Multi Platform Rainbow Six Siege

Ubisoft Montreal
تاریخ انتشار
December 2015
  1. PC
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. PlayStation 5
  4. Xbox One
  5. Xbox Series X|S

نام بازی: Rainbow 6 Siege
سازنده و ناشر: Ubisoft

سبک: FPS, Tactical Shooter
پلتفرم: PC, PS4, Xbox One
تاریخ عرضه: 1 دسامبر 2015 ( 10 آذر 1394 )

Rainbow 6 Siege یا به طور مختصر R6S، یک اثر اول‌شخص تاکتیکی تمام آنلاین است که در آن، بازیکنان به رقابت سر اهداف مختلف (همچون Secure-bomb-hostage) می‌پردازند. در حالت کلی، سه مد که برابر با Casual, Ranked, Terrorist Hunt است، در این عنوان وجود دارد. در حالت «کژوال» بازیکنان به سادگی بدون دغدغه جا به جا شدن رنک خود به تجربه حالت‌های مختلف می‌انجامند اما تجربه اصلی بازی، مربوط به بخش Ranked Match می‌شود که پس از انجام 10 مچ رنک خود را دریافت کرده و قابلیت تغییر آن به واسطه بازی کردن به دست می‌آورید.
سیستم پشتیبانی از «سیج» به صورت سالانه بوده و هر سال شامل چهار فصلِ سه ماهه می‌شود. در آغار هر فصل به طور معمول 2 اپراتور و یک نقشه جدید، به همراه تعداد زیادی تغییرات به بازی وارد می‌شود. لاذم به ذکر است که برای خرید اپراتورها نیاز به خرید «سیزن پس» یا پرداخت پول واقعی ندارید و می‌توانید از طریق بازی کردن آن‌ها را به دست بیاورید.



game modes.jpg


وضعیت فعلی بازی: سال 5 فصل 1



سوال: سیستم آپدیت در سیج چطوریه؟
پاسخ: پشتیبانی از سیج به صورت سالانه است. هر سال 4 فصل دارد که در هر فصل به طور میانگین 3 آپدیت عرضه می‌شود تا تغییرات وعده داده شده اعمال شود. این تغییرات ممکن است شامل اُپریتور و نقشه و باف و نرف های جدید باشد و یا حل کردن مشکلات تکنیکی و سرورهای بازی که خود یوبیسافت درصورت تغییر روند برنامه عادیش اون ها رو به طور رسمی اعلام میکنه.
سوال: آیا بازی Pay 2 Win ـه؟
پاسخ: خیر :D
سوال: آیا مپ های حذف شده هرگز برنمی گردن؟
پاسخ: بعضی از مپ ها فقط توی حالت Custom Match قابل بازی خواهند بود اما به مرور زمان به کژوال و رنک بر میگردند.

سوال: اگه این بازی رو نسخه معمولیش رو بخریم به تجربمون از بازی اسیب میزنه یا خیر؟ و اینکه محتوای اضافه مثل اپراتور ها رو با حدود چند ساعت بازی میشه به دست اورد؟

پاسخ: خیر نسخه عادی هیچ آسیبی به بازی نمیرسونه چون بازی تحت هیچ عنوان P2W نیست و اخیرا هم ویژگی به بازی اضافه شده که حتی اگه نسخه عادی رو تهیه کنید و به اصطلاح تازه وارد باشید، تمامی اپراتور های پایه بازی ( که از روز اول در بازی وجود داشتن ) به همراه اتچمنت هاشون براتون به صورت مجانی باز هستند.
هر اپراتور مربوط به فصل ها هم حدود 20 الی 25 ساعت طول میکشه تا باز بشه.

سوال: به علت وجود تعداد زیاد نقشه در بازی جایگاه هَچ ها و راه های ورودی و ... را نمی شناسم، راه حلی برای یادگیری سریع نقاط مختلف هر نقشه وجود دارد؟

پاسخ: با مراجعه به وبسایت ذیل می توانید اطلاعات مربوط به هرنقشه را مطالعه کرده و یادبگیرید.

با تشکر از کاربر @Soroush_shz بابت معرفی این وبسایت کاربردی.

سوال: روشی برای بازی کردن با همه اپراتورا قبل از این که بخریمشون وجود داره؟
پاسخ: دوستان یه روش هست که تو پی سی جواب میده واسه تست کردن اپراتور های 25k ای قبل از اینکه بخرینش.
تو پی سی که میتونی یوپلی رو ببری رو حالت آفلاین مود و بازی رو اجرا کنی! همه اپراتورا تو حالت آفلاین بازه! میتونید واسه هر اپراتوری که میخواید اتچمنت بذارید و برید کاستوم رو در و دیوار تست کنید ببینید خوشتون میاد یا نه! رو دوستان نسخه استیمم جواب داده این روش! فقط تنها مودی که میشه رفت کاستومه! تو حالت آفلاین تروریست هانتم نمیتونید برید! ولی بازم واسه تست کردن گان ها و قابلیت هاشون خیلی خوبه و باعث میشه الکی 25 هزار تا واسه اپراتوری که شاید خوشتون نیاد هزینه نکنید!
دوستان کنسولیم سر در نمیارم ببینن میتونن تو حالت آفلاین بازی رو اجرا کنن؟ مثلا اینترنتو قطع کنن بازی اجرا میشه؟ یا روش های دیگه ... خلاصه تو حالت آفلاین همه اپراتورا بازه و میتونید قبل خرید تستش کنین!
با تشکر از @Soroush_shz

با تشکر از اسماعیل عزیز بابت همکاری در ساخت پست اول
آخرین ویرایش:
این جریانات پینگ رو کامل قبول دارم ولی خب قبول کن پلیرها کم شده بودن.مثلا من گاهی 4 صبح بلند میشم بسکتبال زنده خارجی نگاه میکنم بعد 6 صبح میخوام رینبو رنک بزنم اونوقت 9 پلیر ایرانی از کجا گیر بیارم:D همینجوریش درست پیدا نمیکرد رنک چه برسه کله صبح.ولی کژال مشکلی نبود اکثرا.
حالا دیگه این جریانات سرچ هم وطن فقط واسه کمتر از 10 روز بود و ما 1 سال و 2 ماه با همین پینگ های بالا رینبو رو زدیم و بهترین بودیم:-bd
اون كه 100%
من حاظرم با اين پينگ بازي كنم
اما ايراني نباشه :D
اما خب، الان ديگه همه قوي هستن، و پينگ جديدا خيلي تاثير ميذاره
من که جدیدا زیاد میبازم. از پلات ۲ یه کله تا گلد ۱ باختم!
یه چیز خوبی که این اپدیت داشت، درست کردن رنک مثه رنک نظانی بود، یعنی مثلا گلد ۴ بعد گلد ۳ و به همین ترتیب.

Sent from my MI 5 using Tapatalk
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Reactions: ps34
بچه ها کسی هست با IQ حرفه ای بازی کنه ؟
من بعد اینهمه لول و بازی فقط ۲ ۳ برداشتمش
به نظرتون بهترین تفنگش کدومه ؟ تنوع خوبی داره در کل
هر 3 سلاحش عالی هستن.این اپراتور به خاطر کم اهمیت بودن دیوایسش و ارمور پایین متاسفانه کم استفاده قرار میگیره ولی سلاح هاش واقعا عالی هستن.تنها اپراتوری هم هست که میشه باهاش رد پالس رو گرفت.توی اپدیت اخر که بهش نارنجک اضافه کردن بلکه یکم قوی تر شه و بیشتر ملت برش دارن
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Reactions: SleepyTurtel
سلام دوستان یکی از دوستام میخواد اکانتشو (اکانت یوپلی)بده من میخواستم بدونم این اکانتا با همه ی نسخه رینبو سیکس سازگاره؟ و هم باید بکاپ یوپلی رو داشته باشم؟:D
آقا این اسلحه هیبانا چرا انقد لگدش زیاده گریپ هم میزاری انگار نه انگار

Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalk
قلق هدشات کردن با اسلحه هایی که خیلی لرزش دارن اینه که رو سینه حریف بگیری ۳تیر ۳تیر بزنی روش خودش میره رو هد طرف
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Reactions: SleepyTurtel
خب مثل اینکه قرار هست امروز آپدیت بیاد و برای پی سی و کنسول ها منتشر میشه.
Patch 2.1.1 will be deployed on Tuesday, February 21st on all platforms.

High Impact Fixes

Fixed – Players sometimes spawn with the point of view of a distant camera.
Fixed – Player sometimes spawns as immobile drone, which carries over to the action phase.
Fixed – Black Mirror can be activated from the front.
Fixed – When Mira’s OWM is placed on a reinforced wall, defenders can melee X-KAIROS pellets, exothermic charge or any other gadgets on the other side of the glass.
Fixed – Teammates killing themselves on Exothermic Charges, X-KAIROS charges, and claymores registered as a team kill.
Fixed – Operators’ skin textures in headgear pictures and character model preview are low-resolution.
Fixed – Diamond weapon skin can only be applied to Mira and Jackal.
Fixed – Diamond weapon skin unavailable in Shop.


Fixed – The “heavy breathing” from DBNO Operators lingers after being revived.
Fixed – The client will crash at the splash screen when signing out from an account in the switch profile menu.
Fixed – Players teleport briefly after joining a game in progress.
Fixed – Team kills recorded incorrectly if a teammate leaves a match then rejoins.
Fixed – When afflicted by Yokai’s drone while using a camera, player could no longer switch back.
Fixed – It’s impossible to crouch and melee at the same time.
Fixed – Players are able to spot enemies with jammed drones.

Game Mode
Terrorist Hunt
Fixed – Bomb A and Bomb B icons do not appear at the top of the HUD.
Fixed – Bombers are missing waist level textures.
Fixed – Location Pings persist on the map after the Terrorist has died.
Fixed – Bomber pathing is obstructed by Barricades.
Fixed – One squad member doesn’t follow the others when joining a Terrorist Hunt match.

Fixed – The sound propagation from Defuser planting is too low.
Fixed – When disabling the Defuser, Operator’s hands are offset.

Fixed – Timer and infinite time symbol are missing on the HUD.

Secure Area
Fixed – The final Defender cannot remain in a DBNO state while contesting the objective.

Caster Camera
Fixed – Operator Icons turn white after switching between players in 1[SUP]st[/sup] person view.
Fixed – Teammates are not highlighted if the player had previously spectated a custom game session.
Fixed – Caster View can appear broken depending on which floor is being viewed.
Fixed – Surrender option remains on the scoreboard if the caster previously initiated a surrender vote.

Custom Game
Fixed – Error "4-0xFFF0BDC0" was received when a player attempted to join an Online Custom Game.
Fixed – Error 3-0x000A0002 was received when a player attempted to create a Custom Dedicated Match.

Fixed – Black Mirror is sometimes able to be placed in a way that blocks a nearby doorway.
Fixed – The Black Mirror canister cannot be interacted with.
Fixed – Improper behavior of wall during destruction of walls with metal beams in the middle when using the Black Mirror device.
Fixed – Weapon Charms clip through Mira’s hand.

Fixed – While the Eyenox device is active, Jackal is unable to see the red light on active Cameras.
Fixed – Eyenox prevents Jackal from seeing red lights on active cameras.
Fixed – Grouping system on “C7E” rifle inaccurate on PS4 versus PC.

Fixed – Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.
Fixed – Breaching charges can fail to detonate if detonated immediately after a Cluster Charge.
Fixed – Cluster Charge grenades have no collision with Operators when the player is positioned near the wall where the gadget is deployed.
Fixed – Cluster Charge is able to be destroyed by Thatcher’s EMP Grenade.
Fixed – Player is no longer able to control Fuze after detonating two cluster charges.

