PlayerUnknown's BATTLEGROUNDS | PC


Genre: Violent, Action, Adventure, Massively Multiplayer, Early Access
.Developer: Bluehole, Inc
.Publisher: Bluehole, Inc
Release Date: 23 Mar, 2017

PUBG عنوانی که شما را به تجربه یک Battleroyale مهیج و سرگرم کننده دعوت میکند؛ یک عنوان خوش ساخت از سازنده های ماد معروف BR روی Arma2. بعد از دو مرحله آلفا و یک مرحله بتا در سال گذشته این بازی بالاخره در استیم به صورت Early Access عرضه شد درحالی که Bluehole وعده عرضه ورژن کامل بازی رو در 6ماه بعد از تاریخ عرضه بازی دراستیم داده است.
از همان اولین آلفا بازی طرفداران بسیاری بدست اورد و با این که کدها محدود عرضه میشدن بازی وارد Twitch top5 شد و در بتا استریم ها و بازدیدهاش چند برابر هم شدن. طبیعتا همچین شروعی انتظارات گیمرها رو خیلی بالا برد؛ بازی با ورودش به استیم و عرضه رسمیش به نظر میاد تونسته این توقعات رو براورده کنه و حتی با قدرت زیادی نسبت به رقباش وارد عرصه بشه.

ویژگی های بازی:

  • استفاده از آنتی چیت Battleeye
  • ماد های solo(تک نفره) ، duo(دو نفره) ، Squad(چهار نفره) و War(در آینده اضافه خواهد شد)
  • قابلیت Spectate بعد از مرگ درحالت تیمی
  • تنوع اسلحه های بالا در کلاس های مختلف
  • فیزیک و انیمیشن های بسیار خوب و فراتر از یک بازی EA !
  • شخصی سازی کرکتر و سلاح ها

برخی از ویژگی هایی که حتما در آینده به بازی اضافه خواهند شد:
  • سلاح های جدید
  • آیتم های Cosmetic جدید
  • پشتیبانی از مادها
  • اضافه شدن Game Reply
  • map جدید
  • ماد هاردکور(فقط اول شخص)
  • انتخاب اندازه FOV در حالات مختلف

اطلاعات کلی از بازی درحال حاضر:

شخصی سازی کرکتر
ساختن شخصیت بازی با تنظیمات ساده و چهره های ازپیش طراحی شده انجام میشه. این بخش رو سازنده هایی ساختن که همین قسمت رو توی APB:R درست کرده بودن. لباس اولیه همه شخصیت ها یکسان هست و بعدا با آنلاک کردن یا خریدن لباس های جدید میتونید تغییرشون بدید. همچنین با پرداخت 3000 کردیت بازی(که از بازی کردن بدست میاد) میتونید شخصیتتون رو دوباره سازی کنید.

Pioneer Crates
download (2).jpg
این جعبه ها هم با بدست اوردن کردیت بازی قابل خرید هستن و با هربار خریدن قیمتشون بصورت پلکانی زیاد میشه به این صورت که شما اولین جعبه رو با قیمت 700تا خریداری میکنید،جعبه بعدی 1400 و الی آخر... و البته با هربار بیشتر شدن قیمت جعبه آیتم های کمیاب تری هم میده. محتویات این جعبه ها فقط آیتم های Cosmetic هست و هیچ تاثیری توی گیم پلی نخواهد داشت. همچنین آیتم ها قابل فروش در مارکت استیم هم هستند.
این هم درنظر بگیرید که همه ی آیتم های داخل این جعبه ها توی مپ بازی پراکنده هستن و میتونید هر راند هرکدوم رو پیدا کردید بپوشید ولی همیشه توی اینونتوری شما نمیمونن.

MAP کنونی بازی

نام این مپ Erangel است و جالب است بدانید که این نام دختر جناب Playerunknown است!
Lootspawn Locations- به طور کلی این نقشه شامل چند military base ، چندین شهر و دهکده و تعدادی ساختمان نام‌دار دیگر است. شانس وجود لوت نظامی مانند اسلحه های پیشرفته یا backpack،vestوhelmet لول بالا دراین مکان ها بسیار بالاست. درشهر ها آیتم های غیرنظامی بیشتر است اما بازهم شانس پیدا کردن AR ها وجود داره. در بعضی ساختمان ها مثل مدرسه ای خرابه یا محوطه ی Gun Range هم همیشه آیتم های خوبی پیدا میشه.
ماشین ها به طور معمول در کنار جاده ها یا داخل پارکینگ یک خانه درشهر اسپان میشوند، قایق ها هم کنار اسکه ها یا ساحل زیر پل ها.

سلاح های کنونی بازی

سلاح های کمری،شاتگان ها،Crossbow و دو SMG (بجز تامسون) تقریبا هرجایی احتمال اسپان دارند. ARها در military base ها و با احتمال کمی در شهرها. ازبین sniper rifle ها M24 بسیار کمیاب هست ولی SKS و Kar98 در military base ها پیدا میشوند. AWM و M249 فقط از Airdrop امکان بدست اوردنشون هست.
Health و Stamina

Health bar کرکتر پایین صفحه زیر نوار اسلحه وجود داره. وقتی این بار قرمز باشه(کمتر از 75) با Medkit،Bandage و First aid kit میشه کرکتر رو هیل کرد. بغیر از Medkit که صددرصد جون رو زیاد میکنه دوتای دیگه تا 75 بیشتر پر نمیکنن و هیچ کدومشون وقتی نوار سفید هست قابل استفاده نیستن. برای پر کردن بار از 75 تا 100 باید از Painkiller یا Energy Drink استفاده بشه.

اطلاعات بالا با تغییرات آینده توی آپدیت ها بروز میشوند.

گیم پلی از بازی

آپدیت های بازی
به گفته سازنده های بازی هر هفته با یه آپدیت مشکلات و باگ هاش فیکس میشن، هرماه با یه آپدیت چیزهای جدید اضافه میشه و سرور ها روزانه درحال بهتر شدن و رفع مشکلات هستن تا همونجور که وعده دادن تا 6 ماه آینده بازی از EarlyAccess خارج بشه.

وضعیت کنونی بازی
درکل این بازی با ورود محکم خودش ثابت کرده که یکی از بهترین های این سبک هست و در همین هفته اول عرضش بسیاری از مشکلاتی که H1Z1 یا Arma3 BR چندساله باهاش رو به رو هستن رو برطرف کرده. گان پلی بازی که یکی از مهمترین خصیصه های این سبک بازیاس بسیار جذاب و دلچسبِ، درکنار real بودنش؛ تقریبا بین Arma و H1Z1 هست و همین خیلی جذابش کرده.
یکی از مشکلاتی که فعلا زیاد به چشم میاد وضعیت سرورهاس که تو آپدیت اخیر خیلی بهتر شده ولی بازم گاهی لگ یا DC شدن رو داره و البته اینکه سرور اروپا بهترین وضعیت رو بین بقیه داره.
اگر به این سبک علاقه مند هستید و هنوز بازی نتونسته راضیتون کنه حتما برید سراغش. به شدت لذت بخش و اعتیاد آوره این بازی.
از دوستانی هم که توی استیم بازی میکنن و میخوان بصورت Duo یا Squad هم با بقیه بازیش کنن میخوام همینجا اعلام کنن.


