Multi Platform Mad Max

بازی MAD MAX به نمایش درآمد سبک باز یاخر زمانی هست

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MAD MAX | Xbox One

Developer: Avalanche Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Platfrom(s): XBOX ONE- PS4 - PC
Release Date: September 4 2015

Geener(s):Vehicular Combat /Action-Adventure
اطلاعات لیک شده از شماره مارچ گیم‌اینفورمر:

  • Events in the game take place before the new movie, Mad Max: Fury Road. Although this is still Avalanche's own take on Max and the Wasteland.
  • Director of the Mad Max movies, George Miller, was directly involved in the beginning of development before being occupied with filming Fury Road. Avalanche still kept him and his company KMM updated on the development of the game.
  • Your main nemesis in the game and warlord of the Wasteland is Scrotus. His gang attack Max in the beginning and steal his Interceptor and leave him for dead.
  • Early in the game you come across Dog like from The Road Warrior. Dog is able to sniff out water and other supplies.
  • Bit of a spin on invisible walls: You can travel beyond the borders and limits of the in-game map to an area called The Big Nothing, a volatile part of the wasteland where no food or water is present and is consumed by dangerous sandstorms. If you can survive a few seconds in the area you'll sometimes find some rare parts for your car that the storms throw around.
  • Within the Wasteland you'll need food and water to replenish Max's health and both are scarce. Avalanche point out to try looking in the sky for circling birds, this usually means there could be something dead and decomposing they're flying over which means...maggots. They're a good source of protein for Max and you can consume rodents for health too.
  • While food and water are scarce fuel isn't. From Emil Krafting, senior game designer: "We want resources to be scarce, but we also want a car game, we want to drive a lot and so on. So gas can’t be super scarce, because otherwise it would be a walking game instead of a driving game,”.
  • On foot hand to hand combat still feels like the Batman: Arkham games. Rhythmic button presses, counter-attacks, and being able to roll or dodge attacks.
  • You have access to your Garage from the pause menu allowing you to upgrade your car on the fly. The on the fly. The original plan was to have Garages scattered across the Wasteland but Avalanche felt it interfered with gameplay.
  • You can find various "Vantage Points" around the wasteland that are tethered hot air balloons. Going up in these you can use your binoculars to scout the area to find resources, landmarks, strongholds, scarecrows and even see enemy convoys. Discovering these adds them to your map similar to State of Decay. Some of the Vantage Points however might be chained up meaning you'll need to use the Magnum Opus's harpoon gun to free them or the hot air balloons might require fuel.
  • Save/Checkpoint system is described as "forgiving". If you find scrap or a collectible you don't lose it despite dying and when you do die the game respawns you at the nearest Vantage Point or liberated stronghold.
  • You can take out Scrotus' strongholds and doing so reduces his influence in the Wasteland and the vacant strongholds allows for other wastelanders to move in and take refuge. Likewise, totemic scarecrows littered around the Wasteland to terrorize wastelanders can be destroyed to further reduce his influence.
  • You meet Max's companion, Chumbucket, fairly early in the game and rides along with you in the Magnum Opus wielding a harpoon gun. He can use the harpoon gun to rip off tires and other parts on enemy vehicles, pull enemies out of the drivers seat and even use to impale enemies on foot.
  • An upgrade to the harpoon is called The Thunderpoon....Yup I'm serious..
  • Chumbucket can also improve his skills if you acquire some new new tools, goggles or a head lamp. His skills become vital because Chum is responsible for fixing your car should you take too much damage.
  • Chumbucket also acts as a sort of GPS by pointing interesting landmarks.
  • GI heads to a fortified lighthouse stronghold lead by an NPC called Jeet. Himself and his small group of people in the stronghold are sick wanting medicine with Jeet described as a bit of tweaker suffering from extreme head pains and controls them by embedding shards of metal in to his body to cause pain elsewhere.
  • Another NPC encountered is a race announcer/organizer who is decked in Christmas lights head to toe with a lackey following behind carrying a generator to power the lights.

  • You can use other wastelanders cars as long as they are not destroyed and when you are done driving them you can use a flare to call Chumbucket and the Magnum Opus to you.
  • GameInformer article mention that there is a lot of visual/environment variety. There are many things to ramp off and cliffs to fall off, also a dried up seabed with caves, coral, and use-to-be underwater sulfuric volcanoes, and there are subway tunnels, broken up bridges and highways.
  • The article doesn't mentions how far in the game it is but there is a second friendly stronghold that you can upgrade. The upgrades will allow you to collect scrap while the game is off, also food and water. The stronghold can also have a armory and a survey crew to mark spots on the map.
  • There is no multiplayer but in a separate part of the game there is a option called Opus Wars to view other players cars.

تصاویر اسکن شده:

Mad Max Game Informer Details
یه تریلر گیم پلی جدید از بازی اومده که خیلی خفنه، سیستم مبارزات تن به تن بازی که به نظر عالی میاد، بخش مبارزه با ماشین (!) هم خیلی هیجان انگیز هست :دی خلاصه اینکه تریلر رو نگاه کنید و با توجه به سابقه استودیو احتمال زیاد یکی از بازی های خوب سال 2015 میشه.


یه تریلر گیم پلی جدید از بازی اومده که خیلی خفنه، سیستم مبارزات تن به تن بازی که به نظر عالی میاد، بخش مبارزه با ماشین (!) هم خیلی هیجان انگیز هست :دی خلاصه اینکه تریلر رو نگاه کنید و با توجه به سابقه استودیو احتمال زیاد یکی از بازی های خوب سال 2015 میشه.



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