بحث و تبادل نظر در مورد سری Devil May Cry (خلاصه داستان در پست اول)

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دوست دارین نسخه‌ی بعدی DMC رو چه استودیویی بسازه؟

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ببخشید دوستان وسطه حرفتون می پرم, اینم از ویرجیل برای طرفداران این بازی :cheesygri

من این چند روز هم داستان دویل می کرای رو ترجمه کردم (البته به سختی) و هم برای انجام کارم یه بار دیگه دوزخ رو خوندم و به یه نتیجه جالب رسیدم که البته باید در موردش یکم توضیح بدم :
اولش نا امید شدم از پیدا کردن بیشتر از چند تا شباهت ولی همین یه دری رو به روم باز کرد و یه احتمال رو بیان میکنه که میتونه بازی dmc رو از اینی که هست جالب تر کنه و اونم چرخش ویرجیل در شماره یا شماره های بعد هستش .
و البته اگه اینطور نباشه شباهت داستان به کمدی الهی تنها به همون چند تا اسم و یه سری شیطنت محدود میشه .
به نظر من ویرجیل هدفی غیر از به دست آوردن شمشیر اسپاردا داره و یا اینکه احتمالا وسیله ای برای رسوندن دانته به یه جا یا شخص خاص هستش .
البته خیلی ها هم ممکنه بگن که ویرجیل تموم نسخه 3 دنبال شمشیر بود که برای این حرف هم یه فرضیه هست که اون شخصی که خواستار دانته هست (دلیلش رو نمیدونم فعلا ) به ویرجیل قول داده که شمشیر رو بهش میده ولی بعد که شمشیر رو به دست نیاورده بر ضد طرف میشه و احتمالا متحد و راهنمای دانته در دنیای تاریک .
حالا یکی نیست بگه یه هفته واسه این چند خط کار کردی ؟؟؟؟؟
البته من میگم نه کار اصلی رو هنوز روش نکردم و یکم بیشتر باید تحقیق کنم .
ببخشید دوستان وسطه حرفتون می پرم, اینم از ویرجیل برای طرفداران این بازی :cheesygri

ممنون سحر .
فکر می کنم ورجیل رو تازه کشیدی , نه ؟ من اکثر کارات رو save کردم.
یه پیشنهاد دارم سحر می تونی تو بخش گالری بازی یه سری طرح دستی از شخصیت های بازی رو ببینی . ایده های ساده و جالبی داره . اگه ندیدی حتما" یه سری بزن .

بچه ها یه سوال داره منو نابود می کنه : تو دویل 4 دانته یه شخص دومه یا باید با نرو بازی رو تموم کنیم تا بازی با دانته آزاد بشه ؟
ممنون سحر .
فکر می کنم ورجیل رو تازه کشیدی , نه ؟ من اکثر کارات رو save کردم.
یه پیشنهاد دارم سحر می تونی تو بخش گالری بازی یه سری طرح دستی از شخصیت های بازی رو ببینی . ایده های ساده و جالبی داره . اگه ندیدی حتما" یه سری بزن .

همین دیروز کشیدم یه مدت اصلا یادم رفته بود قرار بود ویرجیل رو بکشم, باشه به اون قسمت حتما سر می زینم.
من از طرفداران کپکاپ - سری دویل می کرای و دانته اسپاردا هستم.
ولی اگر دانته در دویل می کرای 4 قابل بازی کردن نباشه فکر کنم دیگه اسم این بازی رو هم نیارم :mad:
برای همین خودم فکر میکنم که این خبر کاملا چرت هست و کپکام در آینده حرفش رو عوض میکنه...
چون واقعا مسخره هست 3 قسمت روی یک شخصیت کار کنید و یک شخصیت رو به بالاترین حد محبوبیت برسونید بعد تو شماره 4 یو هو حذف بشه....
به همین علت فکر میکنم که خود کپکام این موضوع رو درک کنه و بفهمه که طرفدارای دو آتیشه دویل می کرای با این کار شاید از بازی متنفر هم بشند... ;)
برای همین باید منتظراخبار جدید تر موند... ولی باز میگم کپکام حرفشو عوض میکنه و یا مثل Special Editaion اگر بازی رو یک بار تموم کنیم دانته هم باز میشه... که باز از هیچی بهتره...
به امید روزی که دویل می کرای 4 رو با دانته بازی کنیم :cheesygri
این بحث دویل 4 همش حدس و گمانه , فکر نمی کنم جایی داستان کامل بازی رو بتونیم بخونیم (البته فعلا")

فقط امیدوارم بلایی که سر شماره 2 بازی دراومد سر شماره ی 4 نیاد . . .
ولی این ژاپنیا معمولا" کارهای عجیب غریبی می کنن .

راستی فکر می کنم سینا تو نقدش نوشته بود تیم سازنده ی دویل 4 همون تیم رزیدنت 4 هستن . اگه این طور باشه باید امیدوار باشیم .
همه اینا به کنار اگه دانته شخصیت اول نباشه که دیگه بازی مزه نمیده :( اگه میشه یکی لطف کنه بره ته توشو در بیاره شاید(خدا کنه) شایعه باشه.
من که دیگه دارم گیج میشم ...
یکی یه کار خیری کنه داستان شماره 4 رو بگه همه رو راحت کنه !!!


حالا لادن تو چرا از وجود یه دختر تو شماره ی 4 ناراحتی ؟
ببین بالاخره این کپکام یه جوری دختره رو به دانته می چسبونه ! ;) این دخترا کنار دانته جز سنت بازی به حساب میان !!!
ما که دیگه عادت کردیم !
حالا لادن تو چرا از وجود یه دختر تو شماره ی 4 ناراحتی ؟
چون مطمئنم یک روز این دختر ها دانته رو از راه به در میکنن:(
ولی خدارو شکر عکس هایی که از این دوختره توی شماره 4 بدست اومده،یا دختره تک وایساده یا کنار نرو هستش.:cool:
یکی یه کار خیری کنه داستان شماره 4 رو بگه همه رو راحت کنه !!!
از اونجایی که میدونم زبان خارجی همگی عالیه،ترجمه را بر عهده خودتون میذارم:)

TOKYO--Yep, it's Devil May Cry. Thanks to a bout of sprinting, we were one of the first few people to play Devil May Cry 4 here at TGS after the show floor opened this morning. While it's not an earth-shattering revolution in gaming, fans of Devil May Cry 3 will be pleased to know that the series's trademark stylish action is returning in an almost identical form, at least based on the impressions that the demo left us.
Graphically speaking, DMC4 is obviously a pretty game, albeit not overwhelmingly so. The demo we played was somewhat low on the wow factor for the most part, which was mostly due to the environment that we were playing in. The action started off in a garden initially and then shifted into some grungy warehouses before moving outdoors into a dock area. It's done well, but not jaw-droppingly so--at least, not at this point in development. There are still frame-rate issues that will likely be cleaned up in the future, though.
Nero himself will be instantly familiar to anyone who played as Dante in Devil May Cry 3 since he looks and is controlled in almost the exact same fashion. The square button shoots his gun (a large revolver in his case), triangle slashes his large sword, X jumps, and circle causes him to punch with his demon fist, which is attached to his arm at the elbow and glows red. The combination of his demon fist and sword makes him control somewhat as if you were using both the sword and Beowulf from DMC3 at the same time. No evidence of weapon-switching was apparent in the demo we played, although we're betting that any new weapons you get will only replace the triangle attack; the demon fist seems to be important enough to always be equipped.
With that said, we didn't see any evidence of styles or the devil trigger. The normal style button, circle, was bound to the demon-fist attack command, so that seems to be irreplaceable. The normal devil-trigger button doesn't cause any kind of transformation but instead causes Nero to gain a short burst of speed. We're betting that our demo was from fairly early in the game, based on all of these factors.
This isn't to say that combat was uninteresting. It is, instead, overwhelmingly familiar, enough so that all of our (admittedly meager) skills were instantly applicable when we started playing, since most of the move sets are apparently identical to DMC3. The normal sword attacks can be combo'd together to form some rapid slashes, while the familiar forward-plus-triangle dash is back and capable of hitting multiple opponents. Back plus triangle will, likewise, kick enemies in front of you up into the air, letting you jump up after them and start slashing them while in midflight.
Fans of outdated street slang will be pleased to know that your ability to quickly land a variety of blows without getting hit will again get you a rank, anywhere from D all the way up to (presumably) SSS. The higher you go, the more red orbs you get when you kill your foes. We managed to scope out a few of the titles you can earn, spotting "Come On," "Big Ups," "All That," and, after a furious bout of button mashing, "Slammin' Beat."
The demon fist acts quite like Beowulf attacks from DMC3, with the default combo hitting enemies up into the air a bit and then smashing them back down into the ground, causing the floor to fracture and staggering nearby opponents. In addition to that, you can perform what's known as a "snatch" on distant enemies, where the fist will quickly detach from your arm, grab opponents by the head, then teleport them back to your location, letting you beat on them at close range.
Speaking of enemies, the trademark bizarre opponents of Devil May Cry games of yore appear to be influencing the design of the enemies here. We only saw a couple of varieties of foes in our demo, both of which were patchwork-doll-like creations, seemingly made of many body parts stitched together with a number of blades attached to them. The difficulty of the fighting here wasn't overwhelming, despite the inability to switch styles or weapons, so perhaps the difficulty adjustments made to the Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition have been incorporated into the initial run of Devil May Cry 4.
Overall, the experience of playing the Devil May Cry 4 demo here at TGS is very similar to playing Devil May Cry 3, save for the graphical upgrades. We weren't particularly surprised by anything we encountered, although the game did show off a huge, flaming Balrog-like enemy that stepped out of a fiery portal before the demo timed out. Only time will tell what Capcom has up its sleeve for the full version of the game; we're sure that it hasn't revealed everything about the title here at TGS. For instance, one of the postcards that representatives from the company were handing out as you exited the game booth features Nero standing on a set of steps with someone who's wearing Dante's red-colored trench coat walking up the stairs beyond him. What role Dante himself has in Devil May Cry 4 is yet to be determined, so stay tuned to GameSpot for more details on the title as they become available.​

یکجور دیکش

TGS 2005: If the latest trailer is any indication, Dante, Capcom's white-haired demon hunter, is the same as he ever was. Although what we saw at TGS this year doesn't reveal very much about the latest installment in the DMC series, it did provide some relatively impressive eye candy. At its beginning, the trailer declares prominently that the franchise will remain exclusive to Sony consoles, stating "PS3 Only" across the screen. The first shot faces down an alleyway, showing Dante walking toward the camera. As he gets within reach, he kneels down and shakes the camera, attempting to fix the color. The camera goes from the initial monochrome through a few different hues before finally settling on full color. Dante seems to be content with this and begins to return down the alley, but he suddenly turns, and then, dragging his sword across the ground and creating an array of sparks with it, knocks it into the camera and sends it flying into the air.
The majority of the demo is from the perspective of the spinning camera, which rotates in the air and shows a quick pan of the surrounding alley, always returning to Dante, the scene's central figure. In classic Dante fashion, he has jumped up into the air to properly attack the airbound object, while switching between his sword and gun for maneuvers. Each time the camera faces Dante, he performs a different attack, showing that he is going to have, if nothing else, an extremely diverse move list. The demo ends when the camera lands on the ground of the alley and breaks, eventually fading out into snow. Although brief, the glimpse we saw of the game was certainly tantalizing, and we look forward to getting more information on this game as Capcom provides it.​


During Sony's press conference before the 2005 Electronic Entertainment Expo, the company revealed a cavalcade of new titles for its newly announced PlayStation 3 console. Among the lineup was Devil May Cry 4, the next installment in Capcom's influential action adventure series, whose main character, Dante, is a half-demon, half-swordmaster/gunslinger. The mere fact that a new DMC sequel was announced for next-generation platforms is exciting news in itself for fans of this popular series. And that's good, because the short video shown at the mind-bogglingly insane Sony press conference was both brief and not all that special.

The DMC 4 trailer mostly consisted of footage from the previous titles in the series, briefly showing how the look and feel of Devil May Cry evolved over the years. Quick black-and-white clips of characters and action sequences are interspersed with some Gothic-sounding melodrama:
"We are born... The innocent suffer... Legends are made... Evil is punished..."
Yeah, OK, but how about some gameplay footage or something? Anyway, the trailer shows Dante from the early titles, as well as quick cuts of DMC3's Lady (a female demon hunter) and Virgil (Dante's stern and sinister twin brother).
Finally, the footage goes to color and basically just shows an eerie-looking castle and then Dante performing a quick sashay, twirling his sword and guns. This is the first sign of what Dante will probably look like in the first PlayStation 3 installment of the series, and you can see it for yourself in the trailer we have on offer. The Devil May Cry 4 title screen shows up afterwards. We want to see more, and we'll bring you more information as soon as we do.​

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