بازی های که در پاییز 2008 منتشر می شوند

این بازی هایی هست که تا 40 روز دیگه عرضه میشه .همش برای PC هست

این پست رو قبلا داخل سایت تکین گزاشتم دوستان عزیز

1-Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway

این بازی عرضه شد

2- Army Men: Soldiers of Misfortune

3 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشه

3- Galactic Civilizations II: Endless Universe

3 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشه

4-Sacred 2: Fallen Angel

این بازی محبوب هم فقط 3 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشه


این بازی هم 3 روز دیگه مونده

6-Silent Hill 5 : Homecoming

اگر تاخیر نخوره 3 روز دیگه مونده

7-Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy

9 روز دیگه مونده

8-Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

16 روز دیگه مونده

9-Saints Row 2

17 روز دیگه عرضه می شود

10-FIFA 09

17 روز دیگه باید صبر کرد
11-Rise of the Argonauts

17 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشود

12-Deer Hunter Tournament

17 روز دیگه مانده تا عرضه بشود

13-NHL 09
23 روز دیگه مانده تا عرضه بشود

14-Far Cry 2

24 روز تا این عنوان بزرگ فاصله دارید

15-Dead Space

این بازی هم 24 روز دیگه مونده

16-Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

24 روز دیگه مییاد

17-MotoGP 08
31 روز دیگر

18-Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

31 روز دیگر

31 روز دیگه مییاد

20-Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger

31 روز دیگه مونده تا بیاد
21-Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria

37 روز دیگه مییاد

22-Lord Of The Rings: Conquest

38 روز دیگه

23-James Bond : Quantum of Solace

38 روز دیگه

24-Tom Clancy’s EndWar

38 روز دیگه

25-Legendary: The Box

38 روز دیگه

26-Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa

38 روز دیگه

27-Rogue Warrior

44 روز دیگه

28-Mirror's Edge

45 روز دیگه

29-Call of Duty: World at War

45 روز دیگه میاد

امیدوارم خوشتنون اومده باشه
تاریخ امروز 5 شنبه 4 مهر
تاریخ این پست رو نگاه کنید حتما خیلی مهمه روز جمعخ 5 مهر
1-Lego batman

این بازی که امروز عرضه شده و امتیاز 8.8 گرفته

2-Brothers In Arms Hell's Highway

این بازی هم که عرضه شده و شما می توانید از فروشگاه تکین بخرید(نسخه ایکس باکس 360)

3-Warhammer: Mark of Chaos

4-Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise

فروش خیلی خوبی داشته تا الان و نمره 8.3 گرفته

5-NHL 09

خودم خیلی منتظرش بودم نمره اش هم 8.6 گرفته عرضه شده

6-Rock Band 2

این بازی هم که عرضه شده و نمره اش هم 9.2 هست!!

7- Duke Nukem 3D
هم اکنون در ایکس باکس لایو می باشد

8-Silent Hill 5 : Homecoming

بی صبرانه منتظرش هستم فقط 5 روز دیگه مونده

9-Mega Man 9

یک بازی بچه گونه که 6 روز دیگه عرضه میشه

10 - Crash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant

12 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشه!

یک اکشن حسابی که 12 روز دیگه عرضه میشه

12-FIFA 09

19 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشه

13 - NBA LIVE 09

12 روز دیه مونده تا این بازی عرضه شود

14-Golden Axe: Beast Rider

ادامه بازی های تبر طلایی بر روی سگا .19 روز دیگه ماند تا بازی عرضه شود

15-Dead Space

بازی ترسناک و زیبایی که در پیش داریم بازی بسیار قشنگ و هیجانی هست .هیچ کس نباید این بازی رو از دست بدهد.19 روز دیگه تار عرضه بازی مانده

16-Rise of the Argonauts

یک بازی جذاب و دیدنی حتما بازی کنید.19 روز دیگه مونده

17 - Legendary: The Box

یک بازی اکشن اول شخص با داستانی زیبا-26 روز دیگه تا عرضه مونده

18-Saints Row 2

نیازی به معرفی ندارد.رقیب جدید GTA IV .19 روز دیگه مونده

19-Fable 2

بازی انحصاری xbox 360 که سبکش RPG هست.26 روز دیگه عرضه می شود

20-Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

26 روز دیگه تا عرضه بازی مانده
21-Far Cry 2

همه منتظر این بازی اکشن اول شخص هستند.26 روز باید صبر کنید

22-Guitar Hero World Tour

سری جدید این بازی که 31 روز دیگه عرضه می شود

23- Pro Evolution Soccer 2009

33 روز دیگه باید صبر کنید

24 - Raven Squad: Operation Hidden Dagger

اطلاعات زیادی از این بازی ندارم.33 روز دیگه مییاد

25-Fallout 3

نیاز به تعریف ندارد.33 روز دیگه منتظر میشه

26-To End All Wars

36 روز دیگه مییاد

27-MotoGP 08
باید به فکر یک ایکس باکس باشید بازی های زیر رو ببینید و حال کنید


36 روز دیگه مونده

29-Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon

39 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشود

30-Tom Clancy’s EndWar

بازی استراتیژیک جدید40 روزه دیگه صبر کنید

31 - Lord Of The Rings: Conquest

40 روز دیگه مونده تا عرضه بشود

32-Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

استراتیژیک 47 روزه دیگه مییاد

33-Gears of War 2

بازی انحصاری که 43 روز دیگه مییاد

34-WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009

45 روز دیگه مییاد

دوستان باید به فکر یک کنسول باشند امیدوارم خوشتون اوممده باشه باز هم می گم تاریخ پست رو نگاه کنید
New Releases

این بازیا مال تا 5 روز قبله:
Poker For Dummies PC Simulation 10/01/2008
Silent Hill: Homecoming 360 Action 09/30/2008
Pole Position: Remix MB Action 09/30/2008
Pipe Mania NDS Classics/Puzzles 09/30/2008
Princess Debut NDS Adventure 09/30/2008
Unsolved Crimes NDS Simulation 09/30/2008
Pipe Mania PC Classics/Puzzles 09/30/2008
Silent Hill: Homecoming PC Action 09/30/2008
The Guild 2: Venezia PC Simulation 09/30/2008
Mortal Kombat: Kollection PS2 Action 09/30/2008
Pipe Mania PS2 Classics/Puzzles 09/30/2008
Silent Hill: Homecoming PS3 Action 09/30/2008
Pipe Mania PSP Classics/Puzzles 09/30/2008
We Cheer WII Sports 09/30/2008
Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos MB Action 09/29/2008
Combat Mission Shock Force - Marines PC Strategy 09/29/2008
Commander: Napoleon At War PC Strategy 09/29/2008
Art Style: ORBIENT WII Classics/Puzzles 09/29/2008
Bomberman Blast WII Action 09/29/2008
Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility WII Strategy 09/29/2008
Super Turrican 2 WII Action 09/29/2008
و این هم ریلیز های مربوط به چند روز تا چند ماه دیگست البته من نمی خواستم آجر بقیه دوستان رو خراب کنم ولی هر چی میدونستم نوشتم:
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?: Make the Grade PC Classics/Puzzles 09/09/2008
Guild 2: Venice PC Strategy 09/29/2008
Lego Racers PC Action Q3 2008
SAS: Secure Tomorrow PC Action 09/30/2008
Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood NDS Role-Playing 09/30/2008
Sniper: Art of Victory PC Simulation 09/30/2008
Rage Hard PC Action Q3 2008
TNA Wrestling MB Action Q3 2008
Zu Online PC Role-Playing Q3 2008
Simon the Sorcerer 4: Chaos Happens PC Adventure Q3 2008
POP CUTIE! Street Fashion Simulation NDS Simulation Gone Gold
Zombie Wranglers 360 Action Q3 2008
THE SWARM PC Action Q3 2008
X3: Terran Conflict PC Strategy Q3 2008
WorldShift PC Strategy Q3 2008
Little Home on the Hill PC Simulation 10/01/2008
Legends of Norrath Ethernauts PC Strategy 10/01/2008
SwitchBlade PRO PC PC 10/01/2008
I Heart Geeks! NDS Classics/Puzzles 10/01/2008
Lost Secrets Bermuda Triangle PC Adventure 10/01/2008
Pet Pals: New Leash on Life PC Simulation 10/01/2008
Soldner-X: Himmelssturmer PS3 Action 10/01/2008
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?: Make the Grade 360 Classics/Puzzles 10/01/2008
Brain Training For Dummies PC Classics/Puzzles 10/01/2008
Mega Man 9 360 Action 10/01/2008
Zaxxon MB Action 10/01/2008
Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek WII Adventure 10/01/2008
Valhalla Knights 2 PSP Action Gone Gold
C.O.R.E NDS Action 10/01/2008
Brave: Shaman's Challenge NDS Classics/Puzzles 10/03/2008
Virtual Skipper 5 PC Simulation 10/03/2008
The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft PC Adventure 10/03/2008
Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy PC Adventure 10/06/2008
Game Party 2 WII Simulation 10/06/2008
Line Rider 2: Unbound WII Classics/Puzzles 10/06/2008
MONOPOLY 360 Strategy 10/06/2008
MONOPOLY PS2 Strategy 10/06/2008
MONOPOLY WII Strategy 10/06/2008
Imagine Fashion Designer New York NDS Simulation 10/07/2008
The DOG Island PS2 Action 10/07/2008
Fracture 360 Action 10/07/2008
NBA Live 09 360 Sports 10/07/2008
Disney Sing It PS2 Music 10/07/2008
Disney Sing It PS3 Music 10/07/2008
Fallout 3 Collector's Edition 360 Action 10/07/2008
Fracture PS3 Action 10/07/2008
Crash: Invasion of the Bandicoot Snatchers PSP Action 10/07/2008
Crash: Invasion of the Bandicoot Snatchers PS2 Action 10/07/2008
Crash: Invasion of the Bandicoot Snatchers NDS Action 10/07/2008
Crash: Invasion of the Bandicoot Snatchers 360 Action 10/07/2008
NBA Live 09 PS3 Sports 10/07/2008
The Legend of Spyro™: Dawn of the Dragon NDS Action 10/07/2008
Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant WII Action 10/07/2008
Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant PSP Action 10/07/2008
Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant 360 Action 10/07/2008
Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant PS2 Action 10/07/2008
Crash: Invasion of the Bandicoot Snatchers WII Action 10/07/2008
Midnight Club: Los Angeles 360 Action 10/07/2008
Disney Sing It WII Music 10/07/2008
NBA 09 PS2 Sports 10/07/2008
Exit NDS Action 10/07/2008
Everlight PC Action 10/07/2008
Ten Pin Alley 2 WII Sports 10/07/2008
Guilty Gear 2: Overture 360 Action 10/07/2008
NBA 09: The Inside PSP Sports 10/07/2008
The Legend of Kage 2 NDS Action 10/07/2008
Exit DS NDS Action 10/07/2008
Disney Sing It 360 Music 10/07/2008
Spectrobes: Beyond The Portals NDS Action 10/07/2008
NBA 09: The Inside PS3 Sports 10/07/2008
Crash Bandicoot: Mind over Mutant NDS Action 10/07/2008
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon 360 Action 10/07/2008
NBA Live 09 All-Play WII Sports 10/07/2008
NBA Live 09 PSP Sports 10/07/2008
NBA Live 09 PS2 Sports 10/07/2008
NBA 2K9 360 Sports 10/07/2008
NBA 2K9 PS3 Sports 10/07/2008
NBA 2K9 PS2 Sports 10/07/2008
Brothers in Arms Hell’s Highway PC Action 10/07/2008
Can You See What I See PC Classics/Puzzles 10/07/2008
BLEACH: Dark Souls NDS Action 10/07/2008
Midnight Club: Los Angeles PS3 Action 10/07/2008
Fallout 3 Collector's Edition PS3 Action 10/07/2008
Fallout 3 Collector's Edition PC Action 10/07/2008
Nitrobike PS2 Sports 10/07/2008
Midnight Club: LA Remix PSP Sports 10/07/2008
Sam & Max : Season 1 WII Adventure 10/07/2008
Imagine Babysitters NDS Simulation 10/07/2008
OPERATION Mania PC Classics/Puzzles 10/08/2008
Sword of the Stars: A Murder of Crows PC Strategy Gone Gold
NHL 09 PS2 Sports 10/09/2008
Death Track: Resurrection PC Action 10/10/2008
Bratz: Girls Really Rock NDS Action 10/10/2008
Bratz: Girls Really Rock PS2 Action 10/10/2008
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith PC Music 10/13/2008
Bratz: Girls Really Rock WII Action 10/13/2008
Blitz: The League II PS3 Sports 10/13/2008
Blitz: The League II 360 Sports 10/13/2008
FIFA Soccer 09 NDS Sports 10/14/2008
Rock Revolution NDS Simulation 10/14/2008
FIFA Soccer 09 PS3 Sports 10/14/2008
FIFA Soccer 09 PSP Sports 10/14/2008
Left 4 Dead PC Action 10/14/2008
Jeep Thrills WII Sports 10/14/2008
Littlest Pet Shop NDS Simulation 10/14/2008
Littlest Pet Shop WII Simulation 10/14/2008
PS3 Bluetooth Headset PS3 Console 10/14/2008
Ghostbusters The Video Game PC Action 10/14/2008
Ghostbusters The Video Game NDS Action 10/14/2008
Rise of the Argonauts 360 Role-Playing 10/14/2008
Littlest Pet Shop PC Simulation 10/14/2008
Dokapon Kingdom PS2 Role-Playing 10/14/2008
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3 Action 10/14/2008
Rock Revolution 360 Simulation 10/14/2008
EA SPORTS™ FIFA Online 2 PC Sports 10/14/2008
Battle of Giants: Dinosaurs NDS Action 10/14/2008
Baja 1000 PS2 Sports 10/14/2008
Baja 1000 360 Sports 10/14/2008
Goosebumps HorrorLand WII Adventure 10/14/2008
Goosebumps HorrorLand NDS Adventure 10/14/2008
Goosebumps HorrorLand PS2 Adventure 10/14/2008
Hello Kitty: Big City Dreams NDS Adventure 10/14/2008
Baja 1000 WII Sports 10/14/2008
Baja 1000 PS3 Sports 10/14/2008
SCORE International Baja 1000 WII Sports 10/14/2008
SCORE International Baja 1000 PS2 Sports 10/14/2008
SCORE International Baja 1000 PS3 Sports 10/14/2008
SCORE International Baja 1000 PC Sports 10/14/2008
SCORE International Baja 1000 360 Sports 10/14/2008
Dokapon Kingdom WII Role-Playing 10/14/2008
Golden Axe: Beast Rider PS3 Adventure 10/14/2008
Golden Axe: Beast Rider 360 Adventure 10/14/2008
Rock Revolution WII Simulation 10/14/2008
Rock Revolution PS3 Simulation 10/14/2008
Saints Row 2 Collectors Edition 360 Action 10/14/2008
Ninjatown NDS Action 10/14/2008
NARUTO: Path of the Ninja 2 NDS Action Gone Gold
Saint's Row 2 PS3 Action 10/14/2008
Dead Space PS3 Action 10/14/2008
Dead Space 360 Action 10/14/2008
Saint's Row 2 360 Action 10/14/2008
Populous NDS Action 10/14/2008
FIFA Soccer 09 PC Sports 10/14/2008
Boogie SuperStar WII Action 10/14/2008
FIFA Soccer 09 360 Sports 10/14/2008
Deer Hunter Tournament PC Sports 10/14/2008
Deer Hunter Tournament 360 Sports 10/14/2008
Rise of the Argonauts PC Role-Playing 10/14/2008
Saints Row 2 PC Action 10/14/2008
Rise of the Argonauts PS3 Role-Playing 10/14/2008
FIFA Soccer 09 All-Play WII Sports 10/14/2008
FIFA Soccer 09 PS2 Sports 10/14/2008
Europa Universalis III: Complete PC Strategy 10/15/2008
Flower, Sun and Rain NDS Action 10/15/2008
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches PC Adventure 10/15/2008
Tom Clancy's End War NDS Strategy 10/15/2008
Age of Booty 360 Strategy 10/15/2008
Kidz Sports: Crazy Mini Golf WII Sports Gone Gold
Zenses Rainforest NDS Action 10/16/2008
Zenses Ocean NDS Action 10/16/2008
Age of Booty PS3 Strategy 10/16/2008
WWII Battle Tanks: T-34 vs. Tiger PC Simulation 10/17/2008
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PS3 Sports 10/17/2008
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PSP Sports 10/17/2008
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 360 Sports 10/17/2008
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PC Sports 10/17/2008
Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 PS2 Sports 10/17/2008
Rock Band 2 PS3 Music 10/19/2008
Dead Space PC Action 10/20/2008
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?: Make the Grade WII Classics/Puzzles 10/20/2008
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?: Make the Grade PS2 Classics/Puzzles 10/20/2008
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?: Make the Grade NDS Classics/Puzzles 10/20/2008
Wii Music WII Music 10/20/2008
All Star Cheer Squad NDS Simulation 10/20/2008
Carnival Games: Mini-Golf WII Sports 10/20/2008
All Star Cheer Squad WII Simulation 10/20/2008
NHL 09 PC Sports 10/20/2008
Zoo Vet: Endangered Animals NDS Simulation 10/20/2008
Master of the Monster Lair NDS Role-Playing 10/21/2008
AWAY Shuffle Dungeon NDS Role-Playing 10/21/2008
Garfield Gets Real WII Action 10/21/2008
Backyard Football 2009 PC Sports 10/21/2008
Pet Pals: Animal Doctor WII Simulation 10/21/2008
HEI$T PC Action 10/21/2008
EverQuest: Seeds of Destruction PC Role-Playing 10/21/2008
What’s Cooking? with Jamie Oliver NDS Simulation 10/21/2008
LittleBigPlanet PS3 Simulation Gone Gold
Rune Factory 2: A Fantasy Harvest Moon NDS Role-Playing 10/21/2008
King of Fighters Orochi Saga WII Sports 10/21/2008
King of Fighters Orochi Saga PSP Sports 10/21/2008
Ghostbusters The Video Game WII Action 10/21/2008
Ghostbusters The Video Game 360 Action 10/21/2008
Fable 2 Limited Edition 360 Role-Playing 10/21/2008
Garfield Gets Real NDS Action 10/21/2008
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows PC Action 10/21/2008
Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine WII Simulation 10/21/2008
King of Fighters Orochi Saga PS2 Sports 10/21/2008
STAR OCEAN 1: First Departure PSP Adventure 10/21/2008
Legendary PS3 Action 10/21/2008
Fable 2 360 Action 10/21/2008
Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell NDS Simulation 10/21/2008
Tumblebugs 2 PC Action 10/21/2008
Ener-G Horse Riders NDS Sports 10/21/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year NDS Action 10/21/2008
Ghostbusters The Video Game PS2 Action 10/21/2008
Ghostbusters The Video Game PS3 Action 10/21/2008
NARUTO: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 WII Action 10/21/2008
Dancing with the Stars: Get Your Dance On WII Simulation 10/21/2008
DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE 3 360 Music 10/21/2008
Transformers Animated NDS Action 10/21/2008
Far Cry 2 PC Action 10/21/2008
Backyard Football 2009 PS2 Sports 10/21/2008
Eternal Sonata PS3 Role-Playing 10/21/2008
Tornado NDS Action 10/21/2008
My Secret Diary NDS Simulation 10/21/2008
My Dress-Up NDS Simulation 10/21/2008
My Make-Up NDS Simulation 10/21/2008
BioShock PS3 Action Gone Gold
Raven Squad: Hidden Dagger PC Strategy 10/21/2008
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows WII Action 10/21/2008
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows PSP Action 10/21/2008
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows 360 Action 10/21/2008
Iron Chef America: Supreme Cuisine NDS Simulation 10/21/2008
HEI$T PS3 Action 10/21/2008
HEI$T 360 Action 10/21/2008
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia NDS Action 10/21/2008
Backyard Football 2009 WII Sports 10/21/2008
Backyard Football 2009 NDS Sports 10/21/2008
Raven Squad Hidden Dagger 360 Strategy 10/21/2008
Far Cry 2 PS3 Action 10/21/2008
Far Cry 2 360 Action 10/21/2008
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows PS2 Action 10/21/2008
Ener-G Gym Rockets NDS Sports 10/21/2008
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows NDS Action 10/21/2008
Ener-G Dance Squad NDS Sports 10/21/2008
Petz Rescue Wildlife Vet NDS Simulation 10/21/2008
Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun WII Simulation 10/22/2008
Mechanic Master NDS Classics/Puzzles 10/24/2008
Guitar Hero World Tour 360 Music 10/26/2008
Guitar Hero World Tour WII Music 10/26/2008
Guitar Hero World Tour PS2 Music 10/26/2008
Guitar Hero World Tour PS3 Music 10/26/2008
Go, Diego, Go!: Great Dinosaur Rescue WII Adventure 10/27/2008
MySims Kingdom NDS Simulation 10/27/2008
MySims Kingdom WII Simulation 10/27/2008
Go, Diego, Go!: Great Dinosaur Rescue PS2 Adventure 10/27/2008
Go Diego Go: Great Dinosaur Rescue NDS Adventure 10/27/2008
Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess NDS Adventure 10/27/2008
Dora the Explorer: Dora Saves the Snow Princess WII Adventure 10/27/2008
The Wonder Pets!: Save the Animals! NDS Simulation 10/27/2008
Petz Rescue Wildlife Vet WII Simulation 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE! 360 Simulation 10/28/2008
Petz Rescue Ocean Patrol NDS Simulation 10/28/2008
Bella Sara PC Adventure 10/28/2008
Fallout 3 PC Role-Playing 10/28/2008
Professional Bull Riders PS2 Simulation 10/28/2008
MySims PC Simulation 10/28/2008
Animal Boxing NDS Action 10/28/2008
Neverland Card Battles PSP Strategy 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE with Mat PS2 Action 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE with Mat 360 Action 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE PC Simulation 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE NDS Simulation 10/28/2008
Dancing with Stars: Get Your Dance On NDS Simulation 10/28/2008
futureU - The SAT Prep Game NDS Simulation 10/28/2008
MotoGP 08 PS3 Action 10/28/2008
MotoGP 08 PC Action 10/28/2008
Six Flags Fun Park WII Simulation 10/28/2008
Six Flags Fun Park PS2 Simulation 10/28/2008
Fallout 3 Survival Edition PC Action 10/28/2008
Fallout 3 Survival Edition 360 Action 10/28/2008
Imagine Party Babyz NDS Simulation 10/28/2008
My Baby Girl NDS Simulation 10/28/2008
My Baby Boy NDS Simulation 10/28/2008
MotoGP 08 WII Action 10/28/2008
BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE The Game WII Action 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE! WII Simulation 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE! PS3 Simulation 10/28/2008
Monster Jam: Urban Assault NDS Action 10/28/2008
Robocalypse NDS Strategy 10/28/2008
BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE The Game PS2 Action 10/28/2008
BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE The Game PSP Action 10/28/2008
SingStar Country PS2 Music 10/28/2008
Bella Sara NDS Adventure 10/28/2008
Fallout 3 Survival Edition PS3 Action 10/28/2008
High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE! PS2 Simulation 10/28/2008
Fallout 3 360 Role-Playing 10/28/2008
MotoGP 08 PS2 Action 10/28/2008
A Witch's Tale NDS Role-Playing 10/28/2008
MotorStorm Pacific Rift PS3 Sports 10/28/2008
Monster Jam: Urban Assault PS2 Action 10/28/2008
Monster Jam: Urban Assault PSP Action 10/28/2008
SingStar Vol 2 PS3 Music 10/28/2008
Professional Bull Riders: Out of the Chute WII Simulation 10/28/2008
HIGHLANDER PS3 Action 10/28/2008
HIGHLANDER 360 Action 10/28/2008
SPRay WII Adventure 10/28/2008
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PE PC Simulation 10/28/2008
MotoGP 08 360 Action 10/28/2008
The Legend of Spyro™: Dawn of the Dragon WII Action 10/28/2008
The Legend of Spyro™: Dawn of the Dragon PS3 Action 10/28/2008
The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon PS2 Action 10/28/2008
BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE The Game NDS Action 10/28/2008
Monster Jam: Urban Assault WII Action 10/28/2008
Fallout 3 PS3 Role-Playing 10/28/2008
Brave: A Warrior's Tale WII Action 10/30/2008
Legendary PC Action 10/30/2008
Legendary 360 Action 10/30/2008
Bionic Commando 360 Action 10/31/2008
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows PS3 Action 10/31/2008
GAUNTLET NDS Role-Playing 10/31/2008
A Vampyre Story PC Adventure 10/31/2008
Bionic Commando PC Action 10/31/2008
Dungeon Maker NDS Simulation 10/31/2008
و همونطور که دوست عزیزم میبینه تاریخ ریلیز Guitar Hero هم زدم:10/26/2008
امر دیگه
آخرین ویرایش:

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن