Multi Platform Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft Montreal
تاریخ انتشار
December 2015
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. PlayStation 5
  4. Xbox One
  5. Xbox Series X|S

نام بازی: Rainbow 6 Siege
سازنده و ناشر: Ubisoft

سبک: FPS, Tactical Shooter
پلتفرم: PC, PS4, Xbox One
تاریخ عرضه: 1 دسامبر 2015 ( 10 آذر 1394 )

Rainbow 6 Siege یا به طور مختصر R6S، یک اثر اول‌شخص تاکتیکی تمام آنلاین است که در آن، بازیکنان به رقابت سر اهداف مختلف (همچون Secure-bomb-hostage) می‌پردازند. در حالت کلی، سه مد که برابر با Casual, Ranked, Terrorist Hunt است، در این عنوان وجود دارد. در حالت «کژوال» بازیکنان به سادگی بدون دغدغه جا به جا شدن رنک خود به تجربه حالت‌های مختلف می‌انجامند اما تجربه اصلی بازی، مربوط به بخش Ranked Match می‌شود که پس از انجام 10 مچ رنک خود را دریافت کرده و قابلیت تغییر آن به واسطه بازی کردن به دست می‌آورید.
سیستم پشتیبانی از «سیج» به صورت سالانه بوده و هر سال شامل چهار فصلِ سه ماهه می‌شود. در آغار هر فصل به طور معمول 2 اپراتور و یک نقشه جدید، به همراه تعداد زیادی تغییرات به بازی وارد می‌شود. لاذم به ذکر است که برای خرید اپراتورها نیاز به خرید «سیزن پس» یا پرداخت پول واقعی ندارید و می‌توانید از طریق بازی کردن آن‌ها را به دست بیاورید.



game modes.jpg


وضعیت فعلی بازی: سال 5 فصل 1



سوال: سیستم آپدیت در سیج چطوریه؟
پاسخ: پشتیبانی از سیج به صورت سالانه است. هر سال 4 فصل دارد که در هر فصل به طور میانگین 3 آپدیت عرضه می‌شود تا تغییرات وعده داده شده اعمال شود. این تغییرات ممکن است شامل اُپریتور و نقشه و باف و نرف های جدید باشد و یا حل کردن مشکلات تکنیکی و سرورهای بازی که خود یوبیسافت درصورت تغییر روند برنامه عادیش اون ها رو به طور رسمی اعلام میکنه.
سوال: آیا بازی Pay 2 Win ـه؟
پاسخ: خیر :D
سوال: آیا مپ های حذف شده هرگز برنمی گردن؟
پاسخ: بعضی از مپ ها فقط توی حالت Custom Match قابل بازی خواهند بود اما به مرور زمان به کژوال و رنک بر میگردند.

سوال: اگه این بازی رو نسخه معمولیش رو بخریم به تجربمون از بازی اسیب میزنه یا خیر؟ و اینکه محتوای اضافه مثل اپراتور ها رو با حدود چند ساعت بازی میشه به دست اورد؟

پاسخ: خیر نسخه عادی هیچ آسیبی به بازی نمیرسونه چون بازی تحت هیچ عنوان P2W نیست و اخیرا هم ویژگی به بازی اضافه شده که حتی اگه نسخه عادی رو تهیه کنید و به اصطلاح تازه وارد باشید، تمامی اپراتور های پایه بازی ( که از روز اول در بازی وجود داشتن ) به همراه اتچمنت هاشون براتون به صورت مجانی باز هستند.
هر اپراتور مربوط به فصل ها هم حدود 20 الی 25 ساعت طول میکشه تا باز بشه.

سوال: به علت وجود تعداد زیاد نقشه در بازی جایگاه هَچ ها و راه های ورودی و ... را نمی شناسم، راه حلی برای یادگیری سریع نقاط مختلف هر نقشه وجود دارد؟

پاسخ: با مراجعه به وبسایت ذیل می توانید اطلاعات مربوط به هرنقشه را مطالعه کرده و یادبگیرید.

با تشکر از کاربر @Soroush_shz بابت معرفی این وبسایت کاربردی.

سوال: روشی برای بازی کردن با همه اپراتورا قبل از این که بخریمشون وجود داره؟
پاسخ: دوستان یه روش هست که تو پی سی جواب میده واسه تست کردن اپراتور های 25k ای قبل از اینکه بخرینش.
تو پی سی که میتونی یوپلی رو ببری رو حالت آفلاین مود و بازی رو اجرا کنی! همه اپراتورا تو حالت آفلاین بازه! میتونید واسه هر اپراتوری که میخواید اتچمنت بذارید و برید کاستوم رو در و دیوار تست کنید ببینید خوشتون میاد یا نه! رو دوستان نسخه استیمم جواب داده این روش! فقط تنها مودی که میشه رفت کاستومه! تو حالت آفلاین تروریست هانتم نمیتونید برید! ولی بازم واسه تست کردن گان ها و قابلیت هاشون خیلی خوبه و باعث میشه الکی 25 هزار تا واسه اپراتوری که شاید خوشتون نیاد هزینه نکنید!
دوستان کنسولیم سر در نمیارم ببینن میتونن تو حالت آفلاین بازی رو اجرا کنن؟ مثلا اینترنتو قطع کنن بازی اجرا میشه؟ یا روش های دیگه ... خلاصه تو حالت آفلاین همه اپراتورا بازه و میتونید قبل خرید تستش کنین!
با تشکر از @Soroush_shz

با تشکر از اسماعیل عزیز بابت همکاری در ساخت پست اول
آخرین ویرایش:
این اسلحه اولی باک هم تکونش خیلی زیاده.اصلا نمیشه درست و حسابی رو حریف قفل کرد و زدش.مخصوصا اگه با دشمن کمی فاصله داشته باشی
اره دقيفا.
چون firerate اش زياده واسه نزديك خيلي خوبه لگدش مهم نيست، از دور لگد داره كه بايد burst تير زد. اونكه Recoil كم ميكنه رو بزار بهتر ميشه
من كه مشكلي ندارم:d لگدش از Famas كمتره.
نميدونم چرا چند وقته تيراندازي ايم نابود شده :| اصلاً درست aim نمي گيرم :|
نميدونم دست هام خسته است ؟ بعد اخرين اپديت كمي توي ميزان حساسيت تغيير ايجاد كردن يا خودم بايد برم حساسيت هارو دوباره تغيير بدم

اشكان تو بودي كه رفتم بالاي سر كسل نتونستم بزنمش ؟

مشکل NetCode کم بود با آپدیت جدید این باگ تیر میزنی دمیج نمیگیرن مخصوصلا هدشاتا اضافه شده به بازی
خسته نباشه یوبی سافت

منم اين مشكل رو حس كردم ! نميدونم به خاطر پينگ ماست يا همين نت كد ها

من که تاثیری نمیبینم:d همیشه تنها میرم جلو:d
همه بازیا assist دارن اخه یعنی چی این حرفت .خب منم assist هام رو حساب کنیم میشم 3 :d
طرز بازی کردن بازم میشه همون کشتن طرف مقابل و K/D دیگه.حالا این بازی یکم تاکتیکی هست ولی اخر سر همه همدیگرو باید بزنن.
کلا ولش کن تو قبول نمیکنی:d من نمیگم فقط K D عه ولی اصلی ترینشه در کنارش بقیه موارد هست.

صادق جريان تو فرق مي كنه كه تكي ميري جلو !
من بازي كردنت رو كه نگاه مي كنم عمده دليل خوب بودنت به خاطر سرعت واكنش خوب اته دقت تيراندازي ايت هم كه عاليه

دیروز بعد رفتنتد من و امیرحسین ممد فن بودی گیر 2 نوب به تمم معنا افتادیم
تو مپ کلبه برفیه تو فرانسه secure تو گاراژ بود بعد ترمیانت و تچر خارجی بودن پشته در گاراژ هم mute کاشته بودن ترماینته کاشت هرچی ما منتظر بودیم که تچر emp شو پرت کنه نشسته بود عینه بز نگاه میکرد اونم کی کسی که لولش 39 بود هیچی یه 20 ثانیه وایسادیم واسه این ابله هی من زیر پاش تیر میزم در گاراژ و نشون میدادم نشسته بود جلو در گاراژ نگاه میکرد اخر هم کشتیشمشون منتهاا قشنگ گند زدن به بازی ما هو رفتن راند اول که هیچی و نبستن تمامه درا وا بود با این که یکیشون کستل بود
راند دوم تچر و ترمایینت به درجه ی والای ابلهیت رسیدن بعد از مرگشون هم یه گندی زدن
راند سوم 2 تاشون و کشتیم و مردیم و عملآ تو k/d کژوالمون گند زدن این دونفر
به نظرم برای یه تازه کار castle / rook بهترین گزینه دیفند باشه خودم اولین کاراکترم rook بود
بعد یه مدتی هم puls / mute / bandit
بعدش هم ما بقی

نوب جماعت دردسريه براي خودش :|
اتفاقاً به نظر من كلاس هايي كه قابليت مهمي دارن توي بازي اصلاً نبايد اون اول كار برداشته بشه بايد برن اخر كار شايد يارو كمي ياد گرفت

اين Buck عاليه ، اسلحه هاش حرف ندارن:d
ولي اون Frost به خصوص SMG ايش تعريفي نداره.

SMG فراست RoF پاييني داره ولي شاتگان اش واقعاً عاليه

اره دقيفا.
چون firerate اش زياده واسه نزديك خيلي خوبه لگدش مهم نيست، از دور لگد داره كه بايد burst تير زد. اونكه Recoil كم ميكنه رو بزار بهتر ميشه
من كه مشكلي ندارم:d لگدش از Famas كمتره.

صادق F2 چرا لگدش زياده ؟ من الان توئيچ كه برميدارم به خاطر همين F2 و لگد كم اسلحه اشه :| با كمي شخصي سازي اونقدر لگد اش اومده پايين كه نسبت به RoF اش هيچي حساب نميشه
نميدونم چرا چند وقته تيراندازي ايم نابود شده :| اصلاً درست aim نمي گيرم :|
نميدونم دست هام خسته است ؟ بعد اخرين اپديت كمي توي ميزان حساسيت تغيير ايجاد كردن يا خودم بايد برم حساسيت هارو دوباره تغيير بدم

اشكان تو بودي كه رفتم بالاي سر كسل نتونستم بزنمش ؟

این واسه اینه که تک بودی من خودم مگه یادت نیست همون شب تو اتک 1 به 4 بودم تو م بانک نتونستم ایم بگیرم
در کل آدم بعضی وقتا دستش میلرزه روبات نیست که رو ایم قفل کنه بعضی وقتا باید اشتباه کنه
من خودم چند شب پیش یه ایم ساده نمیتونسم بگیرم 2 راند اول ولی بعد دو راند قشنگ 100 نفر کشتم همون شب
این واسه اینه که تک بودی من خودم مگه یادت نیست همون شب تو اتک 1 به 4 بودم تو م بانک نتونستم ایم بگیرم
در کل آدم بعضی وقتا دستش میلرزه روبات نیست که رو ایم قفل کنه بعضی وقتا باید اشتباه کنه
من خودم چند شب پیش یه ایم ساده نمیتونسم بگیرم 2 راند اول ولی بعد دو راند قشنگ 100 نفر کشتم همون شب

نه اشكان اين يه چند وقتيه عجيب برام اتفاق مي افته :| و نميدونم چرا :| اصلاً نميتونم درست aim بگيرم :|
خوب پچ بعدي يا 2.1 هم اعلام شد كه حدود 5 روز ديگه بر رو ي كنسول ها و فردا بر روي PC قابل دسترسي است

در مورد تفاوت زمان كنسول و PC بايد بگم چون Pc يه پلتفرم مستقل حساب ميشه ميتونن هر مورقع خواستن براش اپديت بدن ولي اپديت كنسول ها بايد با سوني و مايكرو تماس گرفته بشه و بعد اون ها اوكي كنن

به نظر هم مياد پچ خوبي باشه و خرابكاري هاي قبلي رو درست كنه !
نكته هم اين كه متوجه شده بودم بليتز خيلي اسيب پذيرتر شده ولي نه تا اين حد !!! بريد ببينيد و عكس هاي قبل و بعد بلتيز رو نگاه كنيد ! عملاً سر بليتز از 3 متري نمايانه

باگ و گليچ ها هم درست شدن :d
مشكل سايه سياه هم درسته شده :d و ...

In-Depth Patch Notes – Update 2.1. – February 11th (PC) & February 16th (Console)

In-Depth Patch Notes – Update 2.1. – February 11[SUP]th[/SUP] (PC) & February 16[SUP]th[/SUP] (Console)

The translation of these patch notes will be coming shortly. Since the patch will be live soon, we have opted to share the information as soon as we could. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Take note that we will be releasing Patch 2.1 on February 11th for PC and on February 16th for consoles. Thank you for your understanding.

New Features


Custom Games and Spectator Camera on dedicated servers
10 player Custom Games can now be hosted on dedicated servers, which offers a fair gameplay environment that better suits competition. Dedicated servers means no host advantage, better stability, and makes it harder to cheat. We also are making the Spectator Camera feature available on dedicated servers, allowing an 11th person to observe matches held on those servers.

There are currently limitations on using said feature. We do plan on making it more accessible and improving the feature over time, but wanted to share it today with you.

Current limitations:

  • There must be 10 players for a Custom Game on dedicated servers to start.
  • In order to create a game with a Spectator, the spectator has to be the one creating said game as Spectator. In that case, there will be 10 players and 1 spectator in a match.
  • Only one spectator can be present in a Custom Match hosted on dedicated servers.
  • Even though it is on dedicated servers, if the match creator quits, the lobby is disbanded.
  • These matches are invite only.
  • You will have 10 minutes to fill the lobby and start to game to keep the match on a dedicated server.
  • There is currently no way to return to an already started match if you leave or disconnect.
  • As the creator, you won’t be able to create a new Custom Game on dedicated servers for 10 minutes if you shut down your previous Custom Game hosted on dedicated servers.

In order to launch a Custom Game on dedicated servers, from the main menu, select:

  • CREATE NEW PLAYLIST (or select one you already made)
    • Fill Playlist Name
    • Press Add a Match, then edit the details of your match and save your playlist.
  • Select any of your previously created playlists, this will bring up the CREATE GAME panel.
  • Decide whether you want to Create as Player or Create as Spectator.
  • Select Server Type: Dedicated Server
  • Allow Spectator will be automatically set to off, however you can join yourself as a Spectator.

Data Centers can be selected for Custom Games hosted on dedicated servers
If players or spectators do not wish for the game to be hosted in their default region’s data center, they will be able to change when creating the game, by changing the selection from the Data Center category.

List of Data center abbreviations and full names:

  • default (based on ping)
  • eus (US East)
  • cus (US Central)
  • scus (US South Central)
  • wus (US West)
  • sbr (Brazil South)
  • neu (Europe North)
  • weu (Europe West)
  • eas (Asia East)
  • seas (Asia South East)
  • eau (Australia East)
  • wja (Japan West)

General Tweaks & Improvements


Tweaked Blitz’s head model and hitbox to have the same amount of exposure as the other shield-wielding Operators and Recruits.
Blitz’s opponents were able to headshot him with ease over his shield due to his big head model. We have reduced the size of his head model and made his shield taller.

Exposure at 3 meters before today's update:

Exposure at 3 meters after today's update:

Tweaked recoil on certain weapons in order to make them more controllable.

  • PKP Pecheneg
  • (PC only) AUG

Player Comfort

Added HUD presets in Custom Games to accommodate different needs

  • Added ESL Pro League S1 HUD, which is the preset chosen by ESL for their tournaments.
  • Altered Hardcore HUD, which is our first iteration leading to the Hardcore Mode. It is not final and is just a first step we can share as we work on completing the Game Mode.

Daily Challenges now accumulate daily without needing to log in

  • Players no longer need to log in at least once every 24 hours to get a new challenge. Instead, one challenge is granted every day to every player that has at least one free challenge slot, even if they don't log in.

Fairfight cheating kick message updated to make it clearer

  • When a player is banned, an unclear message was broadcasted to all players playing in public matchmaking ‘[PLAYER] has removed from the match by FairFight™.’ From now on, the message ‘[PLAYER] has been banned from the game by FairFight™.’ will be broadcasted instead.

Main Bug Fixes
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done about the most commonly raised bugs.

Gameplay fixes

  • Operators sometimes are displayed in T-Pose, slide around the maps and don’t have any textures. – FIXED
  • Headshot hits do not register properly. – FIXED (We will keep looking for additional improvement opportunities.)
  • Exploit: Kapkan’s trap can have an invisible laser if specific steps are followed. – FIXED
  • Exploit: Bandit could duplicate the batteries in his inventory by doing a certain behavior. – FIXED
  • Exploit: Players able to clip inside walls using Deployable Shields. – FIXED
  • Collar collision on Frost and Buck, make headshots register as upper body damage. – FIXED
  • Glaz is able to take down Castle Barricades with only 4 shots. – FIXED
  • Player able to clip inside walls by using Deployable Shields. – FIXED
  • Nitro Cells stick to the edges of tiny leaves on plants. – FIXED .
  • Switching weapons takes Buck out of the Skeleton Key mode. – FIXED
  • Blitz’s gadget blinds players who were not facing it. – FIXED
  • Frost’s Welcome Mat is not destroyed when placed on a trap door which is then reinforced. – FIXED
  • Sometimes, players get an infinite reload animation. – FIXED
  • Sometimes, players cannot reload their weapon. – FIXED
  • Player has a jammed screen if holding the drone in his or her hand near a Signal Disrupter. – FIXED
  • If an attacker is killed at the same time as they finish placing the defuser, the defender won’t be able to disable it. – FIXED
  • Armored barricades placed by Castle appear as intact when Castle is looking at them, while they are displayed as destroyed for other players. – FIXED
  • PVE: Inconsistency between the number of AI displayed to be killed at the start of the session on Yacht and the one displayed for the rest of the maps on all difficulty levels. The amount of AI spawning was not the same as the amount of AI displayed. It was 20 on all difficulty levels while it should have been 22 (normal), 26 (hard) and 30 (realistic). – FIXED
  • (PC) Cannot HOLD Sprint when Walk is set to TOGGLE. – FIXED
  • Yacht: when playing during daytime with Montagne, broken glass decals are completely dark. – TENTATIVE FIX (We will be tracking for it once Patch 2.1 goes live, currently cannot reproduce the bug anymore internally. Please reach out to customer support if you experience it after the patch is live, thank you!)

