اخبار داغ کنسول ها


Come on it's time to go
Sep 22, 2005
سلام به همگی

من اون تاپیک قبلی و همچنین تاپیک XBOX 360 News رو به اشتباه پاک کردم !

ببخشید دیگه پیش میاد ...

در هر صورت اخبار بازیهای نسل بعدی رو در همین تاپیک بنویسید و دنبال کنید ...

با تشکر


کاربر سایت
Nov 29, 2005
یکی به دادم برسه

تو کفه Gears Of War هستم .
آقا من دیگه داره صبرم تموم میشه .
یکی یه راهی پیش نهاد کنه بشه XBOX 360 خرید
من حاضرم این بازی را باقیمت اصلی بگیرم
چند تا بازی جدید PC خریدم هیچ کدوم را بازی نمیکنم کارم شده بیام رو نت Trailer های GOW را DOWNLOAD کنم بشینم ببینم

گر چه این بازی فعلا آماده نیست ولی رفته تو لیسته COMING SOON


Loyal Member
Oct 5, 2005
بازی بی نظیر Shadow of the Colossus برای کنسول ps3 در حال آماده سازی است. از قابلیتهای نسخه ps3 جهان بسیار بزرگتر گرافیک بسیار بهتر و صد البته قابلیتهای multiplayer , online آن است.


کاربر سایت
Nov 29, 2005
ْXbox 360

Microsoft will ship about 300,000 more consoles in North America next week.

تا هفته ی دیگه احتمالا 300 هزار عدد XBOX 360 عرضه خواهد شد
البته این تعداد قبل از XMAS میباشد
جدید ترین TRAILER از گیم پلی بازیه GHOST RECON برای XBOX 360
البته من خودم هنوز DOWNLOAD نکردم ولی توی قستم تاپیک پایینش که نظر داده بودند اکثرا گفته بودند که نسبت به TRAILER های به نمایش در اومده از این بازی خیلی پیشرفت داشته ؟؟؟!!!
در ضمن میشه HUD هاش را کاملا برداشت توی بازی اگر دوست نداشتید
آخرین ویرایش:


Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2005
جام جهاني

رقابت بين اسپانسر براي جام جهاني بين پي3 و 360 هم شروع شد ولي در اين نيان درصد برنده شدن 360 به علت سرمايه عظيم مايكوسافت بيشتره چون هر كدام پول بيشتري بدن اسپانسر جام جهاني 2006 المان ميشن.


کاربر سایت
Oct 22, 2005
نوشته شده توسط Sony:
رقابت بين اسپانسر براي جام جهاني بين پي3 و 360 هم شروع شد ولي در اين نيان درصد برنده شدن 360 به علت سرمايه عظيم مايكوسافت بيشتره چون هر كدام پول بيشتري بدن اسپانسر جام جهاني 2006 المان ميشن.
دوست عزيز شما خيلي سوني رو دست كم گرفتي من احتمال ميدم سوني مزايده رو بگيره چون توي تمام باشگاه هاي اروپا وليگها معتبر من فقط تبليغ پلي استيشن ديدم .....
اينم بگم سوني شركت فقيري نيست
هم اكنون پرفروش ترين سنعت توي امريكا سينماست كه حدود 40 درصد استاديويهاي هاليوودي متعلق به سوني پيكچر يا يكي از زيرشاخه هاشن كه سود همشون ميره تو جيب سوني
3 ماه پيش سوني 5 ميليارد دلار داد مترو گدن مير(هموني كه ارم شير داره) خريد كه صد عنوان فيلم داره كه يكي از معروفاش جيمزبانده(پس از به بعد بازي جيمزباند اختصاصي ps3 )
تمام استاديوهاي سوني همراه با 60 درصد باقي از بلوري حمايت ميكنند پس ادم بايد ديوانه باشه فورمتي رو بخره كه توسط 40 درصد استاديوها ساپورت نميشه (و فيلمهايي مثل مرد انكبوتي و جيمزباند وبتمنو... ) روش ياخته نميشه

اينها هم عكسهاي Unreal_tournament_2007 نسخه ps3 :arrow:


آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر سایت
Nov 29, 2005
اگر در مورد تبلیغات Ps3 باشه به نظر من حق با Xbox 360 هست چرا؟
چون که Xbox 360 محصولی هست که الان توی بازار هست ولی خوب Sony میخواهد
محصولی را تبلیغ کنه که هنوز تاریخ Lunch معلوم نیست ؟
شما جای Fifa بودید چی کار میکردید؟

و به عنوان یک قاضی خود خواهی میدونم که تبلیغات Ps3 باشه و من خیلی مطمینم که
Xbox 360 به عنوان تبلیغات اضافه خواهد شد اگر هم که نشد ، حق Ps3 نیست


کاربر سایت
Sep 26, 2005

هم اكنون پرفروش ترين سنعت توي امريكا سينماست كه حدود 40 درصد استاديويهاي هاليوودي متعلق به سوني پيكچر يا يكي از زيرشاخه هاشن كه سود همشون ميره تو جيب سوني
3 ماه پيش سوني 5 ميليارد دلار داد مترو گدن مير(هموني كه ارم شير داره) خريد كه صد عنوان فيلم داره كه يكي از معروفاش جيمزبانده(پس از به بعد بازي جيمزباند اختصاصي ps3 )
تمام استاديوهاي سوني همراه با 60 درصد باقي از بلوري حمايت ميكنند پس ادم بايد ديوانه باشه فورمتي رو بخره كه توسط 40 درصد استاديوها ساپورت نميشه (و فيلمهايي مثل مرد انكبوتي و جيمزباند وبتمنو... ) روش ياخته نميشه

اينها هم عكسهاي Unreal_tournament_2007 نسخه ps3 :arrow:



کاربر سایت
Sep 28, 2005
اقا هم سونی پولداره هم مایکروسافت . این وسط فقط نینتندو بیچاره است که زورش به اینا نمیرسه .
ولی این چیزا مهم نیست . نینتندو فقط کافیه اراده کنه یه زلدا جدید میزنه همه دنیا انگشت به دهن میمونن! چون میفهمه بازی ساختن یعنی چی . نه مثل اون دو تا دلش رو خوش کنه به بازیهای چرتی مثل کیل زون و گیرز او وار که جز گرافیک هیچی ندارن.......
(ببخشید بی ربط بود)


کاربر سایت
Nov 29, 2005
من فکر میکنم یکی از پستهای من پاک شده حالا چرا نمیدونم
برای همین دوباره مینویسم
در مورد عکسهای UT 2007 هنوز نمیشه گفت مال چه ورژنی هست چون این عکسها
عینا در سایت های XBOX 360 هم وجود داره


در ضمن نظر من در مورد کوپی خور شدن XBOX 360 اینه که در قدم اول وجود هارد میتونه مفید باشه دلیلشم که خودتون میدونید ...
از طریق نرم افزار هم محتملا میشه اقدام کرد
آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر سایت
Nov 29, 2005
ظاهرا یکی از مصرف کننده گان XBOX 360
بازیه PGR3 را رایت کرده و بدون MOD CHIP اون را به راحتی اجرا کرده !!!
در یکی از پست های این لینک ...

User :masterdave23


PGR3 no Security

um looks like PGR3 is not protected i burned PGR3 on to a dvd-r and it works ( -/+ some sounds )looks like they forgot to put some sort of security on this game


کاربر سایت
Oct 22, 2005
نوشته شده توسط ehsan_62:
من فکر میکنم یکی از پستهای من پاک شده حالا چرا نمیدونم
برای همین دوباره مینویسم
در مورد عکسهای UT 2007 هنوز نمیشه گفت مال چه ورژنی هست چون این عکسها
عینا در سایت های XBOX 360 هم وجود داره
حرف شما هم درسته من هم نبايد مي نوشتم 100 در صد براي پي اس 3 اما لازم ميدونم توضيحاتي بدم اول اينكه منبع پخش اين عكسها سايت tothegame هست وتنها جايي كه عكسهاي با كيفيت رو به طور رسمي دريافت كرده پس لااقل اون سايتي كه معرفي كردين ميتونست سورس عكسها رو نام ببره اگر هم دقت كنيد عكسهايي كه اين سايت نشون داده خيلي بي كيفيت تر هست
دوم اينكه قراره در نمايشگاه ces(حدود 20 روز ديگه) يك دموي از بازي انريل تورنمت 2007 كه به احتمال خيلي زياد قابل بازي هست و كاملا جديده روي ps3 نمايش داده بشه با توجه به اين موضوع اين عكسها به احتمال زياد از داخل همين دمو بوده مخصوصا اينكه پخش اين عكسها درست بعد از مصاحبه رسمي مجله بازي سوني(psm) با تيم سازنده بازي صورت گرفت
با تمام اينها بايد تا روز خود نمايشگاه صبر كرد:idea:
اينم مصاحبه psm با سازندگان بازي UT2007

Building a better battle

"We've been working on teh gameplay side of things for about a year," the game's lead designer, Steve Polge, told us as we first laid eyes on it. "We started off refining the basics, the movement and the weapons," he recounted. "We went back to the roots; played older UT games, other FPSs, so that it just feels really good." However, Polge wsa quick to add: "We're stilli n the early part of development." Judging by the level we saw, you wouldn't have thought it.

In a classic segue into "the really cool stuff," Polge quickly talked about the weapons being familiar, but enhanced, then got down to one of the major elements that could make UT2007 the PS3's online killer app: its vehicles. 'We're really innovating most with the vehicles," explained Polge. "We think it's something that will really translate well to teh console. It's actually one case where console controller is actually better suited for gameplay." (No, Epic Games doesn't have a PS3 boomerang controller - no one does - we controlled the dev kit with a stock dual shock 2).

Big guns are good. Big vehicles with bigger guns are better. There will be 18 in all, up from the six that debuted in UT2004. Executive Producer Jeff Morris landed an Axxon Cicada in front of us, giving us our first look at the detail achievable by pairing UE 3 with great artists. With its vertical wings, belly turrent, and nose art, it looked like the offspring of an aircraft from WWII and WWXXII. It was also difficult to look at it and not think that it would look perfectly at home in a big-budget Hollywood movie without needing to be pre-rendered.

Next up, we got to see the returning, but improved, Scorpion. This all-terrain vehicle nove becomes a self-destructing projectile if the player uses its newly added boost to rush enemies and then ejects before impact. It's also great for showing off how the game's ground vechicles have evolved from "floating boxes" to heavy feeling, realistically handling terrors of the terrain.

In fact, the vehicles have evolved to the point that entire battles can be played out using them. It's something that Morris had no problem with. "Where is the 'Twisted Metal Championship"', he wondered aloud. "There's no real leader of the vehicular combat genre on consoles. In fact, the genre has really evaporated over the years," he observed. "We see a real oppurtunity to bring that type of gameplay back in Unreal Tournament 2007."

The men (and women) behind the machines

We can't disagree with that, but this is a FPS, right? You're not just a car -- you're a man, woman, alien - a being packing some major firepower. Fear not, the foot soldier has not been forgotten.

At this point in development, the Onslaught mode is the major focus of the UT2007 team. The battlefields feature many elements well known to players of UTs past. capture nodes, turrents, and the like... but there are, of course, some new twists.

"We're tyring to give the level designers a lot more freedom to experiment with doing all new types of Onslaught levels," expalined Polge. 'We have special objectives now that can be mixed into the mode. We have low-key objectives like blow up this bridge, but they can also be very elaborate."

Morris is especially excited about this new aspect. "Even though you're still palying Onslaught, you know that if you complete this one special objective, for example, you're going to start out the next match in a really cool vehicle." He loves his vehicles.

How does all this cause and effect gameplay fit into the whole picture? "The other big thing we're adding in Ut2007 is a campaign called Warfare," explained Polge. "The outcome of one battle will realistically affect the next one. It gives a more story-driven aspect to the game, offline or online."

The design team is also very big on giving the player the freedom to change their role on the battlefield at any point. Polge explains: "We're not going to have classes. What we're tyring to do, though, is encourage people to take on roles." His example: "You can go and grab a sniper rifle and be a sniper for a while, but if you decide you're tired of doing that, you can play as an engineer by picking up some deployables, which are something els we're adding to UT 2007."

"Mines, energy barriers - we have a lot of ideas," he teased.

Blurring the off/online

“Even though it’s an online-oriented title, a staggering number of people play UT2004 offline,” Morris revealed to our amazement. “We always take the single player very seriously,” he continued. “One of the ways we’re doing that in UT2007 is by giving the characters lots of personality.” According to Morris, offline bots will interact with the player and each other much more realistically now. The game is set to incorporate Epic’s voice recognition technology for communicating with bots as well. “My goal is to be able to use natural words to banter with the bots,” Morris explained. “I want to say ‘Go take this point!’ to the bot and have him say ‘Nah, I don’t’ want to,’” taking it a step farther, Morris adds: “Then I’ll say ‘You WILL take that point!’ and then he goes ahead and does it. And that’s just that one guy’s personality.”

UT2007 is also set to include a deeper create-a-character feature than the previous games, enabling you to customize nearly every aspect of your character’s physique and battle gear.

Oh, the eye candy

Gameplay explained, the entire team want to regale us with details about the technology and art that makes UT2007 look so damn amazing. And hey, we were just as eager to listen. As the game’s executive producer explained to us in words and on the screen, the real time level we were in originally “looked too clean. Too sci-fi.” So the team decided to base it more in reality and give a grungier look to everything. “The cool thing is, every little grungy bit we added caught the light and gave the game an even more amazing look,” Morris explained as he pointed out the remarkably crisp floor and wall textures on the 720p display, light glinting off the floor’s diamond plate as the camera moved.

Yes, the game is targeted to run at 1280x720, a.k.a. 720p resolution if you have a high-definition display. We asked Epic Games vice president Mark Rein, who was also present at the demo, about the target frame rate. “It’s simply too early to say, but we’re aiming for it to be as high as possible,” he responded. For the record, the 720p, totally un-optimized build running on hardware less powerful than the final PS3 spec was clipping along at 49fps.

We asked Rein about the now famous E3 demo of UE3. How difficult was it, really, to get it up and running? “The only trick we did to make sure that the lighting looked right and shadows looked right when we were doing our E3 demo was to change the mode in the game engine from Direct X to Open GL,” he confirmed, adding: “There’s no difference in what you see running of this test bed PC [a high-end system with a $500+ NVIDIA 7800GTX video card] and the PS3, which is really amazing.”

“People are going to be totally blown away when the get a PS3 and play it,” Rein continued. “PC gamers are used to having the absolute cutting edge graphics – console players are just going to say ‘Wow!’” As for how PS3 will ultimately run the game? “When you see the [final] game running on PS3, it’s going to be smoother [than on the PC]. You’re not going to have the operating system in the way and all the other things that can make a PC game look ‘poppy,’” he said. Driving home the point, he added: “People ask me what the next generation is going to offer other than better graphics, and I say ‘Stop! Go back and look at the graphics!’ Don’t downplay that. People spend $600 on a video card to get this kind of performance on their PC, and this is a potentially sub- $500 console!”



Lux Omnia Vincit
Loyal Member
Sep 25, 2005
Gwynbleidd Darkfield
X360 و شكست در هفته اول عرضه كنسول در ژاپن:

A new independent study conducted by Enterbrain, in the latest issue of Famitsu Magazine, revealed that less than half of the estimated 159,000 Xbox 360 consoles that were available on day one in Japan were sold in the first weekend of sale.

The company goes on to say that they estimate that only about 62,000 units were purchased on December 10 and 11.

In perspective, that is also less than half the 123,000 units original Xbox units that were sold in the first three days of sales in February 2002.

Of the Xbox 360s that were sold the most popular game was Namco's Ridge Racer 6 and Rare's Perfect Dark Zero.

On the defense, Munetatsu Matsui, editor-in-chief of Famitsu Xbox 360, says that
"There is just one reason for the slow sales -- the postponement of the launch of the Dead or Alive 4 game. Xbox may have started out slowly but sales will likely gain momentum in January when new titles like 'eNCHANT aRM' come out".

"There is still plenty of opportunity for Xbox 360 to increase market share in Japan," said Matsui.

Only time will tell if Mr. Matsui is correct. With the impending launch of the PS3 only a season away, Microsoft needs to start selling consoles fast to have any impact on the Japanese market.​


Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2005
Sony PS3 is the Reason to buy 1080p HDTVs?

I love the thinking that a game console will drive sales of TVs that cost 5,000 bucks a pop. What kind of country do you think this is? I guess the kind that WILL probably buy a 5,000 dollar TV to view games on. Well - it's a fun read at I4U - so get clicking.

I4U News - Sony PS3 is the Reason to buy 1080p:
1080p (progressive scanning) compared to the currently common 1080i (interlaced scanning) provides a sharper picture because it draws all lines one after the other for a single frame (60 frames per second). 1080i is alternating every other line per frame (30 frames per second). Back at CES 2005 there was no source that actually provides 1080p, up-sampling possibilities and resulting higher quality picture have been circulated as the only benefit for 1080p HDTVs. Now there is a 1080p source coming, it is called Sony Playstation 3.​


Sep 22, 2005
و شكست در هفته اول عرضه كنسول در ژاپن

درسته.360 تو ژاپن رو دست مغازه دار ها باد كرده.شكست بزرگي خورده ماكرو تو ژاپن.دليل اصلي هم كه همه ميدونن چيه اما دو تا دليل مهم ديگه هم براي شكستش بوده .يكي قيمت گرونش براي ژاپني ها و يكي ديگه نبودن بازي هاي ژاپني پسند.

به هر حال همه معتقد هستند كه ماكرو بايد 360 هاي ژاپن رو توي امريكا عرضه ميكرد و لانچ ژاپن رو عقب ميانداخت.
به هر حال چيزي كه مشخصه ، 360 تو اروپا و امريكا به شدت موفق هست و خواهد بود و همين عرضه ي كم كنسول ها مردم رو حريص كرده نسبت به 360.
فكر كنم تو نسل جديد كنسول ها ، هيچ كدوم نتونن تو كل دنيا موفق باشند.(مثه پي اس 2 كه دنيا رو گرفت)
پي اس 3 تو ژاپن و اسيا و 360 تو اروپا و امريكا،بيشتر موفق خواهند بود.


کاربر سایت
Sep 26, 2005
محمد رضا
محض اطلاع اونايي كه ميگن عكسايه آنريل تورنومنتو تو سايتايه طرفداره 360 ديدن بگم كه اين بازي نزديكه 3 ماهه كه (از وقتي كه با سوني قرارداد بست)برا 360 كنسل شده و فقط رويه پي اس3 ميياد.
الان هم تو هيچ سايتي تو ليسته 360 نيست!

کاربرانی که این قسمت را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
or ثبت‌نام سریع از طریق سرویس‌های زیر