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- بحث vs اکیدا ممنوع
Official Batman: Arkham Insider #1 – 'All Who Follow You' Breakdown | 720
Arkham Insider Episode 1: In the episode, we give you the low down on the new Dual Play gameplay feature, shed more light the narrative elements at play in Batman’s relationship with his allies, and bring you inside the studio as we celebrate another milestone in the development of Batman: Arkham Knight
Official Batman: Arkham Insider #2 – 'Let's Play Dual Play' | 720 Arkham Insider Episode 2: In this episode, we bring you exclusive new gameplay of Dual Play Combat in Batman: Arkham Knight, as Batman and Nightwing team up to take on Penguin’s thugs. We also answer some questions from Arkham community super-fan Caboo***BL