بحث و تبادل نظر در مورد سری Dead Space

بهترین قسمت سری Dead Space از نظر شما کدام است؟

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خب صحنش به شدت حال به هم زن بود منم از ترس این که اشتباهی بزنم تو چشم حضرت ایزاک جرات نکردم برمش حالا احتمالا تا چند وقت دیگه نسخه ایکس باکس وان رو برای بکوارد بخرم دوباره برمش
خب صحنش به شدت حال به هم زن بود منم از ترس این که اشتباهی بزنم تو چشم حضرت ایزاک جرات نکردم برمش حالا احتمالا تا چند وقت دیگه نسخه ایکس باکس وان رو برای بکوارد بخرم دوباره برمش
اگر گیم پس داری هر 3 قسمت موجود هست
اگر گیم پس داری هر 3 قسمت موجود هست
نه گیم پس ندارم ولی خیلی تخفیف میخورن احتمال زیاد تو تخفیف بخرمشون ولی بازم بعید میدونم برم بازیا رو چون نه وقتشون رو دارم نه دیگه اعصاب این جور بازیا رو دارم
نه گیم پس ندارم ولی خیلی تخفیف میخورن احتمال زیاد تو تخفیف بخرمشون ولی بازم بعید میدونم برم بازیا رو چون نه وقتشون رو دارم نه دیگه اعصاب این جور بازیا رو دارم

با این عکس ها شاید انگیزه بگیری



Dead Space - An Iconic Sci-Fi Horror Classic-1​

The original Dead Space came out in 2008, and its immersive HUD and terrifying Necromorph enemies etched the game into our minds. In the years since its release, Dead Space has spawned a series, culminating in an upcoming remake for next-gen consoles.

Instead of playing as a battle-hardened soldier, you play Isaac Clarke, an engineer who's trapped on the space station, Ishimura. Isaac's status as an everyman is a big part of Dead Space's appeal, forcing you to wonder what you might do if you were trapped on a derelict space station with undead enemies swarming around you.



The Lurkers are downright scary and off-putting, killing anything and anyone in their path in order to assimilate them into themselves. The Lurker-type Necromorph is able to use three tentacle-like appendages that grow out of their backs, the result of being fused with certain humans. With these tentacles, they can attack in close and long-range. If you encounter them in a group, be prepared for a harrowing fight.


5. Hunter – Dead Space​

Speaking of weird monsters: Dead Space and the Necromorphs. The last spot was a toss up between the Ubermorph and the Hunter, both regenerator type necromorphs. However, due to the earlier appearance and more humanoid design, I went with the hunter. The design is fleshier and unnerving, especially as it was previously a human being, which adds to a body horror angle that makes the necromorphs so horrifying.


3. Dead Space​

Platform: PlayStation3 • Xbox 360 • PC
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: EA Redwood Shores
Release: 2008

Movies like Alien and Event Horizon established just how scary outer space can be, and Dead Space followed suit with an interactive variation on the theme. Isaac Clarke is no space marine or superhero. Instead, he has to make do with his skills as a ship engineer with a simple cutting laser when the starship he boards turns out to be infested with reanimated horrors called necromorphs. Immaculate pacing and a sense that you’re never truly safe help Dead Space establish an atmosphere of dread. Make a mistake, and Isaac’s often gruesome death scenes are enough to fuel nightmares. Lonely, dark corridors and scary sound design carry players the rest of the way through this trip into terror, and make Dead Space the definitive outer space-horror experience.

The Top 25 Horror Games Of All Time

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