Fixed – The operator will lose the functionality for the X-KAIROS launcher if the reload action is interrupted by a "Welcome Mat" being triggered.
Fixed – Sidearm recoil is higher than desired, and accuracy is lower than desired.
Fixed – On night maps, Hibana’s X-KAIROS pellets create a glittering effect when triggered. Party’s over everybody.

Fixed – The Hovering Drone is unable to enter Weapon Mode if placed underneath the torso of any operator.
Fixed – Yokai Drone will sometimes lose signal when attacking to some parts of the roof on Oregon.
Fixed – Sidearm recoil is higher than desired, and accuracy is lower than desired.
Fixed – EDD’s laser vanishes if Kapkan is hit by Yokai’s disrupt while picking up gadget.
Fixed – PDA has incorrect reflection visual effects.

Fixed – The extended shield of Montagne disappears while in prone and looking from a certain angle.
Fixed – Once Montagne made a melee attack, his right hand clips trough his shield while deploying it.
Fixed – Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.

Fixed – The Legendary Texan Dynamite charge persists for several seconds after it has been destroyed.

Fixed – Magpie is missing audio and visual effects when a grenade is thrown towards it.

Fixed – Destructible shield is not destroyable when Friendly fire is set to off in a Custom Match.

Fixed – Black Eyes are not properly attaching to walls when tossed at a frame.

Fixed – Destructible shield is not destroyable when Friendly fire is set to off in a Custom Match.

Fixed – Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.

Fixed – EDF detects Fuze’s Cluster Charge pucks.

Fixed – A flickering prompt appears in the upper left corner of the screen.

Level Design
Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

Fixed – Vaulting does not work on the 1F Outside (South side).
Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Narrow wall in Kitchen Spawn that requires two reinforced walls to cover.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Door frame in Dorm Main Hall disappears at range.
Fixed – Sofa disappears at ranged in Master Bedroom.
Fixed – Metal information plates disappear at range in Watch Tower.
Fixed – Plates hanging on the walls disappear at range.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Jacuzzi is not fully skinned.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Blue flickering after player’s spawn in on Terrorist Hunt.
Fixed – LOD on amplifier and candles at Chapel.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – River Docks is not fully skinned.

Hereford Base
Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

Fixed – Small gap in the floor next to the door frame.
Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

User Experience

Fixed – Gradient is applied over top of the tabs in the menu.
Fixed – There is no error message displayed when offline and selecting “Multiplayer”.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and the preview for headgear on Thatcher.
Fixed – Missing thumbnail picture for Doc’s uniform.
Fixed – Menu’s disappear after changing the menu language and accepting a party invite at the same time.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and the preview for multiple Blackbeard headgears.
Fixed – Information about Doc’s Unique Gadget is incomplete.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and preview on Creneau headgear for Rook.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and preview on Robin headgear for Blitz.
Fixed – Scrolling through the shop with the mouse wheel only works when hovering over an item.
Fixed – When running with a weapon, Operator’s arms are misplaced.
Fixed – Tokeiso and Gunba Weapon Charm names and descriptions are swapped.
Fixed – Players sometimes encounter their MMR reading as 4294267187 when they are a Copper 3.
Fixed – Previewing Universal Charms zooms into the wrong part of a weapon.
Fixed – Under rare circumstances, the main menu will disappear.
Fixed – Players are not able to confirm their spot in Dedicated Custom Matches.
Fixed – Ryuko Weapon Skin does not properly apply to the UMP 45.
Fixed – Aki No Tsuru Weapon Skin does not properly apply to certain weapons.
Fixed – Inconsistencies between time played and time registered by the game statistics.
Fixed – “Full Roster” achievement not awarded after unlocking all Operators.
Fixed – Icons appearing as placeholder for certain charms.
Fixed – The “Ralphie” Christmas skin not appearing properly for players who completed the event.
Fixed – Operator’s facial expression animations in headgear and preview were incorrect. (BDU view will be fixed in 2.1.2)
Fixed – Mira’s chibi charm appeared low quality.
Fixed – Buying the GEO Traje De Luces bundle doesn’t unlock the Chaquetilla skin for the PDW9.
Fixed – Doc and Rook have identical Red Crow headgear and were embarrassed to show up at parties wearing the same accessories.
Fixed – Placeholder texture spotted on Castle’s default headgear glasses.
Fixed – Rook’s Red Crow headgear is identical to his default headgear when previewed or equipped in the Album and Shop.
Fixed – Name incorrect for the Y1 – 8 Operators bundle on the Russian client.
Fixed – Inconsistency between characters’ eyes in headgear preview and thumbnails.
Fixed – Pro League All Gold Sets Uniforms textures not applied to Operators in first person view.
Fixed – If 15 items are present in Digital Content, the last one will appear cut off.
Fixed – Weapons with certain sights are not aligned.
Fixed – The M590A1 iron sight is not properly aligned with the red dot.
Fixed – The AR33 reflex sight is misaligned.
Fixed – The AR33 holo sight is misaligned.
Fixed – Girih weapon skin is missing across all weapons.
Fixed – During game data installation process, the Operators tab is inactive although it has a yellow notification dot underneath it, teasing you.
Fixed – Resolution inconsistencies with DJ GSG9 bundle.
Fixed – Broken selection control in the Currency Packs menu.
Fixed – Fade is missing on both sides of the screen when viewing Operators in full-screen in Album and Shop.
Fixed – Valkyrie’s Overlord headgear has a placeholder thumbnail image.
Fixed – KT Banshee P.D. headgear for Doc has the same texture as the Dust Line headgear.
Fixed – The text written on the Mix Tape charm is in low resolution.
Fixed – The Saint-Jean Bundle description doesn’t mention the name of the charm.
Fixed – Several Bushido payment confirmation pop-ups have placeholder banners.
Fixed – Several Bundles have placeholder presentation images.
Fixed – The Headgear preview shows a headgear that is not in the game.
Fixed – Black textures visible on Fuze KT Raid Camo Uniform’s thumbnail.
Fixed – Players are able to circumvent certain intended functionality through the use of the Quick Join button.
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Reactions: armin_shadow
خب مثل اینکه قرار هست امروز آپدیت بیاد و برای پی سی و کنسول ها منتشر میشه.
Patch 2.1.1 will be deployed on Tuesday, February 21st on all platforms.

High Impact Fixes

Fixed – Players sometimes spawn with the point of view of a distant camera.
Fixed – Player sometimes spawns as immobile drone, which carries over to the action phase.
Fixed – Black Mirror can be activated from the front.
Fixed – When Mira’s OWM is placed on a reinforced wall, defenders can melee X-KAIROS pellets, exothermic charge or any other gadgets on the other side of the glass.
Fixed – Teammates killing themselves on Exothermic Charges, X-KAIROS charges, and claymores registered as a team kill.
Fixed – Operators’ skin textures in headgear pictures and character model preview are low-resolution.
Fixed – Diamond weapon skin can only be applied to Mira and Jackal.
Fixed – Diamond weapon skin unavailable in Shop.


Fixed – The “heavy breathing” from DBNO Operators lingers after being revived.
Fixed – The client will crash at the splash screen when signing out from an account in the switch profile menu.
Fixed – Players teleport briefly after joining a game in progress.
Fixed – Team kills recorded incorrectly if a teammate leaves a match then rejoins.
Fixed – When afflicted by Yokai’s drone while using a camera, player could no longer switch back.
Fixed – It’s impossible to crouch and melee at the same time.
Fixed – Players are able to spot enemies with jammed drones.

Game Mode
Terrorist Hunt
Fixed –
Bomb A and Bomb B icons do not appear at the top of the HUD.
Fixed – Bombers are missing waist level textures.
Fixed – Location Pings persist on the map after the Terrorist has died.
Fixed – Bomber pathing is obstructed by Barricades.
Fixed – One squad member doesn’t follow the others when joining a Terrorist Hunt match.

Fixed –
The sound propagation from Defuser planting is too low.
Fixed – When disabling the Defuser, Operator’s hands are offset.

Fixed –
Timer and infinite time symbol are missing on the HUD.

Secure Area
Fixed –
The final Defender cannot remain in a DBNO state while contesting the objective.

Caster Camera
Fixed –
Operator Icons turn white after switching between players in 1[SUP]st[/sup] person view.
Fixed – Teammates are not highlighted if the player had previously spectated a custom game session.
Fixed – Caster View can appear broken depending on which floor is being viewed.
Fixed – Surrender option remains on the scoreboard if the caster previously initiated a surrender vote.

Custom Game
Fixed –
Error "4-0xFFF0BDC0" was received when a player attempted to join an Online Custom Game.
Fixed – Error 3-0x000A0002 was received when a player attempted to create a Custom Dedicated Match.

Fixed –
Black Mirror is sometimes able to be placed in a way that blocks a nearby doorway.
Fixed – The Black Mirror canister cannot be interacted with.
Fixed – Improper behavior of wall during destruction of walls with metal beams in the middle when using the Black Mirror device.
Fixed – Weapon Charms clip through Mira’s hand.

Fixed –
While the Eyenox device is active, Jackal is unable to see the red light on active Cameras.
Fixed – Eyenox prevents Jackal from seeing red lights on active cameras.
Fixed – Grouping system on “C7E” rifle inaccurate on PS4 versus PC.

Fixed –
Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.
Fixed – Breaching charges can fail to detonate if detonated immediately after a Cluster Charge.
Fixed – Cluster Charge grenades have no collision with Operators when the player is positioned near the wall where the gadget is deployed.
Fixed – Cluster Charge is able to be destroyed by Thatcher’s EMP Grenade.
Fixed – Player is no longer able to control Fuze after detonating two cluster charges.

Fixed –
The operator will lose the functionality for the X-KAIROS launcher if the reload action is interrupted by a "Welcome Mat" being triggered.
Fixed – Sidearm recoil is higher than desired, and accuracy is lower than desired.
Fixed – On night maps, Hibana’s X-KAIROS pellets create a glittering effect when triggered. Party’s over everybody.

Fixed –
The Hovering Drone is unable to enter Weapon Mode if placed underneath the torso of any operator.
Fixed – Yokai Drone will sometimes lose signal when attacking to some parts of the roof on Oregon.
Fixed – Sidearm recoil is higher than desired, and accuracy is lower than desired.
Fixed – EDD’s laser vanishes if Kapkan is hit by Yokai’s disrupt while picking up gadget.
Fixed – PDA has incorrect reflection visual effects.

Fixed –
The extended shield of Montagne disappears while in prone and looking from a certain angle.
Fixed – Once Montagne made a melee attack, his right hand clips trough his shield while deploying it.
Fixed – Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.

Fixed –
The Legendary Texan Dynamite charge persists for several seconds after it has been destroyed.

Fixed –
Magpie is missing audio and visual effects when a grenade is thrown towards it.

Fixed –
Destructible shield is not destroyable when Friendly fire is set to off in a Custom Match.

Fixed –
Black Eyes are not properly attaching to walls when tossed at a frame.

Fixed –
Destructible shield is not destroyable when Friendly fire is set to off in a Custom Match.

Fixed –
Knee passes through Operator’s shield when crouched.

Fixed –
EDF detects Fuze’s Cluster Charge pucks.

Fixed –
A flickering prompt appears in the upper left corner of the screen.

Level Design
Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.

Fixed –
Vaulting does not work on the 1F Outside (South side).
Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Narrow wall in Kitchen Spawn that requires two reinforced walls to cover.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Door frame in Dorm Main Hall disappears at range.
Fixed – Sofa disappears at ranged in Master Bedroom.
Fixed – Metal information plates disappear at range in Watch Tower.
Fixed – Plates hanging on the walls disappear at range.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Jacuzzi is not fully skinned.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – Blue flickering after player’s spawn in on Terrorist Hunt.
Fixed – LOD on amplifier and candles at Chapel.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.
Fixed – River Docks is not fully skinned.

Hereford Base
Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.

Fixed –
Various LOD fixes.

Fixed –
Small gap in the floor next to the door frame.
Fixed – Various LOD fixes.

User Experience

Fixed – Gradient is applied over top of the tabs in the menu.
Fixed – There is no error message displayed when offline and selecting “Multiplayer”.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and the preview for headgear on Thatcher.
Fixed – Missing thumbnail picture for Doc’s uniform.
Fixed – Menu’s disappear after changing the menu language and accepting a party invite at the same time.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and the preview for multiple Blackbeard headgears.
Fixed – Information about Doc’s Unique Gadget is incomplete.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and preview on Creneau headgear for Rook.
Fixed – Inconsistency between thumbnail picture and preview on Robin headgear for Blitz.
Fixed – Scrolling through the shop with the mouse wheel only works when hovering over an item.
Fixed – When running with a weapon, Operator’s arms are misplaced.
Fixed – Tokeiso and Gunba Weapon Charm names and descriptions are swapped.
Fixed – Players sometimes encounter their MMR reading as 4294267187 when they are a Copper 3.
Fixed – Previewing Universal Charms zooms into the wrong part of a weapon.
Fixed – Under rare circumstances, the main menu will disappear.
Fixed – Players are not able to confirm their spot in Dedicated Custom Matches.
Fixed – Ryuko Weapon Skin does not properly apply to the UMP 45.
Fixed – Aki No Tsuru Weapon Skin does not properly apply to certain weapons.
Fixed – Inconsistencies between time played and time registered by the game statistics.
Fixed – “Full Roster” achievement not awarded after unlocking all Operators.
Fixed – Icons appearing as placeholder for certain charms.
Fixed – The “Ralphie” Christmas skin not appearing properly for players who completed the event.
Fixed – Operator’s facial expression animations in headgear and preview were incorrect. (BDU view will be fixed in 2.1.2)
Fixed – Mira’s chibi charm appeared low quality.
Fixed – Buying the GEO Traje De Luces bundle doesn’t unlock the Chaquetilla skin for the PDW9.
Fixed – Doc and Rook have identical Red Crow headgear and were embarrassed to show up at parties wearing the same accessories.
Fixed – Placeholder texture spotted on Castle’s default headgear glasses.
Fixed – Rook’s Red Crow headgear is identical to his default headgear when previewed or equipped in the Album and Shop.
Fixed – Name incorrect for the Y1 – 8 Operators bundle on the Russian client.
Fixed – Inconsistency between characters’ eyes in headgear preview and thumbnails.
Fixed – Pro League All Gold Sets Uniforms textures not applied to Operators in first person view.
Fixed – If 15 items are present in Digital Content, the last one will appear cut off.
Fixed – Weapons with certain sights are not aligned.
Fixed – The M590A1 iron sight is not properly aligned with the red dot.
Fixed – The AR33 reflex sight is misaligned.
Fixed – The AR33 holo sight is misaligned.
Fixed – Girih weapon skin is missing across all weapons.
Fixed – During game data installation process, the Operators tab is inactive although it has a yellow notification dot underneath it, teasing you.
Fixed – Resolution inconsistencies with DJ GSG9 bundle.
Fixed – Broken selection control in the Currency Packs menu.
Fixed – Fade is missing on both sides of the screen when viewing Operators in full-screen in Album and Shop.
Fixed – Valkyrie’s Overlord headgear has a placeholder thumbnail image.
Fixed – KT Banshee P.D. headgear for Doc has the same texture as the Dust Line headgear.
Fixed – The text written on the Mix Tape charm is in low resolution.
Fixed – The Saint-Jean Bundle description doesn’t mention the name of the charm.
Fixed – Several Bushido payment confirmation pop-ups have placeholder banners.
Fixed – Several Bundles have placeholder presentation images.
Fixed – The Headgear preview shows a headgear that is not in the game.
Fixed – Black textures visible on Fuze KT Raid Camo Uniform’s thumbnail.
Fixed – Players are able to circumvent certain intended functionality through the use of the Quick Join button.
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