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Xbox One Wireless Controller - Xbox.comEight Xbox One controllers can be connected to the console at once
Xbox One Wireless Controller - Xbox.comEight Xbox One controllers can be connected to the console at once
“Project Spark” will be available to download for free on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Windows 8
واسه 360 میاد واقعا ؟
Xbox One Day One Edition stock limited or sold out in the UK state various retailers
Xbox One Day One Edition stock is running extremely low in the UK according to what various retailers have told Eurogamer
About one month after improving the GPU clock speed, Mehdi added that Microsoft just made another technical boost by upgrading the CPU performance to 1.75 GHZ from 1.6 GHZ.
Xbox One release date will be announced today
UPDATE: Microsoft confirms incoming announcement at 2pm
در حاشیه :
Microsoft could have published PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain on Xbox 360
But chose not to over fears about scandal
در نسل جدید حداقل سطح حماقت رو Microsoft عزیز امیدوارم بیشتر نکنه و در سطح فعلی نگه داره!