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برای من سواله که اگر این بازی این هفته این همه FIX نیاز داشته پس چرا از Early access اومده بیرون ؟!
Fixed - The gadget crosshair will persist after switching to drone toss.
Fixed - It is possible to hear Mute's jammer even when standing very far away from it.
Fixed - The barbwires' slow down effect is still ongoing even after the player is no longer into the barbwire's effective range, or when the barbwire is destroyed.
Fixed - Resetting animation when switching views between one player standing up and one crouch.
Fixed - Rubberbanding can happen after detaching from rappelling.
Fixed - After scanning enemies, the distance to them might not be shown.
Fixed - A player will not take damage when spamming crouch.
Fixed - When the drone owner dies while controlling his drone, others can’t rotate the camera view of the dead player’s drone.
Fixed - Following certain steps, it's possible to have some gadgets out in a stance you normally can't.
Fixed - When the player interrupts the reload animation of the LFP586 revolver by switching weapons, then switches back to LFP586 and reloads again, there will be no new rounds loaded.
Fixed - Operator's body rotation is not replicated correctly when vaulting.
Fixed - Moving once you hit the ground after entering a window in rappel will lock the character’s movement for a couple of seconds.
Fixed - Operators can teleport if they remove a breaching charge while ending the rappel animation.
Fixed - The "American Anarchy" headgear's hairstyle slightly extends the hitbox upwards.
Fixed - When friendly fire is off, drones don't get destroyed by going out of bounds.
Fixed - Players randomly die by falling during Multiplayer sessions.

Fixed - Spawn Locations are missing in the waiting screen of the Preparation Phase when Attacker Unique Spawn match setting is activated.
Fixed - Killer's pawn orientation is sideways during the death cam zoom in.
Fixed - "This weapon skin is available for" section can only display up to 4 operator icons when unlocking weapon-specific weapon skins in an Alpha Pack.
Fixed - Placing gadgets such as breach charges on exterior small barricades will show no prompt for removing the gadget.
Fixed - The Dialog Volume affects environmental sounds, especially footsteps.
Fixed - The exterior part of the tactical map is missing in the spawn selection menu.
Fixed - There's no visual indicator for muted players.
Fixed - Sometimes hovering over a bundle in the shop will not show its description.
Fixed - There is no username voice chat display when a squad member speaks in the menu.
Fixed - Players are not notified to collect reward from a completed Ubisoft Club Challenge.
Fixed - Voice chat cuts off in MVP screen.
Fixed - No scoreboard is displayed at the end of the game.
Fixed - After collecting rewards from a Ubisoft Club challenge, in-game challenge tab won't update.
Fixed - Renown-counting sound is still playing in transition if the player quits the match.
Fixed - When a player loses connection, the message displayed is "spectator, GAMESERVER, has left the game".
Fixed - Player will remain with the shield while spectating in drone.
Fixed - Caster and Spectator have a team chat.
Fixed - The concussion effects of mines and Echo’s drone are shown on the caster camera.

's gadget and entering Observation Mode at the same time causes the gadget to become opaque.

Fixed - Jäger’s gadget floats in the air when placed in certain locations.
Fixed - Jäger’s gadget clips through the wall when placed in certain locations.

Fixed - The laser under barrel is applied to the other side of the weapon in preview.

Fixed - Following certain steps, it is possible to have Montagne’s shield up while rappelling.

Fixed - Tachanka's LMG shields are inconsistent, players can get shot through them in some instances.

Fixed - Vigil's ERC-7 is deactivated when climbing or descending ladders.
Fixed - The laser under barrel is applied to the other side of the weapon in preview.

Fixed - The character can freeze while deploying the gadget from rappelling position.


Fixed - The play ranked button can be selected for a second after a user below clearance level 20 joins the squad.
Fixed - In some instances, squads of two can split when matchmaking, forcing both players to play against each other.
Fixed - A squad is able to join a Ranked match even if there is one squad member below level 20.
Fixed - Sometimes a squad of 2+ can be split when trying to join a casual or ranked match.

Fixed - Users are able to create Player Hosted Custom Online Games.



Fixed - When entering from rappel while breaching a window, the character animation will remain stuck looking up.
Fixed - Operators fall through the map when spawning.
Fixed - Rappelling while falling will make the character fall out of the map.
Fixed - Long rifle weapons can clip through walls.
Fixed - Players are able to land on window sills to spawn kill.

