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من توی pop rival sword گیر کردم....لطفا یکی منو راهنمایی کنه!
یه جا رسیدم یه مجسمه هست که توسط دو تا محور میچرخه! یکی عقب جلو میکنه و اون یکی مجسمه رو میچرخونه! حالا نمیدونم باید چی کار کنم!!! به در و دیوار هم هی گیر میکنه و جلو نمیره!
اگر کسی توی psp یا wii این جا رو رد کرده بگه چی کار کنم!!!!!!!!!!!!
این هم عکسش:


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onumusha 2 ... plz Help Meeeeeeeeeeeeee

salam man to onimusha 2 jaiee ke dokhtare be man ye floooot mide kenare sahel
badesh to on sakhtemoon chikar bayad bokonam ? har ja miram hich etefaghy nemiofte
lotfan komakam koniiiiiiiiiiiiiin
alan man ye floot daram va ye kelid :((
resident evil veronica x

agha man to jaiee ke 6 ta tablo hast male khonevadeye ashford
va onjaie ke mige true master ro peyda konin
onja bayad chikar konam?
to ye otaghe ke har tablo ye dokme dare har kodomo mizani miri soraghe tablo asli push mikoni alarm mide mige dorost nist
komaaaaaaaaaaakam koniiiiiiiiiiiin :((
Penumbra: Overture -- Episode One راهنمای قدم به قدم

این راهنمای قدم به قدم بازی Penumbra: Overture -- Episode One است
{ }
{ 04 - Walkthrough }
{ }

************************************* Ship *************************************

* get notebook from desk.
* Open inventory with tab, select key an put into slot 1.
* Press 1 and use key on padlock on locker.
* Open the drawers by the bed and get the TORCH.
* Open the chest at the end of the bed and get the FISHERMANS LETTER.

**************************** Greenland Outside Area ****************************

Note Added:
- Lost in blizzard may be my last entry if I don’t find shelter

* You need to move quickly here because you’ll lose health from freezing.
* Run forward and stay towards the left.
* When you see some rocks grab one and keep running straight.
* When you come to the hatch either swing or throw the rock to break the ice.
* Open the hatch and descend.

*************************** Underground Area Room 1 ****************************

* Use your GLOWSTICK.
* Move forward towards a door you can’t open.
* To the left is a STEEL BAR you can pick up.
* Open the box near the door and get the FLARE.
* Move the barrel next to the door and get the FLARE hidden behind.
* On the walk to the left is a door, exit through it.

*************************** Underground Area Room 2 ****************************

* Grab the HAMMER from the shelf.
* Pull the shelves by the wall to reveal a small tunnel.
* Break the planks with the HAMMER and crawl into the tunnel.
* Follow the tunnel to room.

*************************** Underground Area Room 3 ****************************

* This is the locked room from earlier the door leads back to room 1.
* There is also a door in the floor and a metal device in the corner.
* Use the STEEL BAR on the metal device and turn it clockwise.
* This opens the door in the floor which you need to go through.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 1 ***************************

Note Added:
- The entrance to the cave has caved in, there must be another way out.
- I found a locked door in the middle of the mine.

* Try the door and a note will be added:
The entrance to the cave has caved in, there must be another way out.

* Follow the tunnel straight forward and you’ll find a map (see below)

---- ___
| |______| |_________________
| |
\______ _____ __ | WORKSHOP
_| |_ | | | | ----
____ | |___| |__| |_| |
/ \____/ |
| ____________________|
| ___ / ____________
\____/ | | | |
_______|_____X_____|_ | ____ |
| | | | | |
| ___ _______ | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| |___| |_______| |_| | -----
| _ _______ ______|
___| | | | | |
| | | |_______| |
|_______| | |
|___ _______| X = Door (locked)
| |

* The only places you can access on the map at the moment are the office or
storage room. The door I have marked X is locked (it’s just to the left of
the map).
* Try the door marked with an X and a note will be added:
I found a locked door in the middle of the mine.

