خبر: PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable


کاربر سایت
Nov 2, 2005
Here is a brief update for the time being: For starters, as mentioned in our Past News we were going to examine the CELLFTP.self (which allows you to dump the PS3 side of the HDD). Unfortunately through experimenting, no open ports were found after a portscan. As a result, it would only return to the XMB without error... so for now we're passing on this avenue.

Next up, we would like to clarify a few things about the Site News topic as follows: The reason the TITLE is "PS3 XMB Hole found; Blu-ray Back-Ups Bootable!!!" is because the originating media in hacked2123's video was a Blu-ray Disc. As the game he chose happened to fit on a standard DVD-R, he opted to burn it to one (in this case) instead of using a Blu-ray Disc Recordable... which is logical as it saves money too.
Not all PS3 games will fit onto a DVD-R, so it's important to NOTE that some will require a BD-R using this 'XMB Hole' Method.

Finally, the way this specific PS3 XMB Hole works is that the OtherOS Installer does not verify the SELF it runs, and can run any properly-signed SELF file. Currently hacked2123 is using a SELF (HDD Formatter) from the recent $DK leak- this wipes the HDD and as a result, puts the PS3 into a 'special' Mode... which in turn authenticates the disc. It will BOOT the PS3 Blu-ray Back-Up (in this case on a DVD-R) fine, however, as stated previously it will not RUN the game... possibly because hacked2123 only tried with a DVD-R versus an actual Blu-ray Disc Recordable (which is the proper media for the PS3's blue laser).

The steps involved were as follows:

1) Make a directory or use your Memory Card- for example: D:\PS3\OTHEROS
2) Copy the OtherOS.self (Mkfs.self via $DK renamed) to D:\PS3\OTHEROS\otheros.self
3) Put it in your PS3 and navigate to "Install OtherOS" along with confirming your selection by pressing "OK"
4) The PS3 screen will go black, and it will erase the entire HDD (there will likely be a way around this, we're only using the HDD Formatter SELF at this time)
5) When it's complete (your PS3 may reboot, don't worry) place an ORIGINAL PS3 game disc in
6) Eject the disc, and place in another ORIGINAL PS3 game disc
7) Eject once more, and place your LEGAL BACK-UP PS3 game disc in the drive
8) Give it a few seconds to read the disc, and it will appear in the XMB
9) Finally, press X and that's it... it will BOOT up but not RUN the PS3 game back-up

Be sure to check back for updates, as this process is likely to change/improve heavily over the next few days.
Just over 24 hours after we reported the PS3 $DK leak, resident Dev'er hacked2123 shared with us in iRC EFnet #PS3News the video below... which shows confirmation of the World's first public PS3 XMB Hole (vulnerability) found!! There are MANY details to report, so please bear with us while we address each throughout the night.

For starters, this specific PS3 XMB Hole is currently present in PS3 v1.00-1.11 Firmware. Jumping ahead briefly... it's now believed the reason why the GODS @ Paradox hinted that v1.60+ Firmware was NOT recommended to update to was simply because there is no OtherOS installer present. Also, at this time it's important to NOTE that PS3 Blu-ray Disc back-ups will boot but not run just yet.

We will cover all of the details on how this is accomplished shortly... until then, you can watch the video below and share your feedback in the Hacked2123's PS3 Back-up Video!
ترجمش با خودتون


Loyal Member
Oct 5, 2005
خب :
1-این روش با ورژن 1-1.11 کار میکنه.
2-هنوز بازیها رو run نیکنه ولی بوت میکنه حالا شاید بخاطر اینکه از dvd-r استفاده کردن و اگه از bd-r استفاده میشد شاید باز یه امیدی باشه.

این یه پیشرفت مهم هست و نوید اینو میده که بزودی بتونیم بازیهای ps3 رو کپی اجرا کنیم.
نکته قابل توجه اینکه این یه iso loader نیست و مستقیما disk رو بوت میکنه . حالا باید دید که چکار میکنند. اون پارادکس که نتونسته کاری بکنه امیدورام این به نتیجه برسه.
پرسه اجرای نسبتا طولانی هم داره.


Loyal Member
Oct 5, 2005
خب اینکه با ورژن 1 تا 1.11 کار میکنه که خیلی بده چون ps3 با این ورژن تقریبا گیر نمیاد . مثلا تمام ps3های پال با ورژن 1.5 و بالاتر هستند.
اینکه پروسه اجرای طولانی و سخت داره که مطمئنا خیلی بده;)
و اجرای بازی از روی بلوری ری الان ممکنه بد باشه (بدلیل گرونی بلو ری و کمی رایترش) ولی بطور کلی خوبه چون اجرا راحتتر و استاندارد تره.

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