امتیازات The Last of Us

Tommy Fisher

Shit happens
کاربر سایت


خُب اولین نقد The Last of Us هم با شکستن Embargo توسط سایت/مجله EmpireOnline منتشر شد; 5/5 !

Empire بشدت از بازی تعریف کرده و در توصیف TLoU میگه که, "بهترین ساخته Naughty Dog تاکنون که براحتی میتونه مدعی بهترین بازی این نسل کنسول ها باشه . همچنین از بازی به عنوان Citizen Kane صنعت گیم نام برده, شاهکاری که برای سالها در موردش صحبت خواهد شد ."

OPM - 10/10
"A work of art in which amazing sights and sounds fuel an emotionally draining, constantly compelling end of days adventure. This is Naughty Dog pushing the PS3 to its limit. Over to you PS4"

EDGE - 10/10
Naughty Dog has delivered the most riveting, emotionally resonant story-driven epic of this console generation.

Eurogamer - 10/10
At a time when blockbuster action games are sinking into a mire of desperate overproduction, shallow gameplay and broken narrative logic, The Last of Us is a deeply impressive demonstration of how it can and should be done. It starts out safe but ends brave; it has heart and grit, and it hangs together beautifully. And it's a real video game, too. An elegy for a dying world, The Last of Us is also a beacon of hope for its genre.

IGN - 10/10
PlayStation 3 isn’t only well-known for its number of exclusive games, but for the sheer number of quality exclusives. That’s what makes The Last of Us even more impressive, because not only does it join the ranks of Uncharted, Killzone, God of War, Infamous and more, but it bests them all. In short, Naughty Dog has crafted a game that impresses in virtually every way. The Last of Us is a true feat.

Its unrivaled presentation in particular sets the bar even higher than the Uncharted trilogy already did, and its writing, voice acting and layered gameplay combine to create what is very easily the game to beat for Game of the Year 2013.

Destructoid - 10/10
There is more to The Last of Us than just combat and "emotional" story tropes. To touch on its setpiece moments, to detail its beautiful changes in pace, would be to spoil too much. It cannot be said enough, however, that Naughty Dog's new best creation is complete, and when I say complete, I mean it to pay the highest of compliments. I do not want more from The Last of Us: I do not need more. As the last line was uttered and the credits ushered in the close, I was done. The Last of Us had achieved everything it needed to achieve in order to provide me with everything I wanted.

And it ended perfectly.

GamesRadar - 10/10
The Last of Us is the definitive statement on what the genre has achieved thus far. Made of wildly eclectic gameplay mechanics polished to a sheen, bound intelligently and movingly to one of the most affecting narratives in games, The Last of Us succeeds where so many pretenders have failed.

It combines DNA strands from across the genre, yet reworks and recontextualises them to become far more than the sum of its parts. Its storytelling is peerless, as affecting and multi-layered as it is grounded, underplayed and real. In terms of everything the modern action game has strived to be, The Last of Us is the full-stop at the end of the sentence, leaving no more to be said. Until next-gen. If this is our starting point for that, then the next five to ten years could be truly amazing.

TheSixthAxis - 10/10
Nobody doubted Naughty Dog’s technical expertise – and there’s no question that The Last Of Us pushes the aging PlayStation 3 hardware well beyond what we might expect of it in terms of visual fidelity – it’s in the game’s storytelling and scripting that the real surprises lay. Joel and Ellie’s story is a sprawling, often desperate struggle for survival against insurmountable odds and a series of increasing bad rolls of the dice, and it’s expertly told.

But there are moments of beauty in the tale, both physically and emotionally, between a mismatched duo that end up relying on each other far more than either thought they might. The bright moments are overwhelmingly powerfully so, the innocent ignorance of Ellie’s upbringing slotting perfectly between Joel’s dark, barbed decades of his own private hell, and those they meet on the way.

There’s one fleeting, momentary respite near the end of the tale as Ellie stares out onto a rich green field, Joel at her side. It’s quiet, poignant, delicate and shows an element of nature untouched by the disasters around it. A reminder that not all is bad, not all is lost, and, after everything that’s happened, it’s hard to fight back the tears. These things you can’t help but carry with you long after it’s all over, and few other games can have that kind of hook, that kind of reaction.

The Last Of Us does. Several times. Just be ready.

VideoGamer - 10/10
The Last of Us isn't just the PlayStation 3's swan song; it's the best exclusive on the console full stop.

CVG - 10/10
"The Last of Us is a remarkable achievement, and one of those rare games that you never want to end."

GameReactor - 10/10
This is a masterpiece: play it as soon as possible.

Machinima - 10/10
Overall, multiplayer is light on modes and it may not expand on the core story-driven experience, but it’s still a thoughtful addition to a superbly executed package.

PushSquare - 10/10
An assured, touching, and engrossing adventure, The Last of Us represents a watershed moment for the medium. The unlikely bond that blossoms between the title’s two lead characters is both heartrending and poignantly paced – but the release delivers much more than captivating cinematics. This is a meaty slice of survival action that masterfully depicts the horrors of life in a post-pandemic setting. The conclusion may feel a little hurried, and the multiplayer somewhat surplus to requirements, but this is still an essential tale of survival that will consume you quicker than a cloud of contaminated spores.

GiantBomb - 10/10
The Last of Us is not simply Uncharted with zombies, but it couldn't exist without Naughty Dog having made Uncharted first, either. It's a dark adventure, one rarely filled with laughs or joy. There are bitter pills to swallow along the way, and nothing is taken for granted, not even characters. People live, people die. Sometimes it's fair, sometimes it's not. It's still a zombie game, but a sobering one. Take a deep breath.

Cheat Code Central - 10/10
The Last of Us is one of the best games I have had the pleasure to play in my life. The graphics are gorgeous and believable; the soundtrack is pure audible gold for the ears; the story and actors deliver in a way that it should become industry standard. However, there is one thing The Last of Us does better than many games out there--it treats you like an *****. It doesn’t hold punches; it doesn’t try to hide away from hard issues; it is just what it is. You are not a stupid gamer, and Naughty Dog realizes this and therefore doesn’t treat you like one.

PSU - 9.5/10
A thrilling, cinematic, movie-like action adventure with the best videogame pairing ever conceived

تمامی نمرات :

Push Square
Eurogamer Sweden
Game Revolution
The Digital Fix
Push Squar
PlayStation LifeStyle
Eurogamer Spain
Gamereactor Sweden
Cheat Code Central
Playstation Official Magazine UK
Edge Magazine
Giant Bomb
The Digital Fix
Digital Spy
Post Arcade (National Post)
Eurogamer Portugal
Eurogamer Italy
PSX Extreme
Vandal Online
Canadian Online Gamers
Game Informer
Playstation Universe

The Escapist
Metro GameCentral
IGN Italia
The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Gamereactor Denmark
Toronto Sun
آخرین ویرایش:
3News - 5/5

The Last of Us is a superb game, a modern masterpiece of interactive storytelling that moved and excited me about as much as I can reasonably expect​
With the next-generation consoles now beating down our door, some reviewers have already labeled The Last of Us "the greatest game of this generation". This is a difficult statement to quantify. The best Call of Duty games were so beloved for their fast-paced multiplayer action thrills while The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Skyrim are epic fantasy worlds to explore almost endlessly. Comparing The Last of Us to those other titles is like comparing a great Beatles album to a great Mozart piece, or Notorious B.I.G.'s classic Ready to Die. They're oranges and apples
But every game does provide a certain amount of satisfaction. I'm not going to say The Last of Us is the greatest game of this generation, but I'll definitely say it'd be in the top 10. The greatness of its story and how well it nails its themes transcends not only most games, but also most movies. It's more comparable to one of the great television series of recent years than it is to most movies or games. There's more time to get involved with the characters and much greater range for the storytellers to create a masterpiece. But it's not just a magnificent story, the gameplay is also way, way up there. It's about as good a whole package as it gets
Playing a game as great as The Last of Us is indeed a rare joy. I give it my highest recommendation possible
PSX Extreme - 9.8

Graphics: 10
Gameplay: 9.8
Sound: 9.9
Control: 9.5
Replay Value: 9.7
Online Gameplay: 9.5


NZ Gamer - 9.8
"An absolute tour de force"

یه تیکه از نقد Polygon:
I wanted to avoid that violence in part because of its disgusting detail
وقتی منتقد Polygon از خشونت بدش میاد٬ بایدم نمره 7.5 بده به بازی!;)) (همین منتقد به Resident Evil: Revelations هم 7.5 داده!)

به قول معروف: The retard is strong with this one
با اینکه در حال حاضر میانگین امتیازها 96 از 54 نقده و بیشترشون هم امتیاز کامل بوده ولی من واقعا از 8 ی که GS داده ناراحتم و نمیتونم هضمش کنم چون تا حالا ندیده بودم اینقدر غیر منطقی امتیاز بده و همیشه واسم مهم بوده ! بعد جالبه در توضیح منتقد یجورایی خودشون گفتن که بالانس نیست و عاشق بازیهایی هست که بقیه ازش متنفرن و از بازیهایی که بقیه عاشقشن این یارو متنفره !! خب مگه مرض دارید میدید این نقد کنه ؟!!
بعد از اون هم با توجه به امتیازها از Game informer هم انتظار 10 داشتم که 9.5 داده .

یه چیز دیگه راجع به نقد GS که از امتیازش مسخره تره اینه که در حالی همگی از گرافیک و انیمیشن ها بشدت تعریف کردن ولی این یارو حتی یدونه مدال مربوط گرافیک و انیمیشن رو هم نداده به بازی !!! مگه میشه آخه ؟!!

چه زمانی بود میگفتم گیم اصقات گاهی وقتها شیرین میزنه.
تا حالا چند دفعه هم ثابت شده .مثلا:
کاری ندارم کرایسیز3 چه نمره ایی گرفت ولی کاری که این سایت کرد برام واقعا جالب بود طرف اومده بود ویدیو اول بازی که از قبل رندر شده بود برای هر سه پلتفرم رو گذاشته بود ملاک مقایسه گرافیک بازی روی کنسول و pc اخه یا واقعا اون نمیفهمیده که در این صورت باید ایراد گرفت به همچین سایتی که چرا کسی که فرق ویدیو از پیش رندر شده با ریل تایم رو نمیفهمه چرا باید داخل همچین سایتی یه کاره ایی باشه یا از عمد میاد همچین کاری میکنه که مردم رو نفهم فرض کرده و در واقع این یه توهین هست به کاربرهاش.

یه تیکه از نقد Polygon:
I wanted to avoid that violence in part because of its disgusting detail

وقتی منتقد Polygon از خشونت بدش میاد٬ بایدم نمره 7.5 بده به بازی!;)) (همین منتقد به Resident Evil: Revelations هم 7.5 داده!)
اصلا به اینکه بازی خشونت داشته باشه یا نداشته باشه زیاد ربطی نداره نمره دادن .مسئله اینه که این خوشش نیومده داره دنبال یه بهونه ایی میگرده تا کارش رو توجیه کنه .
بازیی که از 53 تا نقد متاش شده 96 با 25 نقد نمره کامل بعد این طرف میاد امتیاز 7.5 میده .اگر میخواستی واقعا ایرادی بگیری حداقل ایرادی میگرفتی که قابل توجیه باشه بعدشم اختلاف امتیازت اینطور بیداد نکنه.
یه چیز دیگه راجع به نقد GS که از امتیازش مسخره تره اینه که در حالی همگی از گرافیک و انیمیشن ها بشدت تعریف کردن ولی این یارو حتی یدونه مدال مربوط گرافیک و انیمیشن رو هم نداده به بازی !!! مگه میشه آخه ؟!!
خب عزیزم وقتی چند ساله دارم میگم گیم اسپات تو بخش گرافیک مشکل داره حرفم را باور نمیکنید ! من اصلا با امتیازات کلی که به بازی میده مشکلی ندارم ولی سر گرافیک بگیر و نگیر داره ! حتی به منتقدش هم نمیشه ربط داد چون همه منتقدهاش سر گرافیک افکار مشابه دارند !
وقتی هیلو 4 با اون گرافیک تکنیکیش نه مدال تکنیکی میگره و نه انیمیشن خب چه انتظاری داری ؟ همین گیرز جاجمنت هم یدونه مدال نگرفت حتی بصری هم براش نداد . حالا TLOU هم مهمترین مدالی که بین همه مدالها باید میگرفت انیمیشنهاش بود که اونم ماشالا نگرفته ! در این مورد خیلی تعجب برانگیزه !
خب عزیزم وقتی چند ساله دارم میگم گیم اسپات تو بخش گرافیک مشکل داره حرفم را باور نمیکنید ! من اصلا با امتیازات کلی که به بازی میده مشکلی ندارم ولی سر گرافیک بگیر و نگیر داره ! حتی به منتقدش هم نمیشه ربط داد چون همه منتقدهاش سر گرافیک افکار مشابه دارند !
وقتی هیلو 4 با اون گرافیک تکنیکیش نه مدال تکنیکی میگره و نه انیمیشن خب چه انتظاری داری ؟ همین گیرز جاجمنت هم یدونه مدال نگرفت حتی بصری هم براش نداد . حالا TLOU هم مهمترین مدالی که بین همه مدالها باید میگرفت انیمیشنهاش بود که اونم ماشالا نگرفته ! در این مورد خیلی تعجب برانگیزه !

باز شروع شد !
هیلو 4 اینجا چی کار می کنه الان !
باید می گرفت ! لول
باید شما مشخص نمی کنید خوشبختانه ! چیزی که حرف اول اخر تو این باز ی میزنه گیم پلی هیجان انگیز بازی هست !

چیزی که مشخص هست بازی متا 96 هست و داره نزدیک میشه به 97 اون هم نه تو سال 2002تا 2012بلکه تو سال 2013
این یعنی اینکه سونی و ipهاش رسما ترکوندند
خب متا 96 شد نتونست به GTA IV و SMG1&2 نرسید همشم تقصیر Gamespot و Polygon ـه
ولی خب جایزه ها مهمه.البته متا نقش مهمی رو داره و هر سایتی با رجوع به متاکرتیک نمیاد بهترین بازی نسل رو این انتخاب کنه.
مطمئناً اگه اینم مثل SMG2 که با RDR روبرو شد با GTA V روبرو شه.باید یه چیزی تو مایه های شانس داشته باشه تا گوتی رو ببره ناتی داگ.نینتندو که سه بار بدشانسی اورد
گوتی امسال یکی از این سه تاس
و اگه نینتندو ما رو تو E3 مثل همیشه امیدوار کنه سوپر ماریو جدید

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن