سازنده: Visual Concepts
سبک: اسپرت، کامبت، رسلینگ
ناشر: Take-Two Interactive
تاریخ انتشار: 08-03-2022 (سه شنبه 17 اسفند 1400)
پلتفرم ها: PS5 - PS4 - XBOX SERIES - XBOX ONE - PC
آخرین ویرایش:
WWE 2K22 isn’t a perfect reinvention of 2K Games’ wrestling series, but it provides solid gameplay and plenty of variety in its many game modes, and the presentation throughout is top-notch. It’s clear that Visual Concepts utilized the extra time afforded to it by WWE 2K22’s longer development cycle well, providing wrestling fans with a worthwhile experience that redeems the franchise for its previous losses in the squared circle.
WWE 2K22 does have some notable problems, such as modes that feel lacking or tacked on. Thankfully, it manages to excel in other departments, including visuals, controls, and performance. Although its predecessors set a very low bar, WWE 2K22 still cleared it and exceeded expectations.
From Showcase to MyGM, WWE 2K22 is stuffed with content, and in terms of graphics and polish, it's a huge improvement over its predecessors. But the game has some notable drawbacks, especially with the botched MyGM, which could have been the crown jewel of WWE 2K22's game modes. The foundation is there for a future WWE game to provide a more fleshed-out MyGM experience, so hopefully, it isn't abandoned again.
WWE 2K22 is a robust wrestling simulator that gets the series back on track after its nearly career-ending 2020 installment. It’s filled with modes, impressive combat tweaks, and a truly phenomenal creative suite that turn it into a hoss of a game. There’s still work to do if 2K Sports wants to fully rehabilitate the series. Multi-man matches need a rework, its more promising modes need to be expanded, and there’s still plenty of gunk to clean up. But if this is how much an annualized series can turn itself around by taking one year off, then every franchise like it should consider an offseason.
Despite its frustrating shortcomings, WWE 2K22 is a solid foundation for the series’ future. Entrances are spectacular and the combat is nearly flawless. The main improvements needed are the replayable modes like MyGM and Universe.
Superbly playable console wrestling, that is suffering from severely outdated technology.
اتفاقا از دیشب دارم بازیش میکنم، یه 6 ساعتی بازی کردم هم گرافیک بهتر شده هم باگ ها کلا از بین رفته هم بازی به سمت آرکید رفته. با وجود کمبو های مختلف و سرعت بالاتر، کلا بازی حس واقعی تری داره که خیلی جذابش کرده. هر چند خیلی از چیزای تکراری هنوزم توی این بازی هست اما مشکلات نسخه های قبلی کامل برطرف شده. مد شو کیس ری مستریو هم خیلی خوبه هر چند دوست داشتم مسابقات بیشتری رو شامل میشد.از همون فرمول قدیمی استفاده می کنن چند ساله فقط تکرار مکررات.... از نسخه 2011 به بعد دیگه نچسبید برام
This score feels harsh as the gameplay is spectacular, but there are simply one too many niggles to consider this a true WWE legend. For everything included in the game, there always seems to be one or two aspects where you feel they could have improved to be more cohesive and deeper. I am absolutely not complaining about the level of content here as you can play this game for hours on end. MyGM’s half-baked design is still fun the first time around, and MyRISE is definitely one of the better career modes in years, so you get enough bang for your buck.
WWE 2K22 is pure entertainment and an improvement in so many ways. Its refined combat system, tight controls, and plethora of modes give you the tools and freedom to make it be as fun as you want it to be. It does, however, suffer from some design choices that keep it from achieving greatness. It has the glitz and the glamour you’ve come to expect from the series, but it also feels humble, more approachable, and can still offer fans hours of fun until the next, hopefully even better, game comes out.
این ورزش (؟) در واقعیت خودش یه چیز آرکید طوریه. چه طوری اینا به سمت آرکیدتر شدن رفتن و در عین حال حس واقعی بودن رو به بازیکن میدن؟اتفاقا از دیشب دارم بازیش میکنم، یه 6 ساعتی بازی کردم هم گرافیک بهتر شده هم باگ ها کلا از بین رفته هم بازی به سمت آرکید رفته. با وجود کمبو های مختلف و سرعت بالاتر، کلا بازی حس واقعی تری داره که خیلی جذابش کرده. هر چند خیلی از چیزای تکراری هنوزم توی این بازی هست اما مشکلات نسخه های قبلی کامل برطرف شده. مد شو کیس ری مستریو هم خیلی خوبه هر چند دوست داشتم مسابقات بیشتری رو شامل میشد.
بزارید با جمله شما مخالفت کنم. WWE آرکید هست ولی فقط WWE نه بقیه پروموها. به عنوان شخصی که از زمان PS1 تمام نسخه هارو تجربه کرده به جز نسخه 2K14، کاملا می تونم بفهمم که کدوم نسخه آرکید بوده کدوم نسخه سعی کرده سیمولیشن باشه. مثلا Here Comes The Pain 2003 یکی از آرکید ترین ورژن های بازی بود و به خاطر همینکه سعی نمیکرد چیز واقعی رو ارائه بده متای 85 داره!این ورزش (؟) در واقعیت خودش یه چیز آرکید طوریه. چه طوری اینا به سمت آرکیدتر شدن رفتن و در عین حال حس واقعی بودن رو به بازیکن میدن؟
من یه شماره خیلی قدیمی رو روی PS3 رفتم که خوشم نیومد.
فکر نمیکنم بشه از WWE بازی خوب درآورد.
WWE 2K22 is a beacon on the road: the sports simulation of wrestling returns with that essence that allows us big kids to go out and play again, with flaws to correct, but with a goal that can return the illusion to the fans of the saga.
WWE 2K22 is the return to form the WWE 2K series has desperately needed. Skipping 2K21 and delaying the release by five months may have caused the roster to be largely outdated, but the game is stable, plays great, and is practically bursting at the seams with content. An excellent Rey Mysterio Showcase really bolsters the experience, and every other mode (perhaps with the exception of MyFaction) sets a strong foundation for WWE games to come.
The fighting alone is much improved and enjoyable to work with, and the graphics look quite nice, even though some flourishes are missing and the PC version isn't up to expectations. The modes are pretty hit-and-miss, and the legacy issues and hilariously outdated roster show that this isn't quite the comeback many people were hoping for. There's enough fun to be had here, despite the issues to warrant a look for those craving a "good enough" wrestling game, especially from those who were heavily burned by WWE 2K20.
WWE 2K22 looks good, feels good, and most importantly, it manages to create a solid foundation for the franchise. After being absent for one year, Visual Concepts has managed to deliver one of the best entries in the wrestling franchise, although it also feels like a product that has much more to fulfill.