Multi Platform Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft Montreal
تاریخ انتشار
December 2015
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. PlayStation 5
  4. Xbox One
  5. Xbox Series X|S

نام بازی: Rainbow 6 Siege
سازنده و ناشر: Ubisoft

سبک: FPS, Tactical Shooter
پلتفرم: PC, PS4, Xbox One
تاریخ عرضه: 1 دسامبر 2015 ( 10 آذر 1394 )

Rainbow 6 Siege یا به طور مختصر R6S، یک اثر اول‌شخص تاکتیکی تمام آنلاین است که در آن، بازیکنان به رقابت سر اهداف مختلف (همچون Secure-bomb-hostage) می‌پردازند. در حالت کلی، سه مد که برابر با Casual, Ranked, Terrorist Hunt است، در این عنوان وجود دارد. در حالت «کژوال» بازیکنان به سادگی بدون دغدغه جا به جا شدن رنک خود به تجربه حالت‌های مختلف می‌انجامند اما تجربه اصلی بازی، مربوط به بخش Ranked Match می‌شود که پس از انجام 10 مچ رنک خود را دریافت کرده و قابلیت تغییر آن به واسطه بازی کردن به دست می‌آورید.
سیستم پشتیبانی از «سیج» به صورت سالانه بوده و هر سال شامل چهار فصلِ سه ماهه می‌شود. در آغار هر فصل به طور معمول 2 اپراتور و یک نقشه جدید، به همراه تعداد زیادی تغییرات به بازی وارد می‌شود. لاذم به ذکر است که برای خرید اپراتورها نیاز به خرید «سیزن پس» یا پرداخت پول واقعی ندارید و می‌توانید از طریق بازی کردن آن‌ها را به دست بیاورید.



game modes.jpg


وضعیت فعلی بازی: سال 5 فصل 1



سوال: سیستم آپدیت در سیج چطوریه؟
پاسخ: پشتیبانی از سیج به صورت سالانه است. هر سال 4 فصل دارد که در هر فصل به طور میانگین 3 آپدیت عرضه می‌شود تا تغییرات وعده داده شده اعمال شود. این تغییرات ممکن است شامل اُپریتور و نقشه و باف و نرف های جدید باشد و یا حل کردن مشکلات تکنیکی و سرورهای بازی که خود یوبیسافت درصورت تغییر روند برنامه عادیش اون ها رو به طور رسمی اعلام میکنه.
سوال: آیا بازی Pay 2 Win ـه؟
پاسخ: خیر :D
سوال: آیا مپ های حذف شده هرگز برنمی گردن؟
پاسخ: بعضی از مپ ها فقط توی حالت Custom Match قابل بازی خواهند بود اما به مرور زمان به کژوال و رنک بر میگردند.

سوال: اگه این بازی رو نسخه معمولیش رو بخریم به تجربمون از بازی اسیب میزنه یا خیر؟ و اینکه محتوای اضافه مثل اپراتور ها رو با حدود چند ساعت بازی میشه به دست اورد؟

پاسخ: خیر نسخه عادی هیچ آسیبی به بازی نمیرسونه چون بازی تحت هیچ عنوان P2W نیست و اخیرا هم ویژگی به بازی اضافه شده که حتی اگه نسخه عادی رو تهیه کنید و به اصطلاح تازه وارد باشید، تمامی اپراتور های پایه بازی ( که از روز اول در بازی وجود داشتن ) به همراه اتچمنت هاشون براتون به صورت مجانی باز هستند.
هر اپراتور مربوط به فصل ها هم حدود 20 الی 25 ساعت طول میکشه تا باز بشه.

سوال: به علت وجود تعداد زیاد نقشه در بازی جایگاه هَچ ها و راه های ورودی و ... را نمی شناسم، راه حلی برای یادگیری سریع نقاط مختلف هر نقشه وجود دارد؟

پاسخ: با مراجعه به وبسایت ذیل می توانید اطلاعات مربوط به هرنقشه را مطالعه کرده و یادبگیرید.

با تشکر از کاربر @Soroush_shz بابت معرفی این وبسایت کاربردی.

سوال: روشی برای بازی کردن با همه اپراتورا قبل از این که بخریمشون وجود داره؟
پاسخ: دوستان یه روش هست که تو پی سی جواب میده واسه تست کردن اپراتور های 25k ای قبل از اینکه بخرینش.
تو پی سی که میتونی یوپلی رو ببری رو حالت آفلاین مود و بازی رو اجرا کنی! همه اپراتورا تو حالت آفلاین بازه! میتونید واسه هر اپراتوری که میخواید اتچمنت بذارید و برید کاستوم رو در و دیوار تست کنید ببینید خوشتون میاد یا نه! رو دوستان نسخه استیمم جواب داده این روش! فقط تنها مودی که میشه رفت کاستومه! تو حالت آفلاین تروریست هانتم نمیتونید برید! ولی بازم واسه تست کردن گان ها و قابلیت هاشون خیلی خوبه و باعث میشه الکی 25 هزار تا واسه اپراتوری که شاید خوشتون نیاد هزینه نکنید!
دوستان کنسولیم سر در نمیارم ببینن میتونن تو حالت آفلاین بازی رو اجرا کنن؟ مثلا اینترنتو قطع کنن بازی اجرا میشه؟ یا روش های دیگه ... خلاصه تو حالت آفلاین همه اپراتورا بازه و میتونید قبل خرید تستش کنین!
با تشکر از @Soroush_shz

با تشکر از اسماعیل عزیز بابت همکاری در ساخت پست اول
آخرین ویرایش:
زمان سرچ بازي به شدت بالا رفته :|
نميدونم به خاطر نت تايپ استريكت من بود يا به خاطر اين گل و بلبل اينترنت ما يا دستكاري هاي يوبي :|

اپديت 2.2 بازي كه امروز و فردا مياد

The translation of these patch notes will be coming shortly. Since the patch will be live soon, we have opted to share the information as soon as we could. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Take note that we will be releasing Patch 2.2 on March 1st for PC and on March 2nd for consoles. Thank you for your understanding.

Patch 2.2’s main goal is to ensure a solid competitive experience before the start of the Rainbow Six Pro League. Its content is focused on elements such as cheating, exploits and spawn killing counter-measures as well as minor tweaks and bug fixes.

New Features

Community Health: Cheating Countermeasures

Addition of a Report Button
We have added a Report Button feature in order to empower the community. This will allow players to flag suspicious behaviors. Those reports will feed directly to our cheating counter-measures to increase their effectiveness.

Introduction of Kill Cam to Ranked
We are aware that there is a certain widespread sentiment that high level Ranked matches are often ruined by cheaters. We want to deter ‘witch hunting’ as much as possible. While there were legitimate design reasons to remove the Kill Cam from Ranked, we cannot compromise on the quality of our game experience. For this reason, we are enabling the Kill Cam on Ranked matches to remove this ‘hiding spot’ for cheaters. It will help the community as well as ourselves identify suspicious behaviors with a better level of certainty. Given the nature of our game (destruction, observation tools, high lethality), players are very likely to have doubts about what happened when they get killed. This causes confusion whether they died by a legitimate player or a cheater. This doubt causes a negative atmosphere for everyone regardless of the presence of cheaters in the match. Therefore, activating the Kill Cam in Ranked serves two purposes: make it harder for cheaters to hide and improve players' perception by allowing them to witness how they got killed. In the long term, we will also be working on improving the Kill Cam in order to make it more accurate and reliable.

Playlist Changes

New Custom Game setting: Infinite Overtime Rounds is now available for competitive play
It is important for us to provide options to the competitive scene. Therefore, we have added the option to go into infinite overtime in Custom Games. When Overtime Score Difference is set to 2, combined with an infinite Overtime Rounds amount, the game will be resolved only if a team wins by a +2 differential. This ensures the fairest outcome to a match (since our game is asymmetric).

General Tweaks & Improvements

Balance: Spawn Killing Countermeasures

Spawning Location Tweaks
We have altered multiple spawn positions and covers within spawning location areas in order to ensure that players spawning within them are protected from the Defenders. We believe these tweaks should fix the vast majority of those spawn killing occurrences. We will keep monitoring further to ensure that our spawn locations are safe for Attackers on all maps. For the full detailed list of those tweaks as well as pictures illustrating them, see the bottom, please scroll to the bottom of this post.

Ranked Matchmaking Improvements

Better quality matches within Ranked Matchmaking
On the week of February 22nd, we released a hotfix to improve the quality of matchmaking for Ranked. We have changed the relaxation parameters for ‘Skill Rank’ so that you are matched with players closer to your rank.

The situation before this update was that relaxation was occurring too quickly, with big ‘Skill Rank’ relaxation increments, and no maximum differential between teams. This meant that high skill teams could get matched up against much lesser skilled teams.

After the update, we are glad to confirm that we did improve the overall quality of matches in Ranked, with the matches being better balanced and of better quality. The relaxation now occurs quicker, but with smaller increments and with a maximum differential cap between teams. We expected the matchmaking queue times to be lengthened, but are glad to say they did not! The most notable difference is that matches with large Skill Rank difference went from 5-9% to 2-4%. We also had an improvement of about 5% to matches that are considered even or very close in terms of Skill Rank. We believe that we are on the right track and that we can keep improving those parameters further.

We are aware that there are many other improvements that can be done for Ranked, including further adjustments to matchmaking. We are currently working on committing to a clear plan, which we will be sharing with you in our known issues list’s high priority issues section within the upcoming weeks. Thank you for helping us identify them, your feedback is invaluable.

Main Bug Fixes
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list, and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done on the most commonly raised bugs.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Operators are in T-Pose and do not display any texture. – FIXED
  • Hit registration: the player sometimes doesn’t receive damage when shot at while in rappel and using a drone. – FIXED
  • Hit registration: Players sometime take no damage when shot in one of their feet. – FIXED
  • Hit registration: Defenders have a difficult time damaging a hostage carrier while he or she is in rappel. – FIXED
  • Weapons sometime appear through walls. – FIXED
  • The drone sometimes flies out of bounds when thrown. – FIXED
  • Sometimes drone falls off the maps. – FIXED
  • Gadgets placed on the ground cannot be put on top of barricade debris. – FIXED
  • The ADS animation sometimes gets corrupted when shield-wielding Operators aim. – FIXED
  • Thermite: sometimes, a reinforced trap door will not be destroyed by an Exothermic Charge. – FIXED
  • Buck: Pressing the gadget key while holding secondary weapon does not go out of Skeleton key mode. – FIXED
  • Glaz: pressing the gadget key while carrying secondary weapon does not switch scope ON and OFF. – FIXED
  • Sledge: hammer can be seen floating in the air during end of round camera. – FIXED

Level Design Fixes

  • Yacht - exploit: players are able to vault near the roof of the front end of the Yacht, inside the ceiling. – FIXED
  • Yacht: the Secure Area objective area doesn't cover the entire room of the cockpit, preventing the objective to be captured/defended when standing in a specific position. – FIXED
  • Yacht: Defenders cannot place barbed wire on any interior stairs of the map. – FIXED
  • Yacht: drones have no collision with a block of ice at East Glacier. – FIXED
  • Yacht: some red blocking walls not displayed during the Preparation Phase. – FIXED
  • Oregon - exploit: Attackers can shoot Defenders through a small gap (near Junkyard Spawn Point, EXT Dining Hall). – FIXED
  • Oregon: drones have difficulty navigating through the two ventilation shafts near the abandoned school bus. – FIXED
  • Chalet: an invisible collision will prevent characters from shooting at enemies hiding behind it on the 2F near the railing. - FIXED
  • House: players can fall through the map when rappelling near the River Docks area. – FIXED
  • House: pillows have no collision with the players’ gadgets. – FIXED
  • Russian Café: the bottom layer of the destructible wall from the Pillar Dining Room cannot be vaulted after destroying the wall. – FIXED
  • Sometimes, there are lighting issues on maps. – FIXED

Spectator Mode Fixes

  • The score is not replicated correctly for the spectator during character selection screen. – FIXED
  • When spectating, the spectator remains with a white screen if the spectated target is killed while being flashed. – FIXED
  • Spectator sees player's drone from the wrong perspective. – FIXED
  • Indication of drone elevation in relation to player does not work correctly when in Spectator Mode – FIXED
  • Tactical view focuses on where the Operator dies and does not allow the camera to move freely until the spectator switches to another player’s perspective. – FIXED
  • Graphic corruptions can be seen when switching between players in first person view. – FIXED
  • Players' full usernames no longer displayed under their logo when focused on in Spectator Mode – FIXED
  • Controller does not vibrate after exiting from spectate mode and playing in any mode. – FIXED
  • PC: The spectator cannot open the Options menu using the F10 key. – FIXED

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • The countdown (15/10/5 seconds remaining) announcer voice over still happens after the defuser has been planted when the bomb is planted late in the round. – FIXED
  • PS4: PS4 players met feature from the friends tab in the play station dynamic menu has no functionality. – FIXED

Patch size: Approximately 750 MB (may vary per platform)

Status Update on IP Protection

While we did originally announce that we would introduce IP protection in this patch, it has proven to be more complicated tech-wise than anticipated. We do intend on introducing IP protection as soon as possible. The PC version will most likely be ready before the Console version and will be shared as a hotfix patch containing only this feature as soon as it is ready. Due to submission requirements for Console, it will be shared at a later time (earliest possible as well). The IP protection will limit how players’ IPs are displayed, greatly reducing the possibility of DDoS attacks targeting players within a match. This feature is currently a priority for us.

Thank you so much for being part of this with us and sharing your feedback. Until next time!

The Rainbow Six Siege Development Team​

Spawn Location Tweaks

Red: before changes + line of sight
Green: after changes



  • Spawn points are now spread out.
  • Moved some spawns to be hidden behind the truck.




  • Spawn points are now spread out.
  • Moved some spawn points to be hidden behind the truck.


Construction Site

  • Wall has been elevated to block the Defenders line of sight into the spawn area.
    • The wall is now metal. (bullets cannot penetrate it)
  • Fence has been added to block a line of sight.



  • Spawn points are now hidden.




  • Moved spawn points.


Main Gate

  • Spawn points are now spread out.
  • Spawn points are closer to the building and more hidden.



ATM + Lobby + Loan Office (interior)

  • Cannot vault anymore on the plants and desk. This prevents Defenders from using line of sight angles to kill Attackers in their spawn.


Jewelry Front

  • Regrouped spawn points, making them more hidden.



Construction Site

  • Added additional metal pipes to block line of sight (could vault on a table in Kitchen and see the spawn).



  • Moved spawn points.




  • Spawn points are now spread out and hidden.



  • Spawn points are now spread out and hidden.



  • Elevated a rock to block the Defenders line of sight into Attacker's spawn.


Russian Cafe

East Main Street

  • Removed this spawn entirely.


Christmas Market

  • Moved some spawn points.


Park Alley

  • Spawn points moved and now hidden.




  • Spawn points spread out.



  • Spawn points spread out.


Snow Mobile

  • Added an ice block to block the Defenders line of sight into the Attacker's spawn.


Last edited by UbiEpi; Yesterday at 12:45 AM.​
آخرین ویرایش:
زمان سرچ بازي به شدت بالا رفته :|
نميدونم به خاطر نت تايپ استريكت من بود يا به خاطر اين گل و بلبل اينترنت ما يا دستكاري هاي يوبي :|

اپديت 2.2 بازي كه امروز و فردا مياد

The translation of these patch notes will be coming shortly. Since the patch will be live soon, we have opted to share the information as soon as we could. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Take note that we will be releasing Patch 2.2 on March 1st for PC and on March 2nd for consoles. Thank you for your understanding.

Patch 2.2’s main goal is to ensure a solid competitive experience before the start of the Rainbow Six Pro League. Its content is focused on elements such as cheating, exploits and spawn killing counter-measures as well as minor tweaks and bug fixes.

New Features

Community Health: Cheating Countermeasures

Addition of a Report Button
We have added a Report Button feature in order to empower the community. This will allow players to flag suspicious behaviors. Those reports will feed directly to our cheating counter-measures to increase their effectiveness.

Introduction of Kill Cam to Ranked
We are aware that there is a certain widespread sentiment that high level Ranked matches are often ruined by cheaters. We want to deter ‘witch hunting’ as much as possible. While there were legitimate design reasons to remove the Kill Cam from Ranked, we cannot compromise on the quality of our game experience. For this reason, we are enabling the Kill Cam on Ranked matches to remove this ‘hiding spot’ for cheaters. It will help the community as well as ourselves identify suspicious behaviors with a better level of certainty. Given the nature of our game (destruction, observation tools, high lethality), players are very likely to have doubts about what happened when they get killed. This causes confusion whether they died by a legitimate player or a cheater. This doubt causes a negative atmosphere for everyone regardless of the presence of cheaters in the match. Therefore, activating the Kill Cam in Ranked serves two purposes: make it harder for cheaters to hide and improve players' perception by allowing them to witness how they got killed. In the long term, we will also be working on improving the Kill Cam in order to make it more accurate and reliable.

Playlist Changes

New Custom Game setting: Infinite Overtime Rounds is now available for competitive play
It is important for us to provide options to the competitive scene. Therefore, we have added the option to go into infinite overtime in Custom Games. When Overtime Score Difference is set to 2, combined with an infinite Overtime Rounds amount, the game will be resolved only if a team wins by a +2 differential. This ensures the fairest outcome to a match (since our game is asymmetric).

General Tweaks & Improvements

Balance: Spawn Killing Countermeasures

Spawning Location Tweaks
We have altered multiple spawn positions and covers within spawning location areas in order to ensure that players spawning within them are protected from the Defenders. We believe these tweaks should fix the vast majority of those spawn killing occurrences. We will keep monitoring further to ensure that our spawn locations are safe for Attackers on all maps. For the full detailed list of those tweaks as well as pictures illustrating them, see the bottom, please scroll to the bottom of this post.

Ranked Matchmaking Improvements

Better quality matches within Ranked Matchmaking
On the week of February 22nd, we released a hotfix to improve the quality of matchmaking for Ranked. We have changed the relaxation parameters for ‘Skill Rank’ so that you are matched with players closer to your rank.

The situation before this update was that relaxation was occurring too quickly, with big ‘Skill Rank’ relaxation increments, and no maximum differential between teams. This meant that high skill teams could get matched up against much lesser skilled teams.

After the update, we are glad to confirm that we did improve the overall quality of matches in Ranked, with the matches being better balanced and of better quality. The relaxation now occurs quicker, but with smaller increments and with a maximum differential cap between teams. We expected the matchmaking queue times to be lengthened, but are glad to say they did not! The most notable difference is that matches with large Skill Rank difference went from 5-9% to 2-4%. We also had an improvement of about 5% to matches that are considered even or very close in terms of Skill Rank. We believe that we are on the right track and that we can keep improving those parameters further.

We are aware that there are many other improvements that can be done for Ranked, including further adjustments to matchmaking. We are currently working on committing to a clear plan, which we will be sharing with you in our known issues list’s high priority issues section within the upcoming weeks. Thank you for helping us identify them, your feedback is invaluable.

Main Bug Fixes
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list, and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done on the most commonly raised bugs.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Operators are in T-Pose and do not display any texture. – FIXED
  • Hit registration: the player sometimes doesn’t receive damage when shot at while in rappel and using a drone. – FIXED
  • Hit registration: Players sometime take no damage when shot in one of their feet. – FIXED
  • Hit registration: Defenders have a difficult time damaging a hostage carrier while he or she is in rappel. – FIXED
  • Weapons sometime appear through walls. – FIXED
  • The drone sometimes flies out of bounds when thrown. – FIXED
  • Sometimes drone falls off the maps. – FIXED
  • Gadgets placed on the ground cannot be put on top of barricade debris. – FIXED
  • The ADS animation sometimes gets corrupted when shield-wielding Operators aim. – FIXED
  • Thermite: sometimes, a reinforced trap door will not be destroyed by an Exothermic Charge. – FIXED
  • Buck: Pressing the gadget key while holding secondary weapon does not go out of Skeleton key mode. – FIXED
  • Glaz: pressing the gadget key while carrying secondary weapon does not switch scope ON and OFF. – FIXED
  • Sledge: hammer can be seen floating in the air during end of round camera. – FIXED

Level Design Fixes

  • Yacht - exploit: players are able to vault near the roof of the front end of the Yacht, inside the ceiling. – FIXED
  • Yacht: the Secure Area objective area doesn't cover the entire room of the cockpit, preventing the objective to be captured/defended when standing in a specific position. – FIXED
  • Yacht: Defenders cannot place barbed wire on any interior stairs of the map. – FIXED
  • Yacht: drones have no collision with a block of ice at East Glacier. – FIXED
  • Yacht: some red blocking walls not displayed during the Preparation Phase. – FIXED
  • Oregon - exploit: Attackers can shoot Defenders through a small gap (near Junkyard Spawn Point, EXT Dining Hall). – FIXED
  • Oregon: drones have difficulty navigating through the two ventilation shafts near the abandoned school bus. – FIXED
  • Chalet: an invisible collision will prevent characters from shooting at enemies hiding behind it on the 2F near the railing. - FIXED
  • House: players can fall through the map when rappelling near the River Docks area. – FIXED
  • House: pillows have no collision with the players’ gadgets. – FIXED
  • Russian Café: the bottom layer of the destructible wall from the Pillar Dining Room cannot be vaulted after destroying the wall. – FIXED
  • Sometimes, there are lighting issues on maps. – FIXED

Spectator Mode Fixes

  • The score is not replicated correctly for the spectator during character selection screen. – FIXED
  • When spectating, the spectator remains with a white screen if the spectated target is killed while being flashed. – FIXED
  • Spectator sees player's drone from the wrong perspective. – FIXED
  • Indication of drone elevation in relation to player does not work correctly when in Spectator Mode – FIXED
  • Tactical view focuses on where the Operator dies and does not allow the camera to move freely until the spectator switches to another player’s perspective. – FIXED
  • Graphic corruptions can be seen when switching between players in first person view. – FIXED
  • Players' full usernames no longer displayed under their logo when focused on in Spectator Mode – FIXED
  • Controller does not vibrate after exiting from spectate mode and playing in any mode. – FIXED
  • PC: The spectator cannot open the Options menu using the F10 key. – FIXED

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • The countdown (15/10/5 seconds remaining) announcer voice over still happens after the defuser has been planted when the bomb is planted late in the round. – FIXED
  • PS4: PS4 players met feature from the friends tab in the play station dynamic menu has no functionality. – FIXED

Patch size: Approximately 750 MB (may vary per platform)

Status Update on IP Protection

While we did originally announce that we would introduce IP protection in this patch, it has proven to be more complicated tech-wise than anticipated. We do intend on introducing IP protection as soon as possible. The PC version will most likely be ready before the Console version and will be shared as a hotfix patch containing only this feature as soon as it is ready. Due to submission requirements for Console, it will be shared at a later time (earliest possible as well). The IP protection will limit how players’ IPs are displayed, greatly reducing the possibility of DDoS attacks targeting players within a match. This feature is currently a priority for us.

Thank you so much for being part of this with us and sharing your feedback. Until next time!

The Rainbow Six Siege Development Team​

Spawn Location Tweaks

Red: before changes + line of sight
Green: after changes



  • Spawn points are now spread out.
  • Moved some spawns to be hidden behind the truck.




  • Spawn points are now spread out.
  • Moved some spawn points to be hidden behind the truck.


Construction Site

  • Wall has been elevated to block the Defenders line of sight into the spawn area.
    • The wall is now metal. (bullets cannot penetrate it)
  • Fence has been added to block a line of sight.



  • Spawn points are now hidden.




  • Moved spawn points.


Main Gate

  • Spawn points are now spread out.
  • Spawn points are closer to the building and more hidden.



ATM + Lobby + Loan Office (interior)

  • Cannot vault anymore on the plants and desk. This prevents Defenders from using line of sight angles to kill Attackers in their spawn.


Jewelry Front

  • Regrouped spawn points, making them more hidden.



Construction Site

  • Added additional metal pipes to block line of sight (could vault on a table in Kitchen and see the spawn).



  • Moved spawn points.




  • Spawn points are now spread out and hidden.



  • Spawn points are now spread out and hidden.



  • Elevated a rock to block the Defenders line of sight into Attacker's spawn.


Russian Cafe

East Main Street

  • Removed this spawn entirely.


Christmas Market

  • Moved some spawn points.


Park Alley

  • Spawn points moved and now hidden.




  • Spawn points spread out.



  • Spawn points spread out.


Snow Mobile

  • Added an ice block to block the Defenders line of sight into the Attacker's spawn.


Last edited by UbiEpi; Yesterday at 12:45 AM.​

مشكل از نت شما بود. من كه بدون هيچ مشكلى بازي كردم.


اين گيم مود جديد كي مياد؟ :|

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محتواش واسه این فکر میکنی کمه چون SW بازی کردی
هرچقدر هم مدش کم باشه از اون SW بهتره
از نظر کاستوم اسلحه هم خوبه
بازی تکراری بشو نیست
خب قابل مقایسه نیستن سبکاش متفاوت sw اسلحه هاش کم اما برای من تکراری نشد
EA هم سرور هاش بهتر از یوبی بوده همیشه با پایین ترین سرعت هم میشه بازی کرد خوبی ای که داره
حیف استوری نمیزارن برای بازی ها همین Rainbow six vegas واقعا لذت بخش بود 8-|
خب قابل مقایسه نیستن سبکاش متفاوت sw اسلحه هاش کم اما برای من تکراری نشد
EA هم سرور هاش بهتر از یوبی بوده همیشه با پایین ترین سرعت هم میشه بازی کرد خوبی ای که داره
حیف استوری نمیزارن برای بازی ها همین Rainbow six vegas واقعا لذت بخش بود 8-|

SW هم مپش کمتر بود هم سلاح هاش همی این که نمیشد کاستوم کرد سلاحاشو
فقط سرور بهتری داره و شلوغ تره
در ضمن R6 RESPAWN نداره بهت گفته باشم اگه به فکر RESPAWN ی نیا سمتش بمیری باید تا راند بعد صبر کنی
SW هم مپش کمتر بود هم سلاح هاش همی این که نمیشد کاستوم کرد سلاحاشو
فقط سرور بهتری داره و شلوغ تره
در ضمن R6 RESPAWN نداره بهت گفته باشم اگه به فکر RESPAWN ی نیا سمتش بمیری باید تا راند بعد صبر کنی
من با آپدیت آخری که بازی کردم ۹ تا مپ داره و ۱۰ تا مود . هرچند بازم باید اضافه بشه
راحت وصل میشی؟
من با آپدیت آخری که بازی کردم ۹ تا مپ داره و ۱۰ تا مود . هرچند بازم باید اضافه بشه
راحت وصل میشی؟

وصل شدنش که راحته ولی سروراش مثه R6 نیست بعضی وقتا پینگم 400 هم میره بازی میکنیم
کلآ بهترین بازی انلاینی که تا اینجا تو این نسل بازی کردم R6 بوده شایدم بگم بهترین بازی این نسل که بازی کردم
این ویدیو رو با کیفیت بالا ببینین (واسه این که کیفیت بالا ببینین از تو خود آپارات نگاه کنید)
من عاشق اون ROOK ـه شدم یعنی تیرندازی کردیم برنگشت دیوار شکوندیم برنگشت کلآ شخصیت جالبی داشت راحت نشسته بود ARMOR تازه انداخت زمین
3 تا مود
Extract Hostage
Bomb Defuse
Secure Area
و حدود 7,8 شايدم بيشتر مپ

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از 7-8 تا بيشتره
فكر كنم الان 12-14 تا باشه
محتواش کم نیست یا من اینطوری حس می کنم؟ :دی

كميت محتواش معموليه و بيشتر كلاس هاي دوست داشتني و اينا داره
كيفيت محتواش خوبه
تعداد كاراكترهاش كه خوب بالاست الان 22 كه تا اخر 2016 ميشه 28 تا

یه چیزی رو بعد آخرین آپدیت تا حالا چنبار تو بازی دیدم،بازیکن آخر تیم مقابل down میشه نمیمیره!کی بیاد ریوایوش کنه خب؟:d

فرق داره !

اگر كسي كه down شده توي مد secure area باشه و داخل محوطه secure باشه حتي اگر اخرين نفر از تيم حريف باشه تا وقتي كه داره خونريزي مي كنه ميتونه توي بازي بمونه چون در حقيقت هنوز زنده است و ميتونه منطقه رو بگيره ! يا بايد دشمن بياد كارش رو تموم كنه يا صبر كنن تا قبل از secure شدن بميره كه احتمالش كمه
پس ميتونه در اين حالت حتي بازي رو ببره

اگر هم doc باشه كه خوب زنده موندنش حتي بعد از كشته شدن تمامي تيم اش ميتونه خونريزي بكنه چون ميتونه خودش رو revive كنه
این ویدیو رو با کیفیت بالا ببینین (واسه این که کیفیت بالا ببینین از تو خود آپارات نگاه کنید)
من عاشق اون ROOK ـه شدم یعنی تیرندازی کردیم برنگشت دیوار شکوندیم برنگشت کلآ شخصیت جالبی داشت راحت نشسته بود ARMOR تازه انداخت زمین
کلان از روش های کثیفی kill میگیری.من اون اوایل که بازی رو گرفتم تشنه kill گرفتن بود خیلی ROOK یا Blitz میگرفتم . ولی الان احساس میکنم بالانس بازی رو بهم میزنن مخصوصا Rook که یه خشاب باید روش خالی کنی تا بمیره .اون حرکتت که پشت hostage دارز کش میشدی هم خدایی کثیف ولی بسیار لذت بخشه :d

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن