Gears Of War: Judgment (پست اول حتما خوانده شود)

واو تو یه کلام میتونم بگم آرت های بازی خارق العاده هست !! بدجور بازی داره دهن من رو سرویس میکنه !! خدا کنه برای pc بیاد تا راحت بازی کنم .

تریلر رو هم دانلود کنم ببینم چی هست :d
Important info:

MP modes shipping with Judgment: Overrun, FFA, Domination, and TDM.
There are NO elimination, non-respawn modes.
TDM now counts kills towards a goal; there is no more respawn pool
Overrun has bots, can be played in private.
Overrun has no unannounced classes on either side.
You cannot choose characters for Overrun, only classes (ex: you can't be a Cole engineer).
Ranked and quick are still separate, sound unchanged.
You can tag people with any type of grenade; its effect is unchanged (ex: beacon grenade tagged on opponent still just spots)
You can destroy and jump through windows.
Mantle kick is unchanged.
Ammo boxes replenish grenades.
(Supposedly) Every starting weapon has a very specific role, is ineffective out of that role, and has a w​
تو ویدئو از اسکین هم نام برده!
هورد و بیست هم گفته نشده که هست . شاید تو همین کمپین گنجوندنش!
لعنتی میگه تو رنج نزدیک هیچی بهتر از sawed-off نیست! یعنی دیگه باید با Gnasher خدافظی کرد!(البته شاید این واسه کمپین باشه فقط!)
OverRun is a new mode in Gears of War Judgment. OverRun mode has been described as simply Horde vs Beast, but Epic has done far more than just slapped the two modes together. Epic has created a brand new multiplayer experience. OverRun is a new class based, tactical, five on five battle that focuses heavily on team play.

OverRun consists of two timed rounds, allowing each team to play an offense-based Locust round and a defense-based COG round. When playing as the Locust horde, you’re tasked with breaching two sealed emergence holes before finally destroying the COG power generator. These emergence holes are placed one after the other, so you’ll be destroying them in sequence rather than choosing between two simultaneous objectives. Once you’ve destroyed the seal of one of these e-holes, the COGs are annihilated by a Kryll storm and your team gains a new spawn position. Several minutes are also added to the timer, giving your team more time to make the final push towards the generator. Scoring is determined by how many objectives the Locust complete, with a maximum of three points awarded if they manage to open both emergence holes and destroy the generator before time runs out. In the case of a tie, the team that completed the tasks in less time gets the win.

Locust characters typically rely on their natural abilities, but the four COG classes focus more on technology. Soldiers, medics, and scouts provide ammo, health/revives, and motion trackers, respectively. Scouts can also climb up to high perches to get a better view and sniping position. The engineer class repairs fortifications, which is very important because once a fortification is destroyed it cannot be rebuilt. Advanced tactics aren’t limited to the human characters, the Locust beasts have some cooperative strategies as well. Grenadiers can feed a grenade to a Ticker, which doubles its explosive power. In addition, the Grenadier can kick Tickers over fortifications to deliver its doubly dangerous payload deeper into the enemy’s base.

As you take down fortifications, deal damage to emergence holes, and kill enemy COG, the Locust players earn points that can be used as currency to unlock more dangerous creatures. Tickers, Wretches, Grenadiers, and Kantus healing classes are always available, but you’ll have to save up points to access the second tier, consisting of Ragers, Corpsers, Serapedes, and Maulers.
Each playable unit has a unique ability tied to the left bumper, such as the engineers sentry, Ticker dash, and Wretch scream. Epic wants players to use each character’s ability on a regular basis, but still be vulnerable in-between recharges so there is a cool down period. Also Serapedes can now rear up and spit poison at foes, Maulers spin their shields and reflect bullets, Corpsers burrow underground to avoid taking damage, Grenadiers toss explosives, and the shaman-like Kantus provide support with a heal ability that protects all nearby Locust.

Here is the OverRun trailer narrated by Baird - Gears of War: Judgment OverRun Tutorial - YouTube

Extended Gameplay of OverRun on the map Junkyard - Gears of War: Judgment Multiplayer OverRun - Junkyard - YouTube

New Info from Podcast # 13. OverRun can be played in private matches. Bots are available in OverRun. All classes have been announced for both the COG and the Locust. And all classes and characters are locked, in other words you can't play as Cole as a medic.

COG Characters

Damon Baird
Class - Engineer
Loadout - Gnasher / Blowtorch
Info - Engineers are COG defense specialists. They can deploy sentries and repair fortifications.

Augustus Cole
Class - Soldier
Loadout - Lancer / Booshka grenade launcher
Info - COG soldiers are highly trained weapon specialists. They can deploy ammo for themselves and their teammates.

Garron Paduk
Class - Scout
Loadout - Markza sniper rifle / Snub pistol
Info - COG scouts can access elevated sniping positions and reveal enemy locations by deploying spotting beacons. The scouts Sniper rifle is semi-auto.

Sofia Hendrick
Class - Medic
Loadout - Lancer / Snub pistol
Info - The COG field medic can deploy Stim-gas in order to heal and revive teammates.

Locust Characters

Info - Quick and Deadly. Its melee attack excels at destroying enemy fortifications. It can also self-detonate. Tickers can be fed grenades which double their explosive power. They can also be kicked over cover by their teammates.

Info - Melee attacker that can scream to stun nearby enemies. It can clear barriers via its jump attack.

Info - Powerful Locust shock troop. They wield Lancers, Shotguns and Frag grenades. Grenadiers can feed grenades to Tickers which will double their explosive power.

Info - Kantus are Locust Shamans who can chant to heal and revive allies from a distance.

Info - Ranged expert with a short temper. Discards its BreechShot for a powerful melee attack when enraged.

Info - The corpser is a large melee creature that gets in close to crush enemies. It can also burrow underground to hide and heal itself.

Giant Serapedes
Info - Serapedes are only vulnerable at the tip of their tail. They attack with an electrified bite, and can rear up and spit acid at their enemies.

Info - Maulers are walking seige creatures. They can close by protecting themselves with their shield and then attack with their powerful flail. They can also use their shield offensively with the shield spin ability​
این نوشته برای ۲۲ وم همین ماه هست (ماه اول میلادی).

---------- نوشته در 11:46 AM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 11:16 AM ارسال شده بود ----------

Epic Games Podcast: Episode 14 Judgment***8217;s Weapon Balance | Epic Games Community
این فایل صوتی هست که توش درباره تمامی سلاح ها و تغییراتشون صحبت کرده .
آخرین ویرایش:

  • [*=left] Lancer - lower damage per bullet still ROF. No headshot multiplier. Accuracy a hair smaller.
    [*=left]Retro - Faster ROF, lower damage per bullet. Not crazy in hipfire in terms of accuracy but it doesn't kill you almost instantly in hipfire. Feathering at long distance has been reduced and it's harder to do. Poke does far less damage. Also things stop you from instantly doing the poke.
    [*=left]Hammerburst - Fully semi-automatic. Recoil is also new. Steady burst to achieve optimal use of the Hammerburst. Recoil goes off the chart if you shoot fast. Close range spam-ability of the HB(Hammer burst)has also been reduced.
    [*=left]Snub - seems to be about the same.
    [*=left]Digger - Slightly faster underground.
    [*=left]Boomshot - Not crazy like the AR Boomshot in Gears 3 but guarantees to get your kills, definite sweet spot with the AoE (Area Of Effect) damage.
    [*=left]Scorcher - Values are close to what it is currently to the current Scorcher in Gears 3, it goes through the Boomshield.
    [*=left]Torque Bow - Charge time has been sped up. You have to pull a little bit longer to make it that stiff arrow.
    [*=left]Boltok - More powerful, single / double headshot. But currently NOT in the maps for MP. Option in Private but focused for Campaign.
    [*=left]Boomshield - head is now exposed more than in Gears 3. (frags stick to boomshield)
    [*=left]Markza - Less powerful than the longshot, double tap (to head)is not easy to accomplish due to recoil. The body shot is not rewarding with the Markza, only for the headshots.
    [*=left]Frags - Stick to people, damage is far less than half from Gears 3. It's not as small as Stay frosty Frags.
    [*=left]Ink - All cringe has been removed from it.
    [*=left]Smoke - instantly pops upon impact! , smoke is much better you can't use Tac-Tom to see through it still cringes

    [*=left]Flame Grenade (pick up only) - It's a power weapon, ammo boxes won't refill it.
    [*=left]Longshot - Back to the Gears 2 style scope, and has 2 layers of zoom. Does way more body damage. 1 longshot to the body and a couple of shots from snub, person is dead. Longshot penetrates targets.
    [*=left]Gnasher - It's a hair slower but not noticeable it is still fast against everything else. It won't hit you across the map, in CQC is still the dominant weapon and still gnasher battle with it. Ammo complaints is negated by the fact ammo is automatically added to you, you do NOT need to go ahead and pick it up it's automatically added to your inventory.
    [*=left]Sawed-Off - "Gnasher Jr." 2 round magazine, faster rate of fire over the gnasher. Spread is the same, damage is the same, (but cone leaning towards the Gnashers ) still upclose kills multiple targets.
    [*=left]Breechshot - Mid range does pretty decent damage to the body, does headshot in 1 shot but no scope. It will outclass the Markza.
    [*=left]Booshka [Grenade launcher] - balanced to be in the boomshot class. It can be bounce off walls (like the Unreal Tournament '99 secondary mode on the Rocket Launcher).
    [*=left]Classic Hammerburst - 3 burst kill.

How many melee hits it takes to kill someone?
2. Melee penalty for missing is high. You can still react when you get melee.

---------- نوشته در 11:56 AM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 11:53 AM ارسال شده بود ----------

بالایی خلاصه یکی از کاربران فروم اپیک بود . خود فایل صوتی ۳۷ دقیقست.
تاپیک به فنا رفت کلا :|
چطور؟ :-/
آخرین ویرایش:
هر تریلری که از بازی نشون میدن میزان هایپ شدیدا بالا میره، تا دو ماه پیش امید خیلی زیادی به بازی نداشتم ولی الان به شکل عجیبی منتظر عرضه بازی هستم :دی تغییرات جدیدی که وارد بازی شده هر چند بزرگ نیستن ولی به نظر جالب میان، از دشمنان و اسلحه های جدید گرفته تا Challenge ها و Finisher ها و ... فقط شلوغی بیش از حد مبارزات ممکنه دردسر ساز بشه، که البته این قضیه با توجه به اینکه داستان چند روز از بعد Emergency Day اتفاق میفته طبیعی هست. ولی در کل مبارزات Gears 3 که خیلی حال داد، اینم احتمالا همین جوری هست :دی در کل شاید بازی در حد سه گانه نباشه ولی احتمال زیاد واسه فن های Gears به یه عنوان عالی و به یاد ماندنی تبدیل میشه.
دوستان یه سوال داشتم:

توی آخرین تریلر که از بازی منتشر شد آخر تریلر این لوگویی که قرار دادم نمایش داده میشه به نظرتون چیزه خاصی هس یا کلا مایکرو اینکارو میکنه؟چون هیچ وقت به آخر تریلرهایی که از بازیهای مایکرو منتشر شده توجه نکردم.

دوستان یه سوال داشتم:

توی آخرین تریلر که از بازی منتشر شد آخر تریلر این لوگویی که قرار دادم نمایش داده میشه به نظرتون چیزه خاصی هس یا کلا مایکرو اینکارو میکنه؟چون هیچ وقت به آخر تریلرهایی که از بازیهای مایکرو منتشر شده توجه نکردم.

راست میگی دقت نکرده بودم :دی احتمالش هست که این شماره بعد از یه مدت واسه Windows 8 عرضه بشه.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن