Where the HoloLens differs from virtual reality is that it doesn't take over senses entirely, Instead, you can decide what's mapped out and what's visible. By looking at the room, you'll scan it to build a sort of profile of the space.
In my demonstration, that meant I could use the desktop PC in front of me to look at the raw imagery the HoloLens was projecting. Then, after dragging the cursor off the screen, it showed up in the air in front of me (with an audible "pop"). You can use the floating cursor to click the space in front of you, even if navigating a 3D space with a normal mouse is a little odd. You'll want to use your eyes ** (or "gaze," in HoloLens parlance) **to guide most of the action via spatial cursors.
Collaboration was especially cool, particularly when a NASA JPL scientist came aboard and walked me through how the Jet Propulsion Laboratory plans to use HoloLens to coordinate experiments later this year.
Microsoft[h=3]A more immersive Skype[/h]
For more collaboration, look no further than Skype. I've used Skype many, many times, but never like this. Microsoft tasked me with installing a light switch with help from a "friend" calling me remotely. His video feed followed my gaze, but I could also pin him to a spot in the air in front of me and keep him in place while I looked around the room. All the while he could see everything I could, and proceeded to draw instructions in the air in front of me.
I'm pretty handy around the house, but this sort of virtual hands-*on instruction was phenomenal. I'm already imagining assisting a far off friend install a new CPU in his PC, or helping him troubleshoot some other tricky-*to-*explain technical snafu.
Microsoft[h=3]Minecraft on steroids[/h]
While the Skype demo was largely limited to pointing and gesturing at static images, Holobuilder delivered a far more interactive lesson in what HoloLens can and can't do. Think of Holobuilder as augmented-reality Minecraft. When I strapped on the headgear, it started scanning the room around me, mapping out the pre*built experiences designed for my demo. Sheep scurried underfoot, and I could chase them away with a tap. Dynamite hung on the wall: I blew it up, and could see the caverns hidden behind.
Since Holobuilder actually constructs the block world out of its surroundings, the attention to detail is incredibly deep. For instance, when I blew a chunk out of the bench in front of me to deal with some zombies, the shards of destroyed wood matched the bench perfectly. That was impressive.
In another demo, HoloLens used high* resolution images taken by the Curiosity rover to build a 3D environment for you to navigate. It's all real imagery from Curiosity: real rocks, real sand, the real Martian sky and real Martian mountains stretching off into the distance. I understand it was just a clever trick with pretty pictures, but I nonetheless couldn't wipe the slack jawed expression off of my face.