Level design fixes

  • Yacht ceiling glitch exploit: player is able to vault near the roof of the front end of the boat inside the map’s ceiling, gaining a tactical advantage. – FIXED
  • Presidential Plane glitch exploit: Drone can jump through a wall in the Cargo and get inside the Plane’s textures. – FIXED
  • Oregon glitch: an exterior brick wall could be shot through from EXT Farmlands. - FIXED
  • Yacht slot machine glitch: after shooting the slot machine, it creates a vault detection that makes the player vault. - FIXED
  • Yacht: exterior cameras are missing their location names. – FIXED
  • Yacht: drones can go out of world at the EXT East Glacier. – FIXED
  • Yacht: drones can fall in the water and out of map at the King of the World location. – FIXED
  • Yacht: asset left floating after destroying wall in the Infirmary. – FIXED
  • Club House: players can fall out of world when installing a booby trap in the Basement. – FIXED
  • Chalet: Invisible collision present on the table located in the Dining Room at 1F. – FIXED
  • Bank: light issue present on the South wall of the CEO Office. – FIXED

Online fixes

  • Players sometimes join a Ranked match that is already in progress. – FIXED
  • Cannot Vote Kick a second player from a PVP session and Team Kill Auto-Kick and Hostage Kill Auto-Kick become unavailable. – FIXED
  • Error code 0-0x00000602 is received when returning from a matchmaking game to looking for players step. – FIXED
  • PVE: Broken friendly fire kick system. – FIXED
  • Custom Game: After being kicked from a Custom Game session, the player is able to join through the Open to Friends option. – FIXED

UI fixes

  • In Custom Games, the Hardcore HUD features the old Simplified HUD settings. – FIXED
  • There is no timer present during the lobby screen. – FIXED
  • Platinum Rank appears misspelled in the End of Round Screen. – FIXED
  • Gun icon is displayed in the Round Log instead of the fall icon when bleeding out from fall damage in the game. – FIXED

Miscellaneous fixes

  • Players playing Lone Wolf receive Situations’ Renown and XP. – FIXED
  • Yacht: Missing weapon textures during PVP matches. – FIXED
  • The lower part of Blitz’s character model is flickering. – FIXED
  • Weapons show black texture after playing several Custom sessions in a row. – FIXED
  • When reloading L85A2, ammo magazine clips through weapon. – FIXED
  • MP7’s attachments conflict with the default iron sight. – FIXED
  • There is no sound for the Season 1 Operators when reloading their weapons. – FIXED
  • Frost’s Welcome Mat gadget has no sound effects when deployed or picked up. – FIXED
  • Minor bugs present in Spectator Camera. – FIXED
  • PVE: First person gun models and players are invisible occasionally. – FIXED
  • (PC) It is possible to see through walls using NVidia SLI. – FIXED
  • (PS4) ‘Recently met players’ feature now functional (was already working on XB1). – FIXED

Some unlisted tweaks & fixes implemented with Patch 2.0

Online improvements:

  • Improvements on cheating countermeasures.
  • From now on, when players are banned, a notification in the combat log is broadcasted to all players currently playing in public matchmaking for all platforms.
  • Improvements on automatic data center selection.


  • Sledge’s hammer swing speed significantly increased.
  • Glaz can now destroy wooden barricades.

Player comfort:

  • Ping maximum range significantly increased.
  • Weapon skins can now be previewed full screen in the Shop.
  • (PC) Can now check scoreboard from the lobby by pressing the TAB key.

Gameplay bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in which it was possible to obtain full accuracy for shield-wielding Operators before the end of the ADS transition animation.
  • Misaligned optics fixed.

Online bug fixes:

  • Fix for estimated wait time in the matchmaking lobby screen.
  • Fix of various disconnect issues.

Patch size: 1.2 GB

Thank you for being part of this with us and sharing your feedback. We are looking forward to sharing more improvements on the game with you.
خوب پچ بعدي يا 2.1 هم اعلام شد كه حدود 5 روز ديگه بر رو ي كنسول ها و فردا بر روي PC قابل دسترسي است

در مورد تفاوت زمان كنسول و PC بايد بگم چون Pc يه پلتفرم مستقل حساب ميشه ميتونن هر مورقع خواستن براش اپديت بدن ولي اپديت كنسول ها بايد با سوني و مايكرو تماس گرفته بشه و بعد اون ها اوكي كنن

به نظر هم مياد پچ خوبي باشه و خرابكاري هاي قبلي رو درست كنه !
نكته هم اين كه متوجه شده بودم بليتز خيلي اسيب پذيرتر شده ولي نه تا اين حد !!! بريد ببينيد و عكس هاي قبل و بعد بلتيز رو نگاه كنيد ! عملاً سر بليتز از 3 متري نمايانه

باگ و گليچ ها هم درست شدن :d
مشكل سايه سياه هم درسته شده :d و ...

[h=2]In-Depth Patch Notes – Update 2.1. – February 11th (PC) & February 16th (Console)[/h] In-Depth Patch Notes – Update 2.1. – February 11[SUP]th[/SUP] (PC) & February 16[SUP]th[/SUP] (Console)

The translation of these patch notes will be coming shortly. Since the patch will be live soon, we have opted to share the information as soon as we could. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Take note that we will be releasing Patch 2.1 on February 11th for PC and on February 16th for consoles. Thank you for your understanding.

New Features


Custom Games and Spectator Camera on dedicated servers
10 player Custom Games can now be hosted on dedicated servers, which offers a fair gameplay environment that better suits competition. Dedicated servers means no host advantage, better stability, and makes it harder to cheat. We also are making the Spectator Camera feature available on dedicated servers, allowing an 11th person to observe matches held on those servers.

There are currently limitations on using said feature. We do plan on making it more accessible and improving the feature over time, but wanted to share it today with you.

Current limitations:

  • There must be 10 players for a Custom Game on dedicated servers to start.
  • In order to create a game with a Spectator, the spectator has to be the one creating said game as Spectator. In that case, there will be 10 players and 1 spectator in a match.
  • Only one spectator can be present in a Custom Match hosted on dedicated servers.
  • Even though it is on dedicated servers, if the match creator quits, the lobby is disbanded.
  • These matches are invite only.
  • You will have 10 minutes to fill the lobby and start to game to keep the match on a dedicated server.
  • There is currently no way to return to an already started match if you leave or disconnect.
  • As the creator, you won’t be able to create a new Custom Game on dedicated servers for 10 minutes if you shut down your previous Custom Game hosted on dedicated servers.

In order to launch a Custom Game on dedicated servers, from the main menu, select:

  • CREATE NEW PLAYLIST (or select one you already made)
    • Fill Playlist Name
    • Press Add a Match, then edit the details of your match and save your playlist.

  • Select any of your previously created playlists, this will bring up the CREATE GAME panel.
  • Decide whether you want to Create as Player or Create as Spectator.
  • Select Server Type: Dedicated Server
  • Allow Spectator will be automatically set to off, however you can join yourself as a Spectator.

Data Centers can be selected for Custom Games hosted on dedicated servers
If players or spectators do not wish for the game to be hosted in their default region’s data center, they will be able to change when creating the game, by changing the selection from the Data Center category.

List of Data center abbreviations and full names:

  • default (based on ping)
  • eus (US East)
  • cus (US Central)
  • scus (US South Central)
  • wus (US West)
  • sbr (Brazil South)
  • neu (Europe North)
  • weu (Europe West)
  • eas (Asia East)
  • seas (Asia South East)
  • eau (Australia East)
  • wja (Japan West)

General Tweaks & Improvements


Tweaked Blitz’s head model and hitbox to have the same amount of exposure as the other shield-wielding Operators and Recruits.
Blitz’s opponents were able to headshot him with ease over his shield due to his big head model. We have reduced the size of his head model and made his shield taller.

Exposure at 3 meters before today's update:

Exposure at 3 meters after today's update:

Tweaked recoil on certain weapons in order to make them more controllable.

  • PKP Pecheneg
  • (PC only) AUG

Player Comfort

Added HUD presets in Custom Games to accommodate different needs

  • Added ESL Pro League S1 HUD, which is the preset chosen by ESL for their tournaments.
  • Altered Hardcore HUD, which is our first iteration leading to the Hardcore Mode. It is not final and is just a first step we can share as we work on completing the Game Mode.

Daily Challenges now accumulate daily without needing to log in

  • Players no longer need to log in at least once every 24 hours to get a new challenge. Instead, one challenge is granted every day to every player that has at least one free challenge slot, even if they don't log in.

Fairfight cheating kick message updated to make it clearer

  • When a player is banned, an unclear message was broadcasted to all players playing in public matchmaking ‘[PLAYER] has removed from the match by FairFight™.’ From now on, the message ‘[PLAYER] has been banned from the game by FairFight™.’ will be broadcasted instead.

Main Bug Fixes
Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list and that we are only highlighting fixes that were done about the most commonly raised bugs.

Gameplay fixes

  • Operators sometimes are displayed in T-Pose, slide around the maps and don’t have any textures. – FIXED
  • Headshot hits do not register properly. – FIXED (We will keep looking for additional improvement opportunities.)
  • Exploit: Kapkan’s trap can have an invisible laser if specific steps are followed. – FIXED
  • Exploit: Bandit could duplicate the batteries in his inventory by doing a certain behavior. – FIXED
  • Exploit: Players able to clip inside walls using Deployable Shields. – FIXED
  • Collar collision on Frost and Buck, make headshots register as upper body damage. – FIXED
  • Glaz is able to take down Castle Barricades with only 4 shots. – FIXED
  • Player able to clip inside walls by using Deployable Shields. – FIXED
  • Nitro Cells stick to the edges of tiny leaves on plants. – FIXED .
  • Switching weapons takes Buck out of the Skeleton Key mode. – FIXED
  • Blitz’s gadget blinds players who were not facing it. – FIXED
  • Frost’s Welcome Mat is not destroyed when placed on a trap door which is then reinforced. – FIXED
  • Sometimes, players get an infinite reload animation. – FIXED
  • Sometimes, players cannot reload their weapon. – FIXED
  • Player has a jammed screen if holding the drone in his or her hand near a Signal Disrupter. – FIXED
  • If an attacker is killed at the same time as they finish placing the defuser, the defender won’t be able to disable it. – FIXED
  • Armored barricades placed by Castle appear as intact when Castle is looking at them, while they are displayed as destroyed for other players. – FIXED
  • PVE: Inconsistency between the number of AI displayed to be killed at the start of the session on Yacht and the one displayed for the rest of the maps on all difficulty levels. The amount of AI spawning was not the same as the amount of AI displayed. It was 20 on all difficulty levels while it should have been 22 (normal), 26 (hard) and 30 (realistic). – FIXED
  • (PC) Cannot HOLD Sprint when Walk is set to TOGGLE. – FIXED
  • Yacht: when playing during daytime with Montagne, broken glass decals are completely dark. – TENTATIVE FIX (We will be tracking for it once Patch 2.1 goes live, currently cannot reproduce the bug anymore internally. Please reach out to customer support if you experience it after the patch is live, thank you!)

Level design fixes

  • Yacht ceiling glitch exploit: player is able to vault near the roof of the front end of the boat inside the map’s ceiling, gaining a tactical advantage. – FIXED
  • Presidential Plane glitch exploit: Drone can jump through a wall in the Cargo and get inside the Plane’s textures. – FIXED
  • Oregon glitch: an exterior brick wall could be shot through from EXT Farmlands. - FIXED
  • Yacht slot machine glitch: after shooting the slot machine, it creates a vault detection that makes the player vault. - FIXED
  • Yacht: exterior cameras are missing their location names. – FIXED
  • Yacht: drones can go out of world at the EXT East Glacier. – FIXED
  • Yacht: drones can fall in the water and out of map at the King of the World location. – FIXED
  • Yacht: asset left floating after destroying wall in the Infirmary. – FIXED
  • Club House: players can fall out of world when installing a booby trap in the Basement. – FIXED
  • Chalet: Invisible collision present on the table located in the Dining Room at 1F. – FIXED
  • Bank: light issue present on the South wall of the CEO Office. – FIXED

Online fixes

  • Players sometimes join a Ranked match that is already in progress. – FIXED
  • Cannot Vote Kick a second player from a PVP session and Team Kill Auto-Kick and Hostage Kill Auto-Kick become unavailable. – FIXED
  • Error code 0-0x00000602 is received when returning from a matchmaking game to looking for players step. – FIXED
  • PVE: Broken friendly fire kick system. – FIXED
  • Custom Game: After being kicked from a Custom Game session, the player is able to join through the Open to Friends option. – FIXED

UI fixes

  • In Custom Games, the Hardcore HUD features the old Simplified HUD settings. – FIXED
  • There is no timer present during the lobby screen. – FIXED
  • Platinum Rank appears misspelled in the End of Round Screen. – FIXED
  • Gun icon is displayed in the Round Log instead of the fall icon when bleeding out from fall damage in the game. – FIXED

Miscellaneous fixes

  • Players playing Lone Wolf receive Situations’ Renown and XP. – FIXED
  • Yacht: Missing weapon textures during PVP matches. – FIXED
  • The lower part of Blitz’s character model is flickering. – FIXED
  • Weapons show black texture after playing several Custom sessions in a row. – FIXED
  • When reloading L85A2, ammo magazine clips through weapon. – FIXED
  • MP7’s attachments conflict with the default iron sight. – FIXED
  • There is no sound for the Season 1 Operators when reloading their weapons. – FIXED
  • Frost’s Welcome Mat gadget has no sound effects when deployed or picked up. – FIXED
  • Minor bugs present in Spectator Camera. – FIXED
  • PVE: First person gun models and players are invisible occasionally. – FIXED
  • (PC) It is possible to see through walls using NVidia SLI. – FIXED
  • (PS4) ‘Recently met players’ feature now functional (was already working on XB1). – FIXED

Some unlisted tweaks & fixes implemented with Patch 2.0

Online improvements:

  • Improvements on cheating countermeasures.
  • From now on, when players are banned, a notification in the combat log is broadcasted to all players currently playing in public matchmaking for all platforms.
  • Improvements on automatic data center selection.


  • Sledge’s hammer swing speed significantly increased.
  • Glaz can now destroy wooden barricades.

Player comfort:

  • Ping maximum range significantly increased.
  • Weapon skins can now be previewed full screen in the Shop.
  • (PC) Can now check scoreboard from the lobby by pressing the TAB key.

Gameplay bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in which it was possible to obtain full accuracy for shield-wielding Operators before the end of the ADS transition animation.
  • Misaligned optics fixed.

Online bug fixes:

  • Fix for estimated wait time in the matchmaking lobby screen.
  • Fix of various disconnect issues.

Patch size: 1.2 GB

Thank you for being part of this with us and sharing your feedback. We are looking forward to sharing more improvements on the game with you.
دوستان شما هم با سیستم هدشاتش مشکل دارین یا فقط من اینطوریم...؟! در کل خیلی منتظر این اپدیتم بعد اپدیت 2 بازی کلا دیر پیدا میکنه بازی کن.

- - -ویرایش - - -

ن.پ.ن اپدیت اومد برای کامپیوتر با حجم 299 مگابایت.:d
سروراش پوکیدن:|

اره...حالا ما یه class رو دوست داشتیم اونم عملا تر زدن توش...خیلی ضایع شده بلیتز...خب بیکاره سپر گرفته جلوش؟ سر یه سری منطق بچگونه میان مثلا بازی رو بالانس کنن..nitro cell رو واسه همین موقع ها افریدن دیگه :|
اره...حالا ما یه class رو دوست داشتیم اونم عملا تر زدن توش...خیلی ضایع شده بلیتز...خب بیکاره سپر گرفته جلوش؟ سر یه سری منطق بچگونه میان مثلا بازی رو بالانس کنن..nitro cell رو واسه همین موقع ها افریدن دیگه :|

يعني چي ؟ اولاً كه ماهيت بليتز سپر فلش دارش هست ! دوم اين كه قبلاً با داشتن اين سپر عملاً در برابر شليك هاي الكي و spray كردن كاملاً اسيب پذير بود ! حالا كه اندازه سرش رو كوچيك تر كردن و سپرش رو بزرگتر كردن اشتباه كردن ؟ يعني الان نيترو روش كار نمي كنه ؟
يعني چي ؟ اولاً كه ماهيت بليتز سپر فلش دارش هست ! دوم اين كه قبلاً با داشتن اين سپر عملاً در برابر شليك هاي الكي و spray كردن كاملاً اسيب پذير بود ! حالا كه اندازه سرش رو كوچيك تر كردن و سپرش رو بزرگتر كردن اشتباه كردن ؟ يعني الان نيترو روش كار نمي كنه ؟

صبر کن...فک کنم من اشتباه کلا خوندم...کدوم عکسه مربوط به اپدیت جدید میشه؟:d قبلن که خیلی خوب بود فقط باید زاویتو دقیق تنظیم میکردی با دشمنت که نتونه بهت دمیج بده
صبر کن...فک کنم من اشتباه کلا خوندم...کدوم عکسه مربوط به اپدیت جدید میشه؟:d قبلن که خیلی خوب بود فقط باید زاویتو دقیق تنظیم میکردی با دشمنت که نتونه بهت دمیج بده
توی اپدیت جدیدی که میاد سپر رو بزرگ‌تر کردن و کله رو کوچیک‌تر.. عکس پایین مال آپدیت جدیده.. علتشم واضحه الان با یه اسپری راحت هدشات میشه..
(البته یکم باید روی هیت باکس کله یگر و تچانکا کار کنن اونام خیلی راحت هدشات میشن..)

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن