امتیازهای Batman: Arkham City

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مدیر انجمن
اولین امتیاز از Official Playstation Magazine استرالیا :

"Batman: Arkham City is not only the best superhero game ever made, it's one of
the best games ever made full-stop
. It takes the already superlative original
and gloriously expands on it. It's a deeper game, more complex, more inventive,
more mature. It brings the caped crusader's world to life better than any comic,
movie or television show before it."

"Presentation: Endlessly creative,
perfectly moody, and technically flawless. This is Epic's Unreal engine pushed
to its absolute limit."

"Sound: Alternatively foreboding and frantic, the
game's orchestral soundtrack matches the on-sccreen action perfectly. Voice
acting is brilliant."

"Controls: Complex and initially overwhelming but
also logical and responsive. It'll take a while to get used to them, but once
you do it feels perfectly natural flinging Batman around."

"Replay Value:
Immense. A massive main quest, dozens of side missions, Riddler challenges,
secondary game modes, and DLC will keep most people occupied for

"VERDICT: We can't imagine how a superhero game could be better
than this. Absolutely sublime."

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یه نگاهی به نمرات ِ این سایت ِ خوشحال بندازید ، واقعا جالبه که هر چی نمره داده 8 بوده !

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واقعا مسخرست ! نظارتی نیست روی این سایتها ؟ همین جوری دله ای نمره میدن ؟! یعنی هر چی بازی شاخ توی این چند ماه اومده ارزششون دقیقا همین 8 بوده ؟! لااقل یکی رو مثه گیم شارک 67 میدادن آدم میگفت یه بررسی خوشک و خالی انجام دادن ... فوق العاده مسخرست

از همین الان واسه U3 هم یه 8 رزرو کرده !:|
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