God of War I - God of War II - Call Of Duty - Black - shadow of colusos - hitman blood money - ICO - Grand Thef Auto San Andreas - gta vice city
ما هم نظری داده باشیم:biggrin1:
Final Fantasy X.1
God of War.2
Metal Gear Solid 3.3
Tekken 5.4
God of War II.5
Devil May Cry 3.6
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.7
God Hand.8
Shadow of Colossus.9
اگه مافیا به اون باحالی که رو PC بود باشه من بهش رتبه 4 رو میدم.
God of war 1&2
Resident Evil veronica & 4
Persona 3&4
Metal gear solid 2&3
Devil may cry 1&3
Fatal frame
Rogue Galaxy
Gene Troopers
Mortal Kombat
Sword of Destiny
Onimusha series
Prince of Persia series:laughing: