آخرین اخبار هک PS4 | آخرین ورژن Firmware هک 9.00 | (پست اول مطالعه شود)


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آپدیت11 کنسول PS4 هک شد

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اجرا شدن لینوکس بر روی فریمور 4.5 توسط تیم Fail0verflow

PS4 hack: Fail0verflow demonstrate Linux and Steam running on Firmware 4.05, won’t release exploit


Marcan42 of Fail0verflow fame was at the CCC33 event this year, to explain how Fail0verflow exploited the PS4 hardware in order to run Linux on the PS4.

The presentation goes back to all the pain the hackers had to go through in order to make Linux compatible with the PS4 architecture, which Marcan42 described several times throughout the presentation as “not being a PC” as it lacks lots of the legacy architecture bits required for a computer to constitute what is known today as an IBM compatible PC. Fail0verflow had demonstrated and released their PS4-compatible fork of Linux a year ago.

Marcan42 explained how the base of the hack consisted in a man-in-the-middle attack of the PCIE bus on the PS4, with the rest of the presentation focused on why several patches were required on the linux kernel for it to run on a PS4.

Towards the end of the demonstration, Marcan ran Steam on the PS4 to confirm 3D Hardware acceleration was working.

Most of this is probably not new for most people who have been following the PS4 scene for a while: Fail0verflow’s Linux port for the PS4 has been available since last year’s CCC convention (when they demonstrated Linux on the PS4 for the first time), and we’ve had Steam running on the PS4 for a while as well. However Marcan confirmed he has been improving Linux compatibility with some of the features of the PS4 very recently.

Linux works on PS4 4.05, no plan for an exploit release

Asked if Fail0verflow planned to release an exploit for a firmware higher than 1.76 (PS4s running firmware 1.76, the only publicly exploited firmware, can be found but are expensive), Marcan answered that his whole presentation was running on a 4.05 PS4, but also confirmed that Fail0verflow do not intend to release any exploit for the PS4, as their focus is 100% on the Linux port (for which all of their work is already available on github) and they want to avoid typical scene drama.

The presentation did not make it clear if fail0verflow are running the same PS4 4.05 exploit as Chaitin tech, and there is still no indication that anyone intends to release any exploit for firmwares 4.xx.

Fail0verflow’s presentations however are always of great interest as they will help you understand what goes through the console hacking process. We will update this article with a link to the video as soon as it is made available.

Download Fail0verflow’s Linux port for the PS4
Fail0verflow’s work on the PS4 can be downloaded on their github, here
گفتن که اکسپلویت رو رایز نمیکنن. یعنی هیچی به هیچی
اصلا مهم نیست ! چون نه اینا خدا هستند نه بقیه تیما بدبختن ... وقتی اینا تونستن ، یعنی بقیه هم با فشار اوردن به ذهنشون میتونن حفره پیدا کنن :)
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خبر جالب امروز اینکه
تونستن پلی4 دانگیرید کنند

PlayStation 4 Glitch Pinout, PS4 Slim / Pro Downgrading Update

Following the PS4 Linux 33c3 Demo and the start of a community-driven PS4Webkit Project, today I (@juansbeck aka HybridComputers) am continuing from my UniversalFlash App work-in-progress bringing an update on the PlayStation 4 glitch pinout used by Marcan and the possibility to downgrade a PlayStation 4 Slim / PS4 Pro with details below.
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png


Rough translation: Failoverflow's Marcan made a 'glitch' attack TOOL0 combined other ports like RX and TX (rs232) to PS4 Southbridge (sysconf-hypervisor) to give read and write permissions to its devboard lattice ECP3 to intercept the signals and return them in a Payload as we showed CTurt in its extensive article, but how?

Anyone can give us the datasheet? Or if at PSDevWiki oops... the blessed datasheet is a farce. It's a troll from a dodgy blog... one has to be very stupid to believe that the r32c is the hypervisor to attack Marcan... not even the VSS nor the VCC agree
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png


Never fool us, not all the other developers that have their functional CFW that the downgrade key or the way we can get to exploit versions 3.55, 4.01, 4.05 or whatever is in this simple sysconf
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/bananaman17.gif

:bananaman17: RL78G14 there are 100 pin and 64 and even less as it is ps4 pro the chip is from the company renesas company and although it cost us more 8 months without sleeping here I attach the datasheet, I can say that there is a pin the TOOOL0 credits (JaiCraB) which is the evolution of RX and TX.

For now the datasheet of sysconf and a small drawing for the devs who want to investigate meanwhile we do ours to keep this team that continues adding more than 8,000 euros a month I tell you why not everything is lost,
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/bananaman13.gif

:bananaman13: here we keep moving forward and something has to come out of this.

This can be used to find a way to downgrade to the minimum version of any PS4 (including PS4 Pro)

1. Correct hypervisor datasheet (ps3devwiki blunder this farce). This is the real 64 pin LQFP for ps4 slim and 1215A pages (18) and for PS4 fat page (21) PS4 Pro pending.

hypervisor final sony (sysconf).pdf

2. Correct way to program the hypervisor to create the glitch (sysconf)

forma correcta de programar hypervisor.pdf

3. Pinout glitch hypervisor PS4

pinout attack glitch.jpg
image: https://www.psxhax.com/attachments/pinout-attack-glitch-jpg.1816/


4. PS4 Pro (unconfirmed) some ports on which Sony is based on its hypervisor (sysconf)

algunos port rl78g13 del que se baso sony para su hypervisor sysconf.jpg
image: https://www.psxhax.com/attachments/...aso-sony-para-su-hypervisor-sysconf-jpg.1817/


A greeting to all and wish you from Universal Team a Merry Christmas!
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png



As if you are a handyman, those who try to do this and you are bundled in short layout of connections so that it is if you do not make the plate yourselves and you stay like this.

image: https://www.psxhax.com/attachments/syconfonly-jpg.1818/


In the end will be something like this, we need your support in the kickstarter.

universal flasher.jpg
image: https://www.psxhax.com/attachments/universal-flasher-jpg.1819/


We based on that development board and we added reading and writing of XBox One, PS Vita, Wii U and we are working for iPhone reading
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/smilies/bananaman17.gif

Read more at PlayStation 4 Glitch Pinout, PS4 Slim / Pro Downgrading Update
خبر جالب امروز اینکه
تونستن پلی4 دانگیرید کنند

PlayStation 4 Glitch Pinout, PS4 Slim / Pro Downgrading Update

Following the PS4 Linux 33c3 Demo and the start of a community-driven PS4Webkit Project, today I (@juansbeck aka HybridComputers) am continuing from my UniversalFlash App work-in-progress bringing an update on the PlayStation 4 glitch pinout used by Marcan and the possibility to downgrade a PlayStation 4 Slim / PS4 Pro with details below.
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png
خب دانگیرید خالی؟؟؟:-w

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