این تاپیک مخصوص ارائه و بحث در مورد کلیه آمار فروش ، درامد و تعداد پلیر ها در صنعت Gaming (PC ، موبایل ، کنسول و ....) و نرم افزار های مرتبط به آنها میباشد
خیلی وقته که دیگر بازیساز نیستند،وقتی دستگاه های arcade این همه پول می سازند،بازی چیکار می خوایکونامی با عرضه یه دونه بازی، که فروشی هم نداشت، عملاً دیگه کمپانی بازیسازی نبود امسال.
حیف....واقعا حیفخیلی وقته که دیگر بازیساز نیستند،وقتی دستگاه های arcade این همه پول می سازند،بازی چیکار می خوای
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End has globally sold through 8.7 million copies as of December 21, 2016
گیم اسپات نوشته که احتمالا این امار فروش همراه با احتساب باندل اسلیم بازی هست. ولی به هر جهت فوق العاده است فروش
Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that 53.4 million PlayStation 4 console units have been sold worldwide as of January 1
The announcement was made alongside Sony's Consumer Electronics Show 2017 showcase. Previously, the company had announced that the PS4 sold 50 million units as of December 6. The console's sales totaled 6.2 million units sold through during the 2016 holiday season, which the company defines as sales data collected in Asia between November 21, 2016 and January 1, in North America and Latin America between November 20, 2016 and December 31, 2016, and in Europe from November 21, 2016 to December 31, 2016.
هولي شت تقريبا ٩ ميليون تا اينجاي كار ، و بازي همچنان داره فروش ميكنه و فروش خواهد كرد . بسيار فوق العاده فروخته . اين آمار تا بالاي ١٠ ميليون ميره . حتي شايد خيلي بيشتر . يكي از پرفروش ترين بازي هاي نسل لقب گرفته ميشهUncharted 4: A Thief's End has globally sold through 8.7 million copies as of December 21, 2016
گیم اسپات نوشته که احتمالا این امار فروش همراه با احتساب باندل اسلیم بازی هست. ولی به هر جهت فوق العاده است فروش
Sony Interactive Entertainment announced that 53.4 million PlayStation 4 console units have been sold worldwide as of January 1
The announcement was made alongside Sony's Consumer Electronics Show 2017 showcase. Previously, the company had announced that the PS4 sold 50 million units as of December 6. The console's sales totaled 6.2 million units sold through during the 2016 holiday season, which the company defines as sales data collected in Asia between November 21, 2016 and January 1, in North America and Latin America between November 20, 2016 and December 31, 2016, and in Europe from November 21, 2016 to December 31, 2016.