Acquire all the mystery items in The Box of Secrets shop, or see another Hero do so.
The Meteorologist50
Bring all of Knothole Island’s weather problems under control, or help another Hero to do so.
The Bibliophile25
Find all the books detailing the history of Knothole Island, or help another Hero to do so.
The Nutcracker10
Score 25 groin shots, or see another Hero do so.
The Paramour10
Make love 25 times, or see another Hero do so.
The Concierge30
Open all the Demon Doors in Albion, or see another Hero do so.
The Visionary50
Take a look into the future, or see another Hero do so.
The Con Artist25
Find all 10 of Murgo's statuettes, or see another Hero do so.
The Howler10
Scare five people while dressed as a balverine, or see another Hero do so.
The Ghastly Jester10
Make five people laugh while dressed as a hobbe, or see another Hero do so.
The Repugnant10
Disgust five people while dressed as a hollow man, or see another Hero do so.
The Gladiator30
Score a total high score of 20,000 points or more in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so.
The Multiplicator20
Achieve a multiplier of 10 or more in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so.
The Combatant20
Defeat the necromancer in the Colosseum, or see another Hero do so.
The Fowl Player10
Dress as a chicken and kick five chickens during the Colosseum battles, or see another Hero do so.
The Colourist15
Collect the dyes hidden in Murgo's magical items, or see another Hero do so.
نکته: چون DLC بازی نکردمش نمی دونم دقیقا جریانش چی هست و باید چیکار بکنی ولی اینا هستش و 350 هم به بازی اضافه شده