نظر سنجی در مورد تغییرات اساسی در Xbox360 در آینده


کاربر سایت
May 31, 2006
تو سایت IGN اینو نوشته بود .

Xbox 360 v. 2.0 Doesn't Happen
Even with some mysterious pictures floating around the web that show an Xbox 360 with an HDMI port, we won't see a redesigned Xbox 360 this year. Time and time again, Microsoft representatives have told us that the thing they love about the Xbox 360 is that it is modular and easily updated with software, making a redesign unnecessary. If they want to add a new dashboard feature, they can just update their operating system through Xbox Live and its all set. If they want to add an HD-DVD drive, they can release one and have it attach through a USB port. If they want to release a bigger hard drive, say one that is 100 GB in size, then they can do that, too.​

In fact, they will release a larger hard drive this year. The market is already clamoring for one thanks to the Video Marketplace and Microsoft has always said they would release one if they think the demand is high enough. We already have one of these bigger hard drives in our office on a test unit. How long until you can buy one of them in a store? This fall Microsoft will release a 100 GB hard drive as an add-on to replace the current 20 GB one currently on store shelves.​



کاربر سایت
Jun 6, 2006
تو سایت IGN اینو نوشته بود .

Xbox 360 v. 2.0 Doesn't Happen
Even with some mysterious pictures floating around the web that show an Xbox 360 with an HDMI port, we won't see a redesigned Xbox 360 this year. Time and time again, Microsoft representatives have told us that the thing they love about the Xbox 360 is that it is modular and easily updated with software, making a redesign unnecessary. If they want to add a new dashboard feature, they can just update their operating system through Xbox Live and its all set. If they want to add an HD-DVD drive, they can release one and have it attach through a USB port. If they want to release a bigger hard drive, say one that is 100 GB in size, then they can do that, too.​

In fact, they will release a larger hard drive this year. The market is already clamoring for one thanks to the Video Marketplace and Microsoft has always said they would release one if they think the demand is high enough. We already have one of these bigger hard drives in our office on a test unit. How long until you can buy one of them in a store? This fall Microsoft will release a 100 GB hard drive as an add-on to replace the current 20 GB one currently on store shelves.​

خوب ايينو قشنگ معنی کن بعد بزار:eek:

Lord Stark

کاربر سایت
Aug 17, 2007
خب همه متوجه شدید که کنسول جدید الیت هست وبه غیر از لوازم جانبی فرقی با کنسولهای
دیگه نداره حالا هرکی که ازکنسول بعدی مایکروسافت چیزی میدونه بگه؟:confused:


کاربر سایت
Apr 20, 2007
خب همه متوجه شدید که کنسول جدید الیت هست وبه غیر از لوازم جانبی فرقی با کنسولهای
دیگه نداره حالا هرکی که ازکنسول بعدی مایکروسافت چیزی میدونه بگه؟:confused:

کنسول بعدی رو که فعلا رو نمیکنه چون در این صورت بازار 360 رو از دست میده ، موقعی کنسول جدیدرو معرفی میکنه که فروش 360 خیلی پایین اومده باشه و جواب بازیهای روز رو نده و اینکه تا زمان ریلیز کنسول جدید زمان زیادی تلف نشه تا ps3 و wii بازار رو قبضه نکنن . فعلا بحث روی چیپهای 65 نانومتری و هتسینکهای جدید هستش .

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