psp قرار نیست که کار کنن,تنها emulator هایی که تا حالا کار کردن و من باهاشون بازی تموم کردم فقط emulator ps1 و gamecube هست که باهاش resident evil 0 رو رفتم,بهتر که برم همون metal gear solid psp longplay رو تو youtube ببیبنم ...


آخرین ویرایش:
من تونستم با نسخه r2298 gid15@web.de 64bit بازی metal gear acid رو بازی کنم , اولش هر چند ثانیه صفحه سفید میشه ولی بعد از یه دقیقه که به حالت ثبات برسه , بازی بسیار روون و عالی اجرا میشه , دیروز دو مرحله باهاش رفتم ولی امروز که خواستم دوباره بازی کنم دیگه اجراش نمیکنه:((اینطور که معلومه emulator های psp قرار نیست که کار کنن,تنها emulator هایی که تا حالا کار کردن و من باهاشون بازی تموم کردم فقط emulator ps1 و gamecube هست که باهاش resident evil 0 رو رفتم,من میرم همون metal gear solid psp longplay رو تو youtube میبینم ...



خوب توقع دارید با یه امولیتور چند مگی که ازه ساخته شده همه بازیها ران بشن ؟
من امروز بازی Assassin's Creed Blood Line رو دان کردم وقتی Run میکنم لوگوی بازی اون پایین میچرخه یه بار ولی هنگ میکنه این بازی با شبیه ساز سازگاری داره؟
این شبیه ساز بازی های فوتبال pes 2011&12 اجرا می کنه؟؟
کسی تا حالا امتحان کرده
به سایت اصلی برید و ببینید این بازی قابل اجرا هست یا نه
سلام خدمت همه ی بچه های گل. یه راهنمایی در رابطه با آوردن بازی crisis core میخواستم. میشه رو pc بازی کردش؟ اگه میشه چطوری ؟

بله این بازی قابل اجرا هست شما برنامه و بازی رو دان کن بعد از بازیت ایمیج بگیر ران کن مشکلی بود بگو
JPCSP - Compatibility List Games

.hack//Link - ULJS00266 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
-Saki- Portable - ULJM05556 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
300: March to Glory - ULUS10241 - Half Playable - r1852
50 Cent: Bulletproof G Unit Edition - ULUS10128 - Half Playable - r1718
7 Wonders - ULUS10227 - Playable (Encrypted)
7th Dragon 2020 - NPJH50459 - Playable - r2391

Ace Combat: Joint Assault - ULUS10511 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1777
Ace Combat X - ULUS10176 - Loadable
Aces of War - ULES00590 - Loadable
Activision Hits Remixed - ULUS10186 - Loadable
Adventure Player - ULJS00011 - Playable
Adventures To Go! - ULUS10417 - Playable (Encrypted)
Aedis Eclipse - Generation of Chaos - ULUS10242 - Playable - r2050
After Burner: Black Falcon - ULES00785 - Loadable
Age Of Zombies - NPZ00044 - Playable
AI Igo - ULJS00008 - Shows Intro
AI Shogi - ULJS00009 - Loadable
Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II - ULUS10404 - Playable
Alien Syndrome - ULUS10245 - Playable - r2211
Alien Zombie Death - NPEZ00115 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem - ULUS10327 - Half Playable - r1751
Amagami Ebikore Plus - ULJS00339 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
Anata o Yurusanai - ULJM05279 - Half Playable
Another Century's Episode Portable - ULJS00322 - Playable - r1980
Antiphona no Seikahime Tenshi no Score Op A - ULJS00229 - Shows Intro
Ape Academy - UCES00010 - Loadable
Ape Academy 2 - UCES00302 - Loadable
Ape Escape: On The Loose - UCUS98609 - Playable - r1994
Ape Quest - NPUG80061 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2070
Aqua Panic! - NPEH00026 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Archer Maclean's Mercury - ULUS10017 - Shows Intro
Armored Core 3 Portable - ULJM05492 - Shows Intro
Armored Core Last Raven Portable - ULJM05611 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Armored Core: Silent Line Portable - NPUH10025 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1733
Army of Two: The 40th Day - ULUS10472 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1841
Arthur and the Invisibles - ULES00669 - Half Playable
Asphalt: Urban GT 2 - ULES00719 - Playable - r2127
Assassin's Creed Bloodlines - ULES10455 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1713
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines - ULUS10455 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2072
Astonishia Story - ULUS10083 - Playable
Atari Classics Evolved - ULUS10325 - Loadable
Asterix and Obelix XXL 2: Mission WiFix - ULES00527 - Playable - r2410
ATV Offroad Fury - UCUS98603 - Shows Intro
Autoescuela Aprueba Conmigo - ULES01366 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Avatar: The Last Airbender - ULUS10165 - Shows Intro
Avatar: The Legend of Aang - ULES00633 - Shows Intro

B-Boy - ULUS10363 - Shows Intro
Battlezone - ULUS10156 - Playable
Battle Spirits Heroes Soul - ULJS00280 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Battle Spirits: Kiseki no Hasha - ULJS00238 - Playable - r2391
Beam'Em Up - NPEZ00081 - Loadable
Beaterator - ULUS10405 - Playable (Encrypted)
Beats - NPUG80060 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1841
Ben 10: Protector of Earth - ULUS10307 - Loadable
Beowulf: The Game - ULUS10329 - Half Playable - r1529
Beta Bloc - ULES00792 - Loadable
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light - ULUS10124 - Playable
Black Rock Shooter: The Game - NPJH50448 - Playable - r2244
Blast Off - NPUZ00021 - Loadable
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II - ULJM05850 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2088
BlazBlue Portable - ULUS10519 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1636
Blazing Souls: Accelate - ULUS10527 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Bleach: Heat the Soul - UCJS10008 - Playable - r1778
Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 - UCJS10017 - Playable - r1764
Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 - UCJS10042 - Playable - r1764
Bleach: Heat the Soul 4 - UCJS10057 - Playable - r1766
Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 - UCJS10082 - Playable - r1767
Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 - UCJS10093 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 - UCJS10110 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1776
Bleach: Soul Carnival - UCJS10085 - Playable - 1796
Bleach: Soul Carnival 2 - UCJS10106 - Playable - r2117
Bliss Island - ULES00616 - Playable
Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship - ULUS10332 - Playable
Blood Plus: Final Piece - UCJS10044 - Loadable
Bloons - NPEZ00045 - Playable (Encrypted)
Blue Roses: Yousei to Aoi Hitomi no Senshitachi - NPJH50280 - Playable - r2132
Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai - ULJS00188 - Shows Intro
Bomberman - ULUS10121 - Playable - r2214
Bomberman Land - ULUS10319 - Loadable
Bounty Hounds - ULUS10161 - Shows Intro
Bowling 3D - NPUZ00002 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Brain Challenge - NPUH10006 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Brainpipe - NPUZ00009 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Brandish: The Dark Revenant - ULJM05424 - Playable - r1752
Brave Story: New Traveler - ULUS10279 - Half Playable - r1870
BreakQuest - NPEZ00011 - Playable (Encrypted)
Breath Of Fire III - ULES00193 - Playable
Brothers in Arms D-Day - ULUS10193 - Shows Intro - r1841
Brunswick Pro Bowling - ULUS10283 - Shows Intro
Bubble Bobble Evolution - ULES00303 - Loadable
Bubble Trubble - NPUZ00007 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Bumpy Trot: Vehicle Battle Tournament - ULJS00130 - Shows Intro
Burnout Dominator - ULUS10236 - Half Playable - r1799
Burnout Legends - ULES00125 - Shows Intro
Burnout Legends - ULUS10025 - Loadable
Burst Error: Eve the First - ULJM05615 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Busou Shinki: Battle Masters - ULJM05538 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Bust-A-Move Deluxe - ULUS10057 - Playable
Bust-A-Move Ghost - ULES00233 - Playable
Buzz! Master Quiz - UCES01032 - Playable - r1768

Cabela's African Safari - ULUS10175 - Half Playable - r1686
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge - ULUS10106 - Half Playable - r1686
Cabela's Legendary Adventures - ULUS10385 - Shows Intro - r1885
CakeMania Bakers Challenge - UCES01157 - Playable
Call of Duty: Roads to Victory - ULUS10218 - Loadable
Canvas 3 - Nanairo no Kiseki - ULJM05659 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Capcom Classic Collection Reloaded - ULUS10134 - Shows Intro
Capcom Puzzle World - ULUS10217 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Car Jack Streets - NPUZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Carol Vorderman's Sudoku - ULUS10126 - Playable
Cars - ULUS10073 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Cars: Race-O-Rama - ULUS10428 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles - ULKS46155 - Half Playable
Chameleon - ULUS10267 - Loadable
Championship Manager 2007 - ULES00636 - Shows Intro
Chaos;Head Noah - ULJM05692 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1948
Chessmaster: The Art of Learning - ULUS10335 - Half Playable
Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - ULJM05172 - Loadable
CID The Dummy - ULUS10356 - Half Playable
Circles - NPEZ00007 - Playable
Clannad - ULJM05338+ULJM05339 - Half Playable - r1593
Class of Heroes - ULUS10396 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Classic Dungeon: Fuyoku no Masoujin - NPJH50185 - Shows Intro
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - ULUS10444 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Chili Con Carnage - ULUS10216 - Half Playable - r1881
Cho Aniki Zero - NPUH10031 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Code Geass: Lost Colors - ULJS00135 - Playable - r1931
Code Lyoko - ULUS10351 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1975
Coded Arms - ULUS10019 - Half Playable
Coded Arms - ULES00124 - Playable - r2211
Coded Arms: Contagion - ULUS10184 - Shows Intro - r1891
Coded Soul: Uketsugareshi Idea - UCJS10061 - Playable - r1773
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULES01301 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULUS10471 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1740
Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus - ULES00111 - Shows Intro
Comic Party Portable - ULJS00027 - Half Playable - r1593
Corpse Party - NPUH10117 - Playable - r2390
Corpse Party Book of Shadows - ULJM05909 - Playable - r2393
Cover Girl - ULES01302 - Playable
Crash Mind Over Mutant - ULUS10377 - Playable
Crash of the Titans - ULUS10304 - Playable
Crash Tag Team Racing - ULUS10044 - Playable
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars - ULUS10273 - Shows Intro
Creature Defense - NPUH10034 - Playable (Encrypted)
Crimson Gem Saga - UCAS40212 - Half Playable
Crimson Gem Saga - ULUS10400 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1751
Crimson Room: Reverse - NPUH10037 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
Crimson Room Reverse - ULJM05408 - Loadable
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - ULUS10336 - Playable - r1500+
Cross Channel: To All People - ULJM05623 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Crush - ULES00765 - Loadable
Crystal Defenders - NPEH00017 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Cube - ULUS10223 - Loadable
Cubixx - NPEZ00101 - Playable (Encrypted)

D.C. Girl's Symphony Pocket - ULJM05690 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
D-Cube Planet - NPEZ00008 - Playable (Encrypted)
Daisenryaku Daitoua Kouboushi - ULJS00147 - Shows Intro
Dante's Inferno - ULES01384 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1545
Dante's Inferno - ULUS10469 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1505
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULUS10005 - Shows Intro
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge - ULUS10204 - Playable - r1524
Daxter - UCUS98618 - Playable - r1831
Dead Head Fred - ULUS10288 - Shows Intro
Dead or Alive: Paradise - ULUS10521 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1747
Dead To Rights: Reckoning - ULES00195 - Playable - r1773
Dead to Rights: Reckoning - ULUS10023 - Half Playable
Death, Jr. - ULUS10027 - Loadbale
Def Jam: Fight for NY: The Takeover - ULES00390 - Playable - r2188
Deflector - NPEZ00127 - Playable
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu - ULJM05588 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Derby Time - UCJS10006 - Shows Intro
Desi Adda:Games of India - UCES01279 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Diabolik: The Original Sin - ULES01248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Digi-Tiles - NPUX80407 - Playable (Encrypted)
Diner Dash - ULES00755 - Loadable
Diner Dash: Sizzle & Serve - ULUS10264 - Playable
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - ULUS10308 - Playable - r1610
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULES01392 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULUS10461 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Disgaea Infinite - ULUS10522 - Playable - r1695
Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy - NPJH50377 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2000
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULES01270 - Shows Intro - r1591
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULJM05262 - Shows Intro
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULUS10437 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1672+
DJ Max Fever - ULUS10403 - Shows Intro - r1633
Dora Slot Kyojin no Hoshi II - ULJM05027 - Loadable
Dora-Slot: Shuyaku wa Zenigata - ULJM05014 - Half Playable
Downstream Panic! - ULUS10322 - Shows Intro
Dracula - Undead Awakening - NPEZ00124 - Playable - r1591
Dragonball: Evolution - ULES01227 - Playable - r1736
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULES00309 - Playable - r1759
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULUS10081 - Shows Intro
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 - ULES00789 - Loadable
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road - ULUS10234 - Playable - r1772
Dragon Dance - ULJM05407 - Loadable
Dragoneer's Aria - ULUS10291 - Playable - r2002
Driver 76 - ULUS10235 - Half Playable - r1841
DT Carnage - ULUS10406 - Shows Intro
DTM Race Driver 2 - ULES00041 - Loadable
Dungeons & Dragons Tactics - ULUS10232 - Half Playable
Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts - ULUS10289 - Half Playable - r1514
Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground - ULUS10282 - Half Playable
Dungeon Maker 2 The Hidden War - ULUS10393 - Half Playable
Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony - ULUS10177 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Dynasty Warriors - ULUS10004 - Playable - r1509
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce - ULUS10416 - Half Playable - r1879
Dynasty Warriors Vol.2 - ULUS10170 - Playable - r1773
DynoGems - NPEZ00117 - Playable

EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - ULUS10066 - Shows Intro
Earthshield - NPUX80405 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1702
Echochrome - UCAS40197 - Playable - r1648
Echoshift - UCES01313 - Half Playable
Eiyuu Densetsu: Ao no Kiseki - NPJH50473 - Playable -r2324
Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd - ULJM05353 - Half Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki FC - ULJM05170 - Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki SC Disc 1+2 - ULJM05277+ULJM05278 - Half Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki - NPJH50311 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1785
Elminage 2 - ULJM05488 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1736
Eragon - ULUS10146 - Half Playable - r2068
Evangelion: Jo - ULJS00201 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1580
Every Extend Extra - ULUS10147 - Half Playable
Everybody's Golf - UCES00012 - Loadable
Everyday Shooter - NPUG80224 - Playable (Encrypted)
Exit - ULJM05062 - Shows Intro
Exit - ULUS10074 - Loadable
Exit 2 - ULES00620 - Loadable

F1 2009 - ULUS10449 - Shows Intro(Encrypted)
F1 2009 - ULES01355 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1684
F1 Grand Prix - UCES00004 - Loadable
Fading Shadows - ULES00858 - Half Playable - r1507
FairlyLife MiracleDays - ULJM05618 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1745
Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable - ULJM05440 - Encrypted
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake - UCES01312 - Shows Intro
Fate/Extra - ULUS10576 - Playable - r2367
Fate/Tiger Colosseum - ULJM05266 - Shows Intro
Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper - ULJM05360 - Shows Intro - r1690
Fate/unlimited codes - NPUH10009 - Playable (Encrypted)
Fate/unlimited codes Portable - ULJM05451 - Shows Intro
Fate Extra - NPJH50247 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1764
Field Commander - ULUS10088 - Loadable
Fieldrunners - NPUZ00014 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Fifa Street 2 - ULES00264 - Loadable
Fight Ippatsu Juuden-chan - ULJM05668 - Playable - r2313
Final Approach 2: 1st Priority Portable - ULJM05419 - Half Playable - r1690
Final Armada - ULES00661 - Playable - r2319
Final Fantasy - ULES00986 - Playable - r1434
Final Fantasy - ULJM05241 - Playable - r1557
Final Fantasy - ULUS10251 - Playable - r1634
Final Fantasy II - ULES00987 - Shows Intro
Final Fantasy II - ULUS10263 - Playable - r2043
Final Fantasy II - ULJM05245 - Loadable
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULES00850 - Shows Intro
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULUS10297 - Half Playable - r1591
Final Fantasy Type-0 - NPJH50443 - Playable - r2255
Finder Love - Aki Hoshino - ULJM05145 - Shows Intro
Finder Love - Hara Fumina - ULJM05143 - Shows Intro
Finder Love - Risa Kudo - ULJM05144 - Shows Intro
Fired Up - UCES00015 - Playable
Fish Eyes Portable - ULJS00082 - Playable - r1562
FlatOut Head On - ULUS10328 - Shows Intro - r1734
flOw - NPUG80086 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Football Manager Handheld 2008 - ULES00934 - Loadable
Football Manager Handheld 2009 - ULES01152 - Half Playable
Ford Bold Moves Street Racing - ULUS10159 - Shows Intro - r1841
Ford Racing Off Road - ULUS10326 - Shows Intro
Ford Street Racing L.A. DUEL - ULES00564 - Shows Intro
Formula One 2005 Portable - UCJS10019 - Loadable
Fortix - NPEZ00096 - Playable (Encrypted)
Frantix - ULUS10039 - Half Playable
Freak Out: Extreme Freeride - ULES00783 - Loadable
Free Running - ULES00704 - Half Playable
Freekscape: Escape From Hell - NPUZ00013 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1907
Frogger: Helmet Chaos - ULES00207 - Playable
From Russia With Love - ULUS10080 - Playable
Full Auto 2: Battlelines - ULUS10220 - Half Playable - r1524
FullMetal Alchemist: Senaka wo Takuseshimono - ULJS00220 - Playable
Funky Punch - NPUZ00011 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 3 Portable - ULJS00239 - Loadable (Encrypted)

G-Force - ULUS10439 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Generation of Chaos - ULUS10075 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Gensou Suikoden I + II - ULJM05086 - Playable - r1870
Ghostbusters: The Video Game - ULUS10486 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - UCAS40025 - Loadable
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - ULUS10020 - Shows Intro - r1537
Ghost Rider - ULUS10210 - Half Playable - r1985
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - ULUS10435 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Gitaroo Man Lives! - ULUS10207 - Loadable
Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Collection - ULJM05358 - Shows Intro - r1690
Gladiator Begins - ULUS10528 - Playable - r2156
Gloria Union - ULJM05813 - Playable - r2293
Go! Sudoku - UCES00152 - Loadable
God Eater - ULJS00237 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1743
God of War: Chains of Olympus - UCUS98653 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1984
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - UCUS98737 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1997
Gods Eater Burst - ULUS10563 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2023
Gottlieb Pinball Classics - ULES00212 - Loadable
GachiTora! Abarenbou Kyoushi in High School - ULJS00355 - Playable - r2097
Gran Turismo - UCES01245 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1531
Gran Turismo - UCUS98632 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - ULUS10490 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1734
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - ULUS10041 - Shows Intro - r1744
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - ULUS10160 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1750
Gretzky NHL 2005 - UCUS98604 - Shows Intro
Gripshift - ULUS10040 - Playable
Growlanser IV: Over Reloaded - ULJM05896 - Playable - r2289
GTI Club Supermini Festa! - NPUH10044 - Playable (Encrypted)
Guilty Gear Judgment - ULES00574 - Shows Intro
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus - ULUS10409 - Shows Intro
Gun Showdown - ULUS10158 - Shows Intro
Gundam Assault Survive - ULJS00281 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Gundam Battle Tactics - ULJS00025 - Shows Intro
Gundam Battle Universe - ULJS00145 - Playable - r2255
Gundam Memories: Tatakai no Kioku - NPJH50437 - Playable - r2196
Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable - ULJM05238 - Encrypted
Gungnir: Masou no Gunshin to Eiyuu Sensou - ULJM05779 - Playable - r2211
Gunpey - ULES00648 - Half Playable
Gurumin - ULUS10228 - Shows Intro - r1706

Hakuouki: Yuugi Roku - ULJM05663 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
Half-Minute Hero - ULUS10491 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Hammer Wars - NPEZ00142 - Playable
Hammerin' Hero - ULUS10392 - Shows Intro
Hannah Montana: Rock out The Show - ULUS10431 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULES00216 - Loadable
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULUS10032 - Loadable
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - ULUS10381 - Playable (Encrypted)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - ULUS10261 - Half Playable - r1891
Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl - ULUS10142 - Playable
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley - ULUS10458 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1747
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - ULJM05472 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1819
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2nd - ULJM05681 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Hayarigami 2 Portable: Keishichou Kaijiken File - ULJS00149 - Shows Intro
Hayate no Gotoku: Nightmare Paradise - ULJM05416 - Shows Intro
Heatseeker - ULES00760 - Playable
Heatseeker - ULUS10259 - Loadable
Heaven's Will - ULJM05186 - Loadable
Hellboy: The Science of Evil - ULUS10301 - Loadable
Hello Kitty Puzzle Party - ULES01397 - Playable (Encrypted)
Hello Kitty to Issho! Block Crash 123!! - ULJM05707 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1827
Hero of Sparta - NPUZ00005 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Hexyz Force - ULUS10506 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1850
Higanjima - ULJS00013 - Playable
Higurashi Daybreak Portable - ULJM05388 - Shows Intro
Hiiro no Kakera Portable - ULJM05399 - Shows Intro
HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable - ULJM05354 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Himitsu no Radio - ULJS00161 - Shows Intro - r1586
Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden - Ten no Haoh - ULJM05404 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! - ULES01332 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Hoshizora * Planet: One Small Step For... - ULJM05845 - Playable - r2315
HotBrain - ULUS10268 - Loadable
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee - UCUS98614 - Loadable
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULES00828 - Shows Intro
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULUS10239 - Shows Intro - r1841
Hysteria Project - NPUZ00072 - Playable (Encrypted)

Ice Road Truckers - NPEZ00145 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1749
Idolmaster SP - The Missing Moon - ULJS00169 - Loadable
Idolmaster SP - The Perfect Sun - ULJS00167 - Loadable
Idolmaster SP - The Wandering Star - ULJS00168 - Loadable
Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist - ULJS00152 - Playable - r1545
Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact - NPJH50222 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1744
Ikuze! Gen-San: Yuuyake Daiku Monogatari - ULJM91013 - Loadable
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey - ULES01316 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Impossible Mission - ULES00764 - Loadable
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - ULUS10316 - Half Playable - r1891
Infected - ULUS10054 - Playable
Initial D: Street Stage - ULJM05093 - Shows Intro
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - ULES00658 - Loadable (Encrypted)
International Athletics - ULES01090 - Playable
International Snooker - NPEZ00104 - Playable
Iron Man - ULUS10347 - Loadable - r1881
Iron Man 2 - ULES01422 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1698
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Portable - ULJM05961 - Playable - r2441

Jackass: The Game - ULUS10303 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1978
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - UCUS98634 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2306
James Cameron`s Avatar: The Game - ULUS10451 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1880
Jeanne D'Arc - UCUS98700 - Loadable - r2050
Judie no Atelier Toraware no Moribito - ULJM05607 - Playable (Encrypted)
Juiced: Eliminator - ULUS10090 - Shows Intro - r1730
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights - ULUS10312 - Shows Intro - r1736
Juusei to Diamond - UCJS10092 - Half Playable

K-On! Houkago Live!! - ULJM05709 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Kamen no Maid Guy: Boyoyon Battle Royale - ULJM05418 - Loadable
Kamen Rider Climax Heroes Fourze - NPJH50502 - Playable - r2394
Kao Challengers - ULUS10085 - Half Playable - r1881
Kazook - ULES00517 - Playable
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena - ULJS00157 - Playable - r1772
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena 2 - Spirits Burst - ULJS00218 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Kizuna no Tag Battle - NPJH50221 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1796
Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. - ULJM05343 - Loadable
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble - ULUS10442 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Kenka Banchou Portable - ULJS00235 - Loadable
Key of Heaven - UCES00178 - Shows Intro
Killzone: Liberation - UCUS98646 - Loadable - r1900
King of Clubs - ULES00914 - Shows Intro
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ULJM05600 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1796
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ULUS10505 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1791
Kingdom of Paradise - UCUS98623 - Playable - r2188
Knights in the Nightmare - ULUS10539 - Playable - r2211
Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate Portable - ULJM05635 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
Koloomn - ULES00143 - Loadable
Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte - ULJM05428 - Loadable
Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte Encore - ULJM05508 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o: Te no Hira No Rakuen - ULJM05442 - Playable (Encrypted)
Koori No Bohyou Ichiryuuwa 3 Dome No Junan - NPJH50186 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1591

La Corda d'Oro - ULJM05054 - Loadable
La Pucelle: Ragnarok - ULJS00244 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1945
Lanfeust of Troy - ULES01022 - Loadable
Last Ranker - ULJM05676 - Half Playable - r1984
Legend of Kunoichi - NPUX80406 - Playable (Encrypted)
Lego Batman: The Videogame - ULUS10380 - Half Playable - r1586
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures - ULUS10365 - Half Playable - r1586
Lego Indiana Jones 2 - ULUS10487 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy - ULES00479 - Half Playable - r1586
Lemmings - UCES00109 - Playable - r1598
Lemmings - UCUS98647 - Loadable
Let's Golf - NPUZ00004 - Shows Intro
Like Life Every Hour- ULJM05507 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1680
Little Big Planet - UCUS98744 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1923
Little Britain - ULES00840 - Shows Intro
LocoRoco - UCES00304 - Half Playable - v0.5
LocoRoco 2 - UCET01181 - Shows Intro
LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival - NPEG00024 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Lord of Apocalypse - NPJH50503 - Playable - r2413
Lord of Arcana - NPJH50335 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1799
Lord of Arcana - ULUS10479 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1994
Lucky * Star: Net Idol Meister - ULJM05542 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1766
Lumines - ULES00043 - Shows Intro
Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star - NPJH50054 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony - ULUS10482 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2051
Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge - ULUS10333 - Playable (Encrypted)
Luxor: Wrath of Set - ULUS10201 - Playable
M.A.C.H. - Modified Air Combat Heroes - ULUS10180 - Loadable
Macross Ace Frontier - ULJS00158 - Playable - UNK
Madden NFL 06 - ULUS10024 - Loadable
Madden NFL 09 - ULUS10352 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Madden NFL 10 - ULUS10441 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Madden NFL 11 - ULUS10541 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Magic Sudoku - ULES00621 - Playable
Magna Carta Portable - ULJS00042 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1562
Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2 - NPEZ00003 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Mahjong Fight Club - ULJM05163 - Shows Intro
Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny - ULJS00385 - Playable - r2441
Mai-hime senretsu - ULJS00062 - Loadable
Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Portable - ULJS00183 - Shows Intro
Manhunt 2 - ULUS10280 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1750
Manic Monkey Mayhem - NPUZ00096 - Half Playable - r1514
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects - ULES00159 - Playable - r1772
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - ULUS10167 - Playable Encrypted - r1788
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 - ULUS10421 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Mawaskes - ULES01104 - Loadable
Me & My Katamari - ULUS10094 - Playable - r1772
Medal of Honor: Heroes - ULUS10141 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 - ULUS10310 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
MediEvil Resurrection - UCES00006 - Shows Intro
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X - ULUS10068 - Playable
Mega Man Powered Up - ULUS10091 - Playable - r1778
Memories Off - ULJM05334 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off #5: Togireta Film - ULJM05394 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off 2nd - ULJM05335 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off 6: T-Wave - ULJM05467 - Playable Encrypted - r1679
Memories Off: AfterRain - ULJM05473 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Memories Off: Sorekara - ULJM05350 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off: Sorekara Again - ULJM05526 - Playable (Encrypted)
Metal Gear Acid - ULUS10006 - Half Playable - r2023
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel - ULUS10108 - Shows Intro
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - NPJH50045 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - ULUS10509 - Half Playable - r2183
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - ULES00645 - Loadable
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - ULUS10202 - Loadable
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus - ULES01003 - Half Playable - r2090
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus - ULUS10290 - Half Playable - r2108
Metal Slug Anthology - ULES00530 - Shows Intro
Metal Slug XX - ULUS10495 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Miami Vice: The Game - ULUS10109 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Micro Machines V4 - ULES00368 - Shows Intro
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - ULES00108 - Half Playable -r1780
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - ULUS10021 - Shows Intro - r1734
Midnight Club: L.A. Remix - ULUS10383 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1736
Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play - ULUS10059 - Half Playable
Military History Commander Europe at War - ULES01179 - Playable
Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULJM05379 - Shows Intro
Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULUS10492 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Minna de Dokusho: Keatai Shousetsu Desu - ULJM05393 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Minna no Sukkiri - UCJS10094 - Half Playable
Mind Quiz - ULUS10178 - Shows Intro
MLB - UCUS98605 - Shows Intro
MLB 10 The Show - UCUS98742 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
ModNation Racers - UCES01327 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1515
Moegaku @ Portable - ULJM05174 - Half Playable - UNK
Moeru Mahjong: Moejong! - ULJM05375 - Loadable
Monochrome - ULJM05642 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Monster Hunter 2 - ULES00851 - Encrypted
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - ULUS10266 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Monster Hunter Freedom - ULES00318 - Half Playable - r1578
Monster Hunter Freedom - ULUS10084 - Shows Intro
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULES01213 - Shows Intro
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULUS10391 - Loadable
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G - ULJM05500 - Loadable
Monster Jam: Urban Assault - ULUS10379 - Half Playable
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner - ULUS10211 - Loadable
Mortal Kombat: Unchained - ULUS10102 - Half Playable - r1734
MotoGP - ULUS10153 - Half Playable
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - UCES01250 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - UCUS98743 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1745
MTX Mototrax - ULUS10138 - Half Playable
Musou Tourou - ULJS00163 - Shows Intro
Myst - ULES00412 - Playable
Mytran Wars - ULES01098 - Shows Intro
MX vs ATV: Reflex - ULUS10429 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
MX vs. ATV Untamed - ULUS10330 - Shows Intro

n+ - ULUS10340 - Half Playable - r1751
Nakahara no Hasha: Sangoku Shouseiden - ULJS00036 - Shows Intro
Namco Museum Battle Collection - ULUS10035 - Shows Intro
Nana - Subete wa Daimaou no Omichibiki - ULJM05142 - Shows Intro - r1591
Nanatama: Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - NPJH90035 - Encrypted
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes - ULUS10299 - Half Playable
Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising - ULES01306 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 - ULUS10518 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Nascar - ULUS10122 - Loadable
NBA 2K5 - UCUS98607 - Shows Intro
NBA2K10 - ULUS10474 - Shows Intro
Need For Speed: Carbon - Own The City - ULUS10114 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Most Wanted - ULUS10036 - Playable - r1766
Need For Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 - ULES00196 - Shows Intro
Need For Speed: ProStreet - ULUS10331 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Shift - ULUS10462 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
Need for Speed: Undercover - ULES01145 - Encrypted
Need For Speed: Undercover - ULUS10376 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Underground Rivals - ULUS10007 - Shows Intro - r1730
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Tsukurareshi Sekai - ULJS00061 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Neopets: Petpet Adventures - The Wand of Wishing - UCUS98622 - Half Playable
Neverland Card Battles - ULUS10382 - Loadable
NFL Street 2 Unleashed - ULUS10008 - Loadable
NFL Street 3 - ULES00641 - Shows Intro
NHRA Drag Racing: Countdown to the Championship - ULUS10278 - Loadable
Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu Kurenai Portable - ULJM05598 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Nogizaka Haruka No Himistu Doujinshi Hajimemashita - NPJH00021 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Normal Tanks - NPEZ00135 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Numblast - NPUG80320 - Loadable (Encrypted)

Obscure: The Aftermath - ULUS10484 - Playable (Encrypted) - UNK
Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi: Memories Off - ULJM05349 - Half Playable - r1690
Onechanbara Special - ULJS00367 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
Onore no Shinzuru Michi o Yuke - ULJM05465 - Encrypted
Ookami Kakushi - ULJM05413 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Open Season - ULUS10152 - Shows Intro
Oretachi no Sabage Portable - ULJS00170 - Half Playable
Otome wa Oanesama Boku ni Koi Shiteru Portable - ULJM05647 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1736
Otsugea Uranai na Desu. - ULJM05409 - Playable
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast - ULUS10064 - Shows Intro
Over the Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts - ULUS10187 - Loadable - r1507

Pac-Man World 3 - ULUS10055 - Playable
Pac-Man World Rally - ULUS10149 - Loadable
Pachisi - NPEZ00123 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Parodius Portable - ULJM05220 - Shows Intro
Patapon - UCES00995 - Shows Intro
Patapon 2 - UCES01177 - Shows Intro - r1788
Patapon 2 - UCJS10089 - Loadable
Patchwork Heroes - NPEG00028 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
PDC World Championship Darts - ULES01096 - Encrypted
Persona - ULUS10432 - Playable - r2334
Persona 2: Innocent Sin - ULUS10584 - Playable - r2319
Persona 2: Tsumi - NPJH50329 - Playable - r2078
Peter Jackson's King Kong - ULUS10072 - Half Playable
Petz Dogz Family - ULUS10463 - Playable
Phantasy Star Portable - ULUS10410 - Half Playable
Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1778
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess - ULJM05464 - Playable - r1503
Pilot Academy - ULES00374 - Loadable
Pinball Dreams - NPEZ00021 - Playable
Pinball Fantasies - NPEZ00022 - Playable (Encrypted)
Pinball Hall of Fame - ULUS10052 - Shows Intro
Pipe Mania - ULES01094 - Half Playable
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - ULUS10252 - Playable
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - ULUS10111 - Shows Intro
PixelJunk: Monsters Deluxe - NPUG80248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume - ULJM05383 - Shows Intro
PlayChapas Football Edition - UCES01134 - Shows Intro
Pocket Racers - ULES00275 - Half Playable
Pop 'n Music Portable - ULJM05605 - Loadable (Encrypted)
PoPoLoCrois - ULES00291 - Shows Intro
Portable Island: Tenohira Resort - ULJS00031 - Shows Intro
Power Pro Success Legends - ULJM05537 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Power Stone Collection - ULES00496 - Loadable
PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient - ULUS10046 - Shows Intro
Pri-Saga! Portable - ULJM05521 - Half Playable - r1571
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - ULUS10480 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1793
Prince of Persia: Revelations - ULUS10063 - Half Playable - r1529
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - ULUS10240 - Shows Intro - r1684
Princess Crown - ULJM05040 - Playable
Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? - ULUS10407 - Playable - r1624
Prinny 2 Tokkou Yuugi Akatsuki no Pants Daisakusenssu - NPJH50211 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - ULES00880 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 - ULES01354 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Pursuit Force - UCUS98640 - Shows Intro - r1507
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice - UCES00694 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - UNK
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice - UCUS98703 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary - ULJM05177 - Loadable
Puyo Pop Fever - ULES00294 - Shows Intro
Puzzle Bobble Pocket - ULJM05011 - Playable - r1780
Puzzler Collection - ULES01066 - Playable
Puzzle Chronicles - ULUS10468 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Puzzle Guzzle - ULUS10334 - Loadable
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - ULUS10225 - Playable
Puzzle Scape - ULUS10190 - Half Playable
Puzzle Scape Mini - NPEZ00001 - Half Playable (Encrypted)

Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos - ULJS00190 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1759

R-Type Command - ULUS10343 - Loadable
Race Driver 2006 - ULUS10096 - Half Playable
Ragnarok - Hikari to Yami no Koujyo - NPJH50431 - Playable - r2367
Ranshima Monogatari Rare Land Story: Shoujo no Yakujou - ULJM05387 - Loadable
Rapala Trophies - ULUS10137 - Half Playable - UNK
Ratatouille - ULUS10247 - Half Playable - r1514
Real Madrid - ULES01219 - Playable
Red Bull X-Fighters - NPEZ00100 - Half Playable
Reel Fishing: The Great Outdoors - ULUS10166 - Playable - UNK
Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. - ULUS10127 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory - ULUS10013 - Shows Intro
Resistance: Retribution - UCUS98668 - Half Playable - r1841
Resistance: Retribution - UCES01184 - Shows Intro
Retro Cave Flyer - NPEZ00141 - Playable (Encrypted)
Rezel Cross - UCJS10023 - Half Playable
Ricky Ponting 2007 Pressure Play - ULES00815 - Loadable
Ridge Racer - UCES00002 - Half Playable
Ridge Racer - ULUS10001 - Shows Intro
Ridge Racer 2 - UCES00422 - Shows Intro
Riviera: The Promised Land - ULUS10286 - Shows Intro
Rocket Racing - NPEZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Route 66 - NPEZ00036 - Playable (Encrypted)
Rupupu Cube Rupu Sarada Portable Matatabi - NPJH50103 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Rush - ULUS10174 - Shows Intro