* There is a dog patrolling this area but it doesn’t appear until you enter
either the storage room or office.
* Head to the office first

********************************* Office Room **********************************

* The is loads of stuff to pick up in here:

BAXTRIN – on Desk
COPENHAGEN POST – in drawer of desk
SMALL KEY - in drawer of desk
TORCH BATTERY – cabinet by desk
BEEF JERKY (2) – drawer by typewriter / filing cabinet by chest
PAINKILLERS – filing cabinet by chest
FLARE – on shelf by chest

* The first save point is activated by clicking the lantern like object on the
* Leave the office

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 1 ***************************

* You’ll here a dog howling and the dog will be released in this area.
* The aim mow is to make it to the storage area.

You have two options here either hide and sneak or attack the dog and run
when it is stunned. You CANNOT kill the dog, I know I tried!

* I would recommend running forward and jumping onto the crate (the dog can’t
get you there). You might want to extinguish your light here so it doesn’t
see you!
* Wait for it to wander off and then leg it to the storage room.

********************************* Storage Room *********************************

Notes Added:
- There is a locked door with odd noises coming from behind it in the storage.

* Check the door and a note will be added:
There is a locked door with odd noises coming from behind it in the storage.

_______ ____________
| S | | |
| | D |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| T D D |
| | | |

T = Trapdoor
D = Door
X = Exit
S = Save

* Get the EMPTY LIGHTER from the shelf with drawings.
* Look at the drawings and they show you what to do next.
* Go into the room to the left.
* Remove all the boulders from the crate in the middle of the room.
* Move the crate to reveal a trapdoor.
* Go through new door and get the PAINKILLERS and TORCH BATTERIES from shelf.
* Save again if needed.
* Go back to the trapdoor, open it and drop down.

****************************** Under Storage Room ******************************

| |
| |
|____D____P| Steam Release Pipe
| |
|____ ___|
| |
| |
| |
\ \
\ \_____________________
\ ___ ____ _____| Flare
/ __/ | | | | Scientific Findings 1
/ / | | | |
Scientific Findings 2 / / | | / / Dead dog
___/ / ____| |__/ /
| / / ___ ___/
\___/ / / | |
/ / | |
Ladder/ / | |
/_/ | |
_| |__
| |
| |
| T | Trapdoor
| |

* Referring to the map, follow the path north and take the first left.
* Grab the ladder and take it back to the trapdoor, it should attach itself so
you can climb out.
* Follow path north and right, past the dead dog.
* Grab the FLARE and SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS at the end of the tunnel.
* Head west, past the steam pipes (avoid the steam because it hurts!)
* Take path north to room with padlocked gate.
* Use HAMMER to break through the gate.
* Get LIGHTER FLUID from shelf and combine with LIGHTER.
* Grab the TORCH BATTERIES in the box.
* Switch off the steam pipe by turning the wheel on the pipe by the wall.
* Head back south then south west to find SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS 2.
* Head back to the trapdoor, you’ll hear something upstairs climb back up.

********************************* Storage Room *********************************

* Make sure you save here.
* Exit to main room and you’ll notice the two previously locked doors are now
* Go through the one to the north first and grab the SPIDER HATERS note and
OLD KEY from the desk.
* The small room off here contains the guys tongue on a shelf and a dead
spider on a table. Nothing else.
* Go into the only other room you haven’t investigated and get the BEFF JERKY
(x2) from the desk drawer.
* Leave back to tunnel.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 1 ***************************

Notes Added:
- Found a keg of explosives, but without a fuse I’ll blow myself up trying to
blast the exit path clear.
- I found a potential way out of here but need to remove the rubble first.

* You now need to head for the locked door in the centre of the map. The dog
seems to have disappeared so make your way to it at your leisure.
* When you get inside you need to block the door so do not move to far inside
the room.

I’ve found that collecting the metal barrels from outside and
using two to block the outside of the door works well in conjunction with
using barrels and rocks on the inside. This will keep the beast at bay
whilst you are in the area but if you exit to the workshop then it seems to
find its way in.

* Now move the TNT barrel in the explosives part of the mine to the Northern
area. Check the barrel and a note will be added:

Found a keg of explosives, but without a fuse I’ll blow myself up trying to
blast the exit path clear.

* Grab the "MY FAVOURITE WORKSHOP” note by the cave in, it contains the code
for the workshop.
* Examine the rubble by the northern area and a note will be added:
I found a potential way out of here but need to remove the rubble first.

* Follow the path through to the door to the workshop with a key panel.
* Enter the code 8412 (the numbers in the note backwards)

******************************** Workshop Room *********************************

Notes Added:
- I might have found the explosives storage, in which case I need to somehow
break down the locked door.

| F |
| _______ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
___________________|WP|_______| | X - Exit
| | | F - Flare
| | ______ ______| A - Axe
|_A____ | | _| |_ C - Cotton String
| | | | | _______ S - Save
| | | | F | | | D - Door
| S| | |_ _| | G | G - Gunpowder
|C | | _| |_______| | T - Dynamite
| D | | D T | P - Painkiller
|____X_|__| |____________D_T__P__| WP - Planks

* Grab the COTTON STRING from the box on the shelf.
* Get the flare from the shelf opposite.
* Go through to the part of the room with a pile of rocks, search underneath
for a PICK AXE.
* Go back through the door and follow the corridor around right then left.
* Grab the FLARE underneath the barrels then head back around the corridor.
* You should pass a room on your left with an electronic fence. Use any wooden
objects like planks and boxes to climb over.
* Disable the battery and go to the door at the end.
* Try and open the door and get the following message:
I might have found the explosives storage, in which case I need to somehow
break down the locked door.

* Smash the door with the pick axe.

* Grab the DYNAMITE from the box and to the right of the door.
* Grab the PAINKILLERS off the shelf.
* Go over and use the PICK AXE on the gunpowder barrel.
* Use the COTTON STRING on the gunpowder to make a FUSE.
* Head back to the tunnel area.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 1 ***************************

* Head to the northern area where you left the barrel, be careful because the
beast is wandering the area. You can sneak there with out being spotted.
* Make sure the barrel is in the depression in the rubble, you may need to
throw it.
* Use the FUSE on the barrel.
* Use the LIGHTER and leg it to a safe area.
* Finally exit through the hole.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 2 ***************************

To Iron Mines
Auxiliary Shaft
__ ___
___________ | | | |
| | | | | | ___
| _____ | | |__| |_______| |
Storage |__| | | | |
____ Tool | | |_____ _______ |
D | Shed | | | | |___|
|_ |___________________________________| | | |
| | | |
| __ _____________________ ______| | |_______
| | | | ____________| |_______ | |
| | | | | | | ___ |
_| |__| |________| _________________ | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|_ __ __ __ |_________________| |______| |___| |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | |__| _________________ ______ ___ |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
_| | | | | __ |_________________| | | | | |
D_ | | |__| | | D D | ____| |___| |
/ | |__| | |__D__ _________D___| | |
/ | _____| |_DD_| Key Panel |________________|
| |________| ___________| |_____________
| | |
Excavation | ____ ____ ____ |
| | | | | | | |______ __
__ | | | |____| |____| |_| |
Power | |_| | | _ |
Room | _ | |________ _________________| |__|
|__| | | _| |_ Communication
| | | | Central
| | |_____|
| |
| | Store Room
_| |_
| |
| |
| |

There is a dog behind the door with the key panel, it will not be released
until you release it.

* Follow the tunnel straight ahead, you should see a door marked “power room”.
* Go through the first door, then through another door to the power room.

********************************** Power Room **********************************
| | | D - Door
| |__W____ ______| S - Save
| | T – Torch Batteries
|________ __________| B - Box
| ________ | L - Ladder
| |Z || W - Switch
| ____ |_5_4_3 || Z – Battery Slot
| | L | F|2 || 1 - Valve
| | | B |1 || 2 - Valve
| | | |__|| 3 - Valve
| |____| | 4 - Valve
|__________DD__SB_____| 5 - Valve
F – Fuse Slot

* Grab the two BATTERIES on the shelf.
* Grab the GENERATOR MANUAL from the shelf
* Save your game if you want.
* Use PICK AXE to break fence around hole.
* Push box in hole, climb down ladder and get BATTERY.
* Climb up ladder and use the BATTERY on the side of control panel.
* Operate any valve and then try and use the switch, the fuse should blow.
* Exit power room

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 2 ***************************

* Make your way down to the store room.

********************************** Store Room **********************************

* Grab the BROOM by the door. You can use this as a weapon for a jape.
* Grab the FLARE off the shelf.
* Grab the 2 BEEF JERKY off the shelf.
* Grab the TORCH BATTERIES off the shelf.
* Use the boxes to reach the FUSE on the top shelf.
* Exit and Head for Communications Central.

**************************** Communications Central ****************************

* Grab the COM RADIO from the table.
* Grab the FOREMANS WARNING from the table.
* Listen to the Morse code and use the translation to get key code (5738)
* Now head back to the power room.

********************************** Power Room **********************************

* Use the FUSE on the fuse holder.
* Turn the valve in the following order (based on the map)
Valve 4
Valve 3
Valve 1
Valve 2
Valve 5
* Hit the switch and the power should start.
* Save then leave and head to the key panel.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 2 ***************************

* When you get near the key panel Red will radio you listen to what he says, he
likes to talk, then approach the key panel.
* Enter the code in the key panel (5738)
* Avoid the dog and head back to the door where the dog was and you’ll notice a
map that indicates 2 doors east and west. Take the one to the west (left of
the map).

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 3 ***************************

Be careful in this area there are two dogs patrolling, one in the west and one
in the east near the door that leads to the auxiliary shaft.

* Head to the Excavation room and go through door.

******************************* Excavation Area ********************************

* Get the EXCAVATION NOTE from the table with the save.
* Grab the biggest bit of the ladder and jump up under the hole in the roof.
* The ladder should attach.
* Use two of the three boxes and drag them under the ladder.
* drag the other box up the “altar” over looking the other boxes and push it
on top of the other two.
* You can now jump up and grab the ladder.

******************************** Spider Tunnels ********************************

* Go straight ahead ignoring the first left.
* Either grab the boulder and block the tunnel you came through or just turn
* When you pass the broken paraffin use the lighter and set it on fire.
* Move the boulder to block the other tunnel then follow the new tunnel north.
* Grab the small boulder and carry it north along the tunnel.
* Drop it into the acid and use it as a stepping stone.
* Follow tunnel east running as a boulder follows you (like Indiana Jones),
keep running and go right at the end. The boulder will go left.
* Quickly run west to the boulder and use your PICK AXE on the boulder.
* Follow the tunnel to the next boulder and use the PICK AXE again.
* Follow the tunnel and do the same to the final boulder.
* Run and jump down the hole into the storage area.

********************************* Storage Area *********************************

* Red will contact you again, listen to him.
* Open the first aid box and get the PAINKILLERS
* Ignore the planks for now and break down the locked door to the south.
* Turn 180 degrees and go through door on far walls.
* Follow the hallway and get 2 FLARES from behind the shelves.
* Return to the main room and head west, following hallway to the north.
* In corner of the room slide the green box cover and get the VEHICLE KEY
inside, you may need to crouch from the left of the box to grab it.
* Grab the FLARE, TORCH BATTERIES and BEEF JERKEY (x3) from shelf.
* Head back to the door you broke down and head west (steam kills!)
* Grab TORCH BATTERIES (x2) from shelf and head into the booth.
* Grab GREENLAND MYTH notes from locker

The machine has three levers from left to right they do the following:

Left - Moves box up and down
Middle – Extends or retracts the arm
Right - Moves box left and right

You need to manoeuvre the box so you can use it conjunction with one of the
other boxes to climb on the shelf to access the grate on the eastern wall. You
need to almost move the box into the south east corner whilst keeping it
suspended. Drag a box over and jump up.

* When on the shelf use the HAMMER to break the vent and follow it around to
the right.
* Break the next vent and grab the GASOLINE CAN from the floor.
* Climb back up and back to the control room, then head back to the room with
the planks over the door.
* Break the planks and exit through the door.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 3 ***************************

* Head towards the tool shed, you shouldn't come across any dogs on the way.

********************************** Tool Shed ***********************************

* Grab the following from the shelf:


* Exit the room

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 3 ***************************

* You need to make you way back to the door that leads to the auxiliary shaft.
* Now be careful because a dog will be patrolling near the door.
* You need to use the SAW on the plank blocking the door.
* Exit through the door.
* Your next aim is to get the auxiliary shaft. You need to avoid the one dog
in this area and make your way to the door in the north of the map.

********************************* Machine Room *********************************

* Get the FLARE from the shelf near the save.
* Get the PLUG and plug one end into the control panel and the other end into
the power socket.
* Insert the MACHINE KEY in the control panel.
* Use the HAMMER on the GASOLINE CAN to open it.
* Use the GASOLINE CAN on the digging machine.
* Listen to Red.
* Go back to the panel and turn the key to start the machine.
* Use the level to get the machine to cut through the rock (like the one in
Total Recall)
* After a few seconds you can let go of the lever and follow the new tunnel
through the door on the right.

********************************** Worm Room ***********************************

_______________| _ | _____________
| | | ||Hole | W |
| D |_|| | |
| ___________| | | |
| P | | | | |
| L | |____ _____| |_____ _____|
| A | | | | |
| N | | | Spiders _____| |_____
| K | | | Nest | |
| S | | | ___ | _ _ |
| | | |________| |____| | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|_X_| | __ __ __ | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| |__| |__| |__| |_| |_| |
| |

* From the start go across the planks towards the door at the end of the
L-shaped hallway.
* As soon as you hear a banging on the door leg it bag to the start of the
level, a giant worm will chase you and can kill with 1 hit. It should go
down the hole where the planks are and not return.
* You need to head towards the room where the snake just came from, notice the
locked door on the northern wall. there is a switch that opens this for a
limited time in another room and that is your next target.
* Take the passage south, then east running past the spiders, then north into
the room.
* Hit the witch on the wall and an audible alarm will sound. Now you need to
leg it back to the room with the locked door. You only have a limited time
before the door shuts so move it.
* when the door closes advance into the next area.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 4 ***************************

___________| |
| D Shaft 12
| _______ D
| | |_______|
_____________| |
| |
|_____________ | Refinery
| |
| |_______________________ _D_
| | | |
| ___________________ | | |
| | | | | |
_________| |_______ | | | |
| | | | | |
Section C | _____________ |___________| |_______| |
| | | |
___X____ | | | ___________________________|
| |_____| | ___ | |
| | | | | | _________
| _____ | | L|_____| | | |
| | | | | | |_____ |
| | | | | _____ | | |
| | | |___| | | |___________| |
|__ __| | | | |
| | |_______ | | ___ ___ |
_| |_ | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | Shaft 13
| | | |_____| | | |___| |____
|______| | | | L D
|_D___________| |________________D
Tool | |
Storage | | X - Locked Door
| | D - Door
| | L - Steam Lever
| |

* There are several dogs patrolling this area. The good news is you can now
kill them using steam rooms scattered around the hallways. Basically, you
need to use JERKEY to lure them into cages then hide, when the dog appears
use the lever. This is very tricky but gets the annoying animals out of your
way. Alternatively just run past them. The dogs will be guarding the paths
to shaft 12, shaft 13 and the refinery
* The first place we are heading is the tool storage so follow the map.
* Grab the SCREWDRIVER and BOLT CUTTERS then head for shaft 13.

*********************************** Shaft 13 ***********************************

BB - Boulders
XX - Exit BB
S - Spiders Nest | |
___| |_____
| |
_____________________________________| |
X B |
X___________ ______________________B |
| | | |
| | |_____ ___|
| | | |
| | _____| |
| | | |
| | | _____|
| | | |
| | | |_____
| | | |
| | | __ |
_|BB|___________________ | | | |
| B | | | | |
| _ ____________B | | |__| |
| | | | | | | S |
| |_| | | | |__ __|
| | ____| | | |
|____ | | | | |
| | | _ |_____| |
___________________| |________| | | |
| | | ________|
| __ ____ ______________ | | |
| | | | | | | |_| |
| |__| | | | |S |
|S | | | |_______|
|________| | |
| |
__| |
| S |

* Take the tunnel south because the end of the east section is blocked.
* When you enter the tunnels a blockage will block you in.
* Run south, then east, then north until you get to the room in the north east
corner of the map.
* You should avoid the spiders where possible but you may have to kill a couple
on your way.
* On entering the room grab the BLANK NOTE and BEEF JERKY (x2) from the lockers
on the east wall.
* Grab the 2 FLARES off the floor near the boulders.
* Grab the JERKY, PAINKILLERS and 2 BATTERIES from the lockers on the west wall.
* Grab the DYNAMITE and JERKY from the north west corner.
* Finally grab the "TRAPPED MINERS FINAL WORDS" document from the bench.
* Move the rubble on the west wall and head through the hole back to the exit.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 4 ***************************

* From here you need to head to the refinery next, so follow the map.

*********************************** Refinery ***********************************

To Steam Room (see below)
| | | | D - Door
| // | | | C - Conveyor Belt
| // | | | P - Machine Panel
|C // | | | L - Ladder
| P | | | F - Fan
|__ ___| ______DDD__ M - Motor enclosure
| | 1 | | | M | W - Switch
| | 2 | | | W | / - Stairway
| | 3 | | | |
______|_ | 4 | | | |
| | | |____________| |
| |L| C|____________|_ |
| __| | | ________| | |
|___| | | | | ______ | |
| |______F|___| | | |_______L_|
|_________|_____| |___________|

* Go up the platform and you'll see a console to lower and raise the 4 pistons
on the conveyor belt.
* The layout of the console is shown below:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

Buttons toggle the pistons 1-4 as follows:

1 - Pistons 1 + 3
2 - Pistons 2 + 3
3 - Pistons 1 + 3 + 4
4 - Pistons 2 + 3 + 4

Buttons move pistons down

5 - Piston 1
6 - Piston 3
7 - Piston 4

* You need to raise all four pistons using this sequence:


* When you get past it head to the small western alcove and grab the following:


* Put the SPARE MOTOR on the conveyor belt nearest the entrance and it should
release the ladder.
* Climb the ladder and grab the SPARE MOTOR making your way around to the fan.
* Hold the SPARE MOTOR in the fan until it breaks then crawl through, taking
the SPARE MOTOR with you.
* Follow the tunnel and drop the SPARE MOTOR in the new room and decent the
* Use the SPARE MOTOR on the motor enclosure then hit the switch and follow the
conveyor belt to the steam room.
* Using the map below wait for the first square (1) to have no steam then
follow the numbered path. You move from one number to the next when the steam
turns off and wait when it is on.

__ __ __|__|
| |9 |10|11|
| |8 | | |
| |7 | | |
| | |6 | |
|2 |3 | | |
|1 |4 |5 | |

* You then need to move the barrels under the stairs and break through the vent.
* Follow the vent to the right and exit into SHAFT 12.
* The door at the top of the stairs won't open by the way.

*********************************** Shaft 12 ***********************************

* Move the cart blocking the doorway.
* Turn around and head towards the cart.
* Cut the chains in front of the cart with the BOLT CUTTERS.
* Push the cart down the track and it will break through the wall.
* Grab the newspaper clipping - COPENHAGEN POST
* Get the OLD NEWSPAPER from the drawer.
* Use the newspaper on the door
* Use the screwdriver on the door
* Grab the newspaper again and get the METAL KEY
* Use the key to open the door.
* Red will contact you again when you enter the room.
* Switch on the light by the entrance and check out the budding Jack Nicholson.
* Go into your inventory and double click the blank note (password 1371)
* Grab the ROCK WORM STUDY from the cupboard.
* Exit back to the door you unblocked earlier.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 4 ***************************

* Follow the map to SECTION C.
* Enter the code 1371 on the code pad.
* Open the door.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 5 ***************************

Chemical DD __________
Storage | |_____ DD | D Incinerator
| | | | | _______D
| __ |____| |__ | |
| | | | | |
| |__| ______ |_ | |___________
| | |__ | | |
|_____ | _____| | | ________ |
| | | | | | | |
| |___| __ |__| |________| |
| | | |
|______ |__| __ __ __ |
| | | | | | | |
| __ | | |__| | | |
| | | | | | | |
| |__| | |________| | |
| L| | |
| __ | DD
| | | |
| |__| |___ Section B
| |
| ___DD____|
| |
| | Section B
| |
________ | |
| | | |
| __ |___| |
| | | |
| |__| ______| L - Steam Lever
| | D - Door
__ | __ |
| | | | | |
| |__| |__| |
| |
|___________ |
| |
________| |
| |
Lake __| ______|
Utuqao D |

* This area has dogs again but you can use the steam method to kill them again.
* from the door, sneak up and hide behind the box almost directly in front of
* Red will contact you again, he warns you about the lake. When he's done
ready some JERKY. Its hot dog time again!
* A dog patrols the corridor to the east. Sneak up to the cage and throw in
some JERKY, then retreat back to you box. When you see the dog go into the
pen go over to the lever and steam the dog.
* Head towards the chemical storage in the north west of this area. The
closest door is locked so you'll need to use the one in the far corner.

******************************* Chemical Storage *******************************

* Move along hallway to trigger cutscene, then run away from the worm.
* Go through the opening and press the switch to the left.
* Run right and use boxes to jump over the acid.
* There is another switch to your right to close a second door so use that.
* Use pick axe to break through two barricades.
* Push box(es) into acid and jump for other box on other side.
* Stand behind the beam facing the way you came and use your axe on the beam.
* A cave in will stop the worm following you.
* Use the valve to open the door.
* Enter the room and get the following:

CHEMICAL notes on the table
CHEMICAL 'A' and 'D' on the tables
CHEMICAL 'E' in the locker
CHEMICAL 'B' and 'F' in cupboard
CHEMICAL 'C' on shelf by door
2 FLARES from lock on floor
BEEF JERKY from drawer

* Save before exiting area.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 5 ***************************

* Now head to the lake in the south western part of the map.

********************************* Lake Utuqao **********************************

* Follow the tunnel to the lake, there is a save point if needed.
* You need to make it across the lake without drowning. The only safe spots
are around the edge of the lake and the mini islands. You need to edge out
until the ice breaks and jump backwards to safety. Then jump on the floating
ice to get to the first island. Repeat this heading towards the second
island. Finally repeat to make it to the far corner.
* Look for a hand sticking out of the ice and use the SAW on it to get the
crowbar. Examining it to get what I think is a joke on the half-life
character Freeman.
* Cross back over the lake and exit.

************************** Underground Area Tunnel 5 ***************************

* Now you need to make your way to the incinerator.
* Use the CROWBAR on the door and exit through it.

******************************* Incinerator Area *******************************

* Listen to Red then move forward until the hall splits left and straight on.
* Turn left and follow the planks to a room.
* Grab the PAINKILLERS (x2) from the first aid box.
* Get the GLASS CONTAINER from the table.
* Open the drawer and get the FUSE.
* Use the gas canister attached to the Bunsen burner then light the burner.
* Put the GLASS CONTAINER on the burner.
* Mix chemicals D and F together to produce an explosive (work it out from the
explosives guide and chemist note - barium and phosphorus are 3 and 5 and
words 3 and 5 are Dopamine and Frequently - D and F).
* Pick up the glass container and carry it back across the planks to the
hallway where you came from and find the cave in. DO NOT DROP IT or you will
be blown to small pieces so close to the end of the chapter!
* Put the GLASS CONTAINER by the cave in and use the FUSE on it.
* Light the FUSE and run back along the hallway for cover.
* Follow the passage way down to a room that splits into a T-shape with a door
in front. You cannot open this nor the one to the left so go right following
the hallway.
* Enter the Red room and Red will talk to you again. He's inside the room in a
coffin over the incinerator. The crosses on the floor indicate that he is
most likely a vampire, which isn't good news for you!
* Go to the right of the incinerator and press the button to "save" Red.
* Pull the drawer under the incinerator and get the key.
* Head back along the hallway, past the door on the right and open the locked
door at the end.
* Open the drawer and get YOUNG REDS PREDICAMENT.
* Open the second door in the corner and find the bookcase in the next room.
* Move the bookcase to find the power panel.
* use the SCREWDRIVER on the power panel then use the BOLT CUTTER on the wires.
* Head back to the door you haven't yet been through and use the CROWBAR top
open it.

*********************************** SHELTER ************************************

* Get the WELCOME TO SHELTER note.
* Follow the steps down and open the door.
* Turn right and notice the figure at the end of the hallway.
* Head towards the figure, the lights will go out and none of your electrical
gear will work so you'll need your glowstick.
* As you get halfway along you'll be knocked unconscious and the chapter will

****************************** END OF WALKTHROUGH ******************************
دوستان عزیز من یک دی وی دی بازی halo 2 را خریداری کردم
این دی وی دی وقتی روی فایل setupداخل دی وی دی کلیک میکنی این ارور رو میده

بعد من این فایل رو توی دی وی دی سرچ کردم و اصلا نبود ؟ ایا کسی این فایل رو داره ؟ یا اصلا این ارور چه معنی میده

در ضمن این دی وی دی رو کپی کردم توی هاردم و تمام محتویات هم کپی شد ؟ یعنی خط یا مشکلی خود دی وی دی نداره

به نظر من این فایل رو کم داره ؟ حالا از اساتید کمک میخوام

دوستان عزیز من اینجا نمیدونم باید کوجا سوالم رو بپرسم

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن