بالاخره بعد از مدت ها انتظار نسخه دوم این بازی هم معرفی شد.این بازی در سال 2014 برای X1 و X360 منتشر خواهد شد.
نسخه قبل رو حتما بازی کن یکی از بهترین ها در سبک خودشهنسخه قبلیش رو بازی نکردم ولی این رو حتما میگیرم:bighug:
Unlike Titanfall, which pretty much dropped the visual quality but kept the gameplay intact, Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox 360 will only share just a few conceptual similarities with the Xbox One edition.
Most interestingly, he also said that the game will contain a different set of features. "It's based in the same world, it's based on the same themes," he said. "Rather than thinking of them as the same game on different platforms, they are different games inspired by the same ideas.”
هیچی ااز گیم پلی ا360 هم نشون ندادن!تغییرات آب و هوایی کلا نداره