Stronghold 3

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این شما و این هم :


Stronghold is back! Stronghold 3 is the awesome new sequel to the best selling Stronghold and Stronghold 2 games. Combining the classic gameplay from Stronghold with our brand new 3D engine, Stronghold 3 is destined to be the best game in the series. We aren't allowed to release much info yet but you'll be the first to know as soon as we do.


همانطور که مشخص اطلاعات زیادی از بازی در دسترس نیست ، اما موتور این بازی 3D هست.

این هم سایت اصلی بازی :

این هم صفحه (برعکس بخوانید) کوب فیس : پلاس رو از آدرس بردارید
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Reactions: Masood1992sdt
دوستان آپدیت 6 حالت خوبی که به بازی اضافه می کنه می تونید در حالت freebuild با حریف(حملات تصادفی) بازی کنید.این حالت با این آپدیت اضافه می شه
و مورد بعدی بهبود اتصال پله به دیوار هست .می توانید در داخل بازی پول اضافه کنید یا درجه سختی بازی را تغییر بدبد
مپ جدید برای freebuild با نام Threefish River
درخت ها با برخورد باد تکان می خورند
تغییرات 6

Stronghold 3 1.6.24988

  • New free-build mode control panel. This allows you to do the following:

  1. - Launch an attack/siege from a list against your castle
  2. - Set the in-game difficulty (mostly for the sake of estate food consumption rates)
  3. - Give yourself gold
  4. - Activate and set the evil-ness of random events

  • Wall attachments (such as stairs) are no longer limited to their attachment points. This allows you to slide them along wall edges. This also affects hoardings, burning logs and braziers.
  • You can now press the N key to jump to notifications (enemy attacks, etc) currently taking place.
  • Fixed the bug where players were unable to attack ruins and other structures.
  • Fixed a bug where the "King" contributed to the population.
  • Some tweaks to multiplayer so that the game shouldn’t lag as much for everyone when a slow computer is in the game. We are continuing to try to fix MP syncing issues especially in games with 3 or more players.
  • A new free-build mode map (“Threefish River”) has been added.
  • The crash which occurred after loading a map or save and then exiting the game has been fixed.
  • A crash has been fixed when playing military mission 11 (“A Glimmer of Hope”) and using the trebuchet to fire at a tower.
  • Deletion & repair now requires a mouse click, rather than just the mouse button to be held down.
  • Fixed a bug where blood and sparks particles were attached to troops.
  • Trees now sway in the wind.
آخرین ویرایش:
خوب انگار این آپدیت ها تمومی نداره ....
باز هم بازی رو آپدیت خواهد شد یا دیگه تمومه ؟
این باز واقعا گند زدن ببینید چقدی مشکل داره که بعد از 6 تا آپدیت هنوز کماکان مشکلاتی پا بر جاست

به هیچ وجه نمیتونه اتخارات نسخه یاول و کروسادر رو کسب کنه و فقط اسم stronghold رو داره یدک میکشه ...
ای بابا جدی خوب نشده؟گفتم بعد چندین سال کنسول بازیکردن یه بازی استراتژیک خوب واسه پی سی می یاد حالشو می بریم .حیف اگه خراب شده واقعا حیف این عنوان من یک تریلر قبلا ازش دیدم همون که با منجنیق نشون می داد به دیوار سنگ پرت می کنه تخریب پذیری و گرافیک که فوق العاده بود..یعنی ارزش خرید کپی هم نداره؟یکی بیاد کامل توضیح بده چرا بد شده
ای بابا جدی خوب نشده؟گفتم بعد چندین سال کنسول بازیکردن یه بازی استراتژیک خوب واسه پی سی می یاد حالشو می بریم .حیف اگه خراب شده واقعا حیف این عنوان من یک تریلر قبلا ازش دیدم همون که با منجنیق نشون می داد به دیوار سنگ پرت می کنه تخریب پذیری و گرافیک که فوق العاده بود..یعنی ارزش خرید کپی هم نداره؟یکی بیاد کامل توضیح بده چرا بد شده
در یک کلام ارزش بازی کردن و وقت گذاشتن نداره!
در یک کلام ارزش بازی کردن و وقت گذاشتن نداره!
مرسی پس بیخیالش
من تنها بازی پی سی بود که تو لیست خریدم نوشته بودم.واقعا متاسفم که انقدر به بازی های پی سی کم بها داده می شه الان نشستم 4 صفحه عقب تر تا اینجا رو خوندم 6 تا پچ دادن چه ایرادات بزرگی هم داشته اینو مطمئن باشید بازی رو اصلا تست نکردن!
بچه ها آپدیت جدید و موثر!!! کسی میتونه لینک دانلود به همراه کرک و بزاره؟! ممنون میشم!!:x

Stronghold 3 1.9.26498 Patch Notes

Patch v1.9.26498

Thursday, 01 March 2012

  • Multiplayer games will automatically resync if an error occurs.
  • Laddermen and Siege Towers can now be built from siege camps (multiplayer games only). See notes at the bottom of the page.
  • You can no longer walk on your enemies’ estates in multiplayer during peace-time.
  • Multiplayer maps have been edited and tweaked, making it easier for the player to build.
  • Multiplayer starting goods for High, Med and Low have been increased.
  • The default building limit in multiplayer has been changed to 100.
  • Scoring in multiplayer games has been rebalanced. On the score screen: goods are reported by category, and building reports have been simplified.
  • Steam avatars now appear in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Multiplayer lobby now auto-refreshes every 10 seconds.
  • Auto-save has been disabled in multiplayer games.
  • The keep panel now has buttons to turn all work buildings on or off at once. This is very useful in an emergency when you need to raise an army quickly.
  • You can now buy/sell in greater quantities by holding down SHIFT in the market.
  • Burning carts can now not attack or destroy stone buildings.
  • Attack Move has been added. When sending your troops to a destination you can use Attack Move to command them to retaliate if attacked en route. See notes below.
  • The skybox is fixed in free-look mode (Press Alt + F to unlock the camera).
  • Added “Texture Quality” setting to graphics options. Anisotropic ******ing will be used when this is set to Medium or High.
  • Knight movement speed now returns to normal after the horse is killed.
  • User Maps: Map descriptions and Objectives are now shown when selecting a map.
  • F1 key opens the Freebuild Panel in Freebuild mode.
  • Fixed industry on/off buttons to be much more responsive.
  • Food popularity report panel: The number of days supply of food is now shown in place of daily production.
  • Ale and Church reports now indicate if an inn or church has not been built.
  • Ale and Church rates sliders start set to 1x now, enabling their popularity bonuses by default once the relevant buildings and supplies are available.
  • UI tab buttons to select storage building panels are now disabled if the relevant building has not been built. Hotkeys to select storage buildings (G,H,J,K) will display a hint if the building is not available.
  • Fixed the UI incorrectly displaying a fractional sale of goods when clicking “sell” for goods values smaller than 1.
  • The amount of gold traded when buying and selling goods is now shown above the buy/sell buttons.
  • Subtle sound effects now play when issuing orders to Lord units to indicate if the command will be carried out or not.
Notes on using Laddermen and Siege Towers:
(Only available in multiplayer modes)
  • Laddermen are created at the siege camp.
  • Laddermen have 1 ladder which they can place against stone walls by targeting the walls and right-clicking.
  • Ladders are placed on the wall depending on where you have the camera focused, the same way stairs are placed.
  • All troops can move up and down ladders to gain access to walls.
  • Laddermen will return to the siege camp for another ladder after placing theirs against a wall.
  • Laddermen can also slide ladders down the far side of walls from on top of them using the same method as placing them against the walls.
  • All troops can push ladders off walls.
  • Ladders are automatically destroyed after 2-3 days
Siege Towers:
  • Siege towers are created at the siege camp.
  • Siege towers can be docked against stone walls by targeting the wall and right-clicking.
  • Units can be placed on siege towers and will fire missiles as the siege towers moves to its location.
  • Once the siege tower is docked against a wall, units can climb up and down it to gain access to the walls.
Notes on using Attack Move
  • Normally when sending troops to a destination they will ignore enemies they encounter and always attempt to reach their destination despite sustaining damage.
  • If you hold CTRL when selecting a destination your troops will retaliate if they encounter troops along the way.
  • After killing the enemies your troops will then continue to their destination as originally commanded.
من عاشق Stronghold Crusader و Stronghold 2 بودم.(خصوصا 2 که تعجبم شد توی این تاپیک ازش بد گفتید.)
درسته که قلعه 2 از لحاظ گرافیک بد بود اما گیم پلیش خیلی جذاب تر از Crusader بود و من به جرئت میتونم بگم از لحاظ
حرفه ای بودن توی قلعه 2 جزو 5 نفر اول در ایران هستم!
یه Legends و Stronghold 3 افتضاح بودن!
این Stronghold3 چی بود؟حالم به هم خورد!خونه هاتو یکم دور تر از مرکز درست می کردی کسی توش زندگی نمیکرد!
همون روز که اومد یه 2 ، 3 ساعت بازیش کردم بعد دوباره رفتم سراغ 2!
در ضمن من از Crusader هم خیلی خوشم میاد!

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن