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شماره آگوست Games for Windows منتشر شده كه مي تونيد نسخه Zinio و PDF اون رو دانلود كنيد.
پيش نمايش اصلي اين شماره مربوط به نسخه PC بازي Gears of War و امكانات اون ميشه كه در E3 اعلام شد. مقاله چندين صفحست به همراه تعداد زيادي عكس.
در اين شماره پيش نمايش هايي از:
Call of Duty 4 (به همراه عكس جديدي از بازي و قسمت مولتي پلير بازي) و Fallout 3 (عكس ها تكراري) و Age of Empires III Asian Dynasties‌ (نكته جالب اينه كه اين اكسپنشن رو Big Huge Games ميسازه كه رو سري Rise of Nations كار ميكرده و Ensemble داره رو Halo Wars كار ميكنه! بازي اصلي دو ميليون نسخه فروخته.) و Universe at War (پيش نمايشي از هر سه Race بازي، جالبه هنوز هم كه از Petroglyph اسم برده ميشه بايد حتما داخل پرانتز جلوش يادآوري بشه كه اينا همون اعضاي سابق Westwood ن :cheesygri. يكي از بازيهايي كه خيلي منتظرشم :love:) و Line Rider (يه بازيه Flash، عجب چيز جالبيه) و Mercaneries 2 (براي PC هم مياد ؟!) و The Club خواهيد خواند.
همچنين مصاحبه اي با Brian Fargo موسس Interplay و سازنده تعدادي از معروف ترين بازي هاي RPG هم هست. كه الان استوديوي InXile رو تاسيس كرده و روي نسخه پيشرفته تري از بازي Line Rider و بازي Hei$t‌ كار ميكنن.

شماره سپتامبر EGM اومده كه در حال حاضر لينك Zinio اون فقط موجود.
مقاله اصلي اين شماره به بازي Halo 3 و قسمت Singleplayer و Co-op (كه ديشب گفته شد تا چهار نفر آنلاين رو ساپورت ميكنه) و Multiplayer اون اختصاص داره. مقاله بسيار طولاني و عكس هاي زيادي داره.

در اين شماره همچنين پيش نمايش هايي از Heavenly Sword (در شماره بعد شاهد نقد بازي خواهيم بود) و Skate (مقايسه با Tony Hawk) و LittleBigPlanet و Metroid Prime 3 و Stranglehold خواهيد خواند.
Killzone 2, GTA IV and Heavenly Sword in issue 5 of P3Zine
P3Zine is the world's first free PlayStation 3 magazine. In the fifth issue, we have massive previews of two of the biggest upcoming games, Killzone 2 and GTA IV. We talk exclusively with Ninja Theory’s Tameem Antoniades about Heavenly Sword. And we've first looks too at Drake's Fortune, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga and more. In reviews, we've played and rated Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Transformers and many more. If online gaming is your bag, check out our PlayStation Network section, where we have three full pages of the best PSN games. All this and our PlayStation 3 community section, news, letters, opinion and much more. And it's all enhanced with video multimedia. Just click to download the full magazine now and you can read it and all the other articles too.
Issue 8 of 360Zine: Bioshock, GTA IV and Fable 2
This month's previews are underwater sensation Bioshock (plus exclusive interview with full audio), Grand Theft Auto IV, Fable 2 and many more. In reviews, we've played and rated all the newest releases, including supernatural first-person shooter The Darkness, intrinsically evil RPG Overlord and demolition derby extravaganza FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage. All this and much more - check out the Community section, gaming news and all your Xbox 360 questions answered. Simply click to download and you will get the complete magazine with all the Xbox 360 games previews and reviews included.
PCGZine Issue 8: Gears of War, Hellgate London and Assassin's Creed
PCGZine is a full, free to download magazine dedicated to PC gaming packed with previews, reviews and interviews about PC games, all written by UK games journalists. In this month’s brand new issue, we have huge previews of Hellgate: London and Assassin's Creed, plus first looks at Company of Heroes Opposing Force and mega-shooter Gears of War, coming to the PC from the Xbox 360 soon. We review Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - GRAW 2 -Pearl Harbour, Lost Planet and more. And we've talked exclusively to Martin van Balkom of Battlfront.com about the latest Combat Mission, Shock Force. All this comes with embedded multimedia, trailers, videos and interactive content, plus your questions answered, technical issues addressed, news from the PC gaming community and more.
HGZine Issue 6: Donkey Kong and Legend of Zelda previews
In issue 6 of HGZine, we have huge previews of Donkey Kong Jungle Climber, Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass, R-Type Final, Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars, DragonBall Z and many more great games on Sony PSP and Nintendo DS. In this month's reviews section, we review and rate Transformers, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Parappa the Rapper, Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl, Shrek the Third, Puzzle League DS and more. Plus you can win a Nintendo DS and a copy of Trion Cube in our fantastic competition. With all this and features, news, mobile reviews and loads more too, all enhanced with video and multimedia, issue 6 of HGZine is not to be missed! Simply click to download and you will get the complete magazine.

amBX Explained Issue 1
This is a special magazine produced by GamerZines for Philips and like our other magazines, it is fully enhanced with video and multimedia. amBX is a new technology from Philips that extends your gaming experience beyond your screen and speakers and immerses you in the game itself. Find out how amBX works and what each kit gives you as well as what games are supported and what gamers who've used amBX think of it. See why gamers and developers alike are excited by the new possibilities offered by amBX.
PES Fanzine Issue 3: Tips and Tricks cover
A new issue of PES Fanzine, packed with expert tips to help you play better! Learn secret moves not in the manual and tips from the pros. We've also got info and screens on the new DS and PSP versions. Go behind the scenes on the filming of the PES6 ad with John Terry and watch the complete international version with all the stars. Plus, design a T-Shirt and win PES6 gear! And, yes, PES6 Fanzine really is free.

شماره سپتامبر EGM اومده كه در حال حاضر لينك Zinio اون فقط موجود.
مقاله اصلي اين شماره به بازي Halo 3 و قسمت Singleplayer و Co-op (كه ديشب گفته شد تا چهار نفر آنلاين رو ساپورت ميكنه) و Multiplayer اون اختصاص داره. مقاله بسيار طولاني و عكس هاي زيادي داره.

در اين شماره همچنين پيش نمايش هايي از Heavenly Sword (در شماره بعد شاهد نقد بازي خواهيم بود) و Skate (مقايسه با Tony Hawk) و LittleBigPlanet و Metroid Prime 3 و Stranglehold خواهيد خواند.

اینم لینک دانلود PDF این شماره
خوش بحالشون . :(

من یکی از مجله ها رو دانلود کردم .

حدود 170 و 180 صفحه بود .

دست همتون درد نکنه . :biggrin1: :love:


یه سوال :

میشه بگین لینک دانلود مجلاتی مثل HELLO ( برای بازی نیست ) از کجا میشه پیدا کرد .

ببخشید که ربطی به تاپیک نداشت . :blushing:
ببخشید من قبلا از این انجمن یه مجله در مورد ایکس باکی 360 دانلود کردم که خیلی عالی بود و در مورد امکانات داخل ایکس باکس 360 و وسایل جانبی این کنسول بود اسم مجله هم(Computer Power user Xbox 360)بود :love:
حالا از دوستان یه خواهشی دارم شما همچین مجلهایی که شبیه این مجله فوق علاده باشه و اینبار در مورد وسایل و امکانات پلی3 و داشبورد و لینکس این کنسول باشه تو این انجمن قرار بده خیلی عالی میشه:love:
میشه بگین لینک دانلود مجلاتی مثل HELLO ( برای بازی نیست ) از کجا میشه پیدا کرد .

ببخشید که ربطی به تاپیک نداشت . :blushing:
توو تورنت يه كم بگردي ميشه پيدا كرد ولي اگه نتونستي بيا اينجا اعلام كن شايد بچه ها لينكشو واست پيدا كنند البته يه تاپيك مخروبه ست ولي بعضي وقتا رفت و آمدي توش ميشه:-" من تورنت رو ترجيح ميدم:cool:

شماره EGM October اومده كه مي تونيد از اينجا دانلود كنيد.
در اين شماره پيش نمايش هايي از Lost و NFL Tour و The Last Remnant و GTA IV (كمتر از يك صفحه، البته به احتمال زياد همونشم برا EGM غنيمت بوده :p) و بهترين ها و بدترين هاي E3 خواهيد خواند.
مقاله اصلي هم همينطور كه اين چند روزه شنيديد و ديديد مربوط به بازي Silent Hill V ميشه.

ايتاگاكي :p، اين يارو آخرش :laughing:. اينو داشته باشين (از بخش The Game of Lives) (مصاحبه نيست):
Which is more difficult: Beating Ninja Gaiden or enjoying a game of Tekken
Ans: [Laughs] enjoying a game of Tekken - That's nearly impossible.

راستي در شماره بعد اولين پيش نمايش از The Wheelman‌ رو خواهيم ديد.
The 50 Most Wanted PS3 games in issue 6 of P3Zine
All the very best new and future games for the PlayStation 3 are in P3Zine this month - we preview the 50 most wanted games due for release now and into 2008. Plus a huge WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 preview and exclusive interview, and a major review of The Darkness.
Issue 9 of 360Zine: Mass Effect, PGR4, World in Conflict
In this month's 360Zine, read major previews of Mass Effect, Project Gotham Racing 4, Juiced 2, Fatal Inertia and Guitar Hero 3. In reviews, we've played and rated NASCAR 08 and Call of Juarez. Plus we have an exclusive interview with World in Conflict designer Jim Bottomley.
PCGZine Issue 9: Medal of Honor Airborne, BioShock and Fallout 3
In the new issue of PCGZine, we review two of the hottest new games, the eagerly awaited first person shooter BioShock and Medal of Honor Airborne, the latest in the acclaimed series, and we have previews of Fallout 3 and the new expansion for World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King.
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 Exclusive and God of War: Chains of Olympus in issue 7 of HGZine
In issue 7 of HGZine, we have an exclusive preview of WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2008 - be the first to see our exclusive in-game screen shots. Plus we preview God of War: Chains of Olympus and many more. Read our first review of Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass - the game's not out in Europe yet but we've played, rated and reviewed it just for you.

amBX Explained Issue 1
This is a special magazine produced by GamerZines for Philips and like our other magazines, it is fully enhanced with video and multimedia. amBX is a new technology from Philips that extends your gaming experience beyond your screen and speakers and immerses you in the game itself. Find out how amBX works and what each kit gives you as well as what games are supported and what gamers who've used amBX think of it. See why gamers and developers alike are excited by the new possibilities offered by amBX.
PES Fanzine Issue 3: Tips and Tricks cover
A new issue of PES Fanzine, packed with expert tips to help you play better! Learn secret moves not in the manual and tips from the pros. We've also got info and screens on the new DS and PSP versions. Go behind the scenes on the filming of the PES6 ad with John Terry and watch the complete international version with all the stars. Plus, design a T-Shirt and win PES6 gear! And, yes, PES6 Fanzine really is free.
ببخشید من قبلا از این انجمن یه مجله در مورد ایکس باکی 360 دانلود کردم که خیلی عالی بود و در مورد امکانات داخل ایکس باکس 360 و وسایل جانبی این کنسول بود اسم مجله هم(Computer Power user Xbox 360)بود :love:
میشه لینک دانلود این رو بذارید.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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