امتیازات The Last of Us: Left Behind

Infected Area

کاربر سایت

Eurogamer - 10/10

A beautifully crafted addendum to The Last of Us, a game that already stood tall above many of its peers. While it could have benefited from yet more exploration, its impeccable level design utilises its environments to take Ellie and Riley - wonderfully portrayed by Ashley Johnson and Yaani King - on a trip that is not easily forgotten, underpinned by sparing use of Gustavo Santaolalla's beautiful score.

GameSpot - 9/10
An excellent addition that gives further insight into the chilling world of The Last of Us and its most interesting character.

IGN - 9/10

With a bunch of collectibles to find, Trophies to earn, and memorable moments to experience, Left Behind is a must-play for fans of the original game. The context it gives alone is worth the price of admission.

Destructoid - 9/10

Short but sweet. $15 is a tall ticket for three hours of content, but this content is just as beautifully crafted as the original game was. More importantly, it gives fans of The Last of Us another chance to revisit its world and further explore the life of Ellie. For the first time they'll see her in her element, with her guard down, letting you connect to her fully.

GameTrailers - 9.2/10
GiantBomb - 10/10

GameInformer - 8.75/10

Eurogamer Italy - 10/10
Eurogamer Germany - 10/10
DarkStation - 10/10
Guardian - 10/10
GodIsAGeek - 10/10
Gamer.nl - 10/10
DigitalSpy - 10/10
GameCritics - 10/10
GameOverOnline - 9.7/10
Playstation Lifestyle - 9.5/10
Armchair Empire - 9.5/10
PSX Extreme - 9.5/10
CanadianOnlineGamers - 9.5/10
GRYOnline.pl - 9.2/10
LevelUp - 9.2/10
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) - 9.1/10

CheatCC - 9/10
EveryEye.it - 9/10
TorontoSun - 9/10
PushSquare - 9/10
LaPS3 - 9/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 9/10
The Sixthaxis - 9/10
OPM UK - 9/10
GameReactor - 9/10
Meristation - 8.8/10
DigitalChumps - 8.6/10
Polygon - 8/10
EGM - 8.5/10
JeusActu - 8.5/10
3DJuegos - 8.5/10
ZTGD - 8.5/10
PSU - 8/10
Games(TM) - 8/10
SpazioGames - 8/10
GameFront - 8/10
IGN Italia - 8/10
InsideGamingDaily - 8/10
Metro - 8/10
CVG - 7/10
VideoGamer - 7/10

آخرین ویرایش:


Eurogamer - 10/10

A beautifully crafted addendum to The Last of Us, a game that already stood tall above many of its peers. While it could have benefited from yet more exploration, its impeccable level design utilises its environments to take Ellie and Riley - wonderfully portrayed by Ashley Johnson and Yaani King - on a trip that is not easily forgotten, underpinned by sparing use of Gustavo Santaolalla's beautiful score.

GameSpot - 9/10

An excellent addition that gives further insight into the chilling world of The Last of Us and its most interesting character.

IGN - 9/10

With a bunch of collectibles to find, Trophies to earn, and memorable moments to experience, Left Behind is a must-play for fans of the original game. The context it gives alone is worth the price of admission.

Destructoid - 9/10

Short but sweet. $15 is a tall ticket for three hours of content, but this content is just as beautifully crafted as the original game was. More importantly, it gives fans of The Last of Us another chance to revisit its world and further explore the life of Ellie. For the first time they'll see her in her element, with her guard down, letting you connect to her fully.

GameInformer - 8.75/10

Eurogamer Italy - 10/10

GodIsAGeek - 10/10
DigitalSpy - 10/10
Playstation Lifestyle - 9.5/10
CheatCC - 9/10
EveryEye.it - 9/10
PushSquare - 9/10
LaPS3 - 9/10
Gamereactor Denmark - 9/10
The Sixthaxis - 9/10
OPM UK - 9/10
GameReactor - 9/10
Meristation - 8.8/10
Polygon - 8/10
EGM - 8.5/10
JeusActu - 8.5/10
3DJuegos - 8.5/10
PSU - 8/10
IGN Italia - 8/10
InsideGamingDaily - 8/10
Metro - 8/10
CVG - 7/10
VideoGamer - 7/10


آخرین ویرایش:
لا مصب DLC هم 10-9 میگیره :دی البته انتظاری جز اینم نمیرفت ولی خوب واسه DLC خیلی حرف ـه این نمره ها .

ترول پالیگان خارق العاده بود :))

این و گیم اسپات دیدن فقط خودشون رو خراب کردن با امتیازاشون , به این بیشتر از خود بازی امتیاز دادن :ی حالا نمیدونم منتقدش متفاوت بوده یا نه ولی اسم سایت مهم تره .
آخرین ویرایش:
فقط ۲ نقد پایین ۸۰ داشته !

و ۱۰ تا از نقداش ۹به بالا گرفته !

از ۱۹ نقد

- - -ویرایش - - -

دارم نقد های ۲ تایی که پایین ۸۰ دادن میخونم !

رسما شر نوشتن ! میگن کوتاه بوده ( من نمیدونم ۲.۵ ساعت واسه یه dlc کوتاهه پس mgs gz چیه دیگه ! )

کلا دلیل منطقی واسه این نمره هاشون ندادن
فکر کنم گوتی سال بعدم مشخص شد.... :bighug:

Graphics:These visuals still look better than some PS4 and Xbox One games

یا حضرت گرافیک ... بعد خوشم میاد از اراده بعضی که این گرافیک رو با بازی های ضعیف این نسلی مقایسه میکردن

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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