Saigo no Yakusoku no Monogatari - NPJH50416 - Playable - r2157
Samurai Dou Portable - ULJS00155 - Loadable
Samurai Shodown Anthology - ULUS10401 - Half Playable
Samurai Warriors: State of War - ULUS10089 - Shows Intro
Sarugetchu P! - UCJS10004 - Half Playable
Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign - NPUG80328 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
SBK Superbike World Championship - ULUS10300 - Shows Intro
Scarface: Money. Power. Respect. - ULUS10148 - Loadable - r1891
School Rumble - Anesan Jiken Desu! - ULJS00019 - Playable - r1870
Scrabble - ULUS10412 - Loadable
SD Gundam G Generation World - ULJS00363 - Playable - r2242
Secret Agent Clank - UCUS98697 - Loadable
Secret of Evangelion - ULJM05251 - Half Playable
Sega Mega Drive Collection - ULES00556 - Loadable
SEGA Rally - ULES00910 - Playable - r2100
Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes - ULJM05436 - Loadable
Sengoku Basara: Chronicle Heroes - NPJH50460 - Playable - r2239
Sangoku Hime: Sangoku Ransei - Haruten no Saihai - ULJS00435 - Playable - r2449
Sengoku Tenka Touitsu - ULJS00187 - Loadable
Shadow of Destiny - ULUS10459 - Half Playable - r1891
Sheep Defense - NPUX80421 - Playable - r1465
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona - ULUS10432 - Playable - r2211
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable - ULUS10512 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1785
Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid - ULJM05427 - Loadable
Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2 - ULJM05637 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Shining Hearts - NPJH50342 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2090
Shinobido: Tales of the Ninja - UCES00421 - Half Playable - r1907
Shinseiki Evangelion: Battle Orchestra Portable - ULJM05480 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1730
Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend - ULJM05456 - Playable (Encrypted)
Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd - ULJM05477 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula VS - ULJS00142 - Half Playable
Shirokishi Monogatari Portable Dogma Wars - UCJS10115 - Half Playable
Shrek the Third - ULUS10248 - Half Playable - r1981
Sid Meier's Pirates! - ULUS10224 - Playable
Silent Hill: Origins - ULUS10285 - Half Playable - r1678
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - ULUS10450 - Half Playable
Silverfall - ULES00808 - Playable
Simple 2500 Series Portable!! Vol. 13: The Akuma Hunters - Exorsister - ULJS00265 - Playable (Encrypted)
Skate Park City - ULES00957 - Playable - r2303
Slotter Mania P: Tetsuya Shinjuku vs Ueno[/url] - ULJM05620 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Smart Bomb - ULUS10016 - Loadable
Smashbreak - NPUX80404 - Playable (Encrypted)
So-Ra-No-Wo-To: Otome no Gojuusou - ULJM05673 - Playable - r1993
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo - UCUS98615 - Playable - r1824
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Portable - NPJG00035 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Solfege: Sweet Harmony - ULJM05367 - Playable - r1772
Sonic Rivals - ULUS10195 - Half Playable
Sonic Rivals 2 - ULES00940 - Half Playable - r2011
Sonic Rivals 2 - ULUS10323 - Loadable
Sora no Kiseki Material Collection - ULJM05307 - Playable
Sora no Otoshimono: DokiDoki Summer Vacation - ULJM05639 - Playable - r2055
Sorano to Shimono DSV - ULJM05639 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Sorayume Portable - ULJS00203 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Soukyuu no Fafner - ULJS00006 - Half Playable
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULES01298 - Playable - r1773
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULUS10457 - Half Playable - r1981
Soul Eater: Battle Resonance - ULJS00176 - Playable - r1831
Space Invaders Evolution - ULES00348 - Playable
Space Invaders Extreme - ULUS10346 - Loadable
Space Invaders: Galaxy Beat - ULJM05045 - Playable
Space Invaders Pocket - ULJM05015 - Playable
Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires - ULUS10076 - Playable - r1870
Spectral VS Generation - ULES00757 - Playable - r2096
Spelling Challenges and More! - ULUS10255 - Shows Intro
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - ULUS10389 - Shows Intro - r1745
Spiderman 2 - ULUS10015 - Shows Intro
Spinout - ULES00693 - Shows Intro
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULES00280 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULUS10092 - Loadable
SpongeBob's Truth or Square - ULES01365 - Playable
SplinterCell - ULUS10070 - Shows Intro - r2227
SSX On Tour - ULUS10042 - Playable - r1834
Stacked with Daniel Negreanu - ULUS10101 - Half Playable
Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto - Ginga Bishounen Densetsu - Playable - r2324
Star Ocean: First Departure - ULUS10374 - Half Playable - r2340
Star Ocean: Second Evolution - ULUS10375 - Playable - r2340
Star Soldier - ULJM05026 - Playable
Star Trek: Tactical Assault - ULUS10150 - Half Playable - r2041
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron - ULUS10390 - Half Playable - r2107
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron - ULUS10292 - Playable - r1913
Star Wars Battle Front II - ULUS10053 - Playable - r1791
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance - ULES00599 - Shows Intro
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes - ULES01284 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - ULES00981 - Shows Intro
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - ULUS10345 - Shows Intro
State Shift - ULUS10354 - Half Playable - r1914
Steel Horizon - ULUS10215 - Shows Intro
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max - ULUS10062 - Playable - r2157
Street Riders - ULES00276 - Shows Intro
Street Supremacy - ULUS10069 - Half Playable - r1891
Suigetsu Portable - ULJM05346 - Half Playable
Sunday vs Magazine Shuuketsu Choujou Daikessen - ULJM05450 - Half Playable - r2090
Super Collapse 3 - ULUS10287 - Playable (Encrypted)
Super Fruit Fall - ULES00639 - Playable
Super Hind - ULES01091 - Half Playable
Super Monkey Ball Adventure - ULES00364 - Loadable
Super Robot Taisen A Portable - ULJS00143 - Playable
Super Robot Taisen MX Portable - ULJS00041 - Shows Intro
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental - ULJS00445 - Playable - r2441
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin II - Revelation of Evil God - ULJS00446 - Playable - r2441
Super Stardust Portable - NPUG80221 - Half Playable - r1981
Susume Mamore Tatakae - NPJH00030 - Playable
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku - ULJS00123 - Loadable
SWAT: Target Liberty - ULUS10314 - Half Playable - r1902
Sweet Reversi - NPUX80424 - Playable
Syphon ******: Dark Mirror - UCUS98641 - Half Playable - r2110
Syphon ******: Logan's Shadow - UCUS98606 - Shows Intro

Taiheiyou no Arashi - ULJS00127 - Loadable
Taito Legends Power-Up - ULES00473 - Loadable
Taito Memories Pocket - ULJM05076 - Loadable
Tales of Eternia - ULES00176 - Playable - r2012
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology - ULUS10271 - Loadable - r2096
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology 2 - ULJS00175 - Half Playable - r2074
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology 3 - NPJH50353 - Loadable - r2074
Tales of Phantasia: Full Voice Edition - ULJS00079 - Loadable
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - ULJS00293 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tales of VS. - ULJS00209 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2061
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - ULUS10565 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1993
Tantei Opera: Milky Holmes - ULJS00343 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r2099
Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Shissou to Hangeki to Daidanen - ULJM05928 - Playable - r2441
Tekken 6 - ULUS10466 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1931
Tekken: Dark Resurrection - ULUS10139 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2068
Tenchu 4 Plus - ULJM05471 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Tenchu San Portable - ULJM05505 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins - ULUS10419 - Half Playable
Tenchu: Time of the Assassins - ULES00277 - Playable
Test Drive Unlimited - ULUS10249 - Loadable
Tetris - NPUZ00003 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
The 3rd Birthday - ULJM05798 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2012
The 3rd Birthday - ULUS10567 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
The Eye of Judgment Legends - UCES01334 - Loadable (Encrypted)
The Fast and the Furious - ULUS10198 - Loadable
The Godfather: Mob War - ULUS10098 - Shows Intro
The Golden Compass - ULUS10315 - Half Playable
The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome - ULES00798 - Half Playable
The Hustle: Detroit Streets - ULUS10048 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion - ULUS10022 - Playable - r1910
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - ULUS10540 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2100
The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch - ULUS10125 - Playable - r1913
The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean - ULUS10144 - Playable - r1913
The Lord of the Rings: Tactics - ULUS10038 - Loadable - r1507
The Red Star - NPUH10040 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2008
The Terminator - NPEZ00140 - Playable
Thexder Neo - NPUH10019 - Playable (Encrypted)
This Is Football Managment - NPEX00001 - Playable
Tiger Trouble - NPEZ00129 - Playable
Tiger Woods PGA Tour - ULUS10009 - Loadable
TMNT - ULUS10243 - Half Playable - r1562
To LoveRu Trouble: Doki Doki! Rinkaigakkou-Hen - ULJS00154 - Playable
TOCA Race Driver 2 - ULES00040 - Half Playable
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge - ULES00613 - Shows Intro
Tokimeki Memorial - Forever With You - ULJM05078 - Shows Intro
Tokimeki Memorial 4 - NPJH50127 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Tokobot - ULUS10061 - Playable - r1841
Tom Clancy's EndWar - ULUS10358 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas - ULUS10206 - Shows Intro
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials - ULUS10070 - Loadable
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - ULUS10253 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1898
Tomb Raider: Legend - ULES00283 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1793
Tomb Raider: Legend - ULUS10110 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life - CS Edition - ULJM05411 - Half Playable - r1690
Tony Hawk's Project 8 - ULUS10197 - Shows Intro
Tony Hawks Ungerground 2 Remix - ULUS10014 - Loadable
Tonzurakko - NPUX80422 - Playable
Transformers: The Game - ULUS10274 - Loadable
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - ULUS10433 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Traxxpad - ULUS10272 - Loadable
Twin Blades - NPEZ00319 - Playable - r1981
Twisted Metal: Head-On - UCUS98601 - Half Playable - r1984

Ultimate Block Party - ULUS10043 - Half Playable
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULAS42073 - Playable
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULES00419 - Playable - r2406
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULUS10105 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Ultraman: Fighting Evolution 0 - ULJS00069 - Playable
Umihara Kawase Portable - ULJS00137 - Loadable
Unbound Saga - NPUH10008 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Undead Knights - ULES01390 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Undead Knights - ULUS10453 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULES00046 - Shows Intro
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULUS10003 - Playable
Up - ULUS10430 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)

Valhalla Knights - ULES00657 - Playable - r1864
Valhalla Knights 2 - NPUH10041 - Playable
Valkyria Chronicles III: Unrecorded Chronicles - ULJM05781 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2068
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - ULUS10107 - Half Playable - r2055
Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULJM05005 - Half Playable
Vantage Master PORTABLE - ULJM05332 - Playable - r1913
Vector TD - NPEZ00130 - Playable
Vempire - NPEZ00058 - Playable (Encrypted)
Venus & Braves: Majo to Megami to Horobi no Yogen - NPJH50376 - Playable - r2135
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble - ULUS10087 - Playable
Virtua Tennis: World Tour - ULES00126 - Loadable
VitaminZ Revolution - ULJS00278 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)

Wall-E - ULUS10350 - Loadable
Wangan Midnight Portable - ULJM05264 - Half Playable
Warhammer: The Battle for Atluma - ULUS10123 - Half Playable
Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command - ULUS10313 - Half Playable - r1929
Warriors of the Lost Empire - ULUS10309 - Loadable
Warriors Orochi - ULUS10341 - Half Playable
Warriors Orochi 2 - ULUS10423 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1881
Weiss Schwarz Portable - ULJS00422 - Playable - r2391
Wild ARMs XF - ULUS10339 - Shows Intro - r1988
Will O' Wisp Portable - ULJM05447 - Half Playable - r1772
Wipeout Pulse - UCES00465 - Shows Intro
Wipeout Pure - UCES00001 - Shows Intro
Wipeout Pure - UCUS98612 - Shows Intro
Wizardry Empire III: Haou no Keifu - ULJM05218 - Playable
World of Pool - ULES00821 - Shows Intro
World Series Of Poker - ULUS10047 - Half Playable
World Snooker Challenge 2005 - ULES00021 - Half Playable
World Snooker Challenge 2007 - ULES00453 - Half Playable
World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 - ULJM05033 - Encrypted
World Tour Soccer - UCUS98613 - Loadable
Worms: Open Warfare - ULES00268 - Playable
Worms: Open Warfare 2 - ULES00819 - Loadable
WRC: World Rally Championship - ULUS10093 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 - ULUS10050 - Shows Intro
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 - ULUS10199 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 - ULUS10281 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 - ULUS10384 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - ULES01339 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1913
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - ULUS10452 - Loadable (Encrypted)
WWII: Battle Over the Pacific - ULES00974 - Half Playable

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse - ULES00189 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse - ULUS10045 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2125
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ULUS10411 - Half Playable - r1744
Xiaolin Showdown - ULUS10164 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Xyanide: Resurrection - ULES00634 - Loadable (Encrypted)

Yarudora Portable: Blood the Last Vampire - UCJS10025 - Loadable
Yarudora Portable: Double Cast - UCAS40032 - Half Playable - r1679
Yarudora Portable: Kisetsu o Dakishimete - UCAS4003 - Half Playable - r1679
Yarudora Portable: Sampaguita - UCJS10014 - Half Playable - r1679
YetiSports: Pingu Throw - NPEZ00099 - Half Playable
Yggdra Union - ULUS10368 - Playable - r1913
Yoake Yori Ruriiro na Portable - ULJM05625 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1981
Your Memories Off - Girls Style - ULJM05435 - Playable (Encrypted)
Ys I & II Chronicles- ULJM05474 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1913
Ys I & II Chronicles- ULUS10547 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2061
Ys Seven - ULJM05475 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Ys Seven - ULUS10551 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1799
Ys: Felghana no Chikai - NPJH50226 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim - ULUS10051 - Half Playable
Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga - NPJH50276 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1760
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULJM05479 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULUS10481 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force - ULES00600 - Loadable
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 - ULES01183 - Half Playable - r1815
Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam - NPEZ00094 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida. - UCJS10076 - Loadable
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida 3D - UCJS10109 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCAS40240 - Loadable
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCJS10086 - Shows Intro

Zendoku - ULES00692 - Shows Intro
Zero Choaniki - ULJM05390 - Loadable
Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku - NPJH50144 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman - ULUS10559 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1827
Zill O'll Infinite Plus - ULJM05410 - Half Playable - r1948
Zwei!! - ULJM05392 - Playable - r1905
JPCSP - Compatibility List Games

.hack//Link - ULJS00266 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
-Saki- Portable - ULJM05556 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
300: March to Glory - ULUS10241 - Half Playable - r1852
50 Cent: Bulletproof G Unit Edition - ULUS10128 - Half Playable - r1718
7 Wonders - ULUS10227 - Playable (Encrypted)
7th Dragon 2020 - NPJH50459 - Playable - r2391

Ace Combat: Joint Assault - ULUS10511 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1777
Ace Combat X - ULUS10176 - Loadable
Aces of War - ULES00590 - Loadable
Activision Hits Remixed - ULUS10186 - Loadable
Adventure Player - ULJS00011 - Playable
Adventures To Go! - ULUS10417 - Playable (Encrypted)
Aedis Eclipse - Generation of Chaos - ULUS10242 - Playable - r2050
After Burner: Black Falcon - ULES00785 - Loadable
Age Of Zombies - NPZ00044 - Playable
AI Igo - ULJS00008 - Shows Intro
AI Shogi - ULJS00009 - Loadable
Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II - ULUS10404 - Playable
Alien Syndrome - ULUS10245 - Playable - r2211
Alien Zombie Death - NPEZ00115 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem - ULUS10327 - Half Playable - r1751
Amagami Ebikore Plus - ULJS00339 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
Anata o Yurusanai - ULJM05279 - Half Playable
Another Century's Episode Portable - ULJS00322 - Playable - r1980
Antiphona no Seikahime Tenshi no Score Op A - ULJS00229 - Shows Intro
Ape Academy - UCES00010 - Loadable
Ape Academy 2 - UCES00302 - Loadable
Ape Escape: On The Loose - UCUS98609 - Playable - r1994
Ape Quest - NPUG80061 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2070
Aqua Panic! - NPEH00026 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Archer Maclean's Mercury - ULUS10017 - Shows Intro
Armored Core 3 Portable - ULJM05492 - Shows Intro
Armored Core Last Raven Portable - ULJM05611 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Armored Core: Silent Line Portable - NPUH10025 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1733
Army of Two: The 40th Day - ULUS10472 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1841
Arthur and the Invisibles - ULES00669 - Half Playable
Asphalt: Urban GT 2 - ULES00719 - Playable - r2127
Assassin's Creed Bloodlines - ULES10455 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1713
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines - ULUS10455 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2072
Astonishia Story - ULUS10083 - Playable
Atari Classics Evolved - ULUS10325 - Loadable
Asterix and Obelix XXL 2: Mission WiFix - ULES00527 - Playable - r2410
ATV Offroad Fury - UCUS98603 - Shows Intro
Autoescuela Aprueba Conmigo - ULES01366 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Avatar: The Last Airbender - ULUS10165 - Shows Intro
Avatar: The Legend of Aang - ULES00633 - Shows Intro

B-Boy - ULUS10363 - Shows Intro
Battlezone - ULUS10156 - Playable
Battle Spirits Heroes Soul - ULJS00280 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Battle Spirits: Kiseki no Hasha - ULJS00238 - Playable - r2391
Beam'Em Up - NPEZ00081 - Loadable
Beaterator - ULUS10405 - Playable (Encrypted)
Beats - NPUG80060 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1841
Ben 10: Protector of Earth - ULUS10307 - Loadable
Beowulf: The Game - ULUS10329 - Half Playable - r1529
Beta Bloc - ULES00792 - Loadable
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light - ULUS10124 - Playable
Black Rock Shooter: The Game - NPJH50448 - Playable - r2244
Blast Off - NPUZ00021 - Loadable
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II - ULJM05850 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2088
BlazBlue Portable - ULUS10519 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1636
Blazing Souls: Accelate - ULUS10527 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Bleach: Heat the Soul - UCJS10008 - Playable - r1778
Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 - UCJS10017 - Playable - r1764
Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 - UCJS10042 - Playable - r1764
Bleach: Heat the Soul 4 - UCJS10057 - Playable - r1766
Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 - UCJS10082 - Playable - r1767
Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 - UCJS10093 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 - UCJS10110 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1776
Bleach: Soul Carnival - UCJS10085 - Playable - 1796
Bleach: Soul Carnival 2 - UCJS10106 - Playable - r2117
Bliss Island - ULES00616 - Playable
Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship - ULUS10332 - Playable
Blood Plus: Final Piece - UCJS10044 - Loadable
Bloons - NPEZ00045 - Playable (Encrypted)
Blue Roses: Yousei to Aoi Hitomi no Senshitachi - NPJH50280 - Playable - r2132
Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai - ULJS00188 - Shows Intro
Bomberman - ULUS10121 - Playable - r2214
Bomberman Land - ULUS10319 - Loadable
Bounty Hounds - ULUS10161 - Shows Intro
Bowling 3D - NPUZ00002 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Brain Challenge - NPUH10006 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Brainpipe - NPUZ00009 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Brandish: The Dark Revenant - ULJM05424 - Playable - r1752
Brave Story: New Traveler - ULUS10279 - Half Playable - r1870
BreakQuest - NPEZ00011 - Playable (Encrypted)
Breath Of Fire III - ULES00193 - Playable
Brothers in Arms D-Day - ULUS10193 - Shows Intro - r1841
Brunswick Pro Bowling - ULUS10283 - Shows Intro
Bubble Bobble Evolution - ULES00303 - Loadable
Bubble Trubble - NPUZ00007 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Bumpy Trot: Vehicle Battle Tournament - ULJS00130 - Shows Intro
Burnout Dominator - ULUS10236 - Half Playable - r1799
Burnout Legends - ULES00125 - Shows Intro
Burnout Legends - ULUS10025 - Loadable
Burst Error: Eve the First - ULJM05615 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Busou Shinki: Battle Masters - ULJM05538 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Bust-A-Move Deluxe - ULUS10057 - Playable
Bust-A-Move Ghost - ULES00233 - Playable
Buzz! Master Quiz - UCES01032 - Playable - r1768

Cabela's African Safari - ULUS10175 - Half Playable - r1686
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge - ULUS10106 - Half Playable - r1686
Cabela's Legendary Adventures - ULUS10385 - Shows Intro - r1885
CakeMania Bakers Challenge - UCES01157 - Playable
Call of Duty: Roads to Victory - ULUS10218 - Loadable
Canvas 3 - Nanairo no Kiseki - ULJM05659 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Capcom Classic Collection Reloaded - ULUS10134 - Shows Intro
Capcom Puzzle World - ULUS10217 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Car Jack Streets - NPUZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Carol Vorderman's Sudoku - ULUS10126 - Playable
Cars - ULUS10073 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Cars: Race-O-Rama - ULUS10428 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles - ULKS46155 - Half Playable
Chameleon - ULUS10267 - Loadable
Championship Manager 2007 - ULES00636 - Shows Intro
Chaos;Head Noah - ULJM05692 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1948
Chessmaster: The Art of Learning - ULUS10335 - Half Playable
Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - ULJM05172 - Loadable
CID The Dummy - ULUS10356 - Half Playable
Circles - NPEZ00007 - Playable
Clannad - ULJM05338+ULJM05339 - Half Playable - r1593
Class of Heroes - ULUS10396 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Classic Dungeon: Fuyoku no Masoujin - NPJH50185 - Shows Intro
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - ULUS10444 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Chili Con Carnage - ULUS10216 - Half Playable - r1881
Cho Aniki Zero - NPUH10031 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Code Geass: Lost Colors - ULJS00135 - Playable - r1931
Code Lyoko - ULUS10351 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1975
Coded Arms - ULUS10019 - Half Playable
Coded Arms - ULES00124 - Playable - r2211
Coded Arms: Contagion - ULUS10184 - Shows Intro - r1891
Coded Soul: Uketsugareshi Idea - UCJS10061 - Playable - r1773
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULES01301 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULUS10471 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1740
Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus - ULES00111 - Shows Intro
Comic Party Portable - ULJS00027 - Half Playable - r1593
Corpse Party - NPUH10117 - Playable - r2390
Corpse Party Book of Shadows - ULJM05909 - Playable - r2393
Cover Girl - ULES01302 - Playable
Crash Mind Over Mutant - ULUS10377 - Playable
Crash of the Titans - ULUS10304 - Playable
Crash Tag Team Racing - ULUS10044 - Playable
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars - ULUS10273 - Shows Intro
Creature Defense - NPUH10034 - Playable (Encrypted)
Crimson Gem Saga - UCAS40212 - Half Playable
Crimson Gem Saga - ULUS10400 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1751
Crimson Room: Reverse - NPUH10037 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
Crimson Room Reverse - ULJM05408 - Loadable
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - ULUS10336 - Playable - r1500+
Cross Channel: To All People - ULJM05623 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Crush - ULES00765 - Loadable
Crystal Defenders - NPEH00017 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Cube - ULUS10223 - Loadable
Cubixx - NPEZ00101 - Playable (Encrypted)

D.C. Girl's Symphony Pocket - ULJM05690 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
D-Cube Planet - NPEZ00008 - Playable (Encrypted)
Daisenryaku Daitoua Kouboushi - ULJS00147 - Shows Intro
Dante's Inferno - ULES01384 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1545
Dante's Inferno - ULUS10469 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1505
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULUS10005 - Shows Intro
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge - ULUS10204 - Playable - r1524
Daxter - UCUS98618 - Playable - r1831
Dead Head Fred - ULUS10288 - Shows Intro
Dead or Alive: Paradise - ULUS10521 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1747
Dead To Rights: Reckoning - ULES00195 - Playable - r1773
Dead to Rights: Reckoning - ULUS10023 - Half Playable
Death, Jr. - ULUS10027 - Loadbale
Def Jam: Fight for NY: The Takeover - ULES00390 - Playable - r2188
Deflector - NPEZ00127 - Playable
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu - ULJM05588 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Derby Time - UCJS10006 - Shows Intro
Desi Adda:Games of India - UCES01279 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Diabolik: The Original Sin - ULES01248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Digi-Tiles - NPUX80407 - Playable (Encrypted)
Diner Dash - ULES00755 - Loadable
Diner Dash: Sizzle & Serve - ULUS10264 - Playable
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - ULUS10308 - Playable - r1610
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULES01392 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULUS10461 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Disgaea Infinite - ULUS10522 - Playable - r1695
Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy - NPJH50377 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2000
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULES01270 - Shows Intro - r1591
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULJM05262 - Shows Intro
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULUS10437 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1672+
DJ Max Fever - ULUS10403 - Shows Intro - r1633
Dora Slot Kyojin no Hoshi II - ULJM05027 - Loadable
Dora-Slot: Shuyaku wa Zenigata - ULJM05014 - Half Playable
Downstream Panic! - ULUS10322 - Shows Intro
Dracula - Undead Awakening - NPEZ00124 - Playable - r1591
Dragonball: Evolution - ULES01227 - Playable - r1736
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULES00309 - Playable - r1759
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULUS10081 - Shows Intro
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 - ULES00789 - Loadable
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road - ULUS10234 - Playable - r1772
Dragon Dance - ULJM05407 - Loadable
Dragoneer's Aria - ULUS10291 - Playable - r2002
Driver 76 - ULUS10235 - Half Playable - r1841
DT Carnage - ULUS10406 - Shows Intro
DTM Race Driver 2 - ULES00041 - Loadable
Dungeons & Dragons Tactics - ULUS10232 - Half Playable
Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts - ULUS10289 - Half Playable - r1514
Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground - ULUS10282 - Half Playable
Dungeon Maker 2 The Hidden War - ULUS10393 - Half Playable
Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony - ULUS10177 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Dynasty Warriors - ULUS10004 - Playable - r1509
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce - ULUS10416 - Half Playable - r1879
Dynasty Warriors Vol.2 - ULUS10170 - Playable - r1773
DynoGems - NPEZ00117 - Playable

EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - ULUS10066 - Shows Intro
Earthshield - NPUX80405 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1702
Echochrome - UCAS40197 - Playable - r1648
Echoshift - UCES01313 - Half Playable
Eiyuu Densetsu: Ao no Kiseki - NPJH50473 - Playable -r2324
Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd - ULJM05353 - Half Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki FC - ULJM05170 - Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki SC Disc 1+2 - ULJM05277+ULJM05278 - Half Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki - NPJH50311 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1785
Elminage 2 - ULJM05488 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1736
Eragon - ULUS10146 - Half Playable - r2068
Evangelion: Jo - ULJS00201 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1580
Every Extend Extra - ULUS10147 - Half Playable
Everybody's Golf - UCES00012 - Loadable
Everyday Shooter - NPUG80224 - Playable (Encrypted)
Exit - ULJM05062 - Shows Intro
Exit - ULUS10074 - Loadable
Exit 2 - ULES00620 - Loadable

F1 2009 - ULUS10449 - Shows Intro(Encrypted)
F1 2009 - ULES01355 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1684
F1 Grand Prix - UCES00004 - Loadable
Fading Shadows - ULES00858 - Half Playable - r1507
FairlyLife MiracleDays - ULJM05618 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1745
Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable - ULJM05440 - Encrypted
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake - UCES01312 - Shows Intro
Fate/Extra - ULUS10576 - Playable - r2367
Fate/Tiger Colosseum - ULJM05266 - Shows Intro
Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper - ULJM05360 - Shows Intro - r1690
Fate/unlimited codes - NPUH10009 - Playable (Encrypted)
Fate/unlimited codes Portable - ULJM05451 - Shows Intro
Fate Extra - NPJH50247 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1764
Field Commander - ULUS10088 - Loadable
Fieldrunners - NPUZ00014 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Fifa Street 2 - ULES00264 - Loadable
Fight Ippatsu Juuden-chan - ULJM05668 - Playable - r2313
Final Approach 2: 1st Priority Portable - ULJM05419 - Half Playable - r1690
Final Armada - ULES00661 - Playable - r2319
Final Fantasy - ULES00986 - Playable - r1434
Final Fantasy - ULJM05241 - Playable - r1557
Final Fantasy - ULUS10251 - Playable - r1634
Final Fantasy II - ULES00987 - Shows Intro
Final Fantasy II - ULUS10263 - Playable - r2043
Final Fantasy II - ULJM05245 - Loadable
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULES00850 - Shows Intro
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULUS10297 - Half Playable - r1591
Final Fantasy Type-0 - NPJH50443 - Playable - r2255
Finder Love - Aki Hoshino - ULJM05145 - Shows Intro
Finder Love - Hara Fumina - ULJM05143 - Shows Intro
Finder Love - Risa Kudo - ULJM05144 - Shows Intro
Fired Up - UCES00015 - Playable
Fish Eyes Portable - ULJS00082 - Playable - r1562
FlatOut Head On - ULUS10328 - Shows Intro - r1734
flOw - NPUG80086 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Football Manager Handheld 2008 - ULES00934 - Loadable
Football Manager Handheld 2009 - ULES01152 - Half Playable
Ford Bold Moves Street Racing - ULUS10159 - Shows Intro - r1841
Ford Racing Off Road - ULUS10326 - Shows Intro
Ford Street Racing L.A. DUEL - ULES00564 - Shows Intro
Formula One 2005 Portable - UCJS10019 - Loadable
Fortix - NPEZ00096 - Playable (Encrypted)
Frantix - ULUS10039 - Half Playable
Freak Out: Extreme Freeride - ULES00783 - Loadable
Free Running - ULES00704 - Half Playable
Freekscape: Escape From Hell - NPUZ00013 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1907
Frogger: Helmet Chaos - ULES00207 - Playable
From Russia With Love - ULUS10080 - Playable
Full Auto 2: Battlelines - ULUS10220 - Half Playable - r1524
FullMetal Alchemist: Senaka wo Takuseshimono - ULJS00220 - Playable
Funky Punch - NPUZ00011 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 3 Portable - ULJS00239 - Loadable (Encrypted)

G-Force - ULUS10439 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Generation of Chaos - ULUS10075 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Gensou Suikoden I + II - ULJM05086 - Playable - r1870
Ghostbusters: The Video Game - ULUS10486 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - UCAS40025 - Loadable
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - ULUS10020 - Shows Intro - r1537
Ghost Rider - ULUS10210 - Half Playable - r1985
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - ULUS10435 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Gitaroo Man Lives! - ULUS10207 - Loadable
Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Collection - ULJM05358 - Shows Intro - r1690
Gladiator Begins - ULUS10528 - Playable - r2156
Gloria Union - ULJM05813 - Playable - r2293
Go! Sudoku - UCES00152 - Loadable
God Eater - ULJS00237 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1743
God of War: Chains of Olympus - UCUS98653 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1984
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - UCUS98737 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1997
Gods Eater Burst - ULUS10563 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2023
Gottlieb Pinball Classics - ULES00212 - Loadable
GachiTora! Abarenbou Kyoushi in High School - ULJS00355 - Playable - r2097
Gran Turismo - UCES01245 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1531
Gran Turismo - UCUS98632 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - ULUS10490 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1734
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - ULUS10041 - Shows Intro - r1744
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - ULUS10160 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1750
Gretzky NHL 2005 - UCUS98604 - Shows Intro
Gripshift - ULUS10040 - Playable
Growlanser IV: Over Reloaded - ULJM05896 - Playable - r2289
GTI Club Supermini Festa! - NPUH10044 - Playable (Encrypted)
Guilty Gear Judgment - ULES00574 - Shows Intro
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus - ULUS10409 - Shows Intro
Gun Showdown - ULUS10158 - Shows Intro
Gundam Assault Survive - ULJS00281 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Gundam Battle Tactics - ULJS00025 - Shows Intro
Gundam Battle Universe - ULJS00145 - Playable - r2255
Gundam Memories: Tatakai no Kioku - NPJH50437 - Playable - r2196
Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable - ULJM05238 - Encrypted
Gungnir: Masou no Gunshin to Eiyuu Sensou - ULJM05779 - Playable - r2211
Gunpey - ULES00648 - Half Playable
Gurumin - ULUS10228 - Shows Intro - r1706

Hakuouki: Yuugi Roku - ULJM05663 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
Half-Minute Hero - ULUS10491 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Hammer Wars - NPEZ00142 - Playable
Hammerin' Hero - ULUS10392 - Shows Intro
Hannah Montana: Rock out The Show - ULUS10431 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULES00216 - Loadable
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULUS10032 - Loadable
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - ULUS10381 - Playable (Encrypted)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - ULUS10261 - Half Playable - r1891
Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl - ULUS10142 - Playable
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley - ULUS10458 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1747
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - ULJM05472 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1819
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2nd - ULJM05681 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Hayarigami 2 Portable: Keishichou Kaijiken File - ULJS00149 - Shows Intro
Hayate no Gotoku: Nightmare Paradise - ULJM05416 - Shows Intro
Heatseeker - ULES00760 - Playable
Heatseeker - ULUS10259 - Loadable
Heaven's Will - ULJM05186 - Loadable
Hellboy: The Science of Evil - ULUS10301 - Loadable
Hello Kitty Puzzle Party - ULES01397 - Playable (Encrypted)
Hello Kitty to Issho! Block Crash 123!! - ULJM05707 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1827
Hero of Sparta - NPUZ00005 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Hexyz Force - ULUS10506 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1850
Higanjima - ULJS00013 - Playable
Higurashi Daybreak Portable - ULJM05388 - Shows Intro
Hiiro no Kakera Portable - ULJM05399 - Shows Intro
HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable - ULJM05354 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Himitsu no Radio - ULJS00161 - Shows Intro - r1586
Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden - Ten no Haoh - ULJM05404 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! - ULES01332 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Hoshizora * Planet: One Small Step For... - ULJM05845 - Playable - r2315
HotBrain - ULUS10268 - Loadable
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee - UCUS98614 - Loadable
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULES00828 - Shows Intro
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULUS10239 - Shows Intro - r1841
Hysteria Project - NPUZ00072 - Playable (Encrypted)

Ice Road Truckers - NPEZ00145 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1749
Idolmaster SP - The Missing Moon - ULJS00169 - Loadable
Idolmaster SP - The Perfect Sun - ULJS00167 - Loadable
Idolmaster SP - The Wandering Star - ULJS00168 - Loadable
Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist - ULJS00152 - Playable - r1545
Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact - NPJH50222 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1744
Ikuze! Gen-San: Yuuyake Daiku Monogatari - ULJM91013 - Loadable
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey - ULES01316 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Impossible Mission - ULES00764 - Loadable
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - ULUS10316 - Half Playable - r1891
Infected - ULUS10054 - Playable
Initial D: Street Stage - ULJM05093 - Shows Intro
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - ULES00658 - Loadable (Encrypted)
International Athletics - ULES01090 - Playable
International Snooker - NPEZ00104 - Playable
Iron Man - ULUS10347 - Loadable - r1881
Iron Man 2 - ULES01422 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1698
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Portable - ULJM05961 - Playable - r2441

Jackass: The Game - ULUS10303 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1978
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - UCUS98634 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2306
James Cameron`s Avatar: The Game - ULUS10451 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1880
Jeanne D'Arc - UCUS98700 - Loadable - r2050
Judie no Atelier Toraware no Moribito - ULJM05607 - Playable (Encrypted)
Juiced: Eliminator - ULUS10090 - Shows Intro - r1730
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights - ULUS10312 - Shows Intro - r1736
Juusei to Diamond - UCJS10092 - Half Playable

K-On! Houkago Live!! - ULJM05709 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Kamen no Maid Guy: Boyoyon Battle Royale - ULJM05418 - Loadable
Kamen Rider Climax Heroes Fourze - NPJH50502 - Playable - r2394
Kao Challengers - ULUS10085 - Half Playable - r1881
Kazook - ULES00517 - Playable
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena - ULJS00157 - Playable - r1772
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena 2 - Spirits Burst - ULJS00218 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Kizuna no Tag Battle - NPJH50221 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1796
Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. - ULJM05343 - Loadable
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble - ULUS10442 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Kenka Banchou Portable - ULJS00235 - Loadable
Key of Heaven - UCES00178 - Shows Intro
Killzone: Liberation - UCUS98646 - Loadable - r1900
King of Clubs - ULES00914 - Shows Intro
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ULJM05600 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1796
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ULUS10505 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1791
Kingdom of Paradise - UCUS98623 - Playable - r2188
Knights in the Nightmare - ULUS10539 - Playable - r2211
Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate Portable - ULJM05635 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
Koloomn - ULES00143 - Loadable
Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte - ULJM05428 - Loadable
Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte Encore - ULJM05508 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o: Te no Hira No Rakuen - ULJM05442 - Playable (Encrypted)
Koori No Bohyou Ichiryuuwa 3 Dome No Junan - NPJH50186 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1591

