E3 2007: News & Photos & Videos

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E3 2007: News & Photos & Videos
[FONT=&quot]سلام این تاپیک مربوط به اخبار عکس ها و ویدئو های e3 2007 [FONT=&quot]هست[/FONT].
[FONT=&quot]همونطور که میدونید این کنفرانس عظیم بازی سازها دیگه مثل گذشته نیست و وسعت اون خیلی خیلی کم شده و بسیار محدود شده[/FONT].
e3 [FONT=&quot]امسال در تاریخ[/FONT] : Aug 2006 [FONT=&quot]برگزار میشه[/FONT].
[FONT=&quot]به محض مشخص شدن اخبار بیشتر اونا رو در این تاپیک میزاریم تا مثل[/FONT] gdc2007 [FONT=&quot]نشه[/FONT].
[FONT=&quot]اینم یک مشت[/FONT] rss [FONT=&quot] از چند تا از سایت های خبر رسانی [/FONT][FONT=&quot]برای کسانی که میخوان همه اخبار[/FONT] e3-2007 [FONT=&quot]رو بخونن[/FONT]
e3 Information Overload, E-Resources for Engineering Education - Scientific Publishing & Data

E-resources for Engineering Education

UK PubMed Central Launched

The British Library Press Release UK PubMed Central Launched 9 January, 2007From today scientists will be able to access a...
Larry Page to Scientists

CNet News.com shares a image of Larry Page, co-founder of Google, speaking to the scientists at the Annual Meeting of...
British Library and U.S. Department of Energy Collaborate on Global Science Gateway

British Library and the U.S. Department of Energy announce a collaboration on global science gateway. Called ‘Science.world,’ the planned resource...

Go-Geo! is a tool designed to help you find details about geo-spatial datasets and related resources within Great Britain tertiary...
Topology - Entire Editorial Board Resigns

Several sources, such as the ACRLog, have announced that all the members of the editorial board of the mathematics journal...
Commons of Science Conference

Science Commons, a project of the non-profit Creative Commons, is the sponsor and organizer of the Commons of Science Conference....
Call For Papers - Chemistry Applications Involving Data Analysis and Visualization

CALL FOR PAPERS: Chemistry Applications Involving Data Analysis and Visualization ACS Chicago, March 2007 You are invited to submit abstracts...
BMC - Summary of Biomedical Funding Agency Policies on Open Access

BioMed Central has compiled a summary of the open access policies of different biomedical funders, linking to official policy statements...
CALL FOR PAPERS - Advanced Mining & Use of Life Science Information

CALL FOR PAPERS - Advanced mining and use of life science information, ACS Chicago, March 2007 You are invited to...
Chemistry Central Journal - New Open Access, Peer-Reviewed, Online Journal

Chemistry Central Journal (ISSN 1752-153X) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal recently launched by Chemistry Central. Chemistry Central, developed...
ICIS Chemical Business Americas - Update

I am glad to see Randy Reichardt at the University of Alberta got a little further with a response towards...
USPTO Bans Wikipedia

Business Week (9/4/2006 Issue 3999, p12) has reported that the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) will no longer...
Connecticut Legislators Are Fighting Back Against Textbook Publishers

This comes at no shock to anyone that has ever bought a textbook: Government analysts say the price of textbooks...
ICIS Chemical Business Americas - More News

Seems like ICIS Chemical Business Americas (Chemical Market Reporter) may be writing its own ending in academic libraries. Randy Reichardt...
Chemical Market Reporter Publisher Again Shows No Respect for Academia

As you may recall previously, I worked with the publisher of Chemical Market Reporter to establish electronic access for the...
توضیحات بیشتر دز اینده!

[FONT=&quot]موفق باشید[/FONT]
در Podcast ای که از طرف Kojima Productions پخش شده , گفته شده که برای اولین بار در E3-2007 یعنی فقط 1 هفته دیگه میتونیم تریلر کاملآ جدیدی از MGS4 با صداگزاری انگلیسی رو ببینیم. همچنین اشاره شده که MGS4 هم در کنفرانس سونی و هم در غرفه Konami نمایش داده میشه. خبر واقعآ خوبی بود !
در Podcast ای که از طرف Kojima Productions پخش شده , گفته شده که برای اولین بار در E3-2007 یعنی فقط 1 هفته دیگه میتونیم تریلر کاملآ جدیدی از MGS4 با صداگزاری انگلیسی رو ببینیم. همچنین اشاره شده که MGS4 هم در کنفرانس سونی و هم در غرفه Konami نمایش داده میشه. خبر واقعآ خوبی بود !
وقتی دیدنی تر میشه که لو گوی XBOX360 اخرش بیاد :biggrin1:
وقتی دیدنی تر میشه که لو گوی XBOX360 اخرش بیاد :biggrin1:
خیلی ها منتظر این اتفاق هستن !! حتی توی Kotaku یکی از نویسنده های سایت توی پیش بینی هاش نوشته که شاید پیتر مور آستینشو بزنه بالا و لوگوی MGS4 رو نشون بده ! :laughing:
البته تو همون سایت هم به شوخی نوشته بود که زنش طلاقش میده .:cheesygri
اما اگر هم فرض بگیریم که mgs4 برای 360 هم بیاد مطمئنا یک بازه زمانی 6 ماهه یا بیشتر را شامل خواهد شد. حالا کی طرفدار واقعی متال گیر هست و حاضره 6 ماه صبر کنه. من که به شخصه اگر متال گیر ریلیز بشه و تو ایران هم بیاد تا نگیرم شب خوابم نمیبره .
سلام به همه منتظران e3.

آقا بی خود به دلتون صابون نزنید که توی e3 آخر دموی متال گیر لوگوی xbox360 رو ببینین!!!!!!!!

البته در این e3!!!!!!

خوب ببینم متال گیر 2 بعد از چند وقت برای کامپیوتر به بازار اومد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

خوب مطمعن باشین که حالا حالا ها هیچ خبری از متال گیر 4 برای xbox360 نیست به همتون قول میدم.

اما احتمال اینکه عنوان خاصی از متال گیر برای xbox360 در نظر گرفته شده باشه زیاده!!!!!

شاید هم ک.جیما حق استفاده از snake را در یکی از بازی های ماکروسافت را داده باشه!!!!!!

چیزی شبیه به suprt mario smash !!!!!!!!!

که این یکی به نظر من خیلی احتمالش بیشتره.

امامتال گیر 4 برای 360 هیچ وقت!!!!!!!(البته فعلآ)

این هم بگم که من اصلآ بخیل نیستم که متال گیر4 برای 360 بیاد!!!

بیشتر ترجیح میدادم که اصلآ متال گر در انحصار ماکروسافت بود!!!!!!!!!!

خلاصه که چیزی نمونده تا نتیجه مشخص بشه.
قبلا هم کانالی E3 رو روی هاتبرد و بقیه ماهواره های قابل دریافت ایران پوشش نمیداد که حالا امسال بخواد نشون بده.ولی خوب Game One تو چند ساله گذشته یه سری گزارش و کنفرانس های اصلی رو همون حول و حوش زمان خود نمایشگاه نشون میده(البته نه زنده).
لیست نهایی Namco برای E3

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Release date: October 23, 2007
Platform: Xbox 360

Ace Combat 6 marks the debut of NAMCO BANDAI's premiere flight action series on the Xbox 360 and is the most robust Ace Combat game to date. With photorealistic HD graphics, a massive selection of authentic licensed combat aircraft and new gameplay mechanics that let players control allied units across land, sea and air. Players can also engage in competitive and cooperative online dog-fighting for the first time in the series' history via Xbox LIVE.

Beautiful Katamari
Release date: Fall 2007
Platform: Xbox 360

The King of All Cosmos, the Prince and all his cousins are back, making their debut in high definition on the Xbox 360 in an all-new wacky adventure. With new mission types, cousins, online multiplayer support for up to four friends via Xbox Live and the series' timeless rolling gameplay, it's the most outlandish Katamari adventure yet!

Culdcept SAGA
Release date: Q1 2008
Platform: Xbox 360

The strategy of board games and depth of collectible card games come together on the Xbox 360 with Culdcept SAGA. Build your own custom deck from nearly 500 unique cards, amass territory and engage the enemy to bring peace to your war-weary homeland. Players can also customize their characters and put their custom decks to the test in massive four player online clashes.

Digimon World: Dawn/ Digimon World: Dusk
Release date: Fall 2007
Platform: Nintendo DS

Parallel games with intertwining storylines, Digimon World: Dawn and Digimon World: Dusk immerse players in the Digital World on a quest to fight a dangerous virus. Both games are packed with more than 400 different Digimon across eight distinct species for players to capture, train and evolve. Furthermore, rare Digimon can only be found in each respective version of the game. Featuring full online play via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, players will be able to trade and battle their unique Digimon teams against others from around the world.

Digimon World Data Squad
Release date: Fall 2007
Platform: PlayStation 2 system

Collect, train and evolve more than 140 Digimon in Digimon World Data Squad, an original role playing game based on the upcoming Digimon Data Squad animated series. With new cel-shaded graphics, a memorable storyline and voice acting by the cast of the animated series, players can get up close and personal to their favorite Digimon like never before!

Dynasty Warriors: GUNDAM
Release date: Summer 2007
Platform: Xbox 360, PLAYSTATION 3 system

Dynasty Warriors:GUNDAM combines the strategic fast-paced action of KOEI's Dynasty Warriors series with the rich heritage and futuristic storyline of the GUNDAM universe to create an entirely original gaming experience. Thrusting players into massive battles with hundreds of Mobile Suits battling for the fate of the galaxy, the game delivers intense combat on land and in outer space on a massive scale. Players will be able to customize their Mobile Suit and experience storylines straight from GUNDAM lore as they attempt to turn the tides of battle against impossible odds.

Eternal Sonata
Release date: September 2007
Platform: Xbox 360

Delivering an epic storyline and RPG gameplay to the Xbox 360, Eternal Sonata allows players to become part of a dream world envisioned during the final three hours of world-famous music composer Frederic Chopin's life. With a constantly evolving environment, a majestic classical music score, breathtaking cel-shaded graphics and an innovative battle system that supports up to three players, the RPG genre takes the leap to the next generation with this incredible game.

.hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption
Release date: Fall 2007
Platform: PlayStation 2 system

The thrilling G.U. trilogy comes to a close in .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption, as players learn the truth behind "The World" and Haseo's ultimate sacrifice to save the real world from the grasp of evil. Evolving the series' action-RPG gameplay, Vol. 3 lets players customize their party with 22 unique characters, transform their avatars into new forms for even more destructive power, enhance their steam bikes and investigate the mysteries hidden deep within massive new dungeons.

Namco Museum DS
Release date: Fall 2007
Platform: Nintendo DS

Namco Museum DS delivers seven all-time arcade classics to the Nintendo DS - no quarters required! Featuring arcade-perfect renditions of Pac-Man, Galaga, Xevious, Dig Dug II, Galaxian, Mappy and Tower of Druaga, and the handheld debut of the critically acclaimed Pac-Man Vs. with wireless multiplayer support, there's something for every gamer in this timeless compilation.

Namco Museum REMIX
Release date: Q4 2007
Platform: Wii

The ultimate cure for gaming nostalgia, Namco Museum REMIX gives gamers a dose of classic gaming with nine arcade hits and five remixed classics. Choose from original versions of arcade hits Galaxian, Dig Dug, Mappy, Xevious, Gaplus, Super PAC-MAN, Pac & Pal, Pac-Mania and Cutie Q or put your Wii Remote to the test with all new 3D versions of Pac'n Roll, Galaga, Pac-Motos, Rally-X and Gator Panic.

NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja Heroes
Release date: August 28, 2007
Platform: PSP system

Based on the hit animated series SHONEN JUMP NARUTO from VIZ Media, the rich NARUTO universe is at your fingertips with NARUTO: Ultimate Ninja Heroes, as players assemble a team of fighters and battle for ninja supremacy with 20 recognizable characters. Developed exclusively for North America and Europe, experience 3-on-3 team-based gameplay for the first time in the series on the PSP system and upgrade your warriors to create the ultimate fighting force! Create combinations of characters to unlock hidden teams with new and powerful special abilities, rewarding players with unique skills that may help them become the ultimate ninja hero.

NARUTO: Uzumaki Chronicles 2
Release date: September 2007
Platform: PlayStation 2 system

Boasting an exciting new storyline, extensive multiplayer cooperative gameplay, multiplayer versus battles and a greatly expanded array of playable characters, NARUTO: Uzumaki Chronicles 2 builds upon the success of its predecessor to deliver an original adventure with more advanced action adventure gameplay superior to its predecessor in every way. Naruto and his allies will face different challenges as they try to unravel the mystery of the Shirogane clan and their nefarious army of "puppet walkers." Players can expect action-packed ninjutsu missions as well as the chance to explore intriguing locations across the world of Naruto beautifully rendered in 3D anime style.

Smash Court Tennis 3
Release date: July 10, 2007
Platform: PSP system

Take center court with Smash Court Tennis 3! Go head to head against 16 licensed tennis greats such as Maria Sharapova and Roger Federer in intense and realistic tennis matches. Customize the look of your player and learn new skills as you progress through the game's Pro Tour mode, or put individual skills to the test in unique mini-games such as Bomb Tennis and Pac-Man Tennis.

Release date: Q4 2007
Platform: Wii

The unparalleled weapon-based fighting series redefines itself on the Wii with SOULCALIBUR Legends, an original action-adventure that lets players battle around the world to unify the pieces of the cursed sword, Soul Edge. Bringing unprecedented combat depth to the genre, this tale of souls and swords burns with upgradeable weapons, a variety of playable characters as well as competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes.

Space Station Tycoon
Release date: Q3 2007
Platform: Wii

Put your entrepreneurial skills to the test with Space Station Tycoon! Build an intergalactic business from the ground up while managing the desires of a wacky group of space castoffs. Using the Wii Remote, create gravity points and easily expand your space station, or work together with a friend to run the competition into the ground.

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology
Release date: July 2007
Platform: PSP system

The beloved Tales series arrives on the PSP system with an all-new storyline that reunites 19 characters from previous games in the series. Players can customize their character and take on 300 unique quests as they explore a massive colorful world and engage in thrilling real-time battles.

Time Crisis 4
Release date: Q4 2007
Platform: PLAYSTATION 3 system

The definitive arcade shooting franchise arrives on the PLAYSTATION 3 system with Time Crisis 4. Featuring the all-new Guncon3 peripheral with two analog sticks and six buttons, players will be able to take aim like never before, blasting enemies with a new arsenal of firearms and selecting different paths through each level. Packed with new ways to play including a fully interactive FPS mode and tactical Crisis Missions, Time Crisis 4 launches the genre out of the arcade and into the next generation
سلام به همه منتظران e3.

آقا بی خود به دلتون صابون نزنید که توی e3 آخر دموی متال گیر لوگوی xbox360 رو ببینین!!!!!!!!

البته در این e3!!!!!!

خوب ببینم متال گیر 2 بعد از چند وقت برای کامپیوتر به بازار اومد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

خوب مطمعن باشین که حالا حالا ها هیچ خبری از متال گیر 4 برای xbox360 نیست به همتون قول میدم.

اما احتمال اینکه عنوان خاصی از متال گیر برای xbox360 در نظر گرفته شده باشه زیاده!!!!!

شاید هم ک.جیما حق استفاده از snake را در یکی از بازی های ماکروسافت را داده باشه!!!!!!

چیزی شبیه به suprt mario smash !!!!!!!!!

که این یکی به نظر من خیلی احتمالش بیشتره.

امامتال گیر 4 برای 360 هیچ وقت!!!!!!!(البته فعلآ)

این هم بگم که من اصلآ بخیل نیستم که متال گیر4 برای 360 بیاد!!!

بیشتر ترجیح میدادم که اصلآ متال گر در انحصار ماکروسافت بود!!!!!!!!!!

خلاصه که چیزی نمونده تا نتیجه مشخص بشه.

تو آزادی هرطور که دلت می‌خواد از علائم نگارشی استفاده کنی. اما علامت تعجب‌هات بدجور روی مخ راه می‌ره.

تحلیلت هم خیلی آبکی بود. این‌که متال 2 پی‌سی چقدر بعد از متال 2 پی‌اس2 اومده، چه ربطی به این داره که
حالا حالا ها هیچ خبری از متال گیر 4 برای xbox360 نیست
يه ليست از بازي هاي در حد تيم ملي كه قراره تو E3 نمايش داده بشن

Rock Band
MTV Games X360 PS3

Hellgate: London
Namco Bandai Games America PC

Fallout 3
Bethesda Softworks PC X360 PS3

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
Activision PS3 X360 PS2 WII DS

Virtua Fighter 5
Sega X360

Hail to the Chimp
Gamecock Media Group X360 PS3

The Witcher
Atari PC

LucasArts X360 PS3

Halo 3
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Grand Theft Auto IV
Rockstar Games PS3 X360

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Nintendo WII

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Konami PS3

NBA Live 08
EA Sports X360 PC WII PS3

Dark Sector
D3 X360 PS3

NCAA Football 08
EA Sports X360 PS3 PS2 XBOX

War World
Ubisoft X360

Sierra Entertainment PC X360 PS3

All-Pro Football 2K8
2K Sports X360 PS3

2K Games PC X360

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Activision PC X360

Empire Earth III
Sierra Entertainment PC

The Last Remnant
Square Enix - Add to my games PS3 X360

Bleach: Shattered Blade
Sega - Add to my games WII

Madden NFL 08

Assassin's Creed
Ubisoft X360 PC PS3

Medal of Honor: Airborne
Electronic Arts PS3 PC X360

Midway PS3 X360 PC


Project Gotham Racing 4
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Capcom WII

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Guitar Hero III
Activision PS3 X360 WII PS2

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Nintendo DS

Soulcalibur Legends
Namco Bandai Games America WII

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes
Namco Bandai Games America PSP

Mario Strikers Charged
Nintendo WII

2K Sports X360 WII PS3 PS2 PSP

EA Games PC

Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2
Namco Bandai Games PS2

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Activision PC X360 PS3

Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology
Namco Bandai Games America PSP

World in Conflict
Sierra Entertainment PC

Starcraft II
Blizzard Entertainment PC

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures
SCi PC X360

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008

Time Crisis 4
Bandai Namco Games PS3

Dynasty Warriors: GUNDAM
Namco Bandai Games America X360 PS3

EA Games X360 PS3

Need for Speed ProStreet


Space Siege
Sega PC

Fable 2
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Final Fantasy XIII
Square Enix PS3

Electronic Arts WII

EA Playground
Electronic Arts WII DS

Mass Effect
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Blue Dragon
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Geometry Wars: Galaxies
Sierra Entertainment WII DS

FIFA Soccer 08
EA Sports PS3 WII X360 PC PS2 PSP DS

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements
Ubisoft X360

Disney Interactive Studios X360 PS3

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Nintendo WII

Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Namco Bandai Games America X360

Army of Two
EA Games X360 PS3

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
LucasArts X360 PS3

EA Sports X360 PS3 PS2

Devil May Cry 4
Capcom PS3

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
EA Games X360 PC PS3

Eternal Sonata
Namco Bandai Games America X360

.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption
Namco Bandai Games PS2

EA Games PC

Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Ubisoft X360

THQ PS3 X360

Stuntman Ignition
THQ X360 PS3 PS2

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Super Mario Galaxy
Nintendo WII

Too Human
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
Namco Bandai Games America PS3

Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition
Square Enix PSP

Tabula Rasa
NCsoft PC

Major League Baseball 2K7
2K Sports X360 PS3 PS2 XBOX PSP DS GBA

Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Sega X360 PS3

SWAT: Target Liberty
Sierra Entertainment PSP

Killzone (working title)

Unreal Tournament 3
Midway PC X360 PS3

Halo Wars
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Digimon World Data Squad
Namco Bandai Games PS2

Drawn to Life

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Clive Barker's Jericho
Codemasters X360 PC PS3

Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Square Enix PS3

SOCOM: Confrontation

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
EA Games PC

Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
2K Games X360 DS PS3 PSP

Ubisoft PS3 X360 PC

Killzone: Liberation

FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage
Empire Interactive X360

Heavenly Sword

Half-Life 2: The Orange Box
EA Games X360 PC PS3

The Club
Sega X360 PC PS3

Tom Clancy's EndWar
Ubisoft X360 PC PS3

Lost Odyssey
Microsoft Game Studios X360

Pirates of the Burning Sea
Sony Platform Publishing PC

Dungeons & Dragons Tactics
Atari PSP

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

Gran Turismo 5

Soulcalibur IV
Namco Bandai Games X360

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Eidos Interactive X360 PS3 PC

EA Games WII

Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
Ubisoft WII DS

PlayStation Home

Battlefield: Bad Company
EA Games X360 PS3

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Ubisoft X360 PC

SimCity Societies
Electronic Arts PC

Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn
Nintendo WII


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08

Battalion Wars 2
Nintendo WII

Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
LucasArts PSP

Beautiful Katamari
Namco Bandai Games WII X360 PS3

Smash Court Tennis 3
Namco Bandai Games America PSP

Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway
Ubisoft X360 PC PS3

Sonic Rush Adventure
Sega DS

Carnival Games
Global Star Software WII

Left 4 Dead
X360 PC

Hannah Montana: Music Jam
Disney Interactive DS WII

The Simpsons (working title)
EA Games X360 PS3 WII PS2 PSP DS

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII
Ubisoft PS3 X360 PC

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
Konami PSP

Digimon World: Dusk
Namco Bandai Games DS

Jeanne D'Arc

Burnout Paradise
Electronic Arts X360 PS3

The Agency
Sony Online Entertainment PS3 PC

Afro Samurai

TNA iMPACT! (working title)
Midway X360 PS3 WII

Digimon World: Dawn
Namco Bandai Games DS

Sega Rally Revo
Sega PS3 PC X360 PSP

NBA 08

Medal of Honor: Vanguard
Electronic Arts WII

DK Jungle Climber
Nintendo DS

Golden Axe
Sega PS3 X360

Space Station Tycoon
Namco Bandai Games America WII PSP

Ben 10: Protector of Earth

Mega Man Star Force: Leo
Capcom DS

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Naughty Dog PS3

Syphon ******: Logan's Shadow

The Eye of Judgment

Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
Sega PSP

Dead Head Fred


Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party
Konami WII

Wild ARMs 5
Xseed Games PS2

NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
Sega WII

Namco Museum Remix
Namco Bandai Games WII

Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day
Nintendo DS

Universe at War: Earth Assault
Sega PC X360

The Settlers: Rise of an Empire
Ubisoft PC

Eight Days

Ghost Squad
Sega WII

Fishing Master
Hudson Soft WII


Aion: Tower of Eternity
NCsoft PC

Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus
Capcom DS

Glory Days 2
Secret Stash Games DS

Culdcept Saga
Namco Bandai Games America X360

Frontlines: Fuel of War

Picross DS
Nintendo DS


Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice

The Wheelman
Midway X360 PS3

Untitled id Software Project (Working Title)

Coded Arms: Assault
Konami PS3

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Capcom X360 PS3

The Golden Compass

Game Party
Midway WII

Namco Museum DS
Namco Bandai Games DS

Midway WII

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Imagination Invaders
Midway DS

Hot Shots Golf (working title)

Zoo Hospital
Majesco Games DS

The Bee Game
Midway GBA DS

Holly Hobbie & Friends
Majesco Games DS​

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اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن