I've got something I want to tell you all. It's about Bayonetta 3.We are a developer that creates games by signing contracts with publishers and receiving funds from them in order to cover development costs.
For Bayonetta 1, we signed a contract with Sega and received funds from them, then we proposed a design for the game and entered production. All of the rights belong to Sega. At the time, our company had only just been established, and we weren't properly equipped for multiplatform development, so after discussing with Sega,
we decided to develop the game exclusively for Xbox 360.However, after that, one of Sega's trading partners ended up making a port for PS3, at Sega's behest. More recently, they also decided that a Steam version should be developed, which was released last year. Sega owns the rights to all of these versions.
When we started making Bayonetta 2, we initially received funds from Sega to develop the game for multiple platforms, but the project was halted due to circumstances at Sega. Nintendo then stepped in to continue funding the game, allowing us to finish it. As such, the rights belong to Sega and Nintendo. The rights owners decided the game should be made for Wii U.
Nintendo was also kind enough to fund a port of Bayo 1 for Wii U, and they even allowed us to use the Japanese voice track we created for the Wii U version in the PC version of Bayo 1 as well.I am extremely thankful to Nintendo for funding the game, and to Sega for allowing them to use the Bayonetta IP.
As for Bayonetta 3, it was decided from the start that the game was going to be developed using Nintendo's funding. Without their help, we would not have been able to kick off this project.
All of the rights still belong to Sega and Nintendo.
The rights owners decided that the game should be made for Switch. Game development is a business. Each company has its own circumstances and strategies. Sometimes this means games get made, sometimes it means they get cancelled. But I believe that every single person involved is dedicated to delivering the best possible experience. I know that, to me at least, that's one of the biggest goals when I set to work.
I cannot express how happy I am that we get to make Bayonetta 3, and we intend to do everything within our power to make it as good as it can be. That's all we can do, and we consider it our greatest mission.It took a while for production of Bayonetta 3 to be okayed, but now that it has kicked off, I hope it will turn into a wonderful encounter for all of you
نکات مهمی که گفته:
-IP بایونتا متعلق به Sega هست، موقع ساخت بایونتا 1، چون که استدیو Platinum games تازه تاسیس شده بوده امکان ساخت بازی برای پلتفرم های مختلف رو نداشتن و تصمیم گرفتن که بازی رو بصورت انحصاری برای Xbox 360 درست کنن. ولی بعد از یه مدت یک تیم دیگه بازی رو برای ps3 پورت میکنن. تصمیم پورت بازی برای pc هم با سگا بوده.
-موقع شروع ساخت بایونتا 2، بودجه ساخت بازی اول توسط سگا تامین شده و قرار بوده بازی مولتی پلتفرم باشه ولی بخاطر مشکلاتی که سگا داشته پروژه متوقف شده. اینجا بوده که نینتندو بقیه بودجه ساخت بازی رو پرداخت میکنه و با این کار باعث میشه که ساخت بازی کامل بشه. حقوق بایونتا 2 متعلق به سگا و نینتندو هست و اونا بودن که تصمیم گرفتن بازی بصورت انحصاری برای Wii U منتشر بشه.
-نینتندو هزینه ساخت پورت بایونتا 1 برای wii u رو هم پرداخت میکنه و حتی اجازه میده از فایل های صوتی زبان ژاپنی که برای نسخه Wii u تهیه شده بودن توی نسخه PC استفاده بشه.
-برای بایونتا 3، از اول تصمیم گرفته شده بوده که فقط نینتندو بودجه ساخت بازی رو تامین کنه، بدون کمک نینتندو پلاتینوم نمیتونسته بازی رو بسازه.
-همه ی حقوق بازی متعلق به سگا و نینتندو هست و اونا بودن که تصمیم گرفتن بازی بصورت انحصاری برای Switch ساخته بشه.
همچنین توی اولین تویتش و در مورد خود پلاتینوم گفته که پلاتینوم استدیویی هست که با ناشر های مختلف قرارداد میبنده و اون ناشر هزینه ساخت بازی رو تامین میکنه.
در ادامه گفته که پروسه ساخت بازی و صنعت بازی سازی هم مثل هر سرمایه گزاری دیگه ای هست و هر شرکتی استراتژی ها و قانون های خودشو داره، به همین دلیله که بعضی وقت ها بازی ها کامل ساخته میشن و بعضی وقت ها کنسل میشن( مایکروسافت
و اینکه به نظرش همه ی افرادی که توی یه پروژه دست دارن تمام تلاششون رو میکنن که بهترین تجربه ممکن رو ارائه کنن و حداقل برای خود کامیا این یکی از بزرگترین اهدافش هست وقتی کار میکنه.
از نینتندو تشکر میکنه برای پشتیبانی مالی و از سگا بخاطر اینکه اجازه دادن از این ای پی استفاده کنن (ای پی برای سگا هست).
در آخر میگه که خیلی خوشحال هست که تونستن بایونتا 3 رو بسازن و هدفشون اینه که تا جایی که امکانش هست تلاش کنن تا بازی تا حد ممکن خوب بشه! این تمام کاریه که میتونن بکنن و بزرگترین ماموریتشون هست. با اینکه یکم طول کشید تا ساخت بازی اوکی بشه
ولی الان که شروع شده امیدوار هست که برای همه تجربه ی فوق العاده ای باشه.
با این حرفایی که زده، یعنی میشه Director یا تهیه کننده بازی خودش باشه؟
نکات مهمتری که گفته
بولد هستن....
神谷英樹 Hideki Kamiya (@PG_kamiya) | Twitter
I've got something I want to tell you all. It's about Bayonetta 3.We are a developer that creates games by signing contracts with publishers and receiving funds from them in order to cover development costs.
For Bayonetta 1, we signed a contract with Sega and received funds from them, then we proposed a design for the game and entered production. All of the rights belong to Sega. At the time, our company had only just been established, and we weren't properly equipped for multiplatform development, so after discussing with Sega, we decided to develop the game exclusively for Xbox 360.However, after that, one of Sega's trading partners ended up making a port for PS3, at Sega's behest. More recently, they also decided that a Steam version should be developed, which was released last year.
Sega owns the rights to all of these versions.When we started making Bayonetta 2, we initially received funds from Sega to develop the game for multiple platforms, but the project was halted due to circumstances at Sega. Nintendo then stepped in to continue funding the game, allowing us to finish it. As such, the rights belong to Sega and Nintendo. The rights owners decided the game should be made for Wii U.
Nintendo was also kind enough to fund a port of Bayo 1 for Wii U, and they even allowed us to use the Japanese voice track we created for the Wii U version in the PC version of Bayo 1 as well.I am extremely thankful to Nintendo for funding the game, and to Sega for allowing them to use the Bayonetta IP. As for Bayonetta 3, it was decided from the start that the game was going to be developed using Nintendo's funding. Without their help, we would not have been able to kick off this project.
All of the rights still belong to Sega and Nintendo. The rights owners decided that the game should be made for Switch. Game development is a business. Each company has its own circumstances and strategies. Sometimes this means games get made, sometimes it means they get cancelled. But I believe that every single person involved is dedicated to delivering the best possible experience. I know that, to me at least, that's one of the biggest goals when I set to work.
I cannot express how happy I am that we get to make Bayonetta 3, and we intend to do everything within our power to make it as good as it can be. That's all we can do, and we consider it our greatest mission.It took a while for production of Bayonetta 3 to be okayed, but now that it has kicked off, I hope it will turn into a wonderful encounter for all of you.