La Corda d'Oro - ULJM05054 - Loadable
La Pucelle: Ragnarok - ULJS00244 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1945
Lanfeust of Troy - ULES01022 - Loadable
Last Ranker - ULJM05676 - Half Playable - r1984
Legend of Kunoichi - NPUX80406 - Playable (Encrypted)
Lego Batman: The Videogame - ULUS10380 - Half Playable - r1586
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures - ULUS10365 - Half Playable - r1586
Lego Indiana Jones 2 - ULUS10487 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy - ULES00479 - Half Playable - r1586
Lemmings - UCES00109 - Playable - r1598
Lemmings - UCUS98647 - Loadable
Let's Golf - NPUZ00004 - Shows Intro
Like Life Every Hour- ULJM05507 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1680
Little Big Planet - UCUS98744 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1923
Little Britain - ULES00840 - Shows Intro
LocoRoco - UCES00304 - Half Playable - v0.5
LocoRoco 2 - UCET01181 - Shows Intro
LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival - NPEG00024 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Lord of Apocalypse - NPJH50503 - Playable - r2413
Lord of Arcana - NPJH50335 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1799
Lord of Arcana - ULUS10479 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1994
Lucky * Star: Net Idol Meister - ULJM05542 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1766
Lumines - ULES00043 - Shows Intro
Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star - NPJH50054 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony - ULUS10482 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2051
Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge - ULUS10333 - Playable (Encrypted)
Luxor: Wrath of Set - ULUS10201 - Playable
M.A.C.H. - Modified Air Combat Heroes - ULUS10180 - Loadable
Macross Ace Frontier - ULJS00158 - Playable - UNK
Madden NFL 06 - ULUS10024 - Loadable
Madden NFL 09 - ULUS10352 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Madden NFL 10 - ULUS10441 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Madden NFL 11 - ULUS10541 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Magic Sudoku - ULES00621 - Playable
Magna Carta Portable - ULJS00042 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1562
Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2 - NPEZ00003 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Mahjong Fight Club - ULJM05163 - Shows Intro
Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny - ULJS00385 - Playable - r2441
Mai-hime senretsu - ULJS00062 - Loadable
Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Portable - ULJS00183 - Shows Intro
Manhunt 2 - ULUS10280 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1750
Manic Monkey Mayhem - NPUZ00096 - Half Playable - r1514
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects - ULES00159 - Playable - r1772
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - ULUS10167 - Playable Encrypted - r1788
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 - ULUS10421 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Mawaskes - ULES01104 - Loadable
Me & My Katamari - ULUS10094 - Playable - r1772
Medal of Honor: Heroes - ULUS10141 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 - ULUS10310 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
MediEvil Resurrection - UCES00006 - Shows Intro
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X - ULUS10068 - Playable
Mega Man Powered Up - ULUS10091 - Playable - r1778
Memories Off - ULJM05334 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off #5: Togireta Film - ULJM05394 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off 2nd - ULJM05335 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off 6: T-Wave - ULJM05467 - Playable Encrypted - r1679
Memories Off: AfterRain - ULJM05473 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Memories Off: Sorekara - ULJM05350 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off: Sorekara Again - ULJM05526 - Playable (Encrypted)
Metal Gear Acid - ULUS10006 - Half Playable - r2023
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel - ULUS10108 - Shows Intro
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - NPJH50045 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - ULUS10509 - Half Playable - r2183
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - ULES00645 - Loadable
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - ULUS10202 - Loadable
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus - ULES01003 - Half Playable - r2090
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus - ULUS10290 - Half Playable - r2108
Metal Slug Anthology - ULES00530 - Shows Intro
Metal Slug XX - ULUS10495 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Miami Vice: The Game - ULUS10109 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Micro Machines V4 - ULES00368 - Shows Intro
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - ULES00108 - Half Playable -r1780
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - ULUS10021 - Shows Intro - r1734
Midnight Club: L.A. Remix - ULUS10383 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1736
Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play - ULUS10059 - Half Playable
Military History Commander Europe at War - ULES01179 - Playable
Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULJM05379 - Shows Intro
Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULUS10492 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Minna de Dokusho: Keatai Shousetsu Desu - ULJM05393 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Minna no Sukkiri - UCJS10094 - Half Playable
Mind Quiz - ULUS10178 - Shows Intro
MLB - UCUS98605 - Shows Intro
MLB 10 The Show - UCUS98742 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
ModNation Racers - UCES01327 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1515
Moegaku @ Portable - ULJM05174 - Half Playable - UNK
Moeru Mahjong: Moejong! - ULJM05375 - Loadable
Monochrome - ULJM05642 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Monster Hunter 2 - ULES00851 - Encrypted
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - ULUS10266 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Monster Hunter Freedom - ULES00318 - Half Playable - r1578
Monster Hunter Freedom - ULUS10084 - Shows Intro
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULES01213 - Shows Intro
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULUS10391 - Loadable
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G - ULJM05500 - Loadable
Monster Jam: Urban Assault - ULUS10379 - Half Playable
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner - ULUS10211 - Loadable
Mortal Kombat: Unchained - ULUS10102 - Half Playable - r1734
MotoGP - ULUS10153 - Half Playable
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - UCES01250 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - UCUS98743 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1745
MTX Mototrax - ULUS10138 - Half Playable
Musou Tourou - ULJS00163 - Shows Intro
Myst - ULES00412 - Playable
Mytran Wars - ULES01098 - Shows Intro
MX vs ATV: Reflex - ULUS10429 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
MX vs. ATV Untamed - ULUS10330 - Shows Intro

n+ - ULUS10340 - Half Playable - r1751
Nakahara no Hasha: Sangoku Shouseiden - ULJS00036 - Shows Intro
Namco Museum Battle Collection - ULUS10035 - Shows Intro
Nana - Subete wa Daimaou no Omichibiki - ULJM05142 - Shows Intro - r1591
Nanatama: Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - NPJH90035 - Encrypted
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes - ULUS10299 - Half Playable
Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising - ULES01306 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 - ULUS10518 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Nascar - ULUS10122 - Loadable
NBA 2K5 - UCUS98607 - Shows Intro
NBA2K10 - ULUS10474 - Shows Intro
Need For Speed: Carbon - Own The City - ULUS10114 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Most Wanted - ULUS10036 - Playable - r1766
Need For Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 - ULES00196 - Shows Intro
Need For Speed: ProStreet - ULUS10331 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Shift - ULUS10462 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
Need for Speed: Undercover - ULES01145 - Encrypted
Need For Speed: Undercover - ULUS10376 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Underground Rivals - ULUS10007 - Shows Intro - r1730
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Tsukurareshi Sekai - ULJS00061 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Neopets: Petpet Adventures - The Wand of Wishing - UCUS98622 - Half Playable
Neverland Card Battles - ULUS10382 - Loadable
NFL Street 2 Unleashed - ULUS10008 - Loadable
NFL Street 3 - ULES00641 - Shows Intro
NHRA Drag Racing: Countdown to the Championship - ULUS10278 - Loadable
Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu Kurenai Portable - ULJM05598 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Nogizaka Haruka No Himistu Doujinshi Hajimemashita - NPJH00021 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Normal Tanks - NPEZ00135 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Numblast - NPUG80320 - Loadable (Encrypted)

Obscure: The Aftermath - ULUS10484 - Playable (Encrypted) - UNK
Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi: Memories Off - ULJM05349 - Half Playable - r1690
Onechanbara Special - ULJS00367 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
Onore no Shinzuru Michi o Yuke - ULJM05465 - Encrypted
Ookami Kakushi - ULJM05413 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Open Season - ULUS10152 - Shows Intro
Oretachi no Sabage Portable - ULJS00170 - Half Playable
Otome wa Oanesama Boku ni Koi Shiteru Portable - ULJM05647 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1736
Otsugea Uranai na Desu. - ULJM05409 - Playable
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast - ULUS10064 - Shows Intro
Over the Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts - ULUS10187 - Loadable - r1507

Pac-Man World 3 - ULUS10055 - Playable
Pac-Man World Rally - ULUS10149 - Loadable
Pachisi - NPEZ00123 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Parodius Portable - ULJM05220 - Shows Intro
Patapon - UCES00995 - Shows Intro
Patapon 2 - UCES01177 - Shows Intro - r1788
Patapon 2 - UCJS10089 - Loadable
Patchwork Heroes - NPEG00028 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
PDC World Championship Darts - ULES01096 - Encrypted
Persona - ULUS10432 - Playable - r2334
Persona 2: Innocent Sin - ULUS10584 - Playable - r2319
Persona 2: Tsumi - NPJH50329 - Playable - r2078
Peter Jackson's King Kong - ULUS10072 - Half Playable
Petz Dogz Family - ULUS10463 - Playable
Phantasy Star Portable - ULUS10410 - Half Playable
Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1778
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess - ULJM05464 - Playable - r1503
Pilot Academy - ULES00374 - Loadable
Pinball Dreams - NPEZ00021 - Playable
Pinball Fantasies - NPEZ00022 - Playable (Encrypted)
Pinball Hall of Fame - ULUS10052 - Shows Intro
Pipe Mania - ULES01094 - Half Playable
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - ULUS10252 - Playable
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - ULUS10111 - Shows Intro
PixelJunk: Monsters Deluxe - NPUG80248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume - ULJM05383 - Shows Intro
PlayChapas Football Edition - UCES01134 - Shows Intro
Pocket Racers - ULES00275 - Half Playable
Pop 'n Music Portable - ULJM05605 - Loadable (Encrypted)
PoPoLoCrois - ULES00291 - Shows Intro
Portable Island: Tenohira Resort - ULJS00031 - Shows Intro
Power Pro Success Legends - ULJM05537 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Power Stone Collection - ULES00496 - Loadable
PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient - ULUS10046 - Shows Intro
Pri-Saga! Portable - ULJM05521 - Half Playable - r1571
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - ULUS10480 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1793
Prince of Persia: Revelations - ULUS10063 - Half Playable - r1529
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - ULUS10240 - Shows Intro - r1684
Princess Crown - ULJM05040 - Playable
Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? - ULUS10407 - Playable - r1624
Prinny 2 Tokkou Yuugi Akatsuki no Pants Daisakusenssu - NPJH50211 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - ULES00880 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 - ULES01354 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Pursuit Force - UCUS98640 - Shows Intro - r1507
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice - UCES00694 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - UNK
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice - UCUS98703 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary - ULJM05177 - Loadable
Puyo Pop Fever - ULES00294 - Shows Intro
Puzzle Bobble Pocket - ULJM05011 - Playable - r1780
Puzzler Collection - ULES01066 - Playable
Puzzle Chronicles - ULUS10468 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Puzzle Guzzle - ULUS10334 - Loadable
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - ULUS10225 - Playable
Puzzle Scape - ULUS10190 - Half Playable
Puzzle Scape Mini - NPEZ00001 - Half Playable (Encrypted)

Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos - ULJS00190 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1759

R-Type Command - ULUS10343 - Loadable
Race Driver 2006 - ULUS10096 - Half Playable
Ragnarok - Hikari to Yami no Koujyo - NPJH50431 - Playable - r2367
Ranshima Monogatari Rare Land Story: Shoujo no Yakujou - ULJM05387 - Loadable
Rapala Trophies - ULUS10137 - Half Playable - UNK
Ratatouille - ULUS10247 - Half Playable - r1514
Real Madrid - ULES01219 - Playable
Red Bull X-Fighters - NPEZ00100 - Half Playable
Reel Fishing: The Great Outdoors - ULUS10166 - Playable - UNK
Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. - ULUS10127 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory - ULUS10013 - Shows Intro
Resistance: Retribution - UCUS98668 - Half Playable - r1841
Resistance: Retribution - UCES01184 - Shows Intro
Retro Cave Flyer - NPEZ00141 - Playable (Encrypted)
Rezel Cross - UCJS10023 - Half Playable
Ricky Ponting 2007 Pressure Play - ULES00815 - Loadable
Ridge Racer - UCES00002 - Half Playable
Ridge Racer - ULUS10001 - Shows Intro
Ridge Racer 2 - UCES00422 - Shows Intro
Riviera: The Promised Land - ULUS10286 - Shows Intro
Rocket Racing - NPEZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Route 66 - NPEZ00036 - Playable (Encrypted)
Rupupu Cube Rupu Sarada Portable Matatabi - NPJH50103 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Rush - ULUS10174 - Shows Intro

Saigo no Yakusoku no Monogatari - NPJH50416 - Playable - r2157
Samurai Dou Portable - ULJS00155 - Loadable
Samurai Shodown Anthology - ULUS10401 - Half Playable
Samurai Warriors: State of War - ULUS10089 - Shows Intro
Sarugetchu P! - UCJS10004 - Half Playable
Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign - NPUG80328 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
SBK Superbike World Championship - ULUS10300 - Shows Intro
Scarface: Money. Power. Respect. - ULUS10148 - Loadable - r1891
School Rumble - Anesan Jiken Desu! - ULJS00019 - Playable - r1870
Scrabble - ULUS10412 - Loadable
SD Gundam G Generation World - ULJS00363 - Playable - r2242
Secret Agent Clank - UCUS98697 - Loadable
Secret of Evangelion - ULJM05251 - Half Playable
Sega Mega Drive Collection - ULES00556 - Loadable
SEGA Rally - ULES00910 - Playable - r2100
Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes - ULJM05436 - Loadable
Sengoku Basara: Chronicle Heroes - NPJH50460 - Playable - r2239
Sangoku Hime: Sangoku Ransei - Haruten no Saihai - ULJS00435 - Playable - r2449
Sengoku Tenka Touitsu - ULJS00187 - Loadable
Shadow of Destiny - ULUS10459 - Half Playable - r1891
Sheep Defense - NPUX80421 - Playable - r1465
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona - ULUS10432 - Playable - r2211
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable - ULUS10512 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1785
Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid - ULJM05427 - Loadable
Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2 - ULJM05637 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Shining Hearts - NPJH50342 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2090
Shinobido: Tales of the Ninja - UCES00421 - Half Playable - r1907
Shinseiki Evangelion: Battle Orchestra Portable - ULJM05480 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1730
Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend - ULJM05456 - Playable (Encrypted)
Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd - ULJM05477 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula VS - ULJS00142 - Half Playable
Shirokishi Monogatari Portable Dogma Wars - UCJS10115 - Half Playable
Shrek the Third - ULUS10248 - Half Playable - r1981
Sid Meier's Pirates! - ULUS10224 - Playable
Silent Hill: Origins - ULUS10285 - Half Playable - r1678
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - ULUS10450 - Half Playable
Silverfall - ULES00808 - Playable
Simple 2500 Series Portable!! Vol. 13: The Akuma Hunters - Exorsister - ULJS00265 - Playable (Encrypted)
Skate Park City - ULES00957 - Playable - r2303
Slotter Mania P: Tetsuya Shinjuku vs Ueno[/url] - ULJM05620 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Smart Bomb - ULUS10016 - Loadable
Smashbreak - NPUX80404 - Playable (Encrypted)
So-Ra-No-Wo-To: Otome no Gojuusou - ULJM05673 - Playable - r1993
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo - UCUS98615 - Playable - r1824
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Portable - NPJG00035 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Solfege: Sweet Harmony - ULJM05367 - Playable - r1772
Sonic Rivals - ULUS10195 - Half Playable
Sonic Rivals 2 - ULES00940 - Half Playable - r2011
Sonic Rivals 2 - ULUS10323 - Loadable
Sora no Kiseki Material Collection - ULJM05307 - Playable
Sora no Otoshimono: DokiDoki Summer Vacation - ULJM05639 - Playable - r2055
Sorano to Shimono DSV - ULJM05639 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Sorayume Portable - ULJS00203 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Soukyuu no Fafner - ULJS00006 - Half Playable
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULES01298 - Playable - r1773
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULUS10457 - Half Playable - r1981
Soul Eater: Battle Resonance - ULJS00176 - Playable - r1831
Space Invaders Evolution - ULES00348 - Playable
Space Invaders Extreme - ULUS10346 - Loadable
Space Invaders: Galaxy Beat - ULJM05045 - Playable
Space Invaders Pocket - ULJM05015 - Playable
Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires - ULUS10076 - Playable - r1870
Spectral VS Generation - ULES00757 - Playable - r2096
Spelling Challenges and More! - ULUS10255 - Shows Intro
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - ULUS10389 - Shows Intro - r1745
Spiderman 2 - ULUS10015 - Shows Intro
Spinout - ULES00693 - Shows Intro
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULES00280 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULUS10092 - Loadable
SpongeBob's Truth or Square - ULES01365 - Playable
SplinterCell - ULUS10070 - Shows Intro - r2227
SSX On Tour - ULUS10042 - Playable - r1834
Stacked with Daniel Negreanu - ULUS10101 - Half Playable
Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto - Ginga Bishounen Densetsu - Playable - r2324
Star Ocean: First Departure - ULUS10374 - Half Playable - r2340
Star Ocean: Second Evolution - ULUS10375 - Playable - r2340
Star Soldier - ULJM05026 - Playable
Star Trek: Tactical Assault - ULUS10150 - Half Playable - r2041
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron - ULUS10390 - Half Playable - r2107
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron - ULUS10292 - Playable - r1913
Star Wars Battle Front II - ULUS10053 - Playable - r1791
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance - ULES00599 - Shows Intro
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes - ULES01284 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - ULES00981 - Shows Intro
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - ULUS10345 - Shows Intro
State Shift - ULUS10354 - Half Playable - r1914
Steel Horizon - ULUS10215 - Shows Intro
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max - ULUS10062 - Playable - r2157
Street Riders - ULES00276 - Shows Intro
Street Supremacy - ULUS10069 - Half Playable - r1891
Suigetsu Portable - ULJM05346 - Half Playable
Sunday vs Magazine Shuuketsu Choujou Daikessen - ULJM05450 - Half Playable - r2090
Super Collapse 3 - ULUS10287 - Playable (Encrypted)
Super Fruit Fall - ULES00639 - Playable
Super Hind - ULES01091 - Half Playable
Super Monkey Ball Adventure - ULES00364 - Loadable
Super Robot Taisen A Portable - ULJS00143 - Playable
Super Robot Taisen MX Portable - ULJS00041 - Shows Intro
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental - ULJS00445 - Playable - r2441
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin II - Revelation of Evil God - ULJS00446 - Playable - r2441
Super Stardust Portable - NPUG80221 - Half Playable - r1981
Susume Mamore Tatakae - NPJH00030 - Playable
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku - ULJS00123 - Loadable
SWAT: Target Liberty - ULUS10314 - Half Playable - r1902
Sweet Reversi - NPUX80424 - Playable
Syphon ******: Dark Mirror - UCUS98641 - Half Playable - r2110
Syphon ******: Logan's Shadow - UCUS98606 - Shows Intro

Taiheiyou no Arashi - ULJS00127 - Loadable
Taito Legends Power-Up - ULES00473 - Loadable
Taito Memories Pocket - ULJM05076 - Loadable
Tales of Eternia - ULES00176 - Playable - r2012
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology - ULUS10271 - Loadable - r2096
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology 2 - ULJS00175 - Half Playable - r2074
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology 3 - NPJH50353 - Loadable - r2074
Tales of Phantasia: Full Voice Edition - ULJS00079 - Loadable
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - ULJS00293 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tales of VS. - ULJS00209 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2061
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - ULUS10565 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1993
Tantei Opera: Milky Holmes - ULJS00343 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r2099
Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Shissou to Hangeki to Daidanen - ULJM05928 - Playable - r2441
Tekken 6 - ULUS10466 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1931
Tekken: Dark Resurrection - ULUS10139 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2068
Tenchu 4 Plus - ULJM05471 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Tenchu San Portable - ULJM05505 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins - ULUS10419 - Half Playable
Tenchu: Time of the Assassins - ULES00277 - Playable
Test Drive Unlimited - ULUS10249 - Loadable
Tetris - NPUZ00003 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
The 3rd Birthday - ULJM05798 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2012
The 3rd Birthday - ULUS10567 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
The Eye of Judgment Legends - UCES01334 - Loadable (Encrypted)
The Fast and the Furious - ULUS10198 - Loadable
The Godfather: Mob War - ULUS10098 - Shows Intro
The Golden Compass - ULUS10315 - Half Playable
The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome - ULES00798 - Half Playable
The Hustle: Detroit Streets - ULUS10048 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion - ULUS10022 - Playable - r1910
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - ULUS10540 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2100
The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch - ULUS10125 - Playable - r1913
The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean - ULUS10144 - Playable - r1913
The Lord of the Rings: Tactics - ULUS10038 - Loadable - r1507
The Red Star - NPUH10040 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2008
The Terminator - NPEZ00140 - Playable
Thexder Neo - NPUH10019 - Playable (Encrypted)
This Is Football Managment - NPEX00001 - Playable
Tiger Trouble - NPEZ00129 - Playable
Tiger Woods PGA Tour - ULUS10009 - Loadable
TMNT - ULUS10243 - Half Playable - r1562
To LoveRu Trouble: Doki Doki! Rinkaigakkou-Hen - ULJS00154 - Playable
TOCA Race Driver 2 - ULES00040 - Half Playable
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge - ULES00613 - Shows Intro
Tokimeki Memorial - Forever With You - ULJM05078 - Shows Intro
Tokimeki Memorial 4 - NPJH50127 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Tokobot - ULUS10061 - Playable - r1841
Tom Clancy's EndWar - ULUS10358 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas - ULUS10206 - Shows Intro
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials - ULUS10070 - Loadable
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - ULUS10253 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1898
Tomb Raider: Legend - ULES00283 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1793
Tomb Raider: Legend - ULUS10110 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life - CS Edition - ULJM05411 - Half Playable - r1690
Tony Hawk's Project 8 - ULUS10197 - Shows Intro
Tony Hawks Ungerground 2 Remix - ULUS10014 - Loadable
Tonzurakko - NPUX80422 - Playable
Transformers: The Game - ULUS10274 - Loadable
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - ULUS10433 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Traxxpad - ULUS10272 - Loadable
Twin Blades - NPEZ00319 - Playable - r1981
Twisted Metal: Head-On - UCUS98601 - Half Playable - r1984

Ultimate Block Party - ULUS10043 - Half Playable
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULAS42073 - Playable
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULES00419 - Playable - r2406
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULUS10105 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Ultraman: Fighting Evolution 0 - ULJS00069 - Playable
Umihara Kawase Portable - ULJS00137 - Loadable
Unbound Saga - NPUH10008 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Undead Knights - ULES01390 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Undead Knights - ULUS10453 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULES00046 - Shows Intro
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULUS10003 - Playable
Up - ULUS10430 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)

Valhalla Knights - ULES00657 - Playable - r1864
Valhalla Knights 2 - NPUH10041 - Playable
Valkyria Chronicles III: Unrecorded Chronicles - ULJM05781 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2068
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - ULUS10107 - Half Playable - r2055
Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULJM05005 - Half Playable
Vantage Master PORTABLE - ULJM05332 - Playable - r1913
Vector TD - NPEZ00130 - Playable
Vempire - NPEZ00058 - Playable (Encrypted)
Venus & Braves: Majo to Megami to Horobi no Yogen - NPJH50376 - Playable - r2135
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble - ULUS10087 - Playable
Virtua Tennis: World Tour - ULES00126 - Loadable
VitaminZ Revolution - ULJS00278 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)

Wall-E - ULUS10350 - Loadable
Wangan Midnight Portable - ULJM05264 - Half Playable
Warhammer: The Battle for Atluma - ULUS10123 - Half Playable
Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command - ULUS10313 - Half Playable - r1929
Warriors of the Lost Empire - ULUS10309 - Loadable
Warriors Orochi - ULUS10341 - Half Playable
Warriors Orochi 2 - ULUS10423 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1881
Weiss Schwarz Portable - ULJS00422 - Playable - r2391
Wild ARMs XF - ULUS10339 - Shows Intro - r1988
Will O' Wisp Portable - ULJM05447 - Half Playable - r1772
Wipeout Pulse - UCES00465 - Shows Intro
Wipeout Pure - UCES00001 - Shows Intro
Wipeout Pure - UCUS98612 - Shows Intro
Wizardry Empire III: Haou no Keifu - ULJM05218 - Playable
World of Pool - ULES00821 - Shows Intro
World Series Of Poker - ULUS10047 - Half Playable
World Snooker Challenge 2005 - ULES00021 - Half Playable
World Snooker Challenge 2007 - ULES00453 - Half Playable
World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 - ULJM05033 - Encrypted
World Tour Soccer - UCUS98613 - Loadable
Worms: Open Warfare - ULES00268 - Playable
Worms: Open Warfare 2 - ULES00819 - Loadable
WRC: World Rally Championship - ULUS10093 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 - ULUS10050 - Shows Intro
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 - ULUS10199 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 - ULUS10281 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 - ULUS10384 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - ULES01339 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1913
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - ULUS10452 - Loadable (Encrypted)
WWII: Battle Over the Pacific - ULES00974 - Half Playable

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse - ULES00189 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse - ULUS10045 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2125
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ULUS10411 - Half Playable - r1744
Xiaolin Showdown - ULUS10164 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Xyanide: Resurrection - ULES00634 - Loadable (Encrypted)

Yarudora Portable: Blood the Last Vampire - UCJS10025 - Loadable
Yarudora Portable: Double Cast - UCAS40032 - Half Playable - r1679
Yarudora Portable: Kisetsu o Dakishimete - UCAS4003 - Half Playable - r1679
Yarudora Portable: Sampaguita - UCJS10014 - Half Playable - r1679
YetiSports: Pingu Throw - NPEZ00099 - Half Playable
Yggdra Union - ULUS10368 - Playable - r1913
Yoake Yori Ruriiro na Portable - ULJM05625 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1981
Your Memories Off - Girls Style - ULJM05435 - Playable (Encrypted)
Ys I & II Chronicles- ULJM05474 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1913
Ys I & II Chronicles- ULUS10547 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2061
Ys Seven - ULJM05475 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Ys Seven - ULUS10551 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1799
Ys: Felghana no Chikai - NPJH50226 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim - ULUS10051 - Half Playable
Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga - NPJH50276 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1760
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULJM05479 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULUS10481 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force - ULES00600 - Loadable
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 - ULES01183 - Half Playable - r1815
Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam - NPEZ00094 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida. - UCJS10076 - Loadable
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida 3D - UCJS10109 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCAS40240 - Loadable
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCJS10086 - Shows Intro

Zendoku - ULES00692 - Shows Intro
Zero Choaniki - ULJM05390 - Loadable
Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku - NPJH50144 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman - ULUS10559 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1827
Zill O'll Infinite Plus - ULJM05410 - Half Playable - r1948
Zwei!! - ULJM05392 - Playable - r1905
اینطور که تو لیست مشخص بود-pes 2010 ساپورت می کنه
لینک دانلود نرم افزار خرابه-جدیدترین نسخه نرم افزار لینکش بذارید؟
JPCSP - Compatibility List Games

.hack//Link - ULJS00266 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
-Saki- Portable - ULJM05556 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
300: March to Glory - ULUS10241 - Half Playable - r1852
50 Cent: Bulletproof G Unit Edition - ULUS10128 - Half Playable - r1718
7 Wonders - ULUS10227 - Playable (Encrypted)
7th Dragon 2020 - NPJH50459 - Playable - r2391

Ace Combat: Joint Assault - ULUS10511 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1777
Ace Combat X - ULUS10176 - Loadable
Aces of War - ULES00590 - Loadable
Activision Hits Remixed - ULUS10186 - Loadable
Adventure Player - ULJS00011 - Playable
Adventures To Go! - ULUS10417 - Playable (Encrypted)
Aedis Eclipse - Generation of Chaos - ULUS10242 - Playable - r2050
After Burner: Black Falcon - ULES00785 - Loadable
Age Of Zombies - NPZ00044 - Playable
AI Igo - ULJS00008 - Shows Intro
AI Shogi - ULJS00009 - Loadable
Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II - ULUS10404 - Playable
Alien Syndrome - ULUS10245 - Playable - r2211
Alien Zombie Death - NPEZ00115 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Aliens vs. Predator - Requiem - ULUS10327 - Half Playable - r1751
Amagami Ebikore Plus - ULJS00339 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
Anata o Yurusanai - ULJM05279 - Half Playable
Another Century's Episode Portable - ULJS00322 - Playable - r1980
Antiphona no Seikahime Tenshi no Score Op A - ULJS00229 - Shows Intro
Ape Academy - UCES00010 - Loadable
Ape Academy 2 - UCES00302 - Loadable
Ape Escape: On The Loose - UCUS98609 - Playable - r1994
Ape Quest - NPUG80061 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2070
Aqua Panic! - NPEH00026 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Archer Maclean's Mercury - ULUS10017 - Shows Intro
Armored Core 3 Portable - ULJM05492 - Shows Intro
Armored Core Last Raven Portable - ULJM05611 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Armored Core: Silent Line Portable - NPUH10025 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1733
Army of Two: The 40th Day - ULUS10472 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1841
Arthur and the Invisibles - ULES00669 - Half Playable
Asphalt: Urban GT 2 - ULES00719 - Playable - r2127
Assassin's Creed Bloodlines - ULES10455 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1713
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines - ULUS10455 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2072
Astonishia Story - ULUS10083 - Playable
Atari Classics Evolved - ULUS10325 - Loadable
Asterix and Obelix XXL 2: Mission WiFix - ULES00527 - Playable - r2410
ATV Offroad Fury - UCUS98603 - Shows Intro
Autoescuela Aprueba Conmigo - ULES01366 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Avatar: The Last Airbender - ULUS10165 - Shows Intro
Avatar: The Legend of Aang - ULES00633 - Shows Intro

B-Boy - ULUS10363 - Shows Intro
Battlezone - ULUS10156 - Playable
Battle Spirits Heroes Soul - ULJS00280 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Battle Spirits: Kiseki no Hasha - ULJS00238 - Playable - r2391
Beam'Em Up - NPEZ00081 - Loadable
Beaterator - ULUS10405 - Playable (Encrypted)
Beats - NPUG80060 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1841
Ben 10: Protector of Earth - ULUS10307 - Loadable
Beowulf: The Game - ULUS10329 - Half Playable - r1529
Beta Bloc - ULES00792 - Loadable
Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light - ULUS10124 - Playable
Black Rock Shooter: The Game - NPJH50448 - Playable - r2244
Blast Off - NPUZ00021 - Loadable
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II - ULJM05850 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2088
BlazBlue Portable - ULUS10519 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1636
Blazing Souls: Accelate - ULUS10527 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Bleach: Heat the Soul - UCJS10008 - Playable - r1778
Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 - UCJS10017 - Playable - r1764
Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 - UCJS10042 - Playable - r1764
Bleach: Heat the Soul 4 - UCJS10057 - Playable - r1766
Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 - UCJS10082 - Playable - r1767
Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 - UCJS10093 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 - UCJS10110 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1776
Bleach: Soul Carnival - UCJS10085 - Playable - 1796
Bleach: Soul Carnival 2 - UCJS10106 - Playable - r2117
Bliss Island - ULES00616 - Playable
Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship - ULUS10332 - Playable
Blood Plus: Final Piece - UCJS10044 - Loadable
Bloons - NPEZ00045 - Playable (Encrypted)
Blue Roses: Yousei to Aoi Hitomi no Senshitachi - NPJH50280 - Playable - r2132
Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai - ULJS00188 - Shows Intro
Bomberman - ULUS10121 - Playable - r2214
Bomberman Land - ULUS10319 - Loadable
Bounty Hounds - ULUS10161 - Shows Intro
Bowling 3D - NPUZ00002 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Brain Challenge - NPUH10006 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Brainpipe - NPUZ00009 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Brandish: The Dark Revenant - ULJM05424 - Playable - r1752
Brave Story: New Traveler - ULUS10279 - Half Playable - r1870
BreakQuest - NPEZ00011 - Playable (Encrypted)
Breath Of Fire III - ULES00193 - Playable
Brothers in Arms D-Day - ULUS10193 - Shows Intro - r1841
Brunswick Pro Bowling - ULUS10283 - Shows Intro
Bubble Bobble Evolution - ULES00303 - Loadable
Bubble Trubble - NPUZ00007 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Bumpy Trot: Vehicle Battle Tournament - ULJS00130 - Shows Intro
Burnout Dominator - ULUS10236 - Half Playable - r1799
Burnout Legends - ULES00125 - Shows Intro
Burnout Legends - ULUS10025 - Loadable
Burst Error: Eve the First - ULJM05615 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Busou Shinki: Battle Masters - ULJM05538 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Bust-A-Move Deluxe - ULUS10057 - Playable
Bust-A-Move Ghost - ULES00233 - Playable
Buzz! Master Quiz - UCES01032 - Playable - r1768

Cabela's African Safari - ULUS10175 - Half Playable - r1686
Cabela's Dangerous Hunts: Ultimate Challenge - ULUS10106 - Half Playable - r1686
Cabela's Legendary Adventures - ULUS10385 - Shows Intro - r1885
CakeMania Bakers Challenge - UCES01157 - Playable
Call of Duty: Roads to Victory - ULUS10218 - Loadable
Canvas 3 - Nanairo no Kiseki - ULJM05659 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Capcom Classic Collection Reloaded - ULUS10134 - Shows Intro
Capcom Puzzle World - ULUS10217 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Car Jack Streets - NPUZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Carol Vorderman's Sudoku - ULUS10126 - Playable
Cars - ULUS10073 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Cars: Race-O-Rama - ULUS10428 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Castlevania The Dracula X Chronicles - ULKS46155 - Half Playable
Chameleon - ULUS10267 - Loadable
Championship Manager 2007 - ULES00636 - Shows Intro
Chaos;Head Noah - ULJM05692 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1948
Chessmaster: The Art of Learning - ULUS10335 - Half Playable
Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - ULJM05172 - Loadable
CID The Dummy - ULUS10356 - Half Playable
Circles - NPEZ00007 - Playable
Clannad - ULJM05338+ULJM05339 - Half Playable - r1593
Class of Heroes - ULUS10396 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Classic Dungeon: Fuyoku no Masoujin - NPJH50185 - Shows Intro
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - ULUS10444 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Chili Con Carnage - ULUS10216 - Half Playable - r1881
Cho Aniki Zero - NPUH10031 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Code Geass: Lost Colors - ULJS00135 - Playable - r1931
Code Lyoko - ULUS10351 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1975
Coded Arms - ULUS10019 - Half Playable
Coded Arms - ULES00124 - Playable - r2211
Coded Arms: Contagion - ULUS10184 - Shows Intro - r1891
Coded Soul: Uketsugareshi Idea - UCJS10061 - Playable - r1773
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULES01301 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Colin McRae: DiRT 2 - ULUS10471 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1740
Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus - ULES00111 - Shows Intro
Comic Party Portable - ULJS00027 - Half Playable - r1593
Corpse Party - NPUH10117 - Playable - r2390
Corpse Party Book of Shadows - ULJM05909 - Playable - r2393
Cover Girl - ULES01302 - Playable
Crash Mind Over Mutant - ULUS10377 - Playable
Crash of the Titans - ULUS10304 - Playable
Crash Tag Team Racing - ULUS10044 - Playable
Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars - ULUS10273 - Shows Intro
Creature Defense - NPUH10034 - Playable (Encrypted)
Crimson Gem Saga - UCAS40212 - Half Playable
Crimson Gem Saga - ULUS10400 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1751
Crimson Room: Reverse - NPUH10037 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
Crimson Room Reverse - ULJM05408 - Loadable
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - ULUS10336 - Playable - r1500+
Cross Channel: To All People - ULJM05623 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Crush - ULES00765 - Loadable
Crystal Defenders - NPEH00017 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Cube - ULUS10223 - Loadable
Cubixx - NPEZ00101 - Playable (Encrypted)

D.C. Girl's Symphony Pocket - ULJM05690 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
D-Cube Planet - NPEZ00008 - Playable (Encrypted)
Daisenryaku Daitoua Kouboushi - ULJS00147 - Shows Intro
Dante's Inferno - ULES01384 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1545
Dante's Inferno - ULUS10469 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1505
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULUS10005 - Shows Intro
Dave Mirra BMX Challenge - ULUS10204 - Playable - r1524
Daxter - UCUS98618 - Playable - r1831
Dead Head Fred - ULUS10288 - Shows Intro
Dead or Alive: Paradise - ULUS10521 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1747
Dead To Rights: Reckoning - ULES00195 - Playable - r1773
Dead to Rights: Reckoning - ULUS10023 - Half Playable
Death, Jr. - ULUS10027 - Loadbale
Def Jam: Fight for NY: The Takeover - ULES00390 - Playable - r2188
Deflector - NPEZ00127 - Playable
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu - ULJM05588 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Derby Time - UCJS10006 - Shows Intro
Desi Adda:Games of India - UCES01279 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Diabolik: The Original Sin - ULES01248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Digi-Tiles - NPUX80407 - Playable (Encrypted)
Diner Dash - ULES00755 - Loadable
Diner Dash: Sizzle & Serve - ULUS10264 - Playable
Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness - ULUS10308 - Playable - r1610
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULES01392 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days - ULUS10461 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Disgaea Infinite - ULUS10522 - Playable - r1695
Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy - NPJH50377 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2000
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULES01270 - Shows Intro - r1591
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULJM05262 - Shows Intro
Dissidia Final Fantasy - ULUS10437 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1672+
DJ Max Fever - ULUS10403 - Shows Intro - r1633
Dora Slot Kyojin no Hoshi II - ULJM05027 - Loadable
Dora-Slot: Shuyaku wa Zenigata - ULJM05014 - Half Playable
Downstream Panic! - ULUS10322 - Shows Intro
Dracula - Undead Awakening - NPEZ00124 - Playable - r1591
Dragonball: Evolution - ULES01227 - Playable - r1736
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULES00309 - Playable - r1759
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - ULUS10081 - Shows Intro
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 - ULES00789 - Loadable
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road - ULUS10234 - Playable - r1772
Dragon Dance - ULJM05407 - Loadable
Dragoneer's Aria - ULUS10291 - Playable - r2002
Driver 76 - ULUS10235 - Half Playable - r1841
DT Carnage - ULUS10406 - Shows Intro
DTM Race Driver 2 - ULES00041 - Loadable
Dungeons & Dragons Tactics - ULUS10232 - Half Playable
Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts - ULUS10289 - Half Playable - r1514
Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground - ULUS10282 - Half Playable
Dungeon Maker 2 The Hidden War - ULUS10393 - Half Playable
Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony - ULUS10177 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Dynasty Warriors - ULUS10004 - Playable - r1509
Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce - ULUS10416 - Half Playable - r1879
Dynasty Warriors Vol.2 - ULUS10170 - Playable - r1773
DynoGems - NPEZ00117 - Playable

EA Sports Fight Night Round 3 - ULUS10066 - Shows Intro
Earthshield - NPUX80405 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1702
Echochrome - UCAS40197 - Playable - r1648
Echoshift - UCES01313 - Half Playable
Eiyuu Densetsu: Ao no Kiseki - NPJH50473 - Playable -r2324
Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd - ULJM05353 - Half Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki FC - ULJM05170 - Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki SC Disc 1+2 - ULJM05277+ULJM05278 - Half Playable - r1562
Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki - NPJH50311 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1785
Elminage 2 - ULJM05488 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1736
Eragon - ULUS10146 - Half Playable - r2068
Evangelion: Jo - ULJS00201 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1580
Every Extend Extra - ULUS10147 - Half Playable
Everybody's Golf - UCES00012 - Loadable
Everyday Shooter - NPUG80224 - Playable (Encrypted)
Exit - ULJM05062 - Shows Intro
Exit - ULUS10074 - Loadable
Exit 2 - ULES00620 - Loadable

F1 2009 - ULUS10449 - Shows Intro(Encrypted)
F1 2009 - ULES01355 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1684
F1 Grand Prix - UCES00004 - Loadable
Fading Shadows - ULES00858 - Half Playable - r1507
FairlyLife MiracleDays - ULJM05618 - Loadable(Encrypted) - r1745
Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable - ULJM05440 - Encrypted
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake - UCES01312 - Shows Intro
Fate/Extra - ULUS10576 - Playable - r2367
Fate/Tiger Colosseum - ULJM05266 - Shows Intro
Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper - ULJM05360 - Shows Intro - r1690
Fate/unlimited codes - NPUH10009 - Playable (Encrypted)
Fate/unlimited codes Portable - ULJM05451 - Shows Intro
Fate Extra - NPJH50247 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1764
Field Commander - ULUS10088 - Loadable
Fieldrunners - NPUZ00014 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Fifa Street 2 - ULES00264 - Loadable
Fight Ippatsu Juuden-chan - ULJM05668 - Playable - r2313
Final Approach 2: 1st Priority Portable - ULJM05419 - Half Playable - r1690
Final Armada - ULES00661 - Playable - r2319
Final Fantasy - ULES00986 - Playable - r1434
Final Fantasy - ULJM05241 - Playable - r1557
Final Fantasy - ULUS10251 - Playable - r1634
Final Fantasy II - ULES00987 - Shows Intro
Final Fantasy II - ULUS10263 - Playable - r2043
Final Fantasy II - ULJM05245 - Loadable
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULES00850 - Shows Intro
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions - ULUS10297 - Half Playable - r1591
Final Fantasy Type-0 - NPJH50443 - Playable - r2255
Finder Love - Aki Hoshino - ULJM05145 - Shows Intro
Finder Love - Hara Fumina - ULJM05143 - Shows Intro
Finder Love - Risa Kudo - ULJM05144 - Shows Intro
Fired Up - UCES00015 - Playable
Fish Eyes Portable - ULJS00082 - Playable - r1562
FlatOut Head On - ULUS10328 - Shows Intro - r1734
flOw - NPUG80086 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Football Manager Handheld 2008 - ULES00934 - Loadable
Football Manager Handheld 2009 - ULES01152 - Half Playable
Ford Bold Moves Street Racing - ULUS10159 - Shows Intro - r1841
Ford Racing Off Road - ULUS10326 - Shows Intro
Ford Street Racing L.A. DUEL - ULES00564 - Shows Intro
Formula One 2005 Portable - UCJS10019 - Loadable
Fortix - NPEZ00096 - Playable (Encrypted)
Frantix - ULUS10039 - Half Playable
Freak Out: Extreme Freeride - ULES00783 - Loadable
Free Running - ULES00704 - Half Playable
Freekscape: Escape From Hell - NPUZ00013 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1907
Frogger: Helmet Chaos - ULES00207 - Playable
From Russia With Love - ULUS10080 - Playable
Full Auto 2: Battlelines - ULUS10220 - Half Playable - r1524
FullMetal Alchemist: Senaka wo Takuseshimono - ULJS00220 - Playable
Funky Punch - NPUZ00011 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Fushigi no Dungeon Fuurai no Shiren 3 Portable - ULJS00239 - Loadable (Encrypted)

G-Force - ULUS10439 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Generation of Chaos - ULUS10075 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Gensou Suikoden I + II - ULJM05086 - Playable - r1870
Ghostbusters: The Video Game - ULUS10486 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1725
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - UCAS40025 - Loadable
Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex - ULUS10020 - Shows Intro - r1537
Ghost Rider - ULUS10210 - Half Playable - r1985
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra - ULUS10435 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Gitaroo Man Lives! - ULUS10207 - Loadable
Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Collection - ULJM05358 - Shows Intro - r1690
Gladiator Begins - ULUS10528 - Playable - r2156
Gloria Union - ULJM05813 - Playable - r2293
Go! Sudoku - UCES00152 - Loadable
God Eater - ULJS00237 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1743
God of War: Chains of Olympus - UCUS98653 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1984
God of War: Ghost of Sparta - UCUS98737 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1997
Gods Eater Burst - ULUS10563 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r2023
Gottlieb Pinball Classics - ULES00212 - Loadable
GachiTora! Abarenbou Kyoushi in High School - ULJS00355 - Playable - r2097
Gran Turismo - UCES01245 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1531
Gran Turismo - UCUS98632 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - ULUS10490 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1734
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories - ULUS10041 - Shows Intro - r1744
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - ULUS10160 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1750
Gretzky NHL 2005 - UCUS98604 - Shows Intro
Gripshift - ULUS10040 - Playable
Growlanser IV: Over Reloaded - ULJM05896 - Playable - r2289
GTI Club Supermini Festa! - NPUH10044 - Playable (Encrypted)
Guilty Gear Judgment - ULES00574 - Shows Intro
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus - ULUS10409 - Shows Intro
Gun Showdown - ULUS10158 - Shows Intro
Gundam Assault Survive - ULJS00281 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Gundam Battle Tactics - ULJS00025 - Shows Intro
Gundam Battle Universe - ULJS00145 - Playable - r2255
Gundam Memories: Tatakai no Kioku - NPJH50437 - Playable - r2196
Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable - ULJM05238 - Encrypted
Gungnir: Masou no Gunshin to Eiyuu Sensou - ULJM05779 - Playable - r2211
Gunpey - ULES00648 - Half Playable
Gurumin - ULUS10228 - Shows Intro - r1706

Hakuouki: Yuugi Roku - ULJM05663 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
Half-Minute Hero - ULUS10491 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Hammer Wars - NPEZ00142 - Playable
Hammerin' Hero - ULUS10392 - Shows Intro
Hannah Montana: Rock out The Show - ULUS10431 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULES00216 - Loadable
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - ULUS10032 - Loadable
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - ULUS10381 - Playable (Encrypted)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - ULUS10261 - Half Playable - r1891
Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl - ULUS10142 - Playable
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley - ULUS10458 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1747
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva - ULJM05472 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1819
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2nd - ULJM05681 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Hayarigami 2 Portable: Keishichou Kaijiken File - ULJS00149 - Shows Intro
Hayate no Gotoku: Nightmare Paradise - ULJM05416 - Shows Intro
Heatseeker - ULES00760 - Playable
Heatseeker - ULUS10259 - Loadable
Heaven's Will - ULJM05186 - Loadable
Hellboy: The Science of Evil - ULUS10301 - Loadable
Hello Kitty Puzzle Party - ULES01397 - Playable (Encrypted)
Hello Kitty to Issho! Block Crash 123!! - ULJM05707 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1827
Hero of Sparta - NPUZ00005 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1891
Hexyz Force - ULUS10506 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1850
Higanjima - ULJS00013 - Playable
Higurashi Daybreak Portable - ULJM05388 - Shows Intro
Hiiro no Kakera Portable - ULJM05399 - Shows Intro
HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable - ULJM05354 - Half Playable(Encrypted) - r1689
Himitsu no Radio - ULJS00161 - Shows Intro - r1586
Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden - Ten no Haoh - ULJM05404 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! - ULES01332 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Hoshizora * Planet: One Small Step For... - ULJM05845 - Playable - r2315
HotBrain - ULUS10268 - Loadable
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee - UCUS98614 - Loadable
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULES00828 - Shows Intro
Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - ULUS10239 - Shows Intro - r1841
Hysteria Project - NPUZ00072 - Playable (Encrypted)

Ice Road Truckers - NPEZ00145 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1749
Idolmaster SP - The Missing Moon - ULJS00169 - Loadable
Idolmaster SP - The Perfect Sun - ULJS00167 - Loadable
Idolmaster SP - The Wandering Star - ULJS00168 - Loadable
Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist - ULJS00152 - Playable - r1545
Ikki Tousen: Xross Impact - NPJH50222 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1744
Ikuze! Gen-San: Yuuyake Daiku Monogatari - ULJM91013 - Loadable
IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey - ULES01316 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Impossible Mission - ULES00764 - Loadable
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings - ULUS10316 - Half Playable - r1891
Infected - ULUS10054 - Playable
Initial D: Street Stage - ULJM05093 - Shows Intro
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon - ULES00658 - Loadable (Encrypted)
International Athletics - ULES01090 - Playable
International Snooker - NPEZ00104 - Playable
Iron Man - ULUS10347 - Loadable - r1881
Iron Man 2 - ULES01422 - Shows Intro(Encrypted) - r1698
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Portable - ULJM05961 - Playable - r2441

Jackass: The Game - ULUS10303 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1978
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier - UCUS98634 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2306
James Cameron`s Avatar: The Game - ULUS10451 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1880
Jeanne D'Arc - UCUS98700 - Loadable - r2050
Judie no Atelier Toraware no Moribito - ULJM05607 - Playable (Encrypted)
Juiced: Eliminator - ULUS10090 - Shows Intro - r1730
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights - ULUS10312 - Shows Intro - r1736
Juusei to Diamond - UCJS10092 - Half Playable

K-On! Houkago Live!! - ULJM05709 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Kamen no Maid Guy: Boyoyon Battle Royale - ULJM05418 - Loadable
Kamen Rider Climax Heroes Fourze - NPJH50502 - Playable - r2394
Kao Challengers - ULUS10085 - Half Playable - r1881
Kazook - ULES00517 - Playable
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena - ULJS00157 - Playable - r1772
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena 2 - Spirits Burst - ULJS00218 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Kizuna no Tag Battle - NPJH50221 - Loadable (Encrypted) - r1796
Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono. - ULJM05343 - Loadable
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble - ULUS10442 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Kenka Banchou Portable - ULJS00235 - Loadable
Key of Heaven - UCES00178 - Shows Intro
Killzone: Liberation - UCUS98646 - Loadable - r1900
King of Clubs - ULES00914 - Shows Intro
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ULJM05600 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1796
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep - ULUS10505 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1791
Kingdom of Paradise - UCUS98623 - Playable - r2188
Knights in the Nightmare - ULUS10539 - Playable - r2211
Koisuru Otome to Shugo no Tate Portable - ULJM05635 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1948
Koloomn - ULES00143 - Loadable
Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte - ULJM05428 - Loadable
Konjiki no Corda 2 Forte Encore - ULJM05508 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o: Te no Hira No Rakuen - ULJM05442 - Playable (Encrypted)
Koori No Bohyou Ichiryuuwa 3 Dome No Junan - NPJH50186 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1591

La Corda d'Oro - ULJM05054 - Loadable
La Pucelle: Ragnarok - ULJS00244 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1945
Lanfeust of Troy - ULES01022 - Loadable
Last Ranker - ULJM05676 - Half Playable - r1984
Legend of Kunoichi - NPUX80406 - Playable (Encrypted)
Lego Batman: The Videogame - ULUS10380 - Half Playable - r1586
Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures - ULUS10365 - Half Playable - r1586
Lego Indiana Jones 2 - ULUS10487 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy - ULES00479 - Half Playable - r1586
Lemmings - UCES00109 - Playable - r1598
Lemmings - UCUS98647 - Loadable
Let's Golf - NPUZ00004 - Shows Intro
Like Life Every Hour- ULJM05507 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1680
Little Big Planet - UCUS98744 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1923
Little Britain - ULES00840 - Shows Intro
LocoRoco - UCES00304 - Half Playable - v0.5
LocoRoco 2 - UCET01181 - Shows Intro
LocoRoco: Midnight Carnival - NPEG00024 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Lord of Apocalypse - NPJH50503 - Playable - r2413
Lord of Arcana - NPJH50335 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1799
Lord of Arcana - ULUS10479 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1994
Lucky * Star: Net Idol Meister - ULJM05542 - Playable(Encrypted) - r1766
Lumines - ULES00043 - Shows Intro
Lunar: Harmony of Silver Star - NPJH50054 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Lunar: Silver Star Harmony - ULUS10482 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2051
Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge - ULUS10333 - Playable (Encrypted)
Luxor: Wrath of Set - ULUS10201 - Playable
M.A.C.H. - Modified Air Combat Heroes - ULUS10180 - Loadable
Macross Ace Frontier - ULJS00158 - Playable - UNK
Madden NFL 06 - ULUS10024 - Loadable
Madden NFL 09 - ULUS10352 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Madden NFL 10 - ULUS10441 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Madden NFL 11 - ULUS10541 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1773
Magic Sudoku - ULES00621 - Playable
Magna Carta Portable - ULJS00042 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1562
Mahjongg Artifacts: Chapter 2 - NPEZ00003 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Mahjong Fight Club - ULJM05163 - Shows Intro
Mahou Shoujo Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny - ULJS00385 - Playable - r2441
Mai-hime senretsu - ULJS00062 - Loadable
Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Portable - ULJS00183 - Shows Intro
Manhunt 2 - ULUS10280 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1750
Manic Monkey Mayhem - NPUZ00096 - Half Playable - r1514
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects - ULES00159 - Playable - r1772
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - ULUS10167 - Playable Encrypted - r1788
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 - ULUS10421 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Mawaskes - ULES01104 - Loadable
Me & My Katamari - ULUS10094 - Playable - r1772
Medal of Honor: Heroes - ULUS10141 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 - ULUS10310 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
MediEvil Resurrection - UCES00006 - Shows Intro
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X - ULUS10068 - Playable
Mega Man Powered Up - ULUS10091 - Playable - r1778
Memories Off - ULJM05334 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off #5: Togireta Film - ULJM05394 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off 2nd - ULJM05335 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off 6: T-Wave - ULJM05467 - Playable Encrypted - r1679
Memories Off: AfterRain - ULJM05473 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Memories Off: Sorekara - ULJM05350 - Half Playable - r1690
Memories Off: Sorekara Again - ULJM05526 - Playable (Encrypted)
Metal Gear Acid - ULUS10006 - Half Playable - r2023
Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel - ULUS10108 - Shows Intro
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - NPJH50045 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker - ULUS10509 - Half Playable - r2183
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - ULES00645 - Loadable
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - ULUS10202 - Loadable
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus - ULES01003 - Half Playable - r2090
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus - ULUS10290 - Half Playable - r2108
Metal Slug Anthology - ULES00530 - Shows Intro
Metal Slug XX - ULUS10495 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Miami Vice: The Game - ULUS10109 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Micro Machines V4 - ULES00368 - Shows Intro
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - ULES00108 - Half Playable -r1780
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition - ULUS10021 - Shows Intro - r1734
Midnight Club: L.A. Remix - ULUS10383 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1736
Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play - ULUS10059 - Half Playable
Military History Commander Europe at War - ULES01179 - Playable
Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULJM05379 - Shows Intro
Mimana Iyar Chronicle - ULUS10492 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Minna de Dokusho: Keatai Shousetsu Desu - ULJM05393 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Minna no Sukkiri - UCJS10094 - Half Playable
Mind Quiz - ULUS10178 - Shows Intro
MLB - UCUS98605 - Shows Intro
MLB 10 The Show - UCUS98742 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
ModNation Racers - UCES01327 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1515
Moegaku @ Portable - ULJM05174 - Half Playable - UNK
Moeru Mahjong: Moejong! - ULJM05375 - Loadable
Monochrome - ULJM05642 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Monster Hunter 2 - ULES00851 - Encrypted
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - ULUS10266 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Monster Hunter Freedom - ULES00318 - Half Playable - r1578
Monster Hunter Freedom - ULUS10084 - Shows Intro
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULES01213 - Shows Intro
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - ULUS10391 - Loadable
Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G - ULJM05500 - Loadable
Monster Jam: Urban Assault - ULUS10379 - Half Playable
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner - ULUS10211 - Loadable
Mortal Kombat: Unchained - ULUS10102 - Half Playable - r1734
MotoGP - ULUS10153 - Half Playable
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - UCES01250 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
MotorStorm: Arctic Edge - UCUS98743 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1745
MTX Mototrax - ULUS10138 - Half Playable
Musou Tourou - ULJS00163 - Shows Intro
Myst - ULES00412 - Playable
Mytran Wars - ULES01098 - Shows Intro
MX vs ATV: Reflex - ULUS10429 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
MX vs. ATV Untamed - ULUS10330 - Shows Intro

n+ - ULUS10340 - Half Playable - r1751
Nakahara no Hasha: Sangoku Shouseiden - ULJS00036 - Shows Intro
Namco Museum Battle Collection - ULUS10035 - Shows Intro
Nana - Subete wa Daimaou no Omichibiki - ULJM05142 - Shows Intro - r1591
Nanatama: Chronicle of Dungeon Maker - NPJH90035 - Encrypted
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes - ULUS10299 - Half Playable
Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising - ULES01306 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 - ULUS10518 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1772
Nascar - ULUS10122 - Loadable
NBA 2K5 - UCUS98607 - Shows Intro
NBA2K10 - ULUS10474 - Shows Intro
Need For Speed: Carbon - Own The City - ULUS10114 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Most Wanted - ULUS10036 - Playable - r1766
Need For Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 - ULES00196 - Shows Intro
Need For Speed: ProStreet - ULUS10331 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Shift - ULUS10462 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1841
Need for Speed: Undercover - ULES01145 - Encrypted
Need For Speed: Undercover - ULUS10376 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1766
Need For Speed: Underground Rivals - ULUS10007 - Shows Intro - r1730
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Tsukurareshi Sekai - ULJS00061 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Neopets: Petpet Adventures - The Wand of Wishing - UCUS98622 - Half Playable
Neverland Card Battles - ULUS10382 - Loadable
NFL Street 2 Unleashed - ULUS10008 - Loadable
NFL Street 3 - ULES00641 - Shows Intro
NHRA Drag Racing: Countdown to the Championship - ULUS10278 - Loadable
Ninja Katsugeki: Tenchu Kurenai Portable - ULJM05598 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Nogizaka Haruka No Himistu Doujinshi Hajimemashita - NPJH00021 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Normal Tanks - NPEZ00135 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Numblast - NPUG80320 - Loadable (Encrypted)

Obscure: The Aftermath - ULUS10484 - Playable (Encrypted) - UNK
Omoide ni Kawaru-Kimi: Memories Off - ULJM05349 - Half Playable - r1690
Onechanbara Special - ULJS00367 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
Onore no Shinzuru Michi o Yuke - ULJM05465 - Encrypted
Ookami Kakushi - ULJM05413 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Open Season - ULUS10152 - Shows Intro
Oretachi no Sabage Portable - ULJS00170 - Half Playable
Otome wa Oanesama Boku ni Koi Shiteru Portable - ULJM05647 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1736
Otsugea Uranai na Desu. - ULJM05409 - Playable
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast - ULUS10064 - Shows Intro
Over the Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts - ULUS10187 - Loadable - r1507

Pac-Man World 3 - ULUS10055 - Playable
Pac-Man World Rally - ULUS10149 - Loadable
Pachisi - NPEZ00123 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Parodius Portable - ULJM05220 - Shows Intro
Patapon - UCES00995 - Shows Intro
Patapon 2 - UCES01177 - Shows Intro - r1788
Patapon 2 - UCJS10089 - Loadable
Patchwork Heroes - NPEG00028 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
PDC World Championship Darts - ULES01096 - Encrypted
Persona - ULUS10432 - Playable - r2334
Persona 2: Innocent Sin - ULUS10584 - Playable - r2319
Persona 2: Tsumi - NPJH50329 - Playable - r2078
Peter Jackson's King Kong - ULUS10072 - Half Playable
Petz Dogz Family - ULUS10463 - Playable
Phantasy Star Portable - ULUS10410 - Half Playable
Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1778
Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess - ULJM05464 - Playable - r1503
Pilot Academy - ULES00374 - Loadable
Pinball Dreams - NPEZ00021 - Playable
Pinball Fantasies - NPEZ00022 - Playable (Encrypted)
Pinball Hall of Fame - ULUS10052 - Shows Intro
Pipe Mania - ULES01094 - Half Playable
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - ULUS10252 - Playable
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - ULUS10111 - Shows Intro
PixelJunk: Monsters Deluxe - NPUG80248 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume - ULJM05383 - Shows Intro
PlayChapas Football Edition - UCES01134 - Shows Intro
Pocket Racers - ULES00275 - Half Playable
Pop 'n Music Portable - ULJM05605 - Loadable (Encrypted)
PoPoLoCrois - ULES00291 - Shows Intro
Portable Island: Tenohira Resort - ULJS00031 - Shows Intro
Power Pro Success Legends - ULJM05537 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Power Stone Collection - ULES00496 - Loadable
PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient - ULUS10046 - Shows Intro
Pri-Saga! Portable - ULJM05521 - Half Playable - r1571
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - ULUS10480 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1793
Prince of Persia: Revelations - ULUS10063 - Half Playable - r1529
Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - ULUS10240 - Shows Intro - r1684
Princess Crown - ULJM05040 - Playable
Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? - ULUS10407 - Playable - r1624
Prinny 2 Tokkou Yuugi Akatsuki no Pants Daisakusenssu - NPJH50211 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1689
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 - ULES00880 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 - ULES01354 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1773
Pursuit Force - UCUS98640 - Shows Intro - r1507
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice - UCES00694 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - UNK
Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice - UCUS98703 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary - ULJM05177 - Loadable
Puyo Pop Fever - ULES00294 - Shows Intro
Puzzle Bobble Pocket - ULJM05011 - Playable - r1780
Puzzler Collection - ULES01066 - Playable
Puzzle Chronicles - ULUS10468 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Puzzle Guzzle - ULUS10334 - Loadable
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords - ULUS10225 - Playable
Puzzle Scape - ULUS10190 - Half Playable
Puzzle Scape Mini - NPEZ00001 - Half Playable (Encrypted)

Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos - ULJS00190 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1759

R-Type Command - ULUS10343 - Loadable
Race Driver 2006 - ULUS10096 - Half Playable
Ragnarok - Hikari to Yami no Koujyo - NPJH50431 - Playable - r2367
Ranshima Monogatari Rare Land Story: Shoujo no Yakujou - ULJM05387 - Loadable
Rapala Trophies - ULUS10137 - Half Playable - UNK
Ratatouille - ULUS10247 - Half Playable - r1514
Real Madrid - ULES01219 - Playable
Red Bull X-Fighters - NPEZ00100 - Half Playable
Reel Fishing: The Great Outdoors - ULUS10166 - Playable - UNK
Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N. - ULUS10127 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory - ULUS10013 - Shows Intro
Resistance: Retribution - UCUS98668 - Half Playable - r1841
Resistance: Retribution - UCES01184 - Shows Intro
Retro Cave Flyer - NPEZ00141 - Playable (Encrypted)
Rezel Cross - UCJS10023 - Half Playable
Ricky Ponting 2007 Pressure Play - ULES00815 - Loadable
Ridge Racer - UCES00002 - Half Playable
Ridge Racer - ULUS10001 - Shows Intro
Ridge Racer 2 - UCES00422 - Shows Intro
Riviera: The Promised Land - ULUS10286 - Shows Intro
Rocket Racing - NPEZ00043 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Route 66 - NPEZ00036 - Playable (Encrypted)
Rupupu Cube Rupu Sarada Portable Matatabi - NPJH50103 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Rush - ULUS10174 - Shows Intro

Saigo no Yakusoku no Monogatari - NPJH50416 - Playable - r2157
Samurai Dou Portable - ULJS00155 - Loadable
Samurai Shodown Anthology - ULUS10401 - Half Playable
Samurai Warriors: State of War - ULUS10089 - Shows Intro
Sarugetchu P! - UCJS10004 - Half Playable
Savage Moon: The Hera Campaign - NPUG80328 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
SBK Superbike World Championship - ULUS10300 - Shows Intro
Scarface: Money. Power. Respect. - ULUS10148 - Loadable - r1891
School Rumble - Anesan Jiken Desu! - ULJS00019 - Playable - r1870
Scrabble - ULUS10412 - Loadable
SD Gundam G Generation World - ULJS00363 - Playable - r2242
Secret Agent Clank - UCUS98697 - Loadable
Secret of Evangelion - ULJM05251 - Half Playable
Sega Mega Drive Collection - ULES00556 - Loadable
SEGA Rally - ULES00910 - Playable - r2100
Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes - ULJM05436 - Loadable
Sengoku Basara: Chronicle Heroes - NPJH50460 - Playable - r2239
Sangoku Hime: Sangoku Ransei - Haruten no Saihai - ULJS00435 - Playable - r2449
Sengoku Tenka Touitsu - ULJS00187 - Loadable
Shadow of Destiny - ULUS10459 - Half Playable - r1891
Sheep Defense - NPUX80421 - Playable - r1465
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona - ULUS10432 - Playable - r2211
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable - ULUS10512 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1785
Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid - ULJM05427 - Loadable
Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2 - ULJM05637 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Shining Hearts - NPJH50342 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2090
Shinobido: Tales of the Ninja - UCES00421 - Half Playable - r1907
Shinseiki Evangelion: Battle Orchestra Portable - ULJM05480 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1730
Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend - ULJM05456 - Playable (Encrypted)
Shinseiki Evangelion - Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd - ULJM05477 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula VS - ULJS00142 - Half Playable
Shirokishi Monogatari Portable Dogma Wars - UCJS10115 - Half Playable
Shrek the Third - ULUS10248 - Half Playable - r1981
Sid Meier's Pirates! - ULUS10224 - Playable
Silent Hill: Origins - ULUS10285 - Half Playable - r1678
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - ULUS10450 - Half Playable
Silverfall - ULES00808 - Playable
Simple 2500 Series Portable!! Vol. 13: The Akuma Hunters - Exorsister - ULJS00265 - Playable (Encrypted)
Skate Park City - ULES00957 - Playable - r2303
Slotter Mania P: Tetsuya Shinjuku vs Ueno[/url] - ULJM05620 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Smart Bomb - ULUS10016 - Loadable
Smashbreak - NPUX80404 - Playable (Encrypted)
So-Ra-No-Wo-To: Otome no Gojuusou - ULJM05673 - Playable - r1993
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo - UCUS98615 - Playable - r1824
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Portable - NPJG00035 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Solfege: Sweet Harmony - ULJM05367 - Playable - r1772
Sonic Rivals - ULUS10195 - Half Playable
Sonic Rivals 2 - ULES00940 - Half Playable - r2011
Sonic Rivals 2 - ULUS10323 - Loadable
Sora no Kiseki Material Collection - ULJM05307 - Playable
Sora no Otoshimono: DokiDoki Summer Vacation - ULJM05639 - Playable - r2055
Sorano to Shimono DSV - ULJM05639 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Sorayume Portable - ULJS00203 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Soukyuu no Fafner - ULJS00006 - Half Playable
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULES01298 - Playable - r1773
SoulCalibur: Broken Destiny - ULUS10457 - Half Playable - r1981
Soul Eater: Battle Resonance - ULJS00176 - Playable - r1831
Space Invaders Evolution - ULES00348 - Playable
Space Invaders Extreme - ULUS10346 - Loadable
Space Invaders: Galaxy Beat - ULJM05045 - Playable
Space Invaders Pocket - ULJM05015 - Playable
Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires - ULUS10076 - Playable - r1870
Spectral VS Generation - ULES00757 - Playable - r2096
Spelling Challenges and More! - ULUS10255 - Shows Intro
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - ULUS10389 - Shows Intro - r1745
Spiderman 2 - ULUS10015 - Shows Intro
Spinout - ULES00693 - Shows Intro
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULES00280 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Yellow Avenger - ULUS10092 - Loadable
SpongeBob's Truth or Square - ULES01365 - Playable
SplinterCell - ULUS10070 - Shows Intro - r2227
SSX On Tour - ULUS10042 - Playable - r1834
Stacked with Daniel Negreanu - ULUS10101 - Half Playable
Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto - Ginga Bishounen Densetsu - Playable - r2324
Star Ocean: First Departure - ULUS10374 - Half Playable - r2340
Star Ocean: Second Evolution - ULUS10375 - Playable - r2340
Star Soldier - ULJM05026 - Playable
Star Trek: Tactical Assault - ULUS10150 - Half Playable - r2041
Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron - ULUS10390 - Half Playable - r2107
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron - ULUS10292 - Playable - r1913
Star Wars Battle Front II - ULUS10053 - Playable - r1791
Star Wars: Lethal Alliance - ULES00599 - Shows Intro
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes - ULES01284 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - ULES00981 - Shows Intro
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - ULUS10345 - Shows Intro
State Shift - ULUS10354 - Half Playable - r1914
Steel Horizon - ULUS10215 - Shows Intro
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max - ULUS10062 - Playable - r2157
Street Riders - ULES00276 - Shows Intro
Street Supremacy - ULUS10069 - Half Playable - r1891
Suigetsu Portable - ULJM05346 - Half Playable
Sunday vs Magazine Shuuketsu Choujou Daikessen - ULJM05450 - Half Playable - r2090
Super Collapse 3 - ULUS10287 - Playable (Encrypted)
Super Fruit Fall - ULES00639 - Playable
Super Hind - ULES01091 - Half Playable
Super Monkey Ball Adventure - ULES00364 - Loadable
Super Robot Taisen A Portable - ULJS00143 - Playable
Super Robot Taisen MX Portable - ULJS00041 - Shows Intro
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin - The Lord of Elemental - ULJS00445 - Playable - r2441
Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Masou Kishin II - Revelation of Evil God - ULJS00446 - Playable - r2441
Super Stardust Portable - NPUG80221 - Half Playable - r1981
Susume Mamore Tatakae - NPJH00030 - Playable
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku - ULJS00123 - Loadable
SWAT: Target Liberty - ULUS10314 - Half Playable - r1902
Sweet Reversi - NPUX80424 - Playable
Syphon ******: Dark Mirror - UCUS98641 - Half Playable - r2110
Syphon ******: Logan's Shadow - UCUS98606 - Shows Intro

Taiheiyou no Arashi - ULJS00127 - Loadable
Taito Legends Power-Up - ULES00473 - Loadable
Taito Memories Pocket - ULJM05076 - Loadable
Tales of Eternia - ULES00176 - Playable - r2012
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology - ULUS10271 - Loadable - r2096
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology 2 - ULJS00175 - Half Playable - r2074
Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology 3 - NPJH50353 - Loadable - r2074
Tales of Phantasia: Full Voice Edition - ULJS00079 - Loadable
Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon X - ULJS00293 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tales of VS. - ULJS00209 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2061
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together - ULUS10565 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1993
Tantei Opera: Milky Holmes - ULJS00343 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r2099
Tanteibu: The Detective Club – Shissou to Hangeki to Daidanen - ULJM05928 - Playable - r2441
Tekken 6 - ULUS10466 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1931
Tekken: Dark Resurrection - ULUS10139 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2068
Tenchu 4 Plus - ULJM05471 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Tenchu San Portable - ULJM05505 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins - ULUS10419 - Half Playable
Tenchu: Time of the Assassins - ULES00277 - Playable
Test Drive Unlimited - ULUS10249 - Loadable
Tetris - NPUZ00003 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
The 3rd Birthday - ULJM05798 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2012
The 3rd Birthday - ULUS10567 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2050
The Eye of Judgment Legends - UCES01334 - Loadable (Encrypted)
The Fast and the Furious - ULUS10198 - Loadable
The Godfather: Mob War - ULUS10098 - Shows Intro
The Golden Compass - ULUS10315 - Half Playable
The History Channel: Great Battles of Rome - ULES00798 - Half Playable
The Hustle: Detroit Streets - ULUS10048 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion - ULUS10022 - Playable - r1910
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky - ULUS10540 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2100
The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch - ULUS10125 - Playable - r1913
The Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean - ULUS10144 - Playable - r1913
The Lord of the Rings: Tactics - ULUS10038 - Loadable - r1507
The Red Star - NPUH10040 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2008
The Terminator - NPEZ00140 - Playable
Thexder Neo - NPUH10019 - Playable (Encrypted)
This Is Football Managment - NPEX00001 - Playable
Tiger Trouble - NPEZ00129 - Playable
Tiger Woods PGA Tour - ULUS10009 - Loadable
TMNT - ULUS10243 - Half Playable - r1562
To LoveRu Trouble: Doki Doki! Rinkaigakkou-Hen - ULJS00154 - Playable
TOCA Race Driver 2 - ULES00040 - Half Playable
TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge - ULES00613 - Shows Intro
Tokimeki Memorial - Forever With You - ULJM05078 - Shows Intro
Tokimeki Memorial 4 - NPJH50127 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Tokobot - ULUS10061 - Playable - r1841
Tom Clancy's EndWar - ULUS10358 - Playable (Encrypted)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas - ULUS10206 - Shows Intro
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials - ULUS10070 - Loadable
Tomb Raider: Anniversary - ULUS10253 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1898
Tomb Raider: Legend - ULES00283 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1793
Tomb Raider: Legend - ULUS10110 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life - CS Edition - ULJM05411 - Half Playable - r1690
Tony Hawk's Project 8 - ULUS10197 - Shows Intro
Tony Hawks Ungerground 2 Remix - ULUS10014 - Loadable
Tonzurakko - NPUX80422 - Playable
Transformers: The Game - ULUS10274 - Loadable
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen - ULUS10433 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Traxxpad - ULUS10272 - Loadable
Twin Blades - NPEZ00319 - Playable - r1981
Twisted Metal: Head-On - UCUS98601 - Half Playable - r1984

Ultimate Block Party - ULUS10043 - Half Playable
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULAS42073 - Playable
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULES00419 - Playable - r2406
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins - ULUS10105 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Ultraman: Fighting Evolution 0 - ULJS00069 - Playable
Umihara Kawase Portable - ULJS00137 - Loadable
Unbound Saga - NPUH10008 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Undead Knights - ULES01390 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Undead Knights - ULUS10453 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULES00046 - Shows Intro
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - ULUS10003 - Playable
Up - ULUS10430 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)

Valhalla Knights - ULES00657 - Playable - r1864
Valhalla Knights 2 - NPUH10041 - Playable
Valkyria Chronicles III: Unrecorded Chronicles - ULJM05781 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2068
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - ULUS10107 - Half Playable - r2055
Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - ULJM05005 - Half Playable
Vantage Master PORTABLE - ULJM05332 - Playable - r1913
Vector TD - NPEZ00130 - Playable
Vempire - NPEZ00058 - Playable (Encrypted)
Venus & Braves: Majo to Megami to Horobi no Yogen - NPJH50376 - Playable - r2135
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble - ULUS10087 - Playable
Virtua Tennis: World Tour - ULES00126 - Loadable
VitaminZ Revolution - ULJS00278 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)

Wall-E - ULUS10350 - Loadable
Wangan Midnight Portable - ULJM05264 - Half Playable
Warhammer: The Battle for Atluma - ULUS10123 - Half Playable
Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command - ULUS10313 - Half Playable - r1929
Warriors of the Lost Empire - ULUS10309 - Loadable
Warriors Orochi - ULUS10341 - Half Playable
Warriors Orochi 2 - ULUS10423 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1881
Weiss Schwarz Portable - ULJS00422 - Playable - r2391
Wild ARMs XF - ULUS10339 - Shows Intro - r1988
Will O' Wisp Portable - ULJM05447 - Half Playable - r1772
Wipeout Pulse - UCES00465 - Shows Intro
Wipeout Pure - UCES00001 - Shows Intro
Wipeout Pure - UCUS98612 - Shows Intro
Wizardry Empire III: Haou no Keifu - ULJM05218 - Playable
World of Pool - ULES00821 - Shows Intro
World Series Of Poker - ULUS10047 - Half Playable
World Snooker Challenge 2005 - ULES00021 - Half Playable
World Snooker Challenge 2007 - ULES00453 - Half Playable
World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 - ULJM05033 - Encrypted
World Tour Soccer - UCUS98613 - Loadable
Worms: Open Warfare - ULES00268 - Playable
Worms: Open Warfare 2 - ULES00819 - Loadable
WRC: World Rally Championship - ULUS10093 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2006 - ULUS10050 - Shows Intro
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 - ULUS10199 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 - ULUS10281 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 - ULUS10384 - Loadable
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - ULES01339 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1913
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010 - ULUS10452 - Loadable (Encrypted)
WWII: Battle Over the Pacific - ULES00974 - Half Playable

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse - ULES00189 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1870
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse - ULUS10045 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r2125
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ULUS10411 - Half Playable - r1744
Xiaolin Showdown - ULUS10164 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Xyanide: Resurrection - ULES00634 - Loadable (Encrypted)

Yarudora Portable: Blood the Last Vampire - UCJS10025 - Loadable
Yarudora Portable: Double Cast - UCAS40032 - Half Playable - r1679
Yarudora Portable: Kisetsu o Dakishimete - UCAS4003 - Half Playable - r1679
Yarudora Portable: Sampaguita - UCJS10014 - Half Playable - r1679
YetiSports: Pingu Throw - NPEZ00099 - Half Playable
Yggdra Union - ULUS10368 - Playable - r1913
Yoake Yori Ruriiro na Portable - ULJM05625 - Half Playable (Encrypted) - r1981
Your Memories Off - Girls Style - ULJM05435 - Playable (Encrypted)
Ys I & II Chronicles- ULJM05474 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1913
Ys I & II Chronicles- ULUS10547 - Playable (Encrypted) - r2061
Ys Seven - ULJM05475 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Ys Seven - ULUS10551 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1799
Ys: Felghana no Chikai - NPJH50226 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1800
Ys: The Ark of Napishtim - ULUS10051 - Half Playable
Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki: Alternative Saga - NPJH50276 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1760
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULJM05479 - Shows Intro (Encrypted) - r1591
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 - ULUS10481 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force - ULES00600 - Loadable
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 3 - ULES01183 - Half Playable - r1815
Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam - NPEZ00094 - Half Playable (Encrypted)
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida. - UCJS10076 - Loadable
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida 3D - UCJS10109 - Loadable (Encrypted)
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCAS40240 - Loadable
Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida or 2 - UCJS10086 - Shows Intro

Zendoku - ULES00692 - Shows Intro
Zero Choaniki - ULJM05390 - Loadable
Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku - NPJH50144 - Shows Intro (Encrypted)
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman - ULUS10559 - Playable (Encrypted) - r1827
Zill O'll Infinite Plus - ULJM05410 - Half Playable - r1948
Zwei!! - ULJM05392 - Playable - r1905
یعنی هر دو تا GOW قابل بازین؟ بریم دانلود کنیم؟ کسی امتحان کرده؟میخوام دانلود کنم لطفا اگه کسی امتحان کرده نتیجه رو بگه ممنون میشم.
سلام من بازی i must run رو لود می کنم بعد که ران رو میزنم صفحه سیاهه و هیچ برنامه ای رو اجرا نمی کند همه ی بازی ها اینطور هستند لطفا کمک کنید

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن