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Rainbow six: vegas
یکی خودم گرفتم کار نمی کنه

Unlimited Player Health, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Grenades, Unlimited Team Health. Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE PATCHED 1.05 VERSION OF THE FULL GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer.

TRAINER 1.04 #2


Unlimited Health (Player), Unlimited Health (Team), Unlimited Ammo, Jam Enemy Weapons, Unlimited Grenades/Smoke Bombs, Jump (on top of walls/vehicles), One Hit Kills, Teammate Teleport, Enemy Teleport, Save/Restore Position. Works with v1.04.



Unlimited Health (Player), Unlimited Health (Team), Unlimited Ammo, Jam Enemy Weapons, Unlimited Grenades/Smoke Bombs, Jump (on top of walls/vehicles). Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. Written for the v1.03 (patched/fixed) version of the game. May not work with all versions. Read r6v.txt file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer.

Trainer 1.04


Unlimited Health (Player), Unlimited Health (Team), Unlimited Ammo, Jam Enemy Weapons, Unlimited Grenades/Smoke Bombs, Jump (on top of walls/vehicles). Works with v1.04.
Rainbow six: vegas
یکی خودم گرفتم کار نمی کنه.


بیا این هم یکی دیگر از ترینر و کدهای Rainbow Six : Vegas :arrowd:

ترینر 1 : ترینر 2 : ترینر 3 :

*** برای دالود فایل به روی عکس های بالا کلیک کنید :arrowu:

Hint: Secret Lab:
When Jung must hack the computer to open the door to Irena, enemies rappel down from the windows. Before you tell him to hack, send your team to the far side of the room over near the fenced area. Then, run behind the computer and tell Jung to hack it. A trigger will activate and the enemies will start pouring into the room. Your team will take most of them out on the way to the computer. If one of the team goes down Jung will stop moving towards the computer and sit there (or Michael, depending on who goes down). Once there is a pause in the onslaught, tell him to heal your partner. You can then order them around as usual. During this time Jung was supposed to be hacking the terminal but killing all the enemies skips this part. Once done, tell Jung to hack it again. He will open the door to Irena. Micheal gets left behind. Watch yourself; there are enemies on the stairs above you and will pick you off as you come up, especially on under the realistic difficulty setting.

Hint: "Exclusive Gone Wrong": Easier entry:
As soon as you start the mission, make your squad rappel down the left part of the building. Then, order them to go down until they are able to breach. After that, go to the middle of the roof with the opening. Drop an C4, incendiary, smoke, or frag and keep shooting through the glass. After a few seconds, order your squad to breach into the building. Finally, rappel down into the building.

Hint: Better vision through smoke:
After you deploy a smoke, put on your thermal goggles.

Hint: Rank bonuses:
Attain the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding items for multi-player mode.
1st Lieutenant (214000 experience points): Headgears 4 (Half-Face Mask, Reinforced Helm, Tactical Goggles)​
2nd Lieutenant (172000 experience points): Camo 3 (Pink, Blue, Woodland, Wasp, Sand, Crimson)​
Captain (264000 experience points): Merc Weapons (MG36, SPAS12, Deagle)​
Colonel (535000 experience points): Headgears 5 (Ballistic Face Mask, Riot Helm, NVGs)​
Corporal (14500 experience points): Camo 1 (Desert, Urban, Russian, Guerrilla, Fall, Desert 2)​
Elite (675000 experience points): Camo 5 (Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3)​
First Sergeant (109500 experience points): Headgears 3 (Bonnie Hat, Beret, Tinted Goggles)​
Lt. Colonel (425000 experience points): Camo 4 (Yellow Urban, Red Urban, Tiger, Rust, Urban 2, Grey)​
Major (330000 experience points): Military Armor (Vier Recon Armor, Diamondback Combat Armor, Anaconda Assault Armor)​
Master Sergeant (82500 experience points): Freedom Fighter weapons (AK47, Raging Bull, SV98)​
Private 1st Class (3000 experience points): Headgears 1 (Tactical Helm, Balaclava)​
Sergeant (23500 experience points): Tactical Armor (Raven Recon Armor, Vulture Combat Armor, Falcon Assault Armor)​
Sergeant First Class (56500 experience points): Camo 2 (Flecktarn, Orange, Swedish, War2k5, Alpen, White)​
Sergeant Major (139000 experience points): Black Market Armor (Typhoon Recon Armor, Cyclone Combat Armor, Hurricane Assault Armor)​
Specialist (8400 experience points): Rainbow Weapons (MP7A1, SIG552, USP40)​
Staff Sergeant (38500 experience points): Headgears 2 (3 Hole Balaclava, Baseball Cap, Breathing Mask)​


درخواست ترينر

با سلام به همه

از دوستان عزيز اگه كسي CoH:Opposing Fronts رو داره يا لينك ؟
البته اين رو هم بگم كه خودم يه ترينر دارم كه از طرف سايت Cheathappens.com ريليز شده اما فقط يكي از گزينه هاش كار ميكنه و براي دريافت نسخه كامل ترينر بايد در سايت Premium Account داشت كه متاسفانه من ندارم.
اگه لطف كنيد و ترينر فول يا لينكش رو بزاريد ممنون ميشم.
با سلام به همه

از دوستان عزيز اگه كسي CoH:Opposing Fronts رو داره يا لينك ؟
البته اين رو هم بگم كه خودم يه ترينر دارم كه از طرف سايت Cheathappens.com ريليز شده اما فقط يكي از گزينه هاش كار ميكنه و براي دريافت نسخه كامل ترينر بايد در سايت Premium Account داشت كه متاسفانه من ندارم.
اگه لطف كنيد و ترينر فول يا لينكش رو بزاريد ممنون ميشم.

منم میخام.
البته ی نسخه از همین سایت که گفتی من دارم و به صورت کامل هست ولی کار نمیکنه!:confused:
کسی نداره دیگه؟
شما برايه استفاده از ترينر بايد پچ 2.101 رو داشته باشيد که از لينکه زير ميتونيددانلد کنيد
سپس بياد کرک پچ 2.101 رو بريزيد که از لينکه زير ميتونيد دريافت کنيد
سپس بايد ترينر رو از لينکه زير دريافت کنيد

شما برايه استفاده از ترينر بايد پچ 2.101 رو داشته باشيد که از لينکه زير ميتونيددانلد کنيد
سپس بياد کرک پچ 2.101 رو بريزيد که از لينکه زير ميتونيد دريافت کنيد
سپس بايد ترينر رو از لينکه زير دريافت کنيد

آقا هوشی عزیز ممنون از زحمتت اما لینکها کار نمیکنه. اگه لطف کنی دوباره بزاری.
پچ رو گرفتم اما ترینر رو لطف کن دوباره بزار
کسی رمز بازی دویل مکرای 3 DEVIL MACRAY :evil: که برای پی سی داره
اگر داره ترو خدا بزاره:((

بیا دوست عزیز ! :love:

Cheat mode - Unlock all bonus modes, different outfits, gallery images:
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and rotate the Left Analog-stick until "Devil May Cry"
is spoken at the starting menu.

Unlock different outfits:
Dante without shirt: Finish the game in easy or harder mode
Original Devil May Cry Dante: Finish the game in normal or harder mode
Unlock original Devil May Cry Dante without shirt: Finish the game in hard mode
After press L1 or R1 at the mission selection screen to select the new outfit.

Gallery: Finish the game in easy or harder mode.
Hard difficulty: Finish the game in normal mode.
Dante Must Die mode: Finish the game in hard mode.
Heaven or Hell mode: Finish Dante Must Die mode.
Play as Legendary Dark Knight/Sparda: Finish the game in hard mode.
Unlimited Devil Trigger: Finish Dante Must Die mode.

Control loading screen:
Press Triangle to slash or Square to shoot at the "Now Loading" screen.

Alternate ending sequence:

Defeat at least 100 opponents during the credits.

Mission 6: Artemis weapon:
Put the last item into the statue in the Mute Goddess statue

Mission 9: Spiral weapon:
You can found this on the platform in the subterranean lake.

Mission 16: Kalina Ann weapon:
Defeat the Lady

Pick A Boss:
In mission 18, you need to fight several bosses all over again.

Black - Doppelganger
Blue - Geyron
Gold - Gigapede
Green - Agni and Rudra
Light Blue - Cerberus
Orange - various demons
Purple - Nevan
Red - Leviathan
White - Beowulf




کسی رمز بازی دویل مکرای 3 DEVIL MACRAY :evil: که برای پی سی داره
اگر داره ترو خدا بزاره:((

واقعا شرمنده ! :blushing::blushing: به خدا هواستم نبود ! :blushing:
دوست عزیز این هم کد تقلب dmc3 برای pc ! :love:

این سه Trainer بزای DMC3 برای PC :arrowd:

Link Download Trainers

برای دانلود فایل به روی عکس های بالا کلیک کنید !

این هم کد های DMC3 برای PC :arrowd:

Vergil story mode:
Successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting.
Easy difficulty:
Intentionally fail a mission under the normal difficulty setting three to five times. A message will appear, stating that you have unlocked the easy difficulty level.
Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.
Hard difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.
Very hard difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.
Bloody Palace mode:
Successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting.
Dante Must Die Mode:
Successfully complete the game as Dante or Vergil under the hard difficulty setting.
Super Dante:
Successfully complete the game under the Dante Must Die difficulty setting to unlock Super Dante as a character. He has an unlimited Devil Trigger.
Super Vergil:
Successfully complete Bloody Palace mode to unlock Super Vergil as a character. He has an unlimited Devil Trigger.
Alternately complete all twenty missions in very hard mode as Vergil.
Coatless Vergil:
Complete Vergil story mode under the easy difficulty setting.
Sparda Costume (Vergil):
Successfully complete the game as Vergil under the hard difficulty setting to unlock a costume to make him appear as Sparda from the original Devil May Cry.
Alternate ending sequence:
Defeat at least 100 opponents as Dante during the ending credits.
Gallery items:
Complete the game on Easy or higher to unlock Gallery mode. Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item in the Gallery.



سلام دوستان

یکی از دوستان محبت کنه این ترینر یا کد تقلب بازی COH2 رو بزار این دوستمون هر چی گذاشته کار نکرده مثلا این پچ رو که گذاشته کار نمی کنه ممنون میشم با پسوند .exe رو بزارن تا دانلود راحت بشه ممنون میشم
سلام دوستان

یکی از دوستان محبت کنه این ترینر یا کد تقلب بازی COH2 رو بزار این دوستمون هر چی گذاشته کار نکرده مثلا این پچ رو که گذاشته کار نمی کنه ممنون میشم با پسوند .exe رو بزارن تا دانلود راحت بشه ممنون میشم

دوست عزیز این هم یک ترینر توپ !:love::biggrin1:

Link Download Trainer

برای دانلود فایل به روی آیکون بالا کلیک کنید :arrowu:

دوست عزیز این کد تقلب ! :love:
Effect Code
Toggle fog of war FOW_Toggle
Hide taskbar taskbar_hide
Show taskbar taskbar_show
Toggle big head mode ee_bigheadmode(<0 or 1>)
Enable statgraph_channel codes statgraph()
Display frame rate statgraph_channel("fps")
Quit game abortgame
Restart game restart





ممنون دوست عزیز از این که زحمت کشیدی ولی من ترینر می خوام نه Save من فقط اون پک رو مشکل دارم که برای دانلود دوستمون گذاشته من ترینر رو گرفتم ولی کار نمی کنه ولی با پچ نصب باشه

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن