يه مصاحبه اي كه بين psu و valve شده .
psu پرسيده كه از مزيتهاي تكنولوژي در بازي next-gen خودتون توضيح بديد و در جواب valve گفته كه بالاخره تفاوت هاي بسياري در ساختار xbox360 و ps3 هست
و گفتن كه شايد ما بتونيم بگيم كه تونستيم از 93 الي 94 درصد قدرت كنسول xbox360 استفاده كنيم .
ولي ما نميتونيم به طور مشخص بگيم كه چقدر از قدرت ps3 استفاده كرديم . ما از spu ها استفاده نكرديم و اون به طور كلي ساختار در graphics card و پردازنده cellهست .
ولي ما داريم بهينه سازي مكنيم و جاي نگراني نيست .
اين متن خبر :
PSU: What is the primary advantage with the technologies for next-gen? Are there differences between the 360 and PS3 that you found aided you in the game?
* Charles Kieg: We defintiely feel next-gen technology aided truly in our development process. You know---you have complexer AI, you have more characters to work with, an enhanced ability to work with the animations on a higher scale--all that stuff. The only difference between the 360 and PS3--which both as a collective helped us develop The Orange Box is definitely there. For the 360 version of the game, we can probably say we are using around 93-94% of the console's power given our current optimization. With the PS3, we can't exactly say what power cap we reached, since no developer really knows where the boundary is for the PS3. We can tell you that in terms of the whole game together on the PS3, we are not even using the SPU's and it is purely built on the graphics card and Cell. We're still optimizing for PS3 more because we can, which can explain the slight delay to you. But no worries, everything is going smoothly to put down any rumors.
Update: When contacted about the last answer, Valve stated that they are still continuing to optimize for the 360, so the power % is just the estimate for their current optimization. They still have a long way to go.
ولي به نظر خودم بايد منتظر تاخير نسخه ي ps3 بود و يا اينكه باز تفاوتهايي خواهد داشت بين دو پلتفورم .:cheesygri
و بازي كه اين همه بتونه از قدرت كنسول استفاده كنه بايد چيز بسيار عالي از آب در بياد .
psu پرسيده كه از مزيتهاي تكنولوژي در بازي next-gen خودتون توضيح بديد و در جواب valve گفته كه بالاخره تفاوت هاي بسياري در ساختار xbox360 و ps3 هست
و گفتن كه شايد ما بتونيم بگيم كه تونستيم از 93 الي 94 درصد قدرت كنسول xbox360 استفاده كنيم .
ولي ما نميتونيم به طور مشخص بگيم كه چقدر از قدرت ps3 استفاده كرديم . ما از spu ها استفاده نكرديم و اون به طور كلي ساختار در graphics card و پردازنده cellهست .
ولي ما داريم بهينه سازي مكنيم و جاي نگراني نيست .
اين متن خبر :
PSU: What is the primary advantage with the technologies for next-gen? Are there differences between the 360 and PS3 that you found aided you in the game?
* Charles Kieg: We defintiely feel next-gen technology aided truly in our development process. You know---you have complexer AI, you have more characters to work with, an enhanced ability to work with the animations on a higher scale--all that stuff. The only difference between the 360 and PS3--which both as a collective helped us develop The Orange Box is definitely there. For the 360 version of the game, we can probably say we are using around 93-94% of the console's power given our current optimization. With the PS3, we can't exactly say what power cap we reached, since no developer really knows where the boundary is for the PS3. We can tell you that in terms of the whole game together on the PS3, we are not even using the SPU's and it is purely built on the graphics card and Cell. We're still optimizing for PS3 more because we can, which can explain the slight delay to you. But no worries, everything is going smoothly to put down any rumors.
Update: When contacted about the last answer, Valve stated that they are still continuing to optimize for the 360, so the power % is just the estimate for their current optimization. They still have a long way to go.
ولي به نظر خودم بايد منتظر تاخير نسخه ي ps3 بود و يا اينكه باز تفاوتهايي خواهد داشت بين دو پلتفورم .:cheesygri
و بازي كه اين همه بتونه از قدرت كنسول استفاده كنه بايد چيز بسيار عالي از آب در بياد .