robb stark
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اطلاعات جدید از اپدیت 2:
. PS4 SharePlay Feature New Details:
- You can be in a Party with 8 people, but Share Play can be done only with one of them at the same time. The rest of the Party won’t be able to see the screen, but will still be able to chat with host and guest.
- When the host is visualizing any other screen than the game being shared, the guest is shown a “stand by” screen.
- The Share Play time is limited to one hour, and the remaining time is visualized in the Party screen, but you can start a new session immediately after the one before expires.
- Certain games may have scenes that cannot be displayed during Share Play.
- While you use Share Play, livestreaming and remote play are not available.
- The guest cannot save video clips and screenshots during share play.
PS4 USB Media Player:
- It’s not possible to copy music files from USB to the internal hard disk of the PS4.
- The tile of the USB music player will be shown exclusively if the connected USB storage has a “Music” folder. Also, it cannot be used at the same time as Music Unlimited.
- Tracks played by the music player won’t be heard while livestreaming and in videos recorded by the PS4.