نرم افزارهای مرتبط با Nintendo DS

اینم شبیه ساز بازیهای سوپر نینتندو برای دی اس :
SNES DS Build 11/21/2005 - SNES Emulator

Download File SNES DS Build 11/21/2005 - SNES Emulator
File Description
Gladius has updated Loopy’s Super Nintendo emulator for the Nintendo DS. To install, use SnesDS.exe and unpack the binary

از اینجا دانلود کنید:

شبیه ساز بازی های میکرو روی دی اس :
NesterDS v0.3


Download File NesterDS v0.3
File Description
The Nintendo Entertainment System (aka Famicom) has a wide range of DOS and Windows NES emulators out there with near perfect NES emulation. Over a year ago Rich Whitehouse released his homebrew Nintendo emulator NesterDS which allows you to play the actual Nintendo games on your DS.

After more than a year of inactivity, Rich has finally updated his emulator to version 3. NesterDS v0.3 includes the following changes:

* Fixed several mapper bugs for improved compatibility
* Removed alternate-line rendering.
* Lots of speed-ups (better DTCM management, changed screen writes to occur during actual scanline routines, lots of other stuff).
* Converted code-base to pure C, moved to devkitARM r19b.

Rich says there were other changes in NesterDS v0.3 but he's forgotten about them. Anyway, he is still working on his project and high on his on his to-do list is converting expensive PPU routines to ARM.

To install NesterDS v0.3, you can use the ROM insertion tool included in the download package and put in the NES ROM of your choice. Currently only one ROM at a time is supported.

لینک دانلود :
اینم یه تبدیل کننده بازی های میکرو ( این بهتر بیده )

nesDS 12_30


File Description
Loopy and FluBBa have released a new version of nesDS. This program will convert .nes files to either .ds.gba or .nds files, allowing you to easily play NES games on your Nintendo DS. To build an .nds file, you will need ndstool.exe which can be found [here]. Usage:

– Touch the screen to bring up the ingame menu.
– L,R buttons are rewind / fast forward controls.
– X,A buttons are autofire for Y,B.
– Saving is still broken, but SRAM (.sav) files will be loaded if found.

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