Fixed - A small gap in 1F Staff room reveals a spot in EXT Terrace.
Fixed - Attackers can place a drone inside the ceiling in B Server Room allowing them to see all of the basement area.
Fixed - Valkyrie can place a Black Eye inside the ceiling of B sever room.

Fixed - Defenders are able to spawn kill attackers from 2F Classroom.
Fixed - Ela’s concussion mines are very difficult to pick up when place in the boat model.

Fixed - Great room can be seen through a gap in the floor on 2F bedrooms hallway.
Fixed - There is a gap at the doorway located at 2F Office area allowing to see the EXT Backyard Patio and 1F Great Room area.
Fixed - Players can place drones inside the walls of Chalet from 2F office balcony.
Fixed - The red wall does not cover the full Kitchen window, which allows Echo to throw his drone outside during Preparation Phase.
Fixed - Players can push teammates out or into geometry with the use of reinforcements in Kitchen.

Fixed - Jäger gets stuck in 2F Logistic Office's bookcase after placing the ADS on the second shelf.
Fixed - The player is stuck under the table at 1F Bar when trying to get out from under it.

Fixed - Jäger can clip through a wall after placing his ADS in a specific spot of the 2F Penthouse area.
Fixed - Players can get onto the purple tarps in EXT Pool by walking along the pool's glass border.
Fixed - When shot from the rooftop, Hibana pellets will not stick to the destructible wall from 1F Blue Bar area.

Fixed - It’s possible to melee through reinforced walls when doing a rappel enter in 2F Exit Stairs.
Fixed - Defenders can spawn kill attackers near Riot Barricade from 2F Administration Office.
Fixed - One Way Mirror can be deployed on the opposite side of the reinforcement in 2F Break Room.

Fixed - Attackers are killed if they enter rappel on the wall near to the EXT Courtyard metal platform while sliding off the platform.

Fixed - In Terrorist Hunt, a player can spawn inside another when choosing EXT Shooting Range as spawn location.
Fixed - Defenders can have a one-way view outside from 2F laundry room.
Fixed - Valkyrie's camera becomes invisible if thrown on an iron frame between B Corridor and B Armory.
Fixed - Textures between reinforceable and indestructible walls allow bullets to pass through.

Fixed - Attackers near EXT Construction Site can be spawn killed by defenders from the window at 2F Upper Hallway.
Fixed - The Defuser can be planted between pillows and cannot be detected by defenders.

Fixed - Inconsistent deployment of Active Defence System on walls with a lower wood panel.

Fixed - A small gap in indestructible window allows players to see outside.

Fixed - Some collisions with barbed wires and Grzmot mines are inconsistent.
Fixed - There is a space between the window frame and the wall at EXT Junkyard that allows the player to see inside the building.
Fixed - It is possible to shoot through textures from 1F Meeting Hall inside the B Supply Closet.

Fixed - Drone can be placed inside walls of Plane from 3F cockpit stairs.
Fixed - Destroying South side of 2F Meeting room ceiling reveals a gap that exposes attackers coming in from EXT Caterer.
Fixed - Drone can be placed inside the plane ceilings from EXT Caterer.

Fixed - Players can vault on the wooden beam on 2F Work Office using a deployable shield.
Fixed - It’s possible to shoot from 1F Bathroom to 1F bedroom through the indestructible cabinet.
Fixed - Operators are able to clip through the stairs when prone and moving.
Fixed - The wood blinds in the windows block bullets completely until broken.
Fixed - Skyscraper map name is not in capital letters as the rest of the maps list in PVP & PVE map preferences.

Fixed - Players can clip through the unbreakable wall between 2F Office and 2F Rail Corridor.
Fixed - A Black mirror cannot be placed next to another one when a reinforcement is placed on wall of 2F Daycare.
Fixed - Kapkan's EDD is sometimes destroyed when breaking a barricade.

Fixed - There is a gap in the wall that allows the player to see through it with a drone at 2F Exhibit Hallway.
Fixed - The glass in 1F West Balcony facing the west side is indestructible.
Fixed - It is possible to walk in the air in some areas of the map.
Fixed - The lights on the side of the tower can block the attacker's rappel trajectory.
Fixed - Users may experience FPS drops when shooting a specific screen at 1F West Observatory.

Fixed - Characters can clip through the stairs when prone and moving.

باگ فیکس های بازی rb6 بعد از 3 سال !
آخرین ویرایش:
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Reactions: Pedram ag
Fixed - The gadget crosshair will persist after switching to drone toss.
Fixed - It is possible to hear Mute's jammer even when standing very far away from it.
Fixed - The barbwires' slow down effect is still ongoing even after the player is no longer into the barbwire's effective range, or when the barbwire is destroyed.
Fixed - Resetting animation when switching views between one player standing up and one crouch.
Fixed - Rubberbanding can happen after detaching from rappelling.
Fixed - After scanning enemies, the distance to them might not be shown.
Fixed - A player will not take damage when spamming crouch.
Fixed - When the drone owner dies while controlling his drone, others can’t rotate the camera view of the dead player’s drone.
Fixed - Following certain steps, it's possible to have some gadgets out in a stance you normally can't.
Fixed - When the player interrupts the reload animation of the LFP586 revolver by switching weapons, then switches back to LFP586 and reloads again, there will be no new rounds loaded.
Fixed - Operator's body rotation is not replicated correctly when vaulting.
Fixed - Moving once you hit the ground after entering a window in rappel will lock the character’s movement for a couple of seconds.
Fixed - Operators can teleport if they remove a breaching charge while ending the rappel animation.
Fixed - The "American Anarchy" headgear's hairstyle slightly extends the hitbox upwards.
Fixed - When friendly fire is off, drones don't get destroyed by going out of bounds.
Fixed - Players randomly die by falling during Multiplayer sessions.

Fixed - Spawn Locations are missing in the waiting screen of the Preparation Phase when Attacker Unique Spawn match setting is activated.
Fixed - Killer's pawn orientation is sideways during the death cam zoom in.
Fixed - "This weapon skin is available for" section can only display up to 4 operator icons when unlocking weapon-specific weapon skins in an Alpha Pack.
Fixed - Placing gadgets such as breach charges on exterior small barricades will show no prompt for removing the gadget.
Fixed - The Dialog Volume affects environmental sounds, especially footsteps.
Fixed - The exterior part of the tactical map is missing in the spawn selection menu.
Fixed - There's no visual indicator for muted players.
Fixed - Sometimes hovering over a bundle in the shop will not show its description.
Fixed - There is no username voice chat display when a squad member speaks in the menu.
Fixed - Players are not notified to collect reward from a completed Ubisoft Club Challenge.
Fixed - Voice chat cuts off in MVP screen.
Fixed - No scoreboard is displayed at the end of the game.
Fixed - After collecting rewards from a Ubisoft Club challenge, in-game challenge tab won't update.
Fixed - Renown-counting sound is still playing in transition if the player quits the match.
Fixed - When a player loses connection, the message displayed is "spectator, GAMESERVER, has left the game".
Fixed - Player will remain with the shield while spectating in drone.
Fixed - Caster and Spectator have a team chat.
Fixed - The concussion effects of mines and Echo’s drone are shown on the caster camera.

's gadget and entering Observation Mode at the same time causes the gadget to become opaque.

Fixed - Jäger’s gadget floats in the air when placed in certain locations.
Fixed - Jäger’s gadget clips through the wall when placed in certain locations.

Fixed - The laser under barrel is applied to the other side of the weapon in preview.

Fixed - Following certain steps, it is possible to have Montagne’s shield up while rappelling.

Fixed - Tachanka's LMG shields are inconsistent, players can get shot through them in some instances.

Fixed - Vigil's ERC-7 is deactivated when climbing or descending ladders.
Fixed - The laser under barrel is applied to the other side of the weapon in preview.

Fixed - The character can freeze while deploying the gadget from rappelling position.


Fixed - The play ranked button can be selected for a second after a user below clearance level 20 joins the squad.
Fixed - In some instances, squads of two can split when matchmaking, forcing both players to play against each other.
Fixed - A squad is able to join a Ranked match even if there is one squad member below level 20.
Fixed - Sometimes a squad of 2+ can be split when trying to join a casual or ranked match.

Fixed - Users are able to create Player Hosted Custom Online Games.



Fixed - When entering from rappel while breaching a window, the character animation will remain stuck looking up.
Fixed - Operators fall through the map when spawning.
Fixed - Rappelling while falling will make the character fall out of the map.
Fixed - Long rifle weapons can clip through walls.
Fixed - Players are able to land on window sills to spawn kill.

Fixed - A small gap in 1F Staff room reveals a spot in EXT Terrace.
Fixed - Attackers can place a drone inside the ceiling in B Server Room allowing them to see all of the basement area.
Fixed - Valkyrie can place a Black Eye inside the ceiling of B sever room.

Fixed - Defenders are able to spawn kill attackers from 2F Classroom.
Fixed - Ela’s concussion mines are very difficult to pick up when place in the boat model.

Fixed - Great room can be seen through a gap in the floor on 2F bedrooms hallway.
Fixed - There is a gap at the doorway located at 2F Office area allowing to see the EXT Backyard Patio and 1F Great Room area.
Fixed - Players can place drones inside the walls of Chalet from 2F office balcony.
Fixed - The red wall does not cover the full Kitchen window, which allows Echo to throw his drone outside during Preparation Phase.
Fixed - Players can push teammates out or into geometry with the use of reinforcements in Kitchen.

Fixed - Jäger gets stuck in 2F Logistic Office's bookcase after placing the ADS on the second shelf.
Fixed - The player is stuck under the table at 1F Bar when trying to get out from under it.

Fixed - Jäger can clip through a wall after placing his ADS in a specific spot of the 2F Penthouse area.
Fixed - Players can get onto the purple tarps in EXT Pool by walking along the pool's glass border.
Fixed - When shot from the rooftop, Hibana pellets will not stick to the destructible wall from 1F Blue Bar area.

Fixed - It’s possible to melee through reinforced walls when doing a rappel enter in 2F Exit Stairs.
Fixed - Defenders can spawn kill attackers near Riot Barricade from 2F Administration Office.
Fixed - One Way Mirror can be deployed on the opposite side of the reinforcement in 2F Break Room.

Fixed - Attackers are killed if they enter rappel on the wall near to the EXT Courtyard metal platform while sliding off the platform.

Fixed - In Terrorist Hunt, a player can spawn inside another when choosing EXT Shooting Range as spawn location.
Fixed - Defenders can have a one-way view outside from 2F laundry room.
Fixed - Valkyrie's camera becomes invisible if thrown on an iron frame between B Corridor and B Armory.
Fixed - Textures between reinforceable and indestructible walls allow bullets to pass through.

Fixed - Attackers near EXT Construction Site can be spawn killed by defenders from the window at 2F Upper Hallway.
Fixed - The Defuser can be planted between pillows and cannot be detected by defenders.

Fixed - Inconsistent deployment of Active Defence System on walls with a lower wood panel.

Fixed - A small gap in indestructible window allows players to see outside.

Fixed - Some collisions with barbed wires and Grzmot mines are inconsistent.
Fixed - There is a space between the window frame and the wall at EXT Junkyard that allows the player to see inside the building.
Fixed - It is possible to shoot through textures from 1F Meeting Hall inside the B Supply Closet.

Fixed - Drone can be placed inside walls of Plane from 3F cockpit stairs.
Fixed - Destroying South side of 2F Meeting room ceiling reveals a gap that exposes attackers coming in from EXT Caterer.
Fixed - Drone can be placed inside the plane ceilings from EXT Caterer.

Fixed - Players can vault on the wooden beam on 2F Work Office using a deployable shield.
Fixed - It’s possible to shoot from 1F Bathroom to 1F bedroom through the indestructible cabinet.
Fixed - Operators are able to clip through the stairs when prone and moving.
Fixed - The wood blinds in the windows block bullets completely until broken.
Fixed - Skyscraper map name is not in capital letters as the rest of the maps list in PVP & PVE map preferences.

Fixed - Players can clip through the unbreakable wall between 2F Office and 2F Rail Corridor.
Fixed - A Black mirror cannot be placed next to another one when a reinforcement is placed on wall of 2F Daycare.
Fixed - Kapkan's EDD is sometimes destroyed when breaking a barricade.

Fixed - There is a gap in the wall that allows the player to see through it with a drone at 2F Exhibit Hallway.
Fixed - The glass in 1F West Balcony facing the west side is indestructible.
Fixed - It is possible to walk in the air in some areas of the map.
Fixed - The lights on the side of the tower can block the attacker's rappel trajectory.
Fixed - Users may experience FPS drops when shooting a specific screen at 1F West Observatory.

Fixed - Characters can clip through the stairs when prone and moving.

باگ فیکس های بازی rb6 بعد از 3 سال !
مقایسه بازی شوتر اول شخصی که با انجین داخلی و مخصوص بازی های Open world ساخته شده با بازی UE4 :thinking:
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مقایسه بازی شوتر اول شخصی که با انجین داخلی و مخصوص بازی های Open world ساخته شده با بازی UE4 :thinking:
من بازی رو مقایسه نکردم !!
باگ ها و باگ فیکس های بازی رو مقایسه کردم

که هییییچ ربطی به موتور بازی سازی نداره و فقط به تیم توسعه دهنده هست
به خاطر همین هست که ubibug معروف شده
کسی نمیگه فلان موتور بازی سازی باگ

وقتی توسعه دهنده ای به گردن کلفتی یوبی بعد از سه سال سه صفحه باگ فیکس میده نمیتونی بیای بگی چرا بازی که PUBG Corporation توسعه داده به خاطر چند تا باگ نسخه 1 داده باید همون early میموند
برای من سواله که اگر این بازی این هفته این همه FIX نیاز داشته پس چرا از Early access اومده بیرون ؟!
من بازی رو مقایسه نکردم !!
باگ ها و باگ فیکس های بازی رو مقایسه کردم

که هییییچ ربطی به موتور بازی سازی نداره و فقط به تیم توسعه دهنده هست
به خاطر همین هست که ubibug معروف شده
کسی نمیگه فلان موتور بازی سازی باگ

وقتی توسعه دهنده ای به گردن کلفتی یوبی بعد از سه سال سه صفحه باگ فیکس میده نمیتونی بیای بگی چرا بازی که PUBG Corporation توسعه داده به خاطر چند تا باگ نسخه 1 داده باید همون early میموند
بله، پیچیدگی انجین و مکانیک های بازی هیچ ربطی به دشواری برنامه نویسی و احتمال پدیدار شدن باگ نداره :>
بله، پیچیدگی انجین و مکانیک های بازی هیچ ربطی به دشواری برنامه نویسی و احتمال پدیدار شدن باگ نداره :>
چرا ربط داره
در شرایطی که شما بخوای یک برنامه رو بنویسی یا یک تیم کار بلد
اگه شما بخوای بنویسی بهترین انجین دنیا هم به کارت نمیاد
ولی یک تیم کار بلد با همون انجیل اشغال و دشواری برنامه نویسی و پیچیدگی انجین یک بازی بدون باگ میده بیرون

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن