سلام دوستان من میخوام دموی فیفا 11 را از روی فلش اجرا کنم آیا امکانش وجود داره یا نه ؟ اگر داره آموزش رو لطف کنید.ممنون
بله امكانش هستسلام دوستان من میخوام دموی فیفا 11 را از روی فلش اجرا کنم آیا امکانش وجود داره یا نه ؟ اگر داره آموزش رو لطف کنید.ممنون
ديگه نمي خوادسلام
آقا اين دموي كسلوانيا چي شد كسي پيدا نكرد؟؟؟؟
برا XBOX360 ميگما !!!![]()
Castlevania Lords Of ShadowCastlevania Lords Of Shadow
Just the demo
سلام با توجه به اين كه بازي اومده ولي بازم لينك دانلود مستقيمو ميذارمديگه نمي خواد
خوده بازي ريليز شد
اگه نتونستيد دانلود كنيدسلام با توجه به اين كه بازي اومده ولي بازم لينك دانلود مستقيمو ميذارم
Download Castlevania Lords of Shadow Demo here (from digiex website)
موفق باشيد![]()
آقا كسي از اين سر در مياره؟؟؟؟
Dance Central Beta Download
Dance Central Beta
به خصوص اين قسمتشInformation:
This demo doesn't require a modified console.
To burn more than one demo to an CD/DVD just download all the demo's you wish, then add all of them into a folder called "0000000000000000" Create it manually. Secondly, create another new folder called "Content". Now move folder "0000000000000000" into folder "Content". Should now appear like this. Congrats, if it does then your ready to burn. Read below for more instructions on how to burn.
To Inject this to an Xbox 360 hard drive or Flash drive just copy the contents inside the RAR file into "Content" / "0000000000000000". If more than one simply repeat the process.
Need help with something? Visit our Guides Section
Note: From what I can tell this beta require's the new Kinect dashboard.
Helpful tutorials:
Description of game:
- Inject a demo to the Xbox 360 Hard Drive
- Inject a demo to a USB flash drive
- Burn a demo to a CD or DVD
- Enjoy!
Take it step-by-step with Break It Down or jump right in and start performing for your family and friends. Either way, you won’t just learn dance moves, you’ll own the dance floor!
Ready. Set. Dance. “Dance Central” will get you warmed up and dancing in no time with “Break it Down” and “Perform It!” You’ll be introduced to some of the over 600 moves in the game, polish your performance, and put it all together to master the routine!
Pump up the volume. Featuring tracks from hot artists including Lady Gaga, No Doubt, M.I.A., Bell Biv Devoe, and more, you’ll master more than 90 dance routines all created by professional choreographers. You may even recognize some of the moves from the song’s music videos!
Burn up the dance floor — and calories. Whether you’ve had your dancing shoes on your entire life or this is your first time hitting the floor, “Dance Central” will have you dancing like a pro in no time. As you cruise through songs and master moves, you will earn Achievements, unlock new character outfits and venues, and progress through the dance ranks. “Dance Central” even tracks the calories you burn so you can turn all that fun into your daily workout routine.
Note: From what I can tell this beta require's the new Kinect dashboard.
اين هم لينك دانلودش
حجمش 704 مگ هستشاگه جواب نداد آدرس زيرو تو دانلود منيجر خودتو كپي كنيد جواب ميده
Dance Central Beta Download