سازنده: Visual Concepts
سبک: اسپرت، کامبت، رسلینگ
ناشر: Take-Two Interactive
تاریخ انتشار: 08-03-2022 (سه شنبه 17 اسفند 1400)
پلتفرم ها: PS5 - PS4 - XBOX SERIES - XBOX ONE - PC
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با احترام مخالفم نظر شما هستم اتفاقا از قدیم بازی های wwe بسیار سرگرم کننده بودن واسه کسایی که به pro wrestling علاقه داشتناین ورزش (؟) در واقعیت خودش یه چیز آرکید طوریه. چه طوری اینا به سمت آرکیدتر شدن رفتن و در عین حال حس واقعی بودن رو به بازیکن میدن؟
من یه شماره خیلی قدیمی رو روی PS3 رفتم که خوشم نیومد.
فکر نمیکنم بشه از WWE بازی خوب درآورد.
پرایس باگ به ما هم یاد میدادی (برای بخش کامیونیتی که باید آنلاین باشی خیلی خوبه ... قشنگ تمام سوپر استار های بقیه کمپانی ها و کسایی که رفتن رو هم آدمای خوش ذوق با اسکن از روی صورت میسازن خیلی حال میده)من بعد از ۱۰ ۱۱ سال عدم بازی این سری و همچنین عدم دنبال کردن WWE این نسخه رو روی پی سی بازی کردم (به لطف پرایس باگ استیم ) و لذت بردم ازش. کلی از سوپراستارهایی که اون موقع دوسشون داشتم هم توش هست و خوشحال شدم بخش شوکیس مال ری مستریو هست. محتوای بازی هم مثل اینکه خیلی زیاد هست.
فقط این که Entranceها و انیمیشنهای وسط مچ (وقتی میخاد یه فن رو با دوربین سینمایی نشون بده) روی ۳۰ فریم لاک شدن ولی خود بازی ۶۰ فریمه. این مشکل روی کنسولهای نسل بعدی هم هست یا کمکاری 2K فقط روی پی سی بوده؟
اگه امکان تجربه ش رو دارید این نسخه واقعا عالی شده، من تا الان شو کیس ری مستریو رو تموم کردم و همیشه از سال ها پیش آرزوم این بود ری مستریو رو هر مسابقه با لباس های متفاوت ببینم که این نسخه قشنگ 15 تا لباس به ری مستریو اضافه میشه به خاطر سیستم کمبو و ترکیب کردن دکمه ها خیلی از صحنه های جدید و سریع خلق میشه که قبلا امکان پیاده کردن این فن ها نبود و به همون اندازه حرکات بدل هم هست که خیلی لذت بخش میشه تجربه هر بار بازی کردن و ارزش تکرار رو میبره بالا.با احترام مخالفم نظر شما هستم اتفاقا از قدیم بازی های wwe بسیار سرگرم کننده بودن واسه کسایی که به pro wrestling علاقه داشتن
من و یکی از اقوام که با عشق کشتی کج رو دنبال می کردیم از زمان سگا و ps1 تا الان کلی با بازی های wwe لذت بردیم و زندگی کردیم
Though it's hardly a tall hurdle to clear, WWE 2K22 is the best WWE 2K game since they started appending '2K' to the title. Much more than that though, it's the best wrestling game to come along in a long, long time and one which almost completely banishes everything that has been historically wrong with the franchise, while also managing to strike out in a bold direction for the series' future. Here's hoping that the likely return to the annual release schedule doesn't result in a lapse to bad habits and lazy innovation because,
well, we've been there for the last ten years or so - and it isn't fun.
WWE 2K22 isn't revolutionary, but with some much-needed tweaks and loads of content, there's a lot for fans to enjoy.
While not perfect, it is hard not to be excited about the first genuinely enjoyable WWE title in what seems like an age.
ممنون الان خیلی دلم میخواد بازیش کنم اما متاسفانه فعلا نه سیستمش رو دارم و هم این که تو خدمتم انشالا اومدم بازیش می کنماگه امکان تجربه ش رو دارید این نسخه واقعا عالی شده، من تا الان شو کیس ری مستریو رو تموم کردم و همیشه از سال ها پیش آرزوم این بود ری مستریو رو هر مسابقه با لباس های متفاوت ببینم که این نسخه قشنگ 15 تا لباس به ری مستریو اضافه میشه به خاطر سیستم کمبو و ترکیب کردن دکمه ها خیلی از صحنه های جدید و سریع خلق میشه که قبلا امکان پیاده کردن این فن ها نبود و به همون اندازه حرکات بدل هم هست که خیلی لذت بخش میشه تجربه هر بار بازی کردن و ارزش تکرار رو میبره بالا.
