The teaser begins with a shot of Tenet‘s ostensible lead, John David Washington(BlackKklansman), standing in a room and investigating a bullet hole in a pane of glass. The room could possibly be an interrogation room (if not, the vibe of the room is quite similar). A title card cuts in and tells audiences “Time for a new protagonist.”
The teaser returns to Washington’s character. He touches the bullet hole in the glass and appears to step forward to another pane of glass. It looks like the same pane of glass with the bullet hole in exactly the same spot, only the bullet hole appears a bit bigger with more cracks emanating from it. Another title card cuts in: “Time for a new kind of mission.” The teaser then begins to rapidly cut back and forth between shots of the movie title logo, which features the “TEN” in Tenet right-side-up and the “ET” upside-down. The entire logo appears to be moving like the hands of a clock. In between these shots are quick glimpses of Washington’s character: one of him leading a team, all dressed in black tactical military or SWAT gear with full face masks and helmets; a few quick shots of Washington’s character in action; finally, a shot of the character in a featureless room, wearing an oxygen mask. He comes to and looks forward as a door opens. We don’t see what’s behind it.