این تاپیک مخصوص ارائه و بحث در مورد کلیه آمار فروش ، درامد و تعداد پلیر ها در صنعت Gaming (PC ، موبایل ، کنسول و ....) و نرم افزار های مرتبط به آنها میباشد
خوب مهمترين امار توي جهانو به خدمتتون مي رسونم اين امار مربوط به فروش كنسول ها در ماه june در امريكا است اين امار رسمي سازمان NPD هست:
1) ds=423000
2) wii=338000
ممنون بابت این خبر دست اول !!خوب مهمترين امار توي جهانو به خدمتتون مي رسونم اين امار مربوط به فروش كنسول ها در ماه june در امريكا است اين امار رسمي سازمان NPD هست:
1) ds=423000
2) wii=338000
نوشته شده توسط rezaigi2004:Wii just over a million sales away from being the leader
According to VGchartz, the Nintendo Wii is just over a million sales away from overtaking the total sales of the Xbox 360. But remember these are just estimates, however from the way the Wii is selling, these estimates are perhaps not far off from the truth.
نوشته شده توسط ioi:Hi all, a brief explanation of what we are doing.
We now feel we collect enough data on a weekly basis to attempt doing weekly American charts. Having said this, the amount of data we are collecting is still very small (around a couple of percent of the whole market) so is likely to be open to errors - if one of the retailers we get data for has a sale on or a particularly high volume of sales for particular titles / formats then results will be skewed. We are of course working on this and wish to get more and more retailers on board. Despite the current limitations of our system we are doing it for two reasons:
1) Weekly sales data is what people want. It is current, up to date and directly comparable with Japanese data and data for other regions. Since we now have reasonable confidence in our accuracy we feel the time is right to switch. In due course, expect the comparison charts, totals and so on to be reinstated.
2) NPD have been contacting us a lot recently expressing concern and threatening legal action as they feel our data is in violation of their copyright. After having explained our situation and how we arrive at our data, we have felt it necessary to take steps to differentiate ourselves from NPD as much as possible and 'prove' that we collect our own data. Although we feel this is a little earlier than we would ideally want to launch in terms of the reliability of our figures, we have decided to implement our new system now.
In coming months we (as I'm sure will you) be comparing our figures and extrapolation techniques to the normal publically-released NPD figures and see what kind of accuracy we are achieving - much like we do with our Japanese figures at the moment.
Any questions please don't hesitate to ask and help support us in this new direction for the site. As part of our talks with NPD we have been asked to be more vigilant to posting of excessive data of theirs in our forums and so on so please understand and accept this.
شايد ماكروسافت از اين كار خود به شدت پشيمان شده باشه و ساخت كنسول بعدي خود را به اين كمپاني بسپارد:confused:
البته اگر کنسول بعدی در کار باشه :laughing:
اینجا قرار نیست کسی از VGChartz آمار بگذاره. اینجا برای آماریه که شرکت های تحقیقاتی و آمارگیری معتبر اعلام می کنن. هر کسی میتونه خودش اون سایت رو چک کنه و تخمین هاشم (که نسبتا خوب هستن) ببینه دیگه نیازی نیست اینجا بگذاریشون.
در ضمن الان که صحبت VGChartz شد یادم اومد که چند تا نکته رو بگم:
1. این در مورد اینکه گفتم اونها بنا به گفته خودشون 2 درصد بازار رو آمار گیری می کنن (تازه اگه راست باشه) و بقیه اش رو extrapolate می کنن:
درصد بازار
بنا به گفته خودشون
البته واقعیتش رو بخوام بگم این سایت انقدر نا معتبر هست که تمامی فروم های بزرگ در زمینه آمار فروش و تحلیل، گذاشتن آمار از این سایت رو یا ممنوع کردن یا سایتشو ف ی ل ت ر اسمی کردن.فکر نمیکردم http://www.VGChartz.com/ انقدر غیر معتبر باشه که شما بیای ردش کنی!
رضا جان دیگه توروخدا شما پستارو بخون دیگه!