امتیازات The Wonderful 101

Eurogamer Germany 9/10
در متا ثبت و متا از 23 نقد 79
اين بخش از نقدش به مشكلات دوربين بازي اشاره ميكنه ودر عين حال تعبير بسيار زيبايي از بازي ميكنه و بازي رو به يك جعبه اسباب بازيه غول پيكر تشبيح ميكنه.
The camera does its part in making some sequences a tad bit annoying, but that's just a small irritation in a game where everything else is so absolutely spot on. The whole game world feels like a gigantic box of toys come to life, bustling with charm and lovable characters.

JeuxActu 6.5/10
Everyeye.it 8.5/10
در متا ثبت شدن و متا از 30 نقد 79

قسمتي از نقد
The Wonderful 101 isn't a good surprise. Doomed buy very repetitive gameplay, the good ideas the game carries are drown into the mass, and can't make you forget about the faults. It's quite sad because Platinum Games's title is one of the few to take the risk of actually using the console's gamepad in another way than displaying a loadout or a map (at least sometimes). The design is quite close to Viewtiful Joe and is one of the strong points of the games, but here too, the limited power of Nintendo's console and the light work done to graphics from the Japanese studio are seriously holding back the potential of the artistic lead. In brief, we're far away from a System-seller game.
در اين قسمت از نقد اين سايت بيان ميشه كه بازي برخلاف اسمش يك شگفت انگيز يا غافلگير كننده خوب نيست و متاسفانه گيم پلي بازي تكراريه و همين مسئله نكات مثبت بازي رو در خودش غرق ميكنه و شما نميتونين مشكلات بازي رو فراموش كنيد....
همچنين استفاده مناسب از گيم پد در بازي اشاره ميكنه و اون رو از نقاط خوب در بازي ميدونه اما در نهايت اين بازي رو يه بازي كه باعث فروش كنسول بشه نميدونه.

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