Saves بازی ها (PSP)

من خودم بازیش نکردم و نمی دونم چجوریه. بهر حال ببین این به دردت میخوره:clover:

ممنون؛ ولی لینک اشکال داره...
External Link Disallowed

You're seeing this message because it appears that you're linking from an external site directly to one of the text files stored at GameFAQs. We allow other sites to link to any of our HTML pages, including FAQs, but not directly to our text files themselves.
If you see this message while browsing GameFAQs, the likely cause is your web browser returning false header information; some "anonymizer" programs can cause this error. If you disable that function, you should be able to view this file without problems.
Please use one of the links above or our search engine to find what you're looking for.
ممنون؛ ولی لینک اشکال داره...
External Link Disallowed

You're seeing this message because it appears that you're linking from an external site directly to one of the text files stored at GameFAQs. We allow other sites to link to any of our HTML pages, including FAQs, but not directly to our text files themselves.
If you see this message while browsing GameFAQs, the likely cause is your web browser returning false header information; some "anonymizer" programs can cause this error. If you disable that function, you should be able to view this file without problems.
Please use one of the links above or our search engine to find what you're looking for.
این یکی رو دانلود کن:
روی گزینه save game file کلیک کن:clover:
مثل اين كه سيو مدال مشكلي نداشت براي اطمينان بيشتر سيو خودمو ميذارم
اون مدالا كه معلومن اون يكي سيو هم سيو gta vcs براي كساني كه تو اون مرحله ي
كه بايد جعبه هارو ببريد تو كاميون همون اوايل بازي رو ميگم گير كردن اين سيو بعد اون مرحله
موفق باشيد


کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن