امتیاز بازی Call of Duty : Black Ops III

hosein me

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امتیازات در پست اول قرار خواهد گرفت

متا بازی تا بدین لحظه 84

Gamers' Temple:95
Digital Chumps:92
Hobby Consolas:91
Hardcore Gamer:90
IGN Spain:90
We Got This Covered:90
God is a Geek:90
PlayStation LifeStyle:90
Attack of the Fanboy:90....................نقد نسخه PC
Game Informer:90
Vandal Online:87
Xbox Achievements:80

Giant Bomb:60

ابدیت :ظاهرا متاسفانه نسخه PCبازی دارای مشکل مصرف بیش از حد VRam بوده :|

آخرین ویرایش:
COD یا اساسین و از این دست بازیهای تکراری فقط در صورت پایرت ارزش داره بازیشون کنی وگرنه یه پول سیاه نمی ارزن(البته اونایی که عشق بخش آنلاینن زیاد فرقی براشون نداره بخش کمپین عناوینی مثل COD چی باشه).چار پن نمره بالا پایین توفیقی نداره همون بنچلی که بودن هستن
GamesBeat: 9.2/10
Call of Duty: Black Ops III is a big step forward on multiplayer play, the quality of the single-player story, the imaginative story paths, and the outstanding quality of the wide-open landscapes, and the wide variety of enemies. I suspect that Activision has a very good chance of restoring the series to record levels in comparison to the last couple of years.
SpazioGames: 8.5/10
It has a gigantic amount of content. It doesn’t matter if you usually buy CoD for its multiplayer or single-player campaign, you will have a lot to play, and we mean A LOT. The fast-paced gameplay is also still there, with a bunch of new mechanics that help keeping the experience fresh. Technically it’s starting to show some wrinkles, and the storyline could be better, but among arcade shooters this is still the top of the line. Now let’s see where the series goes from here.

Post Arcade (National Post): 7.5/10
Call of Duty: Black Ops III isn’t the best game in the series by any stretch, but it provides some safe and familiar shooting action and plenty of bang for your buck. So long as you aren’t a franchise hater, you’re probably not going to go wrong.
The Jimquisition: 5/10
If you’d like to play a limp amalgamation of Deus Ex, Crysis, and BioShock with a multiplayer mode you’ve been able to play eight times in as many years, then Call of Duty: Black Ops III is definitely for you. For the rest of you, it’s just another condom of a game to be spunked into and thrown in the trash.

نمره 9.2 ـه IGN و Gamesbeat اومد کلی روی متا تاثیر بزاره که این دو تا سایت پایینی اومدن خرابش کردن متا اومد 84 :دی ضعیف ترین نمره هم تا الان فقط همین 5 بالا بوده.
اینا باید برن یک جنگ جهانی بسازن انگار دیگه متای 90 به بالا برای cod ارزو شده
از ربات بکشن بیرون تلخی جنگ جهانی از یک زاویه دیگه نشون بدن ، :d از جنگیدن با ربات زده شدیم:(

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