امتیازات Watch_Dogs

Tommy Fisher

Shit happens
کاربر سایت
اولین امتیاز معتبر سگ های نگهبان منتشر شد . مجله JeuxVideo به بازی امتیاز 19 از 20 داده و Watch_Dogs رو تقریباً بی نقص ولی داستان رو کمی نااُمید کننده دونسته !

Gameplay: 5 stars
Everything works perfectly, the ultra-intuitive hacking allows for exhilarating moments in the game.

Graphics: 5 stars
Very solid on the technical level, especially in the sensation of life that makes Watch_Dogs great.

Sound: 4 stars
Excellent ambient music and sound effects, but the track selection is a little limited.

Longevity: 5 stars
Because it’s a open world featuring multiplayer, there there’s an extreme amount of interesting things to do.


  • Gameplay and level design
  • The life in Chicago
  • Generous content

  • The Story, bof!
  • The first loading
  • That’s all!

Watch_Dogs accomplished all the hopes placed on it and delivers a successful new take on open world games. Almost perfect, but with a slight disappointment on the story.


Joystiq – 4/5
ShopTo – No Score
GodisaGeek – 9/10
CVG – 9/10
LeaderGamer – 9/10
Videogamer – 7/10
DigitalSpy – 4/5
Gamespot – 8/10
Polygon – 8/10
Rock, Paper, Shotgun – No Score
GameReactor – 8/10
Eurogamer – 7/10
Edge – 8/10
Destructoid – 8/10
Metro – 7/10
StrategyInformer – 7/10
GameInformer – 8.5/10
PC Gamer – 87/100
Areajugones – 9/10
EGM – 7/10
Pixel Dynamo – 8.2/10
GameStar – 8.8/10
Softpedia – 8.5/10
Lazygamer – 8/10
Eurogamer.de – 7/10
Zing.cz – 8/10
GamesVillage.it – 9/10
ITF Gaming – 9.7/10
Jeuxvideo.com – 18/20
Gamekult.fr – 7/10
Merlin’in Kazanı – 85/100
Games.ch – 88/100
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CraveOnline: 9.0/10

Watch Dogs is an example of how a big publisher can score big in the new generation by taking some risk. As far as I'm concerned, Ubisoft's risk has paid off handsomely with a new franchise that I can honestly call one of my favorites.

DTOID 8/10

Eurogamer 7/10

Joystiq - 4/5

Gamespot 8/10

The Good
Hacking gives car chases and combat encounters an additional element of freedom
Fantastic online modes provide rip-roaring fun
Digital trips are highly entertaining, the spider-bot in particular
Loaded with varied things to do, each of which is beautifully executed
Some clever mission design keeps you looking forward to the next story event

The Bad
Inconsistent tone, inconsistent lead character
Successful online invasions are boring
Neither money nor reputation are all that valuable

Polygon. 8/10

Giant Bomb


لعنت به این سایت ها دوباره یه متای زیره 90 دیگه این ها به چی نمره میدن خدایی نمیدونم چرا انقدر سخت گیر شدن خوب از هر بازی میشه اشکال گرفت هر بازی اشکال داره خیلی امید داشتم که +90 :(( دیگه باید توقعاتمون ر بیاریم پایین یعنی بازی با متای 80 تا 89 ر عالی بگیریم
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