Custom Firmwares

Downgrade 3.50 with Lumines I By

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حالا مهم اينکه فريمور هست ديگه ، oe نباشه ، مگه تاپيک ديگه هم واسه فريمور جز اينجا هست؟

الان اين چه ربطي به OE و SE فريمور داشت؟ :)

لطفا مطالب رو در تاپيك مربوط به خودش بنويسين.
Edited from DAX's orignal readme to this readme for easy install purposes:

3.40 Open Edition REvision A Easy Installer

Installation instructions:

Previous custom firmware users: Make sure your kernel is set to 1.50 in recovery mode. It's under configuration, then set the homebrew kernel to 1.50.

You need 75% battery, although you can skip this if you pressed L+triangle while loading the program. (Not suggested to skip battery check.)

Go to your PSP's game tab, then memstick, after running this easy installer. Run the firmware update... that simple.

Changes 3.30 OE-A -> 3.40 OE-A

- Updated from 3.30 firmware to 3.40

- Security patch: Fixed a bug that has been in all 3.XX OE, that caused random data to be written to a location
in lcdc.prx or (in worst case) emc_sm.prx ram space.

- Autboot that is missing since 3.03 OE-C has been reimplemented.

- Improvements in the flasher. It will now generate also the flash1 directories, and it will
check that the dxar is the correct for this update, so no more bricks by accidentally using
other DATA.DXAR.

Note about pops. I recommend people to backup their savedata before proceeding to change them
(Sony has changed the savedata format, and they force you to change the format in 3.40 if you want to play them).
If a plugin to load previous firmwares pops appear, the savedata will have to be in the old format for those firmwares,
that's why it is better to have a backup of them. Psx savedatas are in /PSP/SAVEDATA/[code of game]

Thanks to:
DAX for the custom firmware once again.
Team Reign for making this easy installer.

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