نمرات سخت افزار Wii U


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The Verge 7.0

[TD="class: quotearea"] I don't know which future awaits the Wii U. But until it's obvious, I'm not buying one.



Nintendo promised consumers a modern HD gaming console, and the Wii U -- what's there of it thus far -- delivers on that promise. Games look gorgeous (HD Mario!), the risky controller is another successful control innovation and there's a ton of promise on the horizon.


[TD="class: quotearea"]
However, the GamePad, even if it doesn't feel like the linear progression of game console technology we'd expect, does feel like a futuristic leap. It's rooted in classic experiences, but adds weird new possibilities. Nintendo has always excelled in taking unexpected steps, and this is one of them, even if it lacks the immediate "aha" appeal of the Wii Remote, or whatever it was people saw in holding the middle of the Nintendo 64 controller.

Part of the system's appeal is in new possibilities for dual-screen gameplay. By uncoupling the screens from one another, the Wii U enables interesting new possibilities, like players seeing different amounts of information about a game space in the same room, or a zoomed in view of something seen in full on the TV. It also enables the DS-like use of a map or inventory screen, which can be nice as well.

The other part of its appeal: console-quality games – literally console games – on a handheld, for a private experience that won't take up the TV and won't bother others in your home. I am a fan of handheld consoles, personally. I prefer to play things on the small screen, where I can move around with them a bit. The Wii U is a console designed to be used like a handheld, which is absurdly hyper-targeted to my lifestyle


Polygon 6.5
But the best thing we can say about the Wii U, that it will have a strong first-party presence, is also its biggest problem. We are cautious and indeed, somewhat pessimistic, about what the future holds for Nintendo’s new system. With Microsoft and Sony expect to announce new, significantly more powerful systems within the next six months, Nintendo has only a short amount of time to establish the Wii U. We are concerned about its ability to be more than a box for Nintendo first-party releases. Nintendo has always delivered on that, but it's promised more, and that’s what we expect.

[TD="class: quotearea"] I wish the Wii U all the success in the world, because I am behind it. Conceptually, it's exciting, and in practice it works. That's rare for new ideas in the game industry these days, and I feel it's a success that needs to be rewarded with publisher support. I foresee potential for an amazing library of not just exclusives, but multi-platform titles to boot, and I'm rather excited for it.

Whether that future comes true remains to be seen, but I maintain a level of hope nonetheless. Hope feels good. Really quite good.


Gizmodo 4/5

[TD="class: quotearea"]
Yes, if you know you want the next version of the Wii. While technologically, the Wii U sort of feels like the step you'd take before you get to motion controls in the Wii, that doesn't mean it doesn't totally fit into Nintendo's ethos of interaction. It's fun. It's something your family will enjoy using.

If you're looking for a network-enabled media center, like the Xbox or Apple TV, though, definitely wait before purchasing this. The demos we've seen have looked pretty decent, but not being ready for launch isn't a great sign. It could be that everything will work wonderfully once it's out, but being cautious never hurt anyone


Ars Technica
The Good

Svelte hardware design is much smaller than competing systems.
HD graphics are easily the equal of the Xbox 360 and PS3.
GamePad is comfortable, sturdily built, and not too heavy.
Large touchscreen looks better than its low resolution would suggest.
Precise tilt-sensing turns the GamePad into an augmented reality portal.
GamePad's surround sound speakers are surprisingly decent.
The Bad

GamePad battery life requires constant plugging in.
GamePad shoulder buttons are uncomfortably positioned.
Load times are a bit high, even for launch titles.
System itself is a magnet for thumbprints.
The Ugly

The relative location of the right analog stick and the face buttons is reversed from every other dual-stick controller.
Nintendo is releasing a system that needs to have a large chunk of its promised features added with a downloadable day one update.
Verdict: Incomplete
پردازنده در حد ps3 و 2.5 برابر x360!
گرافیک هم خیلی بهتر از x360 و نوشته بود دارای 400 واحد پردازشی هست در حالی که x360 کلا 48 تا داره!
کلا از لحاظ هاردور از این x360 و ps3 خیلی قوی تره منتظر بازی مولتی پلتفورم هستیم تا ببینیم گرافیکش تا چه حد بهتره!
اخه پادازنش معماريش فرق داره امكان نداره پايين تر باشه
این فقط یک شایعه است.
DDR3-1600.32-bit wide GDDR3 memory و CPU :IBM's 45nm

توی 24 ساعت اول کنسول تقریبا توی همه فروشگاه های اینترنتی مثل ebay و ... تموم شده و اون مقدار کمی هم که مونده با قیمت بالاتر داره به فروش میرسه.

من زیاد از این چیزا سر در نمیارم.یعنی میتونه بازیا رو با کیفیت hd و 60 فریم بر ثانیه اجرا کنه?
اسسینو بدون افت فریم میاره?

Sent from my ST18i using Tapatalk 2
من زیاد از این چیزا سر در نمیارم.یعنی میتونه بازیا رو با کیفیت hd و 60 فریم بر ثانیه اجرا کنه?
اسسینو بدون افت فریم میاره?

Sent from my ST18i using Tapatalk 2
هیچ چیزی مشخص نیست ولی شنیدم بعضی سازند های پورتشون واقعا ضعیف است مثل NG3:RE و ME 3 که مشکلات تکنیکی از جمله صدا و افت فریم ریت دارند در هر صورت افت فریم تو هر بازیی توهر پلتفرمی به کنسول ربطی نداره و مشکل از پورت سازنده است.
البته کنسول HD است همین ماریو ریمیک چندین نسخه از سری خودش است که به صورت HD ساخت شده.
كلاً با ملت شوخي داره نينتندو! كنسول رو بگيري بعد همون اول 5 گيگ آپديت بخواد اين به كنار اونقدر حرف نمي زنه در مورد سخت افزار كه 10 جور ليست ازش ميدن بيرون آدم مي مونه كدوم يكه رو قبول كنه :cursing:
با این مدارک به شایعات ضعیف بودن این کنسول و استفاده از حافظه DDR2 پایان میدم این منبع نقد رسمی سایت یورو گیمر از این کنسول است.سایت متذکر شده بقیه اطلاعات از جمله گرافیک و... بزودی قرار میده
Main unit:
  • CPU: IBM Power Architecture-based multi-core processor
  • GPU: AMD Radeon GPU with 32MB onboard eDRAM
  • RAM: 2GB, consisting of four Hynix DDR3-1600 modules
  • Storage: 8GB and 32GB configurations available
  • Optical Drive: Panasonic 25GB, with Wii DVD back-compat
  • Ports: 2x USB, SD card slot, sensor bar output, AV multi-out, HDMI
  • Video Output: 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p

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