Trailer Center


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Drop Zone Mode Highlights - Star Wars Battlefront Gameplay | 720
Check out the game mode Drop Zone in this Star Wars Battlefront Beta gameplay clip

Star Wars Battlefront - Full Co-Op Mission Gameplay | 720
Check out this Beta gameplay of Star Wars Battlefront's Co-Op mode, played on PC

Hoth Walker Assault Highlights - Star Wars Battlefront Gameplay | 720
A montage of both Imperials and Rebels in Walker Assault mode


Heroes of the Storm - Lt. Morales Trailer | 720
The Medic joins the battle -- Starcraft's Morales is coming to Heroes of the Storm


Halo 5: Guardians - Launch TV Commercial | 720
Following commands, Spartan Locke is hunting Master Chief down


StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void - Patch 3.0 UI Revamp Trailer | 720
Blizzard is making some prominent changes to the menu design in the real-time strategy game

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