سلاممن بعد از ۱۰ ۱۱ سال عدم بازی این سری و همچنین عدم دنبال کردن WWE این نسخه رو روی پی سی بازی کردم (به لطف پرایس باگ استیم ) و لذت بردم ازش. کلی از سوپراستارهایی که اون موقع دوسشون داشتم هم توش هست و خوشحال شدم بخش شوکیس مال ری مستریو هست. محتوای بازی هم مثل اینکه خیلی زیاد هست.
فقط این که Entranceها و انیمیشنهای وسط مچ (وقتی میخاد یه فن رو با دوربین سینمایی نشون بده) روی ۳۰ فریم لاک شدن ولی خود بازی ۶۰ فریمه. این مشکل روی کنسولهای نسل بعدی هم هست یا کمکاری 2K فقط روی پی سی بوده؟
همه شخصیتها برای من آزاد بودن (گرونترین ادیشن رو خریده بودم) ولی مثل اینکه یه سری لباس رو باید مود شوکیس و این چیزا رو بریم تا باز بشن. یه سری شخصیت و اسکین هم با دی ال سی آزاد میشن مثل اسکینای مختلف آندرتیکر.سلام
منم هوس کردم برم سراغش البته بعد اینکه پچ هاش اومد و یکم ارزون تر شد.
شخصیت ها آزادن ؟ یا پولین؟
حدود چند ساعت اولی که early access بازی شروع شد گرونترین ادیشن بازی کلا ۱۲ ۱۳ دلار بود رو استور ترکیه منم سریع خریدمش. الان ۴ ۵ برابر شده قیمتش.پرایس باگ به ما هم یاد میدادی (برای بخش کامیونیتی که باید آنلاین باشی خیلی خوبه ... قشنگ تمام سوپر استار های بقیه کمپانی ها و کسایی که رفتن رو هم آدمای خوش ذوق با اسکن از روی صورت میسازن خیلی حال میده)
این مشکل نسخه PC هست و کنسول های نسل جدید هم ورودی و هم کات های دوربین 60 فریم هست. احتمالا تو پچ بعدی حلش میکنن. یک باگ دیگه ای هم که داره، با اینکه بازی جای دیگه نصب میشه 16 گیگ روی درایو C یک فایل Cache میسازه که مشخص نیست واسه چیه و اگه فضا نداشته باشی امکان اجرای بازی رو نداری! البته مشکل عدم فعال بودن V-Sync هم داره که اون با تنظیمات درایور حل میشه.
A year off has truly been beneficial to the WWE 2K franchise – WWE 2K22 is by far the best entry in the series yet. It’s been a long time since a WWE 2K game has had us so keen to jump into one match after another, and that’s largely thanks to the numerous gameplay improvements that have been made. Add in a welcome layer of polish and a selection of modes that have all bases covered, and you have a winner. There’s still a little room for improvement, but if you’re a wrestling fan, consider this a must-have.
Despite a few problems with the game's responsiveness when in the ring with multiple people, and a couple of lacklustre modes, there's plenty in WWE 2K22 to keep you very happy indeed, especially if you've played wrestling games before. The real pleasure with WWE 2K22 is in the hilarious community creations and chaotic action in the ring with friends. Download someone's crude rendition of Queen Elizabeth II, jump into an Extreme Rules match, and take them down from the top turnbuckle. At its best, it's an absolute joy.
WWE 2K22 is a major improvement over its insulting predecessor, featuring some smart tweaks to core gameplay and fan-favorite modes. That said, promises of a “completely rebuilt” experience ring hollow as it’s clear old tech is still being used, and while the action has been refined, it remains a notch below most other fighting or combat sports games you could name. Your reaction to the game will largely hinge on how you felt about 2K’s series before its hiatus, with those that still saw promise likely to have a good time. That said, don’t expect WWE 2K22 to transcend mid-card status if your patience was already at an end.
A surprisingly strong return to the squared circle, stellar presentation, a new gameplay engine, and robust modes make WWE 2K22 the best 2K in a long time.
If there was a word to summarize how fans will feel with this title, it would be Surprised. Surprised to see how much love and care was put into this title, from entrances to the sheer amount of things for you to customize within the world. Visual Concepts knocked the ball out of the park with this entry, but there are a few little things that hold it back from being the greatest of all time.
WWE 2K22 will not enter the elite of wrestling simulations made up of WWF No Mercy, WWE Smack down! Here Comes the Pain and WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2006/2007, but it can play with the best versions of the Take 2 / Visual Concepts combination. There's no shortage of bugs, glitches, roster issues and other glitches, but WWE 2K22 is really fun to play - that's what matters most.
It wasn't hard to do better than WWE 2K20, but 2K22 goes further: it's not flawless, but the new gameplay is quite enjoyable after absorbing the new control scheme.
WWE 2K22 is a fine wrestling game, but the most frustratingly realistic thing about it is just how hard it is to make new stars in it as it is in the WWE.
What a comeback! WWE22 makes its big return and delivers a fun, good-looking and playable wrestling-experience. While the game is far from perfect, its mechanics and overall options are well designed to keep fans motivated. WWE2K22 is definitely worth a buy.
Not only is WWE 2K22 better in every way than the previous game in the series, it’s arguably the best and most fun WWE title since the PS2 glory days. One that will certainly make you acknowledge the Head of the Table!
Online play did have its issues early on and My Rise isn't as refined as I'd hoped, but despite those flaws, 2K22 will continue to be in my console's heavy rotation because of everything else it brings to the party, and I would definitely call that a success.
Visual Concepts and 2K made the right decision with taking last year off as WWE 2K22 is the best effort the team has released since taking over. The visuals are a sight to behold and the combat is fluid and fun. The simplification of combat and the modes makes this much more approachable for everyone without having to figure out a bunch of alternate moves and backwards ways of pulling off things that are seen on TV. MyGM will keep players occupied forever and Showcase Mode is the best version to date. MyRISE is a nice addition with a ton of variation to keep things fresh, but ultimately remains a grind. MyFACTION, while sounding good on paper, is just MyTEAM from NBA 2K and its filled with microtransactions. If you’re one of those players that pick up a WWE game every couple of years, 2K22 is the one to get.
At the end of the day, though, I’m able to look past WWE 2K22’s shortcomings in ways I haven’t been able to with this series in over a decade. And why? Because 2K22 is a ton of fun. It strikes a tremendous balance between its quick, arcadey gameplay and smooth, simulation-like animation system. Plus, the Showcase and MyFaction modes are fantastic, with the latter offering hours upon hours of gameplay. This is one I’ll be wrestling with for a long time. 2K finally put some proper chefs in the kitchen.
WWE 2K22 is a classic game of the WWE 2K series, which aims to clear up what has been confounded and set things right. For instance, it makes sincere improvements in a series of aspects, including screen expression, operation and game models, thereby greatly improving the playability of the game. Although it does not surprise players as much as WWE 2K19, it still succeeds in bringing this series of games back to the right track, so that players are full of expectations for its subsequent works. For fans of WWE 2K, this game is probably one of the most worthwhile works to play in WWE 2K series.
WWE 2K22 is the face turn this series needed. The game looks incredible and the new gameplay mechanics help get new players up to speed and have some arcade fun with others. But still, even with those changes, the game still suffers from mediocracy in some places, mainly MyGM and the roster which is one of the weakest in the series.
If it hasn't drastically changed its gameplay, WWE 2K22 is almost a reboot in its visual rendering and with the incorporation of the My MG mode. The latter is a good surprise, leads us to manage a stable of stars and a schedule of shows without being too complex, a successful bet. Technically, the latest generation of consoles holds its own and avoids the pitfall of WWE 2K20's many bugs, even if some loading times are long. In short, if this last opus could have been deeper in terms of staging, it delights in its lifespan thanks to an XXL roster, realistic in the animations without being polluted by the less vital virtual currency than in NBA 2K. A spectacular and versatile title, like the cover star Rey Mysterio.
WWE 2K22 seems like a game that was promised to us a long time ago, we finally have a good WWE game that actually looks and works properly, has OK graphics and a system that may open the door to new players.
It may be a few years too late, but WWE 2K22 improves on the series in almost every way. The combat system being changed and made more reminiscent of a fighting game makes the matches faster and more exciting.
WWE 2K22 is a fantastic game and one of the better offerings in the 2K era of the long-running franchise. The core gameplay isn’t quite as solid as it was in 2K19, but that’s something that can be improved upon later in some ways with things like a patch at least being able to do things like address locking in carry holds. The planned post-launch content map showcases a lot of legendary characters throughout WWE history and the launch DLC with the multi-era Undertaker and NWO content is excellent and makes recreating some of WCW’s most memorable feuds a breeze.
After a year off, WWE 2K22 returns with new modes, new controls, and a new attitude. Turns out, taking a break can be a good thing.
After some time away from the ring, Visual Concepts has re-emerged to deliver a wrestling game packing more than a few (superman) punches. WWE 2K22 is a significant step up from what has come before, and I’m hopeful this becomes the building block for future entries in the series.
A simplified gameplay loop, a thrilling Showcase mode, and a surprisingly deep MyRise mode combine to make WWE 2K22 one of the strongest entries the franchise has seen in a while.
WWE 2K22 is a classic game of the WWE 2K series, which aims to clear up what has been confounded and set things right. For instance, it makes sincere improvements in a series of aspects, including screen expression, operation and game models, thereby greatly improving the playability of the game. Although it does not surprise players as much as WWE 2K19, it still succeeds in bringing this series of games back to the right track, so that players are full of expectations for its subsequent works. For fans of WWE 2K, this game is probably one of the most worthwhile works to play in WWE 2K series.
This is a re-establishment year for the WWE 2K series. Let’s face it, WWE 2K20 was rough and while it took more than 2 years to develop, 2K has re-emerged with a strong and not only playable wrestling game, but a fun one. The engine is better and the basics are tighter, but we’re looking forward to more layers in the future.
After the disaster of 2020, Visual Concepts and 2K Sports are back with WWE 2K22, a significantly improved game in every respect. The new control system, an incredible amount of content and the showcase mode dedicated to Rey Mysterio make this year's edition a must buy for WWE wrestling fans.
A good recovery from 2K that puts the WWE back to its expected level in videogames.
WWE 2K22 is a surprising return to form after the Shockmaster-sized disaster that was 2K20. The extra year of development has done a world of good, and the only hope now is that the series doesn't return to an annual schedule. There are still failings when it comes to multi-person matches, and not all of the new modes are particularly engaging, but 2K22 establishes a solid foundation for the future. Ideally, WWE will calm down when it comes to gutting its roster, and the next game in the series won't feel quite as outdated. It will also be interesting to see how Yuke's upcoming AEW game fares. Competition can only be a good thing.
امتیاز بازی سنتر مناسب بود اما نقد خیلی کوتاه بودبازیسنتر: ۷
I mean all the usual suspects of match types are available along with the always incredible create a wrestler(and other “create” options). I really think this year is a step in the right direction for the franchise and is a buy for loyal WWE fans, possibly even for fans that have since moved on, with the large roster of legends available. Is it the best wrestling game of all time? Not even close, but it’s certainly progress and a really enjoyable time that has something for everyone, casual and hardcore marks alike. Now acknowledge me!… and get into the ring!
I had low expectations for WWE 2K22, but it seems Visual Concepts has been putting in the hours these past couple of years. What we’ve ended up with is a fine foundation to build upon for future wrestlegames… but this is the eighth mainline WWE game from 2K – it should be more than just a foundation by now.
WWE 2K22 manages to polish a lot of issues from the previous game, but it’s still not quite there yet. The good thing though is that it seems they put the first stone right, and the future of the series could be bright.
WWE2K22 has a TON of content that you wanted in a wrestling game. With revamped graphics, mechanics, and customization modes, this one will be hard to stop playing. MyGM and MyRise shine here, and while this title is going to be hard to top, but if this is the blueprint for WWE games going forward, sign me up.
After a bad game two years back, we now have another good sequel in the series. Visual Concepts has taken its time and it works out well. Modi such as MyRISE and MyGM are very cool, the audiovisual is well done and the gameplay is very refined yet accessible, making it appeal to a wide audience. WWE 2K22 does have some sloppiness here and there, but that's okay.