Despite this,
Vanquish slowly became something of a cult hit over the years. Its reputation also bloomed in short bursts when it was ported to PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4 down the line. Mikami’s desire to bring an old fashioned style of gaming into the modern era, mixing and mashing multiple current genres together, struck a chord with players.
Everything in
Vanquish is in the service of its gameplay. To give the most pure and fun experience possible. The enemies look the way they do because of the gameplay, the coolest things that happen in the game are done by
you during gameplay and it features a short campaign that begs to be replayed just because the combat is so enjoyable. Even its credit-sequence is pure gameplay.
Vanquish’s release, Mikami left Platinum Games to start his own company once again. With another genre revived he set his goals to resurrect another from the dead. A genre that he felt was falling behind its potential, perhaps partially because of his own actions. A genre very close to him. How that story unfolds, will have to wait.
Vanquish | Marriage Of Two Genres - Stinger Magazine