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Fallout 4 – Gameplay Exploration | 720 | 1080 Shown at the Xbox E3 Briefing, see early exploration outside of Vault 111 – including introductions to characters like Codsworth, Preston Garvey, and Dogmeat. Additionally, see V.A.T.S. gameplay in
Fallout 4 – Combat Gameplay Compilation | 720 | 1080
Watch Fallout 4 combat in action, first shown at our #BE3 Showcase
Intense first or third person combat can also be slowed down with the new dynamic Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting Sy
Total War: Warhammer - Karl Franz of the Empire Trailer | 720 | 1080 | 1080 Gamersyde Take a look at this cinematic trailer, rendered in-engine, that introduces Karl Franz of the Empire
New Mech Gameplay in Galak-Z The Dimensional | 720 Turns out your ship can turn into a combat mech in Galak-Z. You come equipped with a sword, shield, and the ability to grapple and throw rocks, ships and more
Bombshell - Quakecon 2015 Gameplay Trailer | 720 Get a closer look at the combat and RPG elements of Bombshell in this official gameplay video
4K Gameplay of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II | 4K 10years after its release, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II pushes out an update allowing users to play the game at 4K resolution
Until Dawn Gameplay: Choose Your Own Path | 1080p 60fps 720p 60fps< 720p< 480p< PS4 exclusive Until Dawn features an astounding array of choices and possibilities. Hollie and Dave experiment with the game's 'Butterfly Effect' to see what can happen
5things you need to know about Street Fighter V - from Yoshinori Ono| 720p Series producer Yoshinori Ono talks through some of the fighting game sequel's most exciting new features