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رمزهای bioshock

Complete the following tasks to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Completed Welcome [10 points] - Successfully complete the Welcome To Rapture Level.
Maxed One Track [20 points] - Purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks.
Maxed All Tracks [50 points] - Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks.
Bought One Slot [5 points] - Purchase one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track.
Upgraded a Weapon [5 points] - Acquire at least one weapon upgrade.
One Fully Upgraded Weapon [5 points] - Fully upgrade one weapon.
Two Fully Upgraded Weapons [5 points] - Fully upgrade two weapons.
Three Fully Upgraded Weapons [10 points] - Fully upgrade three weapons.
Four Fully Upgraded Weapons [10 points] - Fully upgrade four weapons.
Five Fully Upgraded Weapons [10 points] - Fully upgrade five weapons.
Weapon Specialist [20 points] - Acquire all upgrades for all weapons.
Fully Researched Thug Splicer [10 points] - Fully research the Thuggish Splicer.
Fully Researched Gun Splicer [10 points] - Fully research the Leadhead Splicer.
Fully Researched Spider Splicer [10 points] - Fully research the Spider Splicer.
Fully Researched Houdini Splicer [10 points] - Fully research the Houdini Splicer.
Fully Researched Nitro Splicer [10 points] - Fully research the Nitro Splicer.
Fully Researched Rosie [10 points] - Fully research the Rosie.
Fully Researched Bouncer [10 points] - Fully research the Bouncer.
Fully Researched Little Sister [10 points] - Fully research the Little Sister.
Prolific Photographer [5 points] - Take at least one photo in every research group.
Research PhD [20 points] - Max out all possible research.
Quality Research Photo [5 points] - Take a Research Photo of the highest grade.
Researched a Splicer [5 points] - Take at least one Research Photo of a Splicer.
One Successful Hack [5 points] - Perform at least one successful hack.
Hacked a Security Bot [10 points] - Successfully hack a security bot.
Hacked a Security Camera [10 points] - Successfully hack a security camera.
Hacked a Turret [10 points] - Successfully hack a turret.
Hacked a Vending Machine [10 points] - Successfully hack a vending machine.
Hacked a Safe [10 points] - Successfully hack a safe.
Skilled Hacker [40 points] - Successfully complete 50 hacks.
Basic Inventor [5 points] - Successfully invent at least one item.
Avid Inventor [10 points] - Successfully invent at least 100 items.
Ammo Inventor [25 points] - Successfully invented all possible ammo types.
Little Sister Savior [100 points] - Complete the game without harvesting any Little Sisters.
Tonic Gatheror [50 points] - Gather or Invent 53 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks.
Historian [50 points] - Find every audio diary.
Seriously Good At This [40 points] - Complete the game on the hardest difficulty setting.
Dealt with every Little Sister [40 points] - Either Harvest or Rescue every Little Sister in the game.
Lucky Winner [10 points] - Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.
Toaster in the Tub [10 points] - Shock an enemy in the water.

Additionally, there are ten secret tasks, all of which are currently unknown.






امیدوارم مفید باشن:biggrin1:
ترينر تام ريدر : يادبود لطفا...
Tomb raider anniversary trainer plz

save game


trainer original(unpatched) game


God Mode, One Hit Kills, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Oxygen, Change Speed, Save/Load Position, Freeze Level Timer, Wear Sunglasses. Includes two versions: tra2_trn.exe for use with HATRED/Steam version and tras2_trn.exe for use with original retail version.



Unlimited Health, One Hit Kills, Unlimited Ammo, Super Speed, Teleport, Unlimited Stamina/Oxygen, Tiny Enemies, Unlimited Medical Kits, Walk Through Walls.



Unlimited Health, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, Unlock Super Weapons, Wear Sunglasses, Freeze Level Timer, Lock A.I.



Unlimited Health, Unlimited Oxygen, Unlimited Med Packs, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited InGameTime, One Hit Kill.



Freeze Health.

trainer ( Works with retail version)

Freeze Health.

كسي ترينر infernal رو نداره ؟


During the game, type in the following codes to activate the corresponding effects, the codes can be typed at anytime.
Code: Result:
ifumana Unlimited Mana
ifuammo Unlimited Ammo
ifdaura Aura Changes to Devil Aura
ifgdgun Gives Dual Pistol
ifgplasma Gives Plasma Gun
ifmdamage Increased Damage

trainer (unpatched) version


Regenerate Life, Mana, Unlimited Ammo, No Recoil, Super Zoom. Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL (UNPATCHED) VERSION OF THE FULL GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer.



Freeze Ammo.



Unlimited Ammo, Life/Mana.

رمزه MOHA اومد خودش نيومد!:
All Weapon Upgrades
Open the DefaultWeapon.ini located in the directory "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Medal of Honor Airborne\UnrealEngine3\MOHAGame\Config" with Notepad. Press Ctrl+F and enter "ExpPointsLevel1=" without the quotation marks. Now change the values for ExpPointsLevel1=, ExpPointsLevel2=, and ExpPointsLevel3= to 1, 2 and 3.
So instead of this:
it should read like this:
This way you can get all the weapon upgrades after 1, 2, and 3 kills instead of 25, 50 and 100 kills. Do this for each weapon so you can see the upgrades available. In the demo you are only able to use the Colt 1911, MP40, Mauser K98, Thompson sub machine gun, and the M1 Garand.
(supplied by: Major_A)
Cheat Codes
Add the command-line "-enableconsole" to the shortcut for the game.
Example: "C:\Program Files\EA Games\Medal of Honor Airborne\UnrealEngine3\Binaries\Airborne.exe" -enableconsole
While playing, press [~] (tilde) to open up the console, then type any of the following cheat codes:
Code:Result: godGod Mode On/Off flyFly Mode (use etheral code to disable) etheralNo Clipping Mode On/Off upgradeweaponUpgrades Weapon by One Level showhudShow/Hide HUD
بگیرید و کد تقلب تون رو خودتون بسازید

اگه ترینر و کد تقلب می خواهی این همه نیاز نیست که این تایپیک رو اینقدر پر کنید که سایت منفجر بشه ! :gunner:
خوب بابا این لینک رو بگیر و دانلودش کن ، اسم برنامش Art Money v6 :


وقتی گرفتیش برو تو قسمت تنظیمات ( اونی که عکس چکش و پیچ گوشتی کشیده قسمت تنظیمات است ) بعدا زبونش رو تغییر بدهید ، چون زبونش روسیه ای است .:-"
- بعد اول برنامه را اجرا و بعدش بازی را هم اجرا کنید . خوبه ، حالا داخل قسمت Select process اسم بازی تون رو انتخاب کنید .

- بعد از انتخاب ببینید می خواهید چه مقداری را بی نهایت کنید و مقدارش را به خاطر بسپارید و بعد بازی زا Minimize کرده و دکمه Search در برنامه را بزنید و بعد صبر کنید تا برنامه آدرس های مقدار وارد شده را پیدا کند ، می بینید که برنامه آدرس های زیادی را پیدا کرده و نمی توانیم بین این همه آدرس نمی توانیم تشخیص دهیم که کدام آدرس مربوط به این مقدار وارد شده است .

- سپس حالا بازی را Restore کرده و به گونه ای آن مقدار را کم یا زیاد کرده و بعد دوباره بازی را Minimize کرده تا آن مقداری را که کم یا زیاد کرده ایم به وسیله اش به آدرس آن مقدار برسیم برای این کار دکمه Sieve را می زنیم تا مقدار دوم را پیدا کنیم و بعد نگاه می کنیم که آدرس ها کمتر شده اند یا نه ؟ اگر کمتر شده اند باید حتما دو یا سه آدرس باشند و اگر که بیشتر بود باز دوباره بازی را Restore و آن مقدار را دوباره به گونه ای کم یا زیاد می کنیم و دوباره بازی را Minimize کرده و بعد دوباره دکمه Sieve را می زنیم و دوباره مقدار را وارد می کنیم و همین طور ادامه می دهیم تا آدرس ها کمتر شوند تا تعداد آدرس ها به حداکثر 3 تا و حداقل 1 برسد و وقتی رسید به روی یکی از 3 تا 1 آدرس دوبار کلیک می کنیم و در سمت راست آدرس انتخاب شده را مشاهده می کنیم و در پارامتر Value مقدارد دلخواه را تایپ می کنیم و تیک پارا متر F را می زنیم . و بازی را Restore می کنیم و می بینیم که مقدار مد نظر به آن مقدار دلخواه رسیده است .
- شما می توانید بعد از اتمام بازی کد خود را با اسمی ذخیره کرده !
G:evil::evil:D LUCK
email :



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