شایعه برنامه های سونی برای نسل بعد، قیمت PS5 و انحصاری های جدید!

Cloud Strife

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هرچقدر که به شروع نسل جدید نزدیکتر میشویم، بازار شایعات و اخبار غیر رسمی نیز داغتر شده و در این بین کنسول بعدی سونی که اکنون باید آن را به صورت رسمی PlayStation 5 بنامیم، به واسطه معرفی کم فروغتر بیشتر هدف منابع غیر رسمی قرار گرفته است.

به تازگی موج عظیمی از اطلاعات غیر رسمی در خصوص PS5 و برنامههای سونی منتشر شده است که هرچند نمیتوان هیچ یک از آنها را به عنوان خبر رسمی و قابل تایید در نظر گرفت اما مرور آنها خالی از لطف نیست.

بر طبق این اخبار کنسول PS5 برای عرضه در 30 اکتبر سال جاری و با قیمت احتمالی 500 دلار در نظر گرفته شده است. ضمن اینکه منبع این اطلاعات خبر از برنامه سونی برای معرفی کنسول نسل بعدی خود در تاریخ 5 فوریه میدهد. سونی در این برنامه پیش رو علاوهبر معرفی رسمی و کامل PS5 به معرفی بازیهای جدید این کنسول نیز پرداخته که در ادامه به مرور آنها خواهیم پرداخت:

عناوین انحصاری PS5:

Killzone جدید:

به نظر میرسد استدیو گوریلا گیمز برای سالیان متمادی در حال کار بر روی شمارهای جدید از سری Killzone بوده و بیشتر اعضای اصلی شرکت مشغول کار بر روی این عنوان (که به نظر میرسد یک Reboot باشد) هستند. محوریت اصلی Killzone جدید بخش مالتی پلیر است.

بازسازی Demon’s Souls:

استدیو Bluepoint در حال ساخت نسخه بازسازی شده Demon’s Souls است که میتوان آن را اولین عنوان از سری Souls و میازاکی بزرگ دانست. اما ریمیک DS تنها یک بازسازی صرف نبوده و سازندگان قصد دارند ایدههای خود را نیز به بازی اضافه کرده و نسخه Remake عنوانی حتی بزرگتر از بازی اصلی است.

SOCOM Reboot:

مدتها قبل سونی خبر از تاسیس یکی استدیو جدید به ریاست طراح ارشد بخش مالتی پلیر UC4 در سن دیگو داد و به نظر میرسد این استدیو در حال ساخت یک Reboot از سری SOCOM است. بیشتر اعضای استدیو سن دیگو سونی کارمندان سابق Zipper Interactive بوده و SOCOM جدید با انجین Decima ساخته میشود. ریبوت SOCOM واقع گرایانهترین گرافیک را در بین بازیهای انحصاری لانچ PS5 خواهد داشت!

Gran Turismo 7:

GT7 بزرگترین پروژه سونی تا به امروز است و سونی و PD عمری 10 ساله را برای آن در نظر گرفتهاند. به نظر میرسد تعداد کارمندانی که بر روی GT7 مشغول به کار هستند بیشتر از هر بازی انحصاری دیگری است (در مجموعه سونی).

Ratchet & Clank:

Insomniac در حال طراحی و خلق یک سه گانه جدید از سری R&C است و اولین شماره آن از سال 2016 در حال ساخت بوده است (پس از عرضه نسخه ریمیک). به نظر میرسد Insomniac قصد دارد به سه گانه جدید دوباره سفر در کهکشان و گشت و گذار در سیارات و نیز بخش مالتی پلیر را به مجموعه بازگرداند.

Project Vanguard:

شرکت Remedy در حال ساخت یک بازی مالتی پلیر انحصاری برای کنسول PS5 بوده که میتوان آن را تلفیقی از عناوین Control و Star Trek و فیلم Gravity دانست. همزمان با معرفی بازی جدید Remedy خبر خرید این استدیو توسط سونی نیز اعلام میشود!


پروژه WiLD که پروسه تولید آن به خاطر Beyond Good & Evil 2 تقریبا به تعویق افتاده و در حالت معلق به سر میبرد، به موتور Decima منتقل شده و برای کنسول PS5 و نیز PS4 در نظر گرفته شده است.

New Action Title from London Studio:

استدیو سونی در حال ساخت یک بازی اکشن جدید با الهام از Hellblade است. بازی مذکور ابعادی کوچک و به نسبت جمع و جور داشته اما یک Open World جذاب و سرگرم کننده با فضایی شبیه به آثار گای ریچی خواهد بود.

New Action Title from Japan Studio:

به نظر میرسد بازی جدید استدیو ژاپن Gravity Rush جدید یا در حال و هوای آن باشد.

تاریخ انتشار برخی از انحصاریهای PS5:

New Horizon Title برای سال 2021

New Uncharted از یک استدیو معرفی نشده برای سال 2021

New Order برای سال 2021

New Spiderman برای سال 2022

New God of War برای سال 2022

اثر جدید فامیتو اوئدا از استدیو genDesign برای سال 2020

ویژگیهای کلیدی کنسول PS5:

Backward Compatibility برای تمام کنسولهای قبلی سونی

PS5 launch date, exclusive titles and other details might have been leaked - Leadergamer.net
چه حرف های خنده داری زده
شما حرف خوب بزن که باعث خنده نشه. شما احتمال زیاد از این دوستانی هستی که با این نسل شروع به کار کردن. وگرنه کسی که کیلزون ها رو بازی کرده از همون شماره یک تو ps2 تا نسخه mercenary تو ویتا هیچ وقت نمیگه من حرف خنده دار زدم. نهایت نظرش رو میگه. همونطور که من نظر شخصیم رو گفتم.نظرم رو تو کامنت قبلیم نخواستم به کسی تحمیل کنم. کیلزون یک ای پی قدرتمند تو ژانر خودش هست
آخرین ویرایش:
شما حرف خوب بزن که باعث خنده نشه. شما احتمال زیاد از این دوستانی هستی که با این نسل شروع به کار کردن. وگرنه کسی که کیلزون ها رو بازی کرده از همون شماره یک تو ps2 تا نسخه mercenary تو ویتا هیچ وقت نمیگه من حرف خنده دار زدم. نهایت نظرش رو میگه. همونطور که من نظر شخصیم رو گفتم.نظرم رو تو کامنت قبلیم نخواستم به کسی تحمیل کنم. کیلزون یک ای پی قدرتمند تو ژانر خودش هست

به عنوان کسی که تمامی نسخه های کیلزون رو تموم کردم (نسخه پی اس پی و ویتا هم همینطور) کیلزون مخصوصا کیلزون 2 یکی از بهترین شوترهای تاریخ حساب میشن ، که منم با نظر شما کاملا موافقم و خیلی دوست دارم کیلزون جدید با همون حال و هوای کیلزون 2 ساخته بشه فوق العاده بود جو محیط هلگاست ها!
خدا از دهنت بشنوه دیگه پیر شدم انقدر که انتظار یه KZ خوب مثل نسخه 2 و 3 کشیدم SF که من اصلا KZ نمیدونم مشخص نیست کدوم احمقی تاییدش کرد . :|
شادوفال یکجور شوکیس و ویترین گرافیکی برای معرفی ps4 بود احتمالا برای ps5 هم باید منتظر این بازی های باشیم که شاید قربانی بشنوید برای نمایش عظمت گرافیکی
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Reactions: vivanred
اینم آخرین شایعه رویایی از ردیت:D
The event:

-The event will be held at the Sony hall theatre on the 12th of February. Expect a short teaser to come out in the next two weeks.

-The press already knows about it and they will be able to test games and write articles. There will be a lot of news and iterviews with key figures like Mark Cerny and Hermen Hulst.

-The event will be presented by Geoff Keighley and it will be a very big show. After all you have to consider that Sony has been quiet for quite sometime now.

-Sony's strategy has been that not to reveal everything in one shot. Things like price, launch date and shape of the console will still be unknown after the PS meeting.


-CPU: 8 core/16 threads at 3.6 ghz based on a Zen 2 architecture

-GPU: "Big Navi"/RDNA1 based with some features from RDNA2 like RT and VRS, 12.2 TF at 1.8 ghz

-Memory: 18GB DDR6 at 576gb/s and 4gb of DDR4 for the OS (Sorry HBM believers)

-1 TB SSD. The SSD is a proprietary solution similar to a cartridge and you will be able to purchase them separately in a way similar to an old memory card from the PS2 era(1tb, 2tb and 3 tb variants). It is very fast: 5gb/s

-It has a separate RT core just for the audio, this is something that Cerny and the audio people at Sony (Audiokinetic) insisted on. A new headphones will be made from Sony, specifically designed for the ray traced audio in PS5 games.

-Overall, the PS5 is a much more balanced machine than the PS4 pro. This is much more important than just brute force as devs will be able squeeze much much more from the hardware.


-First game announced for the PS5 will be from Bluepoint, Demon's Souls.

The trailer will start with a dragon flying through the ruins of an ancient city before landing on a bridge destroying part of it, the camera will then move to a character in a knight armor. The dragon will spit fire at the knight that will be parrying it with his shield.

The trailer ends with a voice saying "The old one is calling for thee" revealing the Demon's souls logo, available at launch.

Very impressive tech on showcase:, RT reflection all over the knight's armor

-Ubisoft will announce their new AC title, Assasin's Creed: Kingdom. As you already know it is set in northern europe with historical and mythological elements. The trailer is not really a trailer but a long gameplay (10+ mins).

The game focuses on being a better RPG than its predecessors with multiple endings and more meaningful choices for better roleplay. Immersion is also a big focus, Ubisoft has created a believable world based on the kingdom of Ragnar Sigurdsson (better known as Lothbrok) as king of Denmark.

NPCs have realistic routines and behaviours based on multiple situations they can be found in (finding shelter from the rain, fleeing their village after a raid from enemy soldiers are some examples).

All animations have been enhanced. Now the main character (male or female like in Odyssey) moves differently based on the enviroments they are in. Animations are really similar to something you can find in a ND game with the character touching the wall at their side if they get to close it or struggling to walk through snow or mud.

As many other games, AC:Kingdom will use the haptic triggers to simulate the action of pulling the rope of a bow or swinging an heavy weapon.

There are levels, but they are handled like in Skyrim or Kingdom come where you don't require a certain level to enter an area or fight a boss. Here you can access the whole world from the start and fight all the enemies, of course it will be very hard because your character will be very unexperienced and at first they will handle certain weapons with struggle, it will get better the more they use them.

I got mentioned something about ray tracing being used to eliminate clipping of the various clothes on the character's bodies, but I don't know anything other than it may be a thing on the next gen versions of the game.

Available at launch, but after the current gen versions.

-Gran Turismo 7 will be announced featuring full VR and RT support, native 4k and 60 fps. It will be a technical showcase for the console. Available at launch.

It features a single player carreer like the old GT games and a multiplayer mode similar to the sport mode in GT sport. The partnership with the FIA continues and the one with Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes becomes even stronger (Lewis and the Mercedes brand are on the cover of the game and a big part of the single player carreer).

-New R&C game announced from Insomniac. Full RT support and sequel to the remake, but part of a new trilogy. Semi-open world with pilotable ships. It looks even more like a Pixar movie, this time on a way bigger scale. Available in 2021

-Capcom will show a demo of their updated RE engine and announce Dragon's Dogma 2 exclusively on the PS5. Deep Down was not all to waste and Capcom wisely decided to build upon it and create this new DD. It's a really impressive game technically. Full open world with fights and monsters similar to a Monster Hunter game. It will run at 60 fps on PS5.

It's unclear if the exclusivity deal has a limit or not. I'm willing to bet it will come out on Xbox Series X/S after a while

-Shuhei Yoshida will showcase lots of indies coming to PS4 and PS5 as part of the new "PS❤Indies" intiative at SIE. Games such as: Sky:children of the light, Inaka project, a new game from Jonathan Blow, Lost Soul aside and the new game from Ken Levine studio (not really an indie, but it will still be present in this short segment).

-TLOU: Factions will be revealed, coming to PS4, PS5 and PC these holidays. It is a multiplayer only title made to replace the "Factions" mode of the original TLOU. It features an open world similar to games like DayZ, but with the love and care that you can expect expect from a team like ND.

It will feature: different seasons like Forza Horizon 4 (each will come with its pros and cons), clan support, a battle pass, a fully destructible map, lots of depth for roleplay (players will be able to cover various roles in their games: doctors, bounty hunters, traders, mercenaries for the various groups of players, soldiers ecc.), the players will be able to build camps and even "addomesticate" clickers and runners. 4k/60 with RT audio on PS5 and 1080 30 on PS4/pro. Cross play is being experimented (the difference in framerate may be an issue).

-Sony reveals a new team based in San Diego and their new game, Uncharted. A sequel to U4, but with different characters and a few cameos from the old games. Just a teaser will be shown featuring exotic locations from all around the world and glimpses at veichles both aerial and terrestrial. No release date given.

-Activision announces Crash Bandicoot:worlds on PS4 and PS5 for then end of the year (think Mario galaxy, but with Crash Bandiccot) and confirms that COD will be back at the end of the year on PS5 and in partnership with PS once again.

-Square Enix shows an impressive tech demo of a new version of the luminous engine featuring RT shadows, reflections and lighting along with 4k textures and realistic facial animations. Very reminiscent of the aestethic you can find in a FF game, but no real announcement is made (for now).

-Guerilla announces Killzone: Breach. A mp only title for PS5 and PC. The influence from games like R6 can be seen a lot during the trailer. Full destructible enviroment and a "War" mode that features up to 80 players in a fully destructible arena (Remember that first Crackdown 3 demo?). Available at launch.

-Mark Cerny announces full backwards compatibility with PS4/3/2/1/VR and that PS Vita and PSP are in the works. The PS4/2/1 whole lineup will be fully compatible from launch. As for PS3 games, they will be made compatible regularly by Sony in a way similar to how Xbox already does it on Xbox One with 360 games. All the games will receive technical enhancments like 4k resolution, better AA and 60 fps. Demos for TLOU 2, RDR1, Jak 2 and the original GT are shown briefly.

-Last announcement will be a small teaser with in-game graphics of Horizon 2. The teaser shows an older Aloy meditating on the top of a Mountain before being attacked by a huge machine and hijacking a thunderbird in order to ride it and fly around the huge machine to fight it. 2021

-Please note that all games that I've listed are exclusive to the PS5 unless I've said otherwise.

-Don't expect any PSVR2 news. VR will be mentioned as you can see, but it is still a bit early for PSVR2
لیک جدید رو بخونید.

The event:

-The event will be held at the Sony hall theatre on the 12th of February. Expect a short teaser to come out in the next two weeks.

-The press already knows about it and they will be able to test games and write articles. There will be a lot of news and iterviews with key figures like Mark Cerny and Hermen Hulst.

-The event will be presented by Geoff Keighley and it will be a very big show. After all you have to consider that Sony has been quiet for quite sometime now.

-Sony's strategy has been that not to reveal everything in one shot. Things like price, launch date and shape of the console will still be unknown after the PS meeting.


-CPU: 8 core/16 threads at 3.6 ghz based on a Zen 2 architecture

-GPU: "Big Navi"/RDNA1 based with some features from RDNA2 like RT and VRS, 12.2 TF at 1.8 ghz

-Memory: 18GB DDR6 at 576gb/s and 4gb of DDR4 for the OS (Sorry HBM believers)

-1 TB SSD. The SSD is a proprietary solution similar to a cartridge and you will be able to purchase them separately in a way similar to an old memory card from the PS2 era(1tb, 2tb and 3 tb variants). It is very fast: 5gb/s

-It has a separate RT core just for the audio, this is something that Cerny and the audio people at Sony (Audiokinetic) insisted on. A new headphones will be made from Sony, specifically designed for the ray traced audio in PS5 games.

-Overall, the PS5 is a much more balanced machine than the PS4 pro. This is much more important than just brute force as devs will be able squeeze much much more from the hardware.


-First game announced for the PS5 will be from Bluepoint, Demon's Souls.

The trailer will start with a dragon flying through the ruins of an ancient city before landing on a bridge destroying part of it, the camera will then move to a character in a knight armor. The dragon will spit fire at the knight that will be parrying it with his shield.

The trailer ends with a voice saying "The old one is calling for thee" revealing the Demon's souls logo, available at launch.

Very impressive tech on showcase:, RT reflection all over the knight's armor

-Ubisoft will announce their new AC title, Assasin's Creed: Kingdom. As you already know it is set in northern europe with historical and mythological elements. The trailer is not really a trailer but a long gameplay (10+ mins).

The game focuses on being a better RPG than its predecessors with multiple endings and more meaningful choices for better roleplay. Immersion is also a big focus, Ubisoft has created a believable world based on the kingdom of Ragnar Sigurdsson (better known as Lothbrok) as king of Denmark.

NPCs have realistic routines and behaviours based on multiple situations they can be found in (finding shelter from the rain, fleeing their village after a raid from enemy soldiers are some examples).

All animations have been enhanced. Now the main character (male or female like in Odyssey) moves differently based on the enviroments they are in. Animations are really similar to something you can find in a ND game with the character touching the wall at their side if they get to close it or struggling to walk through snow or mud.

As many other games, AC:Kingdom will use the haptic triggers to simulate the action of pulling the rope of a bow or swinging an heavy weapon.

There are levels, but they are handled like in Skyrim or Kingdom come where you don't require a certain level to enter an area or fight a boss. Here you can access the whole world from the start and fight all the enemies, of course it will be very hard because your character will be very unexperienced and at first they will handle certain weapons with struggle, it will get better the more they use them.

I got mentioned something about ray tracing being used to eliminate clipping of the various clothes on the character's bodies, but I don't know anything other than it may be a thing on the next gen versions of the game.

Available at launch, but after the current gen versions.

-Gran Turismo 7 will be announced featuring full VR and RT support, native 4k and 60 fps. It will be a technical showcase for the console. Available at launch.

It features a single player carreer like the old GT games and a multiplayer mode similar to the sport mode in GT sport. The partnership with the FIA continues and the one with Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes becomes even stronger (Lewis and the Mercedes brand are on the cover of the game and a big part of the single player carreer).

-New R&C game announced from Insomniac. Full RT support and sequel to the remake, but part of a new trilogy. Semi-open world with pilotable ships. It looks even more like a Pixar movie, this time on a way bigger scale. Available in 2021

-Capcom will show a demo of their updated RE engine and announce Dragon's Dogma 2 exclusively on the PS5. Deep Down was not all to waste and Capcom wisely decided to build upon it and create this new DD. It's a really impressive game technically. Full open world with fights and monsters similar to a Monster Hunter game. It will run at 60 fps on PS5.

It's unclear if the exclusivity deal has a limit or not. I'm willing to bet it will come out on Xbox Series X/S after a while

-Shuhei Yoshida will showcase lots of indies coming to PS4 and PS5 as part of the new "PS❤Indies" intiative at SIE. Games such as: Sky:children of the light, Inaka project, a new game from Jonathan Blow, Lost Soul aside and the new game from Ken Levine studio (not really an indie, but it will still be present in this short segment).

-TLOU: Factions will be revealed, coming to PS4, PS5 and PC these holidays. It is a multiplayer only title made to replace the "Factions" mode of the original TLOU. It features an open world similar to games like DayZ, but with the love and care that you can expect expect from a team like ND.

It will feature: different seasons like Forza Horizon 4 (each will come with its pros and cons), clan support, a battle pass, a fully destructible map, lots of depth for roleplay (players will be able to cover various roles in their games: doctors, bounty hunters, traders, mercenaries for the various groups of players, soldiers ecc.), the players will be able to build camps and even "addomesticate" clickers and runners. 4k/60 with RT audio on PS5 and 1080 30 on PS4/pro. Cross play is being experimented (the difference in framerate may be an issue).

-Sony reveals a new team based in San Diego and their new game, Uncharted. A sequel to U4, but with different characters and a few cameos from the old games. Just a teaser will be shown featuring exotic locations from all around the world and glimpses at veichles both aerial and terrestrial. No release date given.

-Activision announces Crash Bandicoot:worlds on PS4 and PS5 for then end of the year (think Mario galaxy, but with Crash Bandiccot) and confirms that COD will be back at the end of the year on PS5 and in partnership with PS once again.

-Square Enix shows an impressive tech demo of a new version of the luminous engine featuring RT shadows, reflections and lighting along with 4k textures and realistic facial animations. Very reminiscent of the aestethic you can find in a FF game, but no real announcement is made (for now).

-Guerilla announces Killzone: Breach. A mp only title for PS5 and PC. The influence from games like R6 can be seen a lot during the trailer. Full destructible enviroment and a "War" mode that features up to 80 players in a fully destructible arena (Remember that first Crackdown 3 demo?). Available at launch.

-Mark Cerny announces full backwards compatibility with PS4/3/2/1/VR and that PS Vita and PSP are in the works. The PS4/2/1 whole lineup will be fully compatible from launch. As for PS3 games, they will be made compatible regularly by Sony in a way similar to how Xbox already does it on Xbox One with 360 games. All the games will receive technical enhancments like 4k resolution, better AA and 60 fps. Demos for TLOU 2, RDR1, Jak 2 and the original GT are shown briefly.

-Last announcement will be a small teaser with in-game graphics of Horizon 2. The teaser shows an older Aloy meditating on the top of a Mountain before being attacked by a huge machine and hijacking a thunderbird in order to ride it and fly around the huge machine to fight it. 2021

-Please note that all games that I've listed are exclusive to the PS5 unless I've said otherwise.

-Don't expect any PSVR2 news. VR will be mentioned as you can see, but it is still a bit early for PSVR2
اگه راست باشه 3 هفته دگه مراسمه
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Reactions: Tolkien and g4mer
اینم آخرین شایعه رویایی از ردیت:D
خودمونیم ولی اینکه lastof us و killzone برا پی سی لیست کرده به اگهی جدید ناتی داگ خیلی شبیه ..از طرفی یادمه یکی از مسوول های سونی گفته بود که شاید در اینده بازی های انلاینمون برا پی سی عرضه